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291 Network & Security courses in Bristol

Using Windows PowerShell


By Systems & Network Training

WINDOWS POWERSHELL TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is intended for IT Professionals who are already experienced in general Windows Server and Windows Client administration, and who want to learn more about using Windows PowerShell for administration. No prior experience with any version of Windows PowerShell, or any scripting language, is assumed. This course is also suitable for IT Professionals already experienced in server administration, including Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, SQL Server, System Center, and others. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Work with Windows PowerShell pipeline. * Query system information by using WMI and CIM. * Work with variables, arrays, and hash tables. * Write advanced scripts in Windows PowerShell. * Administer remote computers. * Use advanced Windows PowerShell techniques. WINDOWS POWERSHELL TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: IT professionals. * Prerequisites: Supporting Windows Server * Duration 5 days WINDOWS POWERSHELL TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Getting started with Windows PowerShell Overview and background of Windows PowerShell, Understanding command syntax, Finding commands. Hands on Configuring Windows PowerShell console & ISE application. Hands on Finding and running basic commands, Using the About files. * Cmdlets for administration Active Directory administration cmdlets, Network configuration cmdlets, Other server administration cmdlets. Hands on Windows Administration. Creating and managing Active Directory objects, Configuring network settings on Windows Server, Creating a web site. * Working with the Windows PowerShell pipeline Understanding the pipeline, Selecting, sorting, and measuring objects, Filtering objects out of the pipeline, enumerating objects in the pipeline, Sending pipeline data as output. Hands on Using the pipeline. Selecting, sorting, and displaying data. Hands on Filtering objects. Hands on Enumerating objects. Hands on Sending output to a file. Exporting user information to a file. * Understanding how the pipeline works Passing the pipeline data, Advanced considerations for pipeline data. Hands on Working with pipeline parameter binding. Predicting pipeline behaviour. * Using PSProviders and PSDrives Using PSProviders, Using PSDrives. Hands on Using PSProviders and PSDrives Creating files and folders on a remote computer, Creating a registry key for your future scripts, Create a new Active Directory group. * Querying system information by using WMI and CIM Understanding WMI and CIM, Querying data by using WMI and CIM, Making changes with WMI/CIM. Hands on Working with WMI and CIM. Querying information by using WMI, Querying information by using CIM, Invoking methods. * Working with variables, arrays, and hash tables Manipulating variables, arrays and hash tables. Hands on Working with variables, Using arrays, Using hash tables. * Basic scripting Introduction to scripting, Scripting constructs, Importing data from files. Hands on Basic scripting. Setting a script, Processing an array with a ForEach loop, Processing items by using If statements, Creating a random password, Creating users based on a CSV file. * Advanced scripting Accepting user input, Overview of script documentation, Troubleshooting and error handling, Functions and modules. Hands on Accepting data from users. Querying disk information from remote computers, Updating the script to use alternate credentials, Documenting a script. Hands on Implementing functions and modules. Creating a logging function, Adding error handling to a script, Converting a function to a module. * Administering Remote Computers Using basic Windows PowerShell remoting, Using advanced Windows PowerShell remoting techniques, Using PSSessions. Hands on Using basic remoting. Enabling remoting on the local computer, Performing one-to-one remoting, Performing one-to-many remoting. Hands on Using PSSessions. Using implicit remoting, Managing multiple computers. * Using background jobs and scheduled jobs Using background jobs, Using scheduled jobs. Hands on Using background jobs and scheduled jobs. Starting and managing jobs, Creating a scheduled job. * Using advanced Windows PowerShell techniques Creating profile scripts, Using advanced techniques. Hands on Practicing advanced techniques. Creating a profile script, Verifying the validity of an IP address, Reporting disk information, Configuring NTFS permissions, Creating user accounts with passwords from a CSV file. Hands on Practicing script development (optional)

Using Windows PowerShell
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Hyper V for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

HYPER V FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This five day course will provide you with the knowledge and skills required to design and implement Microsoft Server Virtualization solutions using Hyper-V and System Center. Please note that due to the nature of the lab / environment build delegates may be required to work in pairs. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install and configure the Hyper-V server role. * Create virtual machines, create and manage virtual hard disks and work with snapshots. * Create and configure virtual machine networks in a Hyper-V environment. * Provide high availability for Hyper-V environment by implementing failover clustering. * Use System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager. * Create and manage virtual machines by using VMM. HYPER V FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone designing, implementing, managing and maintaining a virtualization infrastructure. * Prerequisites: Supporting Windows server 2012 * Duration 5 days HYPER V FOR ENGINEERS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Evaluating the environment for virtualization Overview of Microsoft virtualization, Overview of system center 2012 R2 components, Evaluating current environment for virtualization, Extending virtualization to the cloud environment. Selecting the appropriate virtualization method, Assessing the environment by using MAP. * Installing and configuring the Hyper-V role Installing the Hyper-V role, Managing Hyper-V, Configuring Hyper-V settings, Hyper-V Host storage and networking, Installing the Hyper-V server role, Configuring Hyper-V settings, Accessing and managing Hyper-V remotely. * Creating and managing virtual hard disks, virtual machines, and checkpoints Creating and configuring virtual hard disks, Creating and configuring virtual machines, Installing and Importing virtual machines, Managing virtual machine checkpoints, Monitoring Hyper-V, Designing virtual machines for server roles and services, Creating and managing virtual hard disks, Creating and managing virtual machines, Importing virtual machines and working with checkpoints monitoring Hyper-V. * Creating and configuring virtual machine networks Creating and using Hyper-V virtual switches, Advanced Hyper-V networking features, Configuring and using Hyper-V network virtualization, Creating and using Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V virtual switches, Configuring and using advanced virtual switch features, Configuring Hyper-V Network virtualization. * Virtual machine movement and Hyper-V replica Providing high availability and redundancy for virtualization, Implementing virtual machine movement, Implementing and managing Hyper-V replica, Moving Hyper-V storage and virtual machines, Configuring and managing Hyper-V replica. * Implementing failover clustering with Hyper-V Overview of failover clustering, Configuring and using shared storage, Implementing and managing failover clustering with Hyper-V, Creating a Hyper-V failover cluster, Managing a Hyper-V failover cluster. * Installing and configuring System Center 2012 R2 virtual machine manager Integrating system center and server virtualization, Overview of VMM, Installing VMM, Adding hosts and managing host groups, Installing and configuring System Center 2012 R2 VMM, Managing hosts and host groups. * Managing the Networking and storage infrastructure in System Center 2012 R2 VMM Managing networking infrastructure managing storage infrastructure, Managing infrastructure updates, Implementing a network infrastructure, Implementing a storage infrastructure, Managing infrastructure updates. * Creating and managing VM using MS System Center 2012 R2 VMM VMM tasks in VMM, Creating, cloning, and converting VMs, Overview of VM updating, Creating a VM and modifying it's properties, Cloning a VM. * Configuring and managing the MS System Center 2012 R2 VMM library and library objects Overview of the VMM library, Working with profiles and templates, Configuring and managing the VMM library, Creating and managing profiles and templates. * Managing clouds in MS System Center 2012 R2 VMM Introduction to clouds, Creating and managing a cloud, Working with user roles in VMM, Creating a cloud, Working with user roles, Deploying VMs to a private cloud. * Managing services in MS System Center 2012 R2 VMM and app controller Understanding services in VMM, Creating and managing services in VMM, Using app controller Creating a service template, Deploying a service and updating a service template, Configuring app controller, Deploying a VM in app controller. * Protecting and monitoring virtualization infrastructure Overview of backup and restore options for VM, Protecting virtualization Infrastructure using DPM, Using Operations Manager for monitoring and reporting, Integrating VMM with Operations Manager, Implementing MS System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager agents, Configuring Operations Manager monitoring components, Configuring Operations Manager integration with System Center 2012 R2 VMM.

Hyper V for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Advanced Python for network engineers


By Systems & Network Training

ADVANCED PYTHON TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course caters to network engineers aiming to enhance both their Python proficiency and network automation skills. Delving deeper into key areas such as netmiko, Nornir, and ncclient, we also focus on automating network testing and validation. Participants gain greater confidence working with Python functions, classes, objects, and error handling. The course additionally introduces more libraries like Scrapli, TTP, pyATS, Genie, pybatfish, and Suzieq, which cover parsing strategies, automation testing, validation, network analysis, observability, and telemetry. The curriculum also encompasses concurrency techniques. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Write Python modules and functions. * Evaluate techniques to parse unstructured data. * Use NETCONF filters. * Handle Python errors effectively (try, assert…). * Use postman. * Automate testing and validation of the network. * Use scrapli, Genie, batfish and Suzieq. ADVANCED PYTHON TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers. * Prerequisites: Python for network engineers * Duration 5 days ADVANCED PYTHON TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Review CLI, NETCONF, RESTCONF, structured versus unstructured data, gNMI and when to use which. PEP 8. Naming conventions. Packages, modules, Classes and methods. The scrapli library. Netmiko versus scrapli. Hands on: scrapli, Dictionaries versus Regular Expressions. * Modules and Functions Writing your own modules, containers versus packages, virtual environments. Best practices, calling functions, writing your own functions. Parameters, arguments. Named arguments, dictionaries as arguments. Builtins. Docstrings. Main. __name__, __main__ . Program arguments. Hands on: Getting interfaces, showing interface status using Netmiko and functions. Using dictionaries as arguments. Writing your own modules. * Parsing strategies Turning unstructured data into structured data. textfsm, PyATS Genie parser, NAPALM getters, Template Text Parser. Hands on: Genie parser, TTP. Accessing structured data with lists and dictionaries. * Classes, objects and Python Python classes in Genie, PyEZ and others . Hands on: studying network automation classes, objects, methods and attributes. * Configuration management - more nornir, ncclient, requests Nornir tasks. Nornir results, Nornir functions, Nornir plugins. Nornir processors. YANG, YANG models, pyang. NETCONF hello. Capabilities. Schemas. Filters. Subtrees. XPATH. Exploring available YANG data models. NETCONF and network wide transactions. Asserting NETCONF capabilities. Configuration types. Locking configurations, commits. NETCONF data stores. Netconf-console. RESTCONF differences from NETCONF. URI construction. Postman. More XML and JSON. Git and configuration versions. Hands on: Nornir and Jinja2. Exploring available models, NETCONF filters. Using postman. * Python error handling and debugging Context handlers, try, assert, logging, pdb, pytest, unit testing, chatgpt. Hands on: Writing code with each of the error handling methods, investigating what happens on an error. Use chatgpt to debug your code. * Python Automation Testing Testing and validation. pyATS, Genie. Testbed file. Genie parse, genie learn, genie diff. Genie conf, Genie ops, Genie SDK, Genie harness. Xpresso. Hands on: Using Genie for state comparisons of the network. * Network analysis Batfish, pybatfish, configuration analysis, analysing routing, analysing ACLs. Pandas. Pandas dataframe. Filtering and selecting values of interest. Hands on: Use Batfish to analyse network snapshots, find network adjacencies, flow path analysis. * Network observability Suzieq, using docker, using as a package. Sqpoller, suzieq-gui, suzieq-cli, sq-rest-server. Namespaces and seeing devices, network state and Asserts. Time based analysis, snapshots and changes. Hands on: Suzieq: Gathering data from the network, analysing data from the network. Network state assertion. * Telemetry gRPC, gNMI. CAP, GET, SET. Subscriptions. Model Driven telemetry. Hands on: Analysing telemetry data with Python. * Concurrency asyncio, threads, processes. Nornir concurrency. Scrapli and netmiko concurrency. Hands on: Multiple SSH connections to devices at same time. Scarpli asyncio.

Advanced Python for network engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

DevOps for networking engineers


By Systems & Network Training

NETWORK DEVOPS COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is not a soft skills course covering the concepts of DevOps but instead concentrates on the technical side of tools and languages for network DevOps. Particular technologies focussed on are ansible, git and Python enabling delegates to leave the course ready to starting automating their network. Hands on sessions follow all major sections. More detailed courses on individual aspects of this course are available. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Evaluate network automation tools. * Automate tasks with ansible. * Use git for version control. * Use Python to manage network devices. * Use Python libraries for network devices. NETWORK DEVOPS COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Administrators automating tasks. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation * Duration 5 days NETWORK DEVOPS COURSE CONTENTS * What is DevOps Programming and automating networks, networks and clouds, AWS, OpenStack, SDN, DevOps for network operations. * Initial configuration Configuring SSH, ZTP, POAP. Hands on Initial lab configuration. * Getting started with ansible The language, the engine, the framework. Uses of ansible, orchestration. The architecture, Controlling machines, nodes, Agentless, SSH, modules. Configuration management, inventories, playbooks, modules, roles. Hands on Installing ansible, running ad hoc commands. * Ansible playbooks ansible-playbook, YAML, plays, tasks, handlers, modules. Playbook variables. Register module, debug module. Hands on Running playbooks. * Ansible Inventories /etc/ansible/hosts, hosts, groups, static inventories, dynamic inventories. Inventory variables, external variables. Limiting hosts. Hands on Static inventories, variables in inventory files. * Ansible modules for networking Built in modules, custom modules, return values. Core modules for network operations. Cisco and/or Juniper modules. ansible_connection. Ansible 2.6 CLI. Hands on Using modules. * Ansible templating and roles aConfiguration management, full configurations, partial configurations. The template module, the assemble module, connection: local, Jinja2 templates, variables, if, for, roles. Hands on Generating multiple configurations from a template. * Network programming and modules Why use Python? Why use ansible? alternatives, ansible tower, Linux network devices. * Programming with Python Python programming Functions. Classes, objects and instances, modules, libraries, packages. Python strings, Python file handling, pip list, pip instal. Hands on Python programming with pyping. * More Python programming Functions. Classes, objects and instances, modules, libraries, packages. Python strings, Python file handling, pip list, pip install. Hands on Python programming with pyping. * Git Distributed version control, repositories, Git and GitHub, Alternatives to GitHub, Installing git, git workflows, creating repositories, adding and editing files, branching and merging, merge conflicts. Hands on working with Git. * Python and networking APIs, Sockets, Telnetlib, pysnmp, ncclient, ciscoconfparse. * Paramiko SSH and Netmiko Integrating Python and network devices using SSH. Netmiko, Netmiko methods. Hands on Netmiko. * NAPALM What is NAPALM, NAPALM operations, getters, Replace, merge, compare, commit, discard. Hands on Configuration with NAPALM. Integrating ansible and NAPALM. * Python and REST REST APIs, enabling the REST API. Accessing the REST API with a browser, cURL, Python and REST, the request library. Hands on Using a REST API with network devices.

DevOps for networking engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Advanced Java programming


By Systems & Network Training

ADVANCED JAVA TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A tour of the more advanced features of Java following on from the Introduction to Java course. JDBC and JavaBeans are covered in separate courses. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use Java to implement OOA/D. * Use within Java programs - Internationalisation - Object serialisation - Reflection - RMI - Swing - JAR files * Write Servlets and Java Server Pages ADVANCED JAVA TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Those wishing to program in Java. * Prerequisites: Introduction to Java programming * Duration 5 days ADVANCED JAVA TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What you should already know * OO features in Java Static initialisers, object destruction, finalisation, constructor chaining, shadowing, Abstract classes and interfaces, inner classes, nested classes, member classes, local classes, anonymous classes. * Internationalisation Locales, Unicode, local customs, localising messages. * Object Serialisation Simple and custom serialisation, class versioning. * Reflection Obtaining class and member information. * RMI Restrictions, RMI architecture, Stubs, skeletons, rmic, the registry server, The RMI API. * Swing An overview, examples, comparison vs. AWT, data transfer cut & paste. * Servlets Servlet API, Java Web server, The servlet life cycle, chaining servlets, Hybrid servlets. * JAR files and signed applet JAR files and signed applet

Advanced Java programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Networking Microsoft Systems


By Systems & Network Training

NETWORKING MICROSOFT SYSTEMS COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands-on course covering the network aspects of Microsoft systems. The course progresses from basic TCP/IP tools and configuration settings through to advanced security considerations finishing with an overview of Exchange and IIS. Hands on sessions are based on a choice of Windows Server 2003 or Windows 2000 server and Windows XP or Windows 2000 professional. Customised versions with other Microsoft platforms are also available. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Design networks with consideration for Microsoft issues such as logons. * Design, configure and troubleshoot TCP/IP, DNS, WINS and DHCP. * Configure security features such as PKI and IPSec. * Describe the Windows TCP/IP implementation details. NETWORKING MICROSOFT SYSTEMS COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with Microsoft systems. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers Supporting Windows ( XP or 2000 or 2003) * Duration 5 days NETWORKING MICROSOFT SYSTEMS COURSE CONTENTS * Configuring network cards PnP, resources, Ethernet cards, wireless cards, dial up networking, other cards, Ethernet settings, layer 2 QoS. * Configuring and supporting IP Basic IP settings, advanced IP settings, advanced TCP settings, DrTCP and registry settings, security * DHCP DHCP server, authorising the DHCP service, DHCP client, DHCP relays, Address pools, options, lease duration's, Integrating with DNS. * Microsoft networking overview Workgroups and domains, Domain controllers, the logon process in a network, the role of Active Directory, synchronisation, protocol stacks and bindings. * Accessing file and print resources Shared folders, permissions, network printers, browsing, NetBIOS, SMB. * WINS Servers, clients, Client registration, renewing and releasing of names. NetBIOS node types. * DNS1 Overview, Primary and secondary servers, DDNS, zones, resource records. * The browser service Master, backup and other browser roles, elections, announcements, recovery from failure, Inter subnet browsing. * TCP/IP implementation details Dead gateway detection, Multi homing, multicasting, MTU path discovery, registry settings, QOS and RSVP, Windows as a router, performance implications of Microsoft services. * Internet Access Options, NAT, Firewall capabilities and Proxy server, Internet Authentication Service. * Remote Access Installing, RAS servers. RAS process, protocols * Security: PKI PPTP, L2TP, What is IPSec, configuring IPSec. * Security: VPNs PPTP, L2TP, What is IPSec, configuring IPSec. * Other Microsoft networking services & tools Netmeeting, instant messaging, white boarding, document collaboration, video conferencing Microsoft Exchange, IIS, Directory replication, SNMP, Net Monitor, integration with other platforms.

Networking Microsoft Systems
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Programming in HTML5 with CSS


By Systems & Network Training

PROGRAMMING IN HTML5 WITH CSS COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an introduction to HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It is an entry point into both the Web application and Windows Store apps training paths. The course focuses on using HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript to implement programming logic, define and use variables, perform looping and branching, develop user interfaces, capture and validate user input, store data, and create well-structured application. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Create and style HTML5 pages. * Use JavaScript. * Style HTML5 pages by using CSS3. * Use common HTML5 APLs in interactive Web applications. * Create HTML5 Web pages that can adapt to different devices and form factors. * Enhance the user experience by adding animations to the HTML5 page. PROGRAMMING IN HTML5 WITH CSS COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Website developers. * Prerequisites: HTML5 development fundamentals. * Duration 5 days PROGRAMMING IN HTML5 WITH CSS COURSE CONTENTS * Overview of HTML and CSS Overview of HTML, Overview of CSS, Creating a Web Application by Using Visual Studio 2012. Hands on Exploring the Contoso Conference Application. * Creating and Styling HTML5 Pages Creating an HTML5 Page, Styling an HTML5 Page. Hands on Creating and Styling HTML5 Pages. * Introduction to JavaScript Overview of JavaScript Syntax, Programming the HTML DOM with JavaScript, Introduction to jQuery. Hands on Displaying Data and Handling Events by Using JavaScript. * Creating Forms to Collect and Validate User Input Overview of Forms and Input Types, Validating User Input by Using HTML5 Attributes, Validating User Input by Using JavaScript. Hands on Creating a Form and Validating User Input. * Communicating with a Remote Data Source Sending and Receiving Data by Using XMLHTTPRequest, Sending and Receiving Data by Using jQuery AJAX operations. Hands on Communicating with a Remote Data Source. * Styling HTML5 by Using CSS3 Styling Text, Styling Block Elements, CSS3 Selectors, Enhancing Graphical Effects by Using CSS3. Hands on Styling Text and Block Elements using CSS3. * Creating Objects and Methods by Using JavaScript Writing Well-Structured JavaScript, Creating Custom Objects, Extending Objects. Hands on Refining Code for Maintainability and Extensibility. * Creating Interactive Pages using HTML5 APIs Interacting with Files, Incorporating Multimedia, Reacting to Browser Location and Context, Debugging and Profiling a Web Application. Hands on Creating Interactive Pages by Using HTML5 APIs. * Adding Offline Support to Web Applications Reading and Writing Data Locally, Adding Offline Support by Using the Application Cache. Hands on Adding Offline Support to a Web Application. * Implementing an Adaptive User Interface Supporting Multiple Form Factors, Creating an Adaptive User Interface. Hands on Implementing an Adaptive User Interface. * Creating Advanced Graphics Creating Interactive Graphics by Using Scalable Vector Graphics, Programmatically Drawing Graphics by Using a Canvas. Hands on Creating Advanced Graphics. * Animating the User Interface Applying CSS Transitions, Transforming Elements, Applying CSS Key-frame Animations. Hands on Animating User Interface Elements. * Web Sockets for Real-Time Communications Introduction to Web Sockets, Sending and Receiving Data by Using Web Sockets. Hands on Implementing Real-Time Communications by Using Web Sockets. * Creating a Web Worker Process Introduction to Web Workers, Performing Asynchronous Processing by Using a Web Worker. Hands on Creating a Web Worker Process.

Programming in HTML5 with CSS
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

VMware: Install, Configure, Manage (v8)


By Systems & Network Training

VMWARE TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This five-day VMware course features intensive handson training that focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware vSphere 8, which includes VMware ESXi 8 and VMware vCenter 8. This course prepares you to administer a vSphere infrastructure for an organization of any size. This course is the foundation for most VMware technologies in the software-defined data center. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install and configure ESXi hosts. * Deploy and configure vCenter. * Create virtual networks using standard and distributed switches. * Configure VMs, templates, clones, and snapshots. * Manage virtual machine resource allocation. * Migrate virtual machines with vSphere vMotion and vSphere Storage vMotion. VMWARE TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Systems administrators and engineers. * Prerequisites: Introduction to data communications & networking. Windows/Linux Administration. * Duration 5 days VMWARE TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Course Introduction Introductions and course logistics. Course objectives * vSphere and Virtualization Overview Explain basic virtualization concepts, Describe how vSphere fits in the software-defined data center and the cloud infrastructure, Recognize the user interfaces for accessing vSphere, Explain how vSphere interacts with CPUs, memory, networks, storage, and GPUs * Installing and Configuring ESXi Install an ESXi host, Recognize ESXi user account best practices, Configure the ESXi host settings using the DCUI and VMware Host Client * Deploying and Configuring vCenter Recognize ESXi hosts communication with vCenter, Deploy vCenter Server Appliance, Configure vCenter settings, Use the vSphere Client to add and manage license keys, Create and organize vCenter inventory objects, Recognize the rules for applying vCenter permissions, View vCenter logs and events * Configuring vSphere Networking Configure and view standard switch configurations, Configure and view distributed switch configurations, Recognize the difference between standard switches and distributed switches, Explain how to set networking policies on standard and distributed switches * Configuring vSphere Storage Recognize vSphere storage technologies, Identify types of vSphere datastores, Describe Fibre Channel components and addressing, Describe iSCSI components and addressing, Configure iSCSI storage on ESXi, Create and manage VMFS datastores, Configure and manage NFS datastores * Deploying Virtual Machines Create and provision VMs, Explain the importance of VMware Tools, Identify the files that make up a VM Recognize the components of a VM, Navigate the vSphere, Client and examine VM settings and options, Modify VMs by dynamically increasing resources, Create VM templates and deploy VMs from them, Clone VMs, Create customization specifications for guest operating systems, Create local, published, and subscribed content libraries, Deploy VMs from content libraries, Manage multiple versions of VM templates in content libraries * Managing Virtual Machines Recognize the types of VM migrations that you can perform within a vCenter instance and across vCenter instances, Migrate VMs using vSphere vMotion, Describe the role of Enhanced vMotion Compatibility in migrations, Migrate VMs using vSphere Storage vMotion, Take a snapshot of a VM, Manage, consolidate, and delete snapshots, Describe CPU and memory concepts in relation to a virtualized environment, Describe how VMs compete for resources Define CPU and memory shares, reservations, and limits * Deploying and Configuring vSphere Clusters Create a vSphere cluster enabled for vSphere DRS and vSphere HA, View information about a vSphere cluster Explain how vSphere DRS determines VM placement on hosts in the cluster, Recognize use cases for vSphere DRS settings, Monitor a vSphere DRS cluster Describe how vSphere HA responds to various types of failures, Identify options for configuring network redundancy in a vSphere HA cluster, Recognize vSphere HA design considerations, Recognize the use cases for various vSphere HA settings, Configure a vSphere HA cluster, Recognize when to use vSphere Fault Tolerance * Managing the vSphere Lifecycle Enable vSphere Lifecycle Manager in a vSphere cluster, Describe features of the vCenter Update Planner, Run vCenter upgrade prechecks and interoperability reports, Recognize features of vSphere Lifecycle Manager, Distinguish between managing hosts using baselines and managing hosts using images, Describe how to update hosts using baselines, Describe ESXi images, Validate ESXi host compliance against a cluster image and update ESXi hosts, Update ESXi hosts using vSphere Lifecycle Manager, Describe vSphere Lifecycle Manager automatic recommendations, Use vSphere Lifecycle Manager to upgrade VMware Tools and VM hardware

VMware: Install, Configure, Manage (v8)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive Kamailio for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

KAMAILIO TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Kamailio (formerly known as OpenSER) provides a scalable SIP server suitable for small through to carrier grade installations. This course will teach you how to install, configure and troubleshoot the Kamailio product. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Install Kamailio. * Control Kamailio. * Configure Kamailio. * Troubleshoot Kamailio. KAMAILIO TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with Kamailio. * Prerequisites: Definitive SIP for engineers. UNIX fundamentals. * Duration 3 days KAMAILIO TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is Kamailio? What is SER? SER history, OpenSER, versions. Kamailio. Supported platforms, SIP review. Hands on Simple SIP telephony without a SIP server. * Installing Kamailio Downloading Kamailio, Installation from source, package installation, CVS, default passwords Hands on Kamailio installation. * Controlling Kamailio Starting, stopping and controlling Kamailio. Starting Kamailio automatically at boot time. Hands on Controlling the server * First configuration Basic configuration. Hands on SIP telephony with Kamailio. * Monitoring Logs, xlog, openserctl, syslog. Hands on Logging. * Kamailio architecture Kamailio core, Kamailio modules, file locations, persistent data storage, database structure. Hands on Database integration. * Core configuration Keywords, values, parameters, functions, routing blocks, constructs. Hands on Advanced Kamailio configuration. * Module configuration Overview of modules available, AAA integration, least cost routing. Redirects Hands on Configuring modules. * Architectures DNS integration, peering, OSP, NAT traversal, SIP to GSM. Hands on peering. * Asterisk integration Altering tables to work with Asterisk, Asterisk as a voicemail system. Design issues, High availability. Hands on Integrating Kamailio with Asterisk.

Definitive Kamailio for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Complete REXX programming


By Systems & Network Training

REXX TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on training course covering the Restructured EXtended eXecutor (REXX) language. A large number of exercises are used to reinforce and emphasise lecture sessions. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Write REXX programs. * Debug REXX programs. * Examine existing code and determine its function. REXX TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn REXX. * Prerequisites: None although experience in another high level language would be useful. * Duration 3 days REXX TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction to REXX What is REXX? REXX environments, invoking a REXX exec, a sample REXX exec, REXX clause types. * REXX variables and data Literal data, variable data, assignment, simple variables, compound variables, stem variables, constant data, numeric data, arithmetic operations, character manipulation, hexadecimal data. * The parse instruction Parse format, Parse examples, Parse arg, Parse pull, Parse value, special templates, place holders, literal templates, numeric templates, variable templates. * Control structures Relational conditions, logical operators, simple selection, looping: uncontrolled and controlled loops, infinite loops, conditional loops, controlling loops, leave, iterate, multiple selection, instructions for subroutines, exit. * Sub routines and functions Internal and external subroutines, call, ARG(), ARG(n)return, exit, scope of variables, procedure, functions, built in functions, overriding built in functions. * Performing I/O Command conventions, preparing to read a file, execio, limitations, execio for reading, DISKR, DISKRU, DISKW, return codes. * External functions listdsi, msg, outtrap, prompt, sysdsn, sysvar, storage * Tracing Immediate commands, the trace facility, signal and call statements. * Built in functions Text handling functions, string handling, word handling, arithmetic, data conversion, bit manipulation, environment. * The data stack Data stack structure, REXX instructions for the data stack, REXX functions for the data stack, TSO/E commands for the data stack. * REXX in batch TSO/E foreground. TSO/E background.

Complete REXX programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally