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291 Network & Security courses in Bristol

Definitive Kamailio for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

KAMAILIO TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Kamailio (formerly known as OpenSER) provides a scalable SIP server suitable for small through to carrier grade installations. This course will teach you how to install, configure and troubleshoot the Kamailio product. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install Kamailio. * Control Kamailio. * Configure Kamailio. * Troubleshoot Kamailio. KAMAILIO TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with Kamailio. * Prerequisites: Definitive SIP for engineers. UNIX fundamentals. * Duration 3 days KAMAILIO TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is Kamailio? What is SER? SER history, OpenSER, versions. Kamailio. Supported platforms, SIP review. Hands on Simple SIP telephony without a SIP server. * Installing Kamailio Downloading Kamailio, Installation from source, package installation, CVS, default passwords Hands on Kamailio installation. * Controlling Kamailio Starting, stopping and controlling Kamailio. Starting Kamailio automatically at boot time. Hands on Controlling the server * First configuration Basic configuration. Hands on SIP telephony with Kamailio. * Monitoring Logs, xlog, openserctl, syslog. Hands on Logging. * Kamailio architecture Kamailio core, Kamailio modules, file locations, persistent data storage, database structure. Hands on Database integration. * Core configuration Keywords, values, parameters, functions, routing blocks, constructs. Hands on Advanced Kamailio configuration. * Module configuration Overview of modules available, AAA integration, least cost routing. Redirects Hands on Configuring modules. * Architectures DNS integration, peering, OSP, NAT traversal, SIP to GSM. Hands on peering. * Asterisk integration Altering tables to work with Asterisk, Asterisk as a voicemail system. Design issues, High availability. Hands on Integrating Kamailio with Asterisk.

Definitive Kamailio for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Complete REXX programming


By Systems & Network Training

REXX TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on training course covering the Restructured EXtended eXecutor (REXX) language. A large number of exercises are used to reinforce and emphasise lecture sessions. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Write REXX programs. * Debug REXX programs. * Examine existing code and determine its function. REXX TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn REXX. * Prerequisites: None although experience in another high level language would be useful. * Duration 3 days REXX TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction to REXX What is REXX? REXX environments, invoking a REXX exec, a sample REXX exec, REXX clause types. * REXX variables and data Literal data, variable data, assignment, simple variables, compound variables, stem variables, constant data, numeric data, arithmetic operations, character manipulation, hexadecimal data. * The parse instruction Parse format, Parse examples, Parse arg, Parse pull, Parse value, special templates, place holders, literal templates, numeric templates, variable templates. * Control structures Relational conditions, logical operators, simple selection, looping: uncontrolled and controlled loops, infinite loops, conditional loops, controlling loops, leave, iterate, multiple selection, instructions for subroutines, exit. * Sub routines and functions Internal and external subroutines, call, ARG(), ARG(n)return, exit, scope of variables, procedure, functions, built in functions, overriding built in functions. * Performing I/O Command conventions, preparing to read a file, execio, limitations, execio for reading, DISKR, DISKRU, DISKW, return codes. * External functions listdsi, msg, outtrap, prompt, sysdsn, sysvar, storage * Tracing Immediate commands, the trace facility, signal and call statements. * Built in functions Text handling functions, string handling, word handling, arithmetic, data conversion, bit manipulation, environment. * The data stack Data stack structure, REXX instructions for the data stack, REXX functions for the data stack, TSO/E commands for the data stack. * REXX in batch TSO/E foreground. TSO/E background.

Complete REXX programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Ansible for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

ANSIBLE FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to automation using ansible. Ansible is a general purpose IT automation platform that can be use for a number of purposes. The course covers configuration management, cloud provisioning and application deployment with ansible. Hands on sessions follow all major sections. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install ansible. * Automate tasks with ansible. * Write ansible playbooks. ANSIBLE FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Administrators and developers automating tasks. * Prerequisites: Linux administration skills * Duration 3 days ANSIBLE FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is ansible? The language, the engine, the framework. Uses of ansible, orchestration. Hands on Installing ansible. * Ansible architecture ible architecture Controlling machines, nodes, Agentless, SSH, modules, JSON protocol. Configuration management, inventories, playbooks, modules, roles. Hands on Getting started, running ad hoc commands. * Ansible and Vagrant Prototyping and testing. Hands on Using ansible with Vagrant. * Ad hoc commands Parallelism, shell commands, managing files and directories, file transfer, package management, manage user and groups, deploying applications, service management, background jobs, checking log files, managing cron jobs. Hands on Using ansible with Vagrant. * Playbooks ansible-playbook, users, sudo, YAML, plays, tasks, handlers, modules. Hands on Running playbooks. * More playbooks Handlers, variables, environmental variables, playbook variables, inventory variables, variable scope and precedence, accessing variables, facts, ansible vault. Conditionals, wait_for. Hands on Using variables and conditions in playbooks. * Roles and includes Dynamic includes, Handler includes, playbook includes. Roles, role parts: handlers, files, templates, cross platform roles, ansible galaxy. Hands on includes example, building roles. * Inventories /etc/ansible/hosts, inventory variables, static inventories, dynamic inventories. Hands on Inventories and variables. * Miscellanea Individual server cookbooks, Main playbook for configuring all servers. Hands onPlaybooks.

Ansible for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Application delivery fundamentals


By Systems & Network Training

APPLICATION DELIVERY TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A concise hands on course covering section 1 of the F5 networks AD fundamentals exam. The course focuses on the technology and not any one manufacturers product. This will enable delegates to work with devices from any manufacturer. Practical hands on with Cisco and Microsoft systems follow the major sessions to reinforce the theory. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain, compare and contrast the OSI layers. * Explain protocols and technologies specific to the data link layer. * Explain protocols and apply technologies specific to the network layer. * Explain the features and functionality of protocols and technologies specific to the Transport layer. * Explain the features and functionality of protocols and technologies specific to the Application layer APPLICATION DELIVERY TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone taking the F5 networks AD fundamentals exam. Technical staff working in Application delivery. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days APPLICATION DELIVERY TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is TCP/IP? Protocols, services. The Internet, RFCs, The OSI 7 layer model. Layer 1 cables. * Ping and addressing Host configuration of IP addresses, subnet masks, default gateways, ipconfig, ping. Hands on Configuring TCP/IP, ping. * Ethernet and the data link layer 802.3, evolution, choosing cables, topologies, CSMA/CD, hubs, NICs, MAC addresses. Hands on Analysing MAC addresses. * IP and Ethernet Relationship. Hands on ARP. * What is a switch? Switches connect multiple devices, switches versus hubs, simultaneous conversations, switches work at layer 2, the forwarding database, how the forwarding database is built, broadcast and collision domains. Hands on Difference between hubs and switches. * Link aggregation Loops, broadcast storms, STP, Architectures, modes, link aggregation, load sharing, resilience. Hands on fail over times. * VLANs Virtual versus physical LANs, Why have VLANs? Broadcast domains. Hands on VLANs effect on traffic. * IP IP datagram format, ICMP datagram format. Hands on Analysing IP and ICMP packets. * IP addressing Format of addresses, registering, dotted decimal notation, choosing addresses, DHCP. Hands on impact of addressing errors. * Routing What is a router? Reason for routing, network addressing, default gateways, how routing works, routing and addresses, routing tables, traceroute. Hands on Using a routed network. * Routing protocols IGPs, EGPs, RIP & OSPF. Hands on Configuring routers for RIP and OSPF. * Subnetting When to subnet, subnet masks, working with subnetting, CIDR notation. Hands on Changing the routed network to use subnetting. * The transport layer UDP, Ports, TCP, acknowledgements, sliding windows. Hands on Analysing packets. * Applications Clients, servers, web, Email SMTP, resource sharing, IM, VoIP, Video over IP, terminal emulation, FTP. Hands on FTP, SIP. * Web pages URLs, DNS, names to IP addresses. HTTP, versions and status codes. Keepalives, cookies. Hands on Analysing HTTP headers.

Application delivery fundamentals
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

XML primer


By Systems & Network Training

XML PRIMER TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course has been designed for web and intranet developers who want to accelerate their learning of XML and its applications without the grind of book learning. Although a basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript is assumed, it is also assumed you know very little about XML and how to use it. On completion of this course you should understand the benefits of using XML and be able to design XML solutions where applicable to your company's Internet/intranet requirements. The course will be particularly beneficial if you want to know how to communicate data to diverse applications over the Internet or company intranet. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Write XML. * Debug XML. * Examine existing code and determine its function. XML PRIMER TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with XML. * Prerequisites: HTML5 development fundamentals * Duration 3 days XML PRIMER TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * The origins of XML Markup languages, SGML, document type definitions and validity, introducing XML, IE and XML, accessing content and adding style. * Basic XML XML document structure, elements and attributes, grammar, well formed documents, other XML elements and references. * Document Type Definition (DTDs) Creating a DTD, basic declaration, declaring elements, content definitions, entities, entity declarations, notations, defining attributes, attribute types, forcing inclusion or exclusion of DTD sections, validation. * Namespaces Declaring namespaces, scoping, removing and changing namespaces, qualified names, attribute namespaces. * An introduction to schemas Constructing schemas, defining the root element and its contents,<ELEMENTTYPE>, defining root element contents, adding attributes definitions, <ATTRIBUTETYPE>, <ELEMENT>, <ATTRIBUTE>. * XML & the Document Object Model (DOM) What the DOM offers, DOM and W3C. * Basic DOM concepts XML documents as trees, terminology of tree elements. Key DOM Objects: The document object and its creation, base objects, IE specifics, the XML node hierarchy. * Programming DOM Viewing a DOM model as XML, getting the root element of a document, iterating nodes of a DOM, basic node properties, collection objects, searching for specific values, filtering a nodelist by tagname, more filtering methods, selecting nodes from their attributes. * Amending Content and Structure Creating/saving a DOM as XML, changing content/structure, dynamically building a DOM. * Using ASP and other techniques ASP techniques, HTTPREQUEST object, XSL, transforming and formatting XML. Formatting Using CSS. CSS And XML. * XSL Transformations - XSLT Introduction, the XSL root element, applying XSL stylesheets to XML, XSL elements and operations, instructions - creating text nodes and applying templates, a 'drill-down' approach, simple output formatting, pattern filters - patterns based on position, the Match and Select attributes and their patterns, formatting output, creating new XML in output.

XML primer
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Windows certificates for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

WINDOWS CERTIFICATES TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands-on training course concentrating solely on PKI using Windows certificates. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain how PKI works. * Install windows certificates. * Configure windows certificates. * Troubleshoot windows certificates. WINDOWS CERTIFICATES TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical security staff. * Prerequisites: Windows server. * Duration 3 days WINDOWS CERTIFICATES TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * PKI Symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, authentication, digital signing, hashing, certificates, Certification Authorities, Root CA, Intermediate CA, policy CA, Issuing CA, Certificate Revocation Lists. Hands on Inspecting a certificate. * Policies and PKI Security policy, certification policy. * CA hierarchy Impact of CAs on Active Directory, CA architecture, number of tiers, issuing CA organisation, CA configuration files. CA security. Hands on CA installation PKI health tool, monitoring. * Certificate revocation When to revoke, OCSP. Hands on Revoking certificates. * Certificate validation Discovery, validation, checks, revocation checking, certificate chains, certification publication. Hands on Event viewer. * Certificate templates Version 1, version 1, default, modifying templates. Hands on Template management. * Roles Criteria roles, CA administrator, Certificate manager, Backup operator, Auditor. Other PKI management roles. * Disaster recovery Backups, recovery. Hands on certutil. * Issuing certificates The certificate enrolment process, enrolment methods, manual enrolment, automatic enrolment. * Trust between organisations Creating Trust, CTLs, common root CA, cross certification, bridge CA. * Web servers and certificates SSL encryption, certificate authentication. Hands on Web servers. * VPN Hands on Certificate deployment for VPN. * WiFi Hands on 802.1X

Windows certificates for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Supporting Microsoft Exchange


By Systems & Network Training

MICROSOFT EXCHANGE TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course focusing on the day to day running of Microsoft Exchange. The course is designed for those with a sound understanding of how Exchange forwards emails and concentrates on important issues such as monitoring, backups and restores. This course can be delivered on any version of Microsoft exchange and tailored as required. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install MS Exchange * Create, configure and manage user mailboxes. * Configure and administer MS Exchange. * Backup and restore MS Exchange. MICROSOFT EXCHANGE TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with MS Exchange. * Prerequisites: Total SMTP and email for engineers * Duration 3 days MICROSOFT EXCHANGE TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Review of mail basics Basic routing & Client/Server, Mail flow & protocols, Mail server technology. * Exchange features MAPI, Database, The Exchange organisation, Active Directory consideration. * Installing Understanding server roles, Planning for Exchange, Preparing Active Directory, Preparing the host server, Installing Exchange. * Introduction to Exchange management tools Exchange Management shell, Exchange Management console. * Administration Configuring SMTP domains, Send connectors, Receive connectors, Setting up & managing user mailboxes, Setting up resource mailboxes, Mail enabled groups, Address lists. * Troubleshooting Security & troubleshooting wizards, Windows platform tools, External/Internet tools.

Supporting Microsoft Exchange
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential CPRI


By Systems & Network Training

CPRI TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to give the delegate a technical overview of the CPRI protocols and link setup. We will explain the industry cooperation to define the key internal interface between the radio equipment control (REC) and the radio equipment (RE). Also explained will be the SAP that the CPRI link supports for IQ Interface, frame synchronisation, link control and management and the master and slave ports. We will investigate the CPRI block diagram and together with the data formats and sample mapping solutions. The CPRI frame hierarchy and hyperframe construction will be detailed during this three day overview course. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain the CPRI Block diagram. * Understand hyperframing capabilities. * Explain the CPRI frame format. * Understand how the synchronisation is compliant with 3GPP & WiMAX requirements. * Understand the two electrical characteristics of CPRI standard. * Understand the CPRI standards structure. * Understand the CPRI system & Interface definitions. * List the four standard bit rates of the CPRI specification. * Understand the CPRI Protocol stacks. CPRI TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone looking for a technical overview of the CPRI protocols and link set up. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days CPRI TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * System Description Subsystems. Nodes. Protocol layers. Protocol data planes. User data planes. Antenna carriers. Service Access Points (SAP). Link. Passive Link. Hop. Multi-hop Connection. Logical Connection. Master Port & Slave Port. * System Architecture Basic System Architecture & Common Public Radio Interface Definition. System Architecture with a link between Res. Reference configurations: Chain topology, Tree topology, Ring topology. RECs & REs in both chain & tree topology * Functional description Radio Functionality. Functional Decomposition between REC and RE: For UTRA FDD, For WiMAX & E-UTRA, For GSM. CPRI Control Functionality. * Interface Baseline Interface Specification. Protocol Overview. IQ Data. Synchronisation. L1 Inband Protocol. C & M Data. Protocol Extensions. Vendor Specific Information. * Physical Layer Specifications Line Bit Rate. Physical Layer Modes. Electrical Interface. Optical Interface. Line Coding. Bit Error Correction/Detection. Frame Structure. Mapping Methods. Container Blocks. Hyperframes. GSM, UMTS & WiMAX Timing. Link Delay Accuracy & Cable Delay Calibration. Link Maintenance * Data Link Layer (Layer 2) Specification Layer 2 Framing for Fast & Slow C & M Channels. Medium Access Control/Data Mapping. Flow Control. * Start-up Sequence General. Layer 1 Start-up Timer. State Description. Transition Description. * Interoperability Reserved Bandwidth. Version Numbers. * Supplementary Specification Details Delay Calibration Example. Reference Test Points. * List of Abbreviations & Gloss

Essential CPRI
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive network forensics for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

NETWORK FORENSICS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course studies network forensics-monitoring and analysis of network traffic for information gathering, intrusion detection and legal evidence. We focus on the technical aspects of network forensics rather than other skills such as incident response procedures etc.. Hands on sessions follow all the major sections. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Recognise network forensic data sources. * Perform network forensics using: Wireshark NetFlow Log analysis * Describe issues such as encryption. NETWORK FORENSICS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical network and/or security staff. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers. * Duration 3 days NETWORK FORENSICS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is network forensics? What it is, host vs network forensics, purposes, legal implications, network devices, network data sources, investigation tools. Hands on whois, DNS queries. * Host side network forensics Services, connections tools. Hands on Windows services, Linux daemons, netstat, ifoconfig/ipconfig, ps and Process explorer, ntop, arp, resource monitor. * Packet capture and analysis Network forensics with Wireshark, Taps, NetworkMiner. Hands on Performing Network Traffic Analysis using NetworkMiner and Wireshark. * Attacks DOS attacks, SYN floods, vulnerability exploits, ARP and DNS poisoning, application attacks, DNS ANY requests, buffer overflow attacks, SQL injection attack, attack evasion with fragmentation. Hands on Detecting scans, using nmap, identifying attack tools. * Calculating location Timezones, whois, traceroute, geolocation. Wifi positioning. Hands on Wireshark with GeoIP lookup. * Data collection NetFlow, sflow, logging, splunk, splunk patterns, GRR. HTTP proxies. Hands on NetFlow configuration, NetFlow analysis. * The role of IDS, firewalls and logs Host based vs network based, IDS detection styles, IDS architectures, alerting. Snort. syslog-ng. Microsoft log parser. Hands on syslog, Windows Event viewer. * Correlation Time synchronisation, capture times, log aggregation and management, timelines. Hands on Wireshark conversations. * Other considerations Tunnelling, encryption, cloud computing, TOR. Hands on TLS handshake in Wireshark.

Definitive network forensics for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

CWDP TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The CWDP course consists of instructor-led training applicable to the design of wireless LANs using the latest technologies including 802.11n and 802.11ac. The course goes in-depth into the design process and provides attendees with the knowledge needed to plan, deploy and test modern 802.11-based networks. It also prepares students for the CWDP examination. Students who complete the course will acquire the necessary skills for preparing, planning performing and documenting site surveys and wireless LAN design procedures. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Design enterprise WiFi networks. * Select appropriate antennas and Access points. * Perform site surveys. * Describe the security requirements required for enterprise networks. * Test, validate and troubleshoot installations. CWDP TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone looking for the skills to analyze, troubleshoot, and optimize any enterprise level Wi-Fi network, no matter which brand of equipment your organization deploys. Anyone looking to become a CWNP. * Prerequisites: CWNA * Duration 5 days CWDP TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * WLAN design overview Importance of good design, Impact of bad design, Design process, Design skills, Design toolkit. * Requirements analysis Pre-planning, Customer interaction, Requirements gathering, Discovering existing systems, Documenting the environment, Defining constraints, Creating documentation. * Designing for clients and applications Client Device types, Application types, Application-specific design, High density design issues. * Designing for industry Standard corporate networks, Industry-specific designs, Government, Healthcare, Hospitality, Retail, Public hotspots, Transportation, Mobile offices, Outdoor and mesh, Remote networks and branch offices, Last-miles / ISP and bridging. * Vendor selection processes Defining vendor issues, Operational planes, Design models, Understanding architectures. * Radio Frequency (RF) planning RF spectrum, RF behaviors, Modulation and coding schemes, RF accessories, Throughput factors. WLAN hardware selection Antennas, 802.11n and antennas, Choosing Aps, Powering Aps. * Site surveys Site survey tools, Site survey preparation, Predictive site surveys, Manual site surveys, Site survey principles and processes. * Designing for Quality of Service (QoS) QoS overview, QoS application points, Roaming support. * Designing for security Bad security, Authentication solutions, Encryption solutions, Security best practices, Intrusion prevention. * Installation testing, validation and troubleshooting Network health status, Troubleshooting and validation process, Troubleshooting and validation tools, Common problems. * Hands-on lab exercises Hands-on labs depend on the audience and can include use of: Spectrum analyzers, Protocol analyzers, Site Survey software, Diagramming software, Various wireless access points, Various wireless adapters and antennas.

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally