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291 Network & Security courses in Belfast

Total TRILL for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

TOTAL TRILL TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A comprehensive look at Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL). This TRILL course starts with the problems in traditional switched networks then moves onto to how TRILL solves these problems. As IS -IS is key to loop free topologies in TRILL networks, this protocol is also studied. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain the benefits of TRILL. * Explain how TRILL works. * Explain the role of IS-IS in TRILL. * Integrate TRILL into existing networks. TOTAL TRILL TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with Ethernet. * Prerequisites: Definitive Ethernet switching for engineers * Duration 1 day TOTAL TRILL TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is TRILL? Layer 2 versus Layer 3, STP problems: One path, convergence, MAC explosion. TRILL switches, RBridges, TRILL campus. TRILL standards * TRILL components RBridges, mixing Rbridges with bridges, appointed forwarders. * IS-IS Link layer IS-IS, SPF trees, traffic management. IS-IS extensions for TRILL. ISIS TLV. * How TRILL works TRILL IS-IS hello discovery, Designated bridge, IS-IS flooding, Appointed forwarder, unicast versus multi-destination frames. TRILL nicknames. * TRILL packet headers Local link header, TRILL header. TRILL over Ethernet, TRILL over PPP. VLANs. Fine grained labelling. TRILL BFD. TRILL OAM. Frame overheads. * TRILL comparisons MPLS, IP, 802.1aq.

Total TRILL for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

NETCONF and YANG for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

NETCONF AND YANG TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to NETCONF and YANG. The course progresses from what they are, why they are needed, and how to configure them onto a more detailed analysis of how NETCONF works and how to read YANG models. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Recognise the limits and problems of SNMP and the CLI. * Describe the relationship between NETCONF and YANG. * Configure NETCONF on network devices. * Use NETCONF to configure devices. * Read YANG models. NETCONF AND YANG TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers. * Prerequisites: Network management technologies * Duration 1 day NETCONF AND YANG TRAINING COURSE CONTENT * What are NETCONF and YANG? Network management and configuration issues. What is NETCONF? What is YANG? Protocols, data models, architecture. Hands on Configuring NETCONF on network devices, using NETCONF. * NETCONF NETCONF layers, Secure transport: SSH, Messages: rpc, Operations, Content. Base operations: <get>, <get-config>, <edit-config>, <copy-config>, <delete-config>, <lock>,<unlock>, <close-session>, <kill-session> NETCONF datastores: :candidate, :startup, running. Hands on Retrieving a configuration with NETCONF, Editing a configuration with NETCONF. * NETCONF more details NETCONF traffic flows, NETCONF capabilities, hello, capabilities exchange., Filtering data, atomic transactions, validating configurations. Hands on Using NETCONF. * YANG YANG models, IETF standard YANG models, tree diagrams, an example: YANG interface management, Module header, Imports and includes, Containers, Lists, leaves, Data types, typedef, Instance data, XML. Hands on Reading YANG data models, creating a configuration instance.

NETCONF and YANG for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential QSIG


By Systems & Network Training

QSIG TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A concise overview of QSIG, covering the development, current use and future of this private network signalling protocol. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe the use of QSIG. * Describe the evolution of QSIG. * Describe functionality of the QSIGProtocol Stack. * Describe functionality and use of the main Supplementary Services and Additional Network Functions within QSIG. QSIG TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network/Systems Engineers Operators/Planners or anyone working within the QSIG Arena. * Prerequisites: Telecommunications Introduction * Duration 1 day QSIG TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction What is QSIG? User benefits, flexible interconnection, public ISDN synergy, feature transparency-end to end intelligence, innovation specialist features - heterogeneous environment. * Evolution of QSIG Evolution of QSIG, ISDN PBX Networking, Specification forum (IPNS), QSIG standardisation. The ITU-T reference model extended for corporate networks. * QSIG Protocol Q Protocol stack, QSIG basic call layer 3 - SubLayer 1, QSIG Generic Functional layer 3 Sub-Layer 2 (GF), QSIG protocols for supplementary services & ANF's- Layer 3, Sub-Layer 3, Layer 3 Message Overview. * Supplementary Services and ANFs QSIG supplementary services standardisation methodology. * QSIG Services and additional network features: Advice of charge, Call Completion, (CCBS, CCNR), Call Forwarding and diversion (CFB, CFNR, CFU, CD), Services (CINT, CI, CO, CT, CW, DDI) Services cont. (DND, DNDO), Identification Services - (CLIP, COLP, CLIR, CNIP, CONP, CNIR), Other QSIG services and additional network features (Mobile, Multi Subscriber Number (MSN), Operator Services, Recall (RE), Sub-Addressing (SUB)), User to user signalling, compliance with services. * Conclusion - QSIG1 FAQ's, European Computer Manufacturers Association. The Future.

Essential QSIG
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

SMPTE 2110 for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

SMPTE 2110 TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course studies the new SMPTE ST 2110 suite of standards. The course covers all parts of the standard from SMPTE ST 2110-10 through to SMPTE ST 2110- 50. The course begins with an introduction to all IP studios and separating video and audio streams, then moves on to PTP and synchronisation. Video encapsulation is then followed by audio encapsulation. Handling ancillary data finishes the course. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Recognise the benefits of SMPTE ST 2110. * Describe SMPTE ST 2110. * Explain how the SMPTE 2110 standards work. * Compare and contrast SMPTE 2110 and SMPTE 2022. SMPTE 2110 TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working in broadcast. * Prerequisites: IP broadcast fundamentals * Duration 1 day SMPTE 2110 TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction The all IP studio. Review of IP and RTP. Role of SMPTE, SMPTE 2022, What is SMPTE 2110, SMPTE 2022 versus 2110, SMPTE 2110 parts, multiplex standards, 2110 separate streams, Video, Audio, ANC. Essences. * Separate streams and synchronisation The old way, blackburst, time code, DARS. SMPTE 2110-10, ST2059, PTP, PTP architecture, PTP accuracy, How PTP works, Offset and delay PTP clock types, Hardware time stamping SDP. Hybrids. * Uncompressed video SMPTE 2110-20, 2110-21. Image support, raster sizes, bit depth, active video and no blanking, bandwidth and bandwidth savings, pgroups. Timestamps. Packing modes. Packet sizes, pixels per packet. * Audio SMPTE 2110-30, 2110-31, PCM, AES3. Allowed versus required. Channels and streams. * Ancillary data SMPTE 2110-40, RFC on RTP payloads for ST 291 ancillary data.

SMPTE 2110 for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally



By Systems & Network Training

REST AND RESTCONF TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to REST and RESTCONF using Python. The course progresses from how to use them onto how they work and then looks at using them from within Python all the time on network devices. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain what REST and RESTCONF are. * Use the REST API on network device. * Use RESTCONF. REST AND RESTCONF TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers. * Prerequisites: Python for network engineers. * Duration 1 day REST AND RESTCONF TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Using REST Curl, Browser plugins, Postman, RESTClient, Python. Hands on Using the REST API on network devices. * What is REST? What is REST? Architecture, APIs, RESTful APIs, APIs over HTTP/HTTPS, URIs, resources, HTTP methods, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. CRUD. Comparison with other APIs. Hands on REST analysis with Wireshark. * Rest conventions Passing parameters, return values, HTTP status, JSON. XML. Hands on Configuring REST on network devices, changing format of responses, POST requests, using parameters. * Configuring network devices with REST Invoking multiple RPCs. Hands on Device configuration with REST. * The request library RESTFUL APIs in Python, the request library, Installation, example to retrieve the interface configuration. Hands on Using the Python requests library on network devices. * RESTCONF What is RESTCONF? YANG and NETCONF, relationship with REST, RESTCONF URIs, A RESTCONF example with ietf-interfaces, RESTCONF responses. PATCH. Hands on Using RESTCONF to update a network device configuration.

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential SD-WAN


By Systems & Network Training

ESSENTIAL SD-WAN TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION SD-WAN is rapidly growing in use. This vendor neutral course starts with an introduction to what SD-WAN is and when it is useful. Each main area of SD-WAN is then studied in more detail to enable delegates to recognise the technologies used in SD-WAN and then use this information to evaluate SD-WAN products. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe what SD-WAN is (and isn't). * Explain how SD-WAN works. * Evaluate SD-WAN products. * Compare and contrast SD-WAN with other technologies such as MPLS, Ethernet, SDN, NFV and WAN optimisation. ESSENTIAL SD-WAN TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn about SD-WAN. * Prerequisites: Network fundamentals. * Duration 1 day ESSENTIAL SD-WAN TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is SD-WAN? What is SD and SDN? What is WAN? Branch/ Office. MPLS, MPLS vs Internet, Ethernet, Broadband, LTE/4G, Cable, Satellite. The impact of the cloud. Single console, Dynamic path selection, automation. Why SD-WAN? * Single console Network management, orchestration, administration. Example GUI interfaces. Northbound and southbound APIs. * Dynamic path selection SD-WAN transports, Overlay networks, security. VPNs, IPsec. QoS and prioritization. Policies, traffic path rules. Application specific routing, bonding, optimisation. * Automation Time saving, removing errors. Zero touch, ZOOM, ZTP. The role of the orchestrator. Real time monitoring of the network. APIs. * Architecture and products Hardware solutions, software solutions, virtual appliances. Clouds. SD-WAN edge devices, SDWAN controllers, Orchestrators. HA and SD-WAN. Riverbed, Cisco, Juniper, others. * Summary SD-WAN doesn't replace MPLS, virtualisation and SD-WAN. Relationship with SDN and NFV. SDWAN versus WAN optimisation.

Essential SD-WAN
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total sFlow for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

TOTAL SFLOW TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A comprehensive hands on course covering sFlow. The course starts with the basics of flows moving swiftly onto configuring sFlow and studying the information it provides. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe sFlow. * Use Nmap. * Recognise how sFlow can be used. * Describe the issues in using sFlow. * Compare SFlow with SNMP and NetFlow. TOTAL SFLOW TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with sFlow. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers. * Duration 1 day TOTAL SFLOW TRAINING COURSE CONTENT * What is SFlow? Where to monitor traffic. Packet based sampling, Time based sampling. Adaptive sampling. Flow samples, Counter samples. Hands on Wireshark flow analysis. * Getting started with sFlow sFlow configuration. Enabling sFlow. Per interface. Hands on Accessing sFlow data using the CLI. * sFlow architecture SFlow agents and collectors. When flows are exported. Distributed sFlow architecture, subagents. sFlow reporting products. SolarWinds. Hands on Collector software. * sFlow features and benefits Troubleshooting with sFlow, controlling congestion, security and audit trail analysis. Hands on Using sFlow. * sFlow versus other technologies Flows. sFlow impact and scalability. sFlow versus SNMP and RMON, SFlow versus NetFlow/IPFIX. Hands on Advanced sFlow configuration.

Total sFlow for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Streaming telemetry for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

STREAMING TELEMETRY TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to streaming telemetry. The course progresses from a brief look at the weaknesses of SNMP onto what streaming telemetry is, how it differs from the xflow technologies, the data formats available and how to configure it. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe streaming telemetry. * Explain how streaming telemetry works. * Describe the data presentation formats available. * Configure streaming telemetry. STREAMING TELEMETRY TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers. * Duration 1 day STREAMING TELEMETRY TRAINING COURSE CONTENT * What is streaming telemetry? SNMP weaknesses, Netflow, sflow, polling and the old models, push vs pull, What is streaming telemetry? * Telemetry streaming architecture Model driven versus event driven telemetry, subscriptions, publications. Periodic versus on change, model selection and scalability. Telemetry streaming protocols TCP, UDP, SSH, HTTP, HTTP2, NETCONF, RESTCONF, gRPC, gNMI. * Models and Encoding The role of YANG. YANG models and tools. XML/ NETCONF, JSON/RESTCONF, JSON over UDP. Protocol buffers/gRPC. * Google Protocol Buffers Decoder ring, protocol definition file. GPB-KV, GPB-Compact. Keys. * Streaming telemetry configuration Router: Destination, Sensor, subscription. Collector: YANG models, .proto file. Pipeline. ELK: Consume, store, visualise streaming data. * Collection tools APIs, YANG development Kit, Downstream consumers, influxdata, Grafana, Kafka, Prometheus, others.

Streaming telemetry for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total FabricPath for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

TOTAL FABRICPATH TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A comprehensive look at Cisco's FabricPath. This course starts with the problems in traditional switched networks then moves onto to how FabricPath solves these problems. As IS-IS is key to loop free topologies in FabricPath networks, this protocol is also studied. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain the benefits of FabricPath. * Explain how FabricPath works * Explain the role of IS-IS in FabricPath. * Integrate FabricPath into existing networks. TOTAL FABRICPATH TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with FabricPath. * Prerequisites: Definitive Ethernet switching for engineers * Duration 1 day TOTAL FABRICPATH TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is FabricPath? Layer 2 versus Layer 3, STP problems: One path, convergence, MAC explosion. Frame routing. Shortest path. Comparison with TRILL. * FabricPath architecture Core and edge, VLANs, vPC+. * IS-IS Link layer IS-IS, SPF trees, traffic management. IS -IS extensions for FabricPath. ISIS TLV. * FabricPath forwarding Routing table, Switch IDs, multi destination trees, IGMP snooping. Roots. MAC versus switch tables. FabricPath Dynamic Resource Allocation Protocol (DRAP). * FabricPath frames Encapsulation, frame format, Switch ID, Forwarding tag. * Miscellaneous Basic configuration, interoperation with STP, TCN forwarding

Total FabricPath for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive SRv6 for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

DEFINITIVE SRV6 COURSE DESCRIPTION This one day SRv6 training course is a condensed, intensive program designed to provide network professionals with a fast-track introduction to SRv6 (Segment Routing over IPv6). SRv6 is a revolutionary networking technology that combines the power of IPv6 with the flexibility of Segment Routing, enabling efficient and scalable network operations. In just one day, participants will gain essential knowledge and practical skills to understand, configure, and work with SRv6 in modern network environments. Hands on sessions are used to reinforce the theory rather than teach specific manufacturer equipment. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain packet paths when implementing SLB. * Explain how SRv6 works. * Explain the difference between SR and SRv6. * Implement SRv6. * Troubleshoot SRv6. DEFINITIVE SRV6 COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers, architects, and administrators who want to quickly grasp the fundamentals of SRv6 and its practical applications in their network. * Prerequisites: Definitive Segment Routing for engineers * Duration 1 day DEFINITIVE SRV6 COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction to SRv6 What is SRv6? Source based routing, difference between SR-MPLS and SRv6. IPv6 headers review, routing headers. SRv6 simplified solution. Hands on Enabling IPv6 in the legacy network. * SRv6 transport Segment Routing Extension Header. SRv6 segment identifiers. End SID, End.X SID. ISIS distribution of SIDs. Header processing in a SRv6 topology. Locators. Hands on Configuring SRv6 transport. Analysing SRv6 operation. * SRv6 services End.DT4 SID, End.DT6 SID. SRH encapsulation modes: Insert and Encap modes. SRv6 TE policy. Hands on Migrating to SRv6, TI-LFA protection. Micro loop avoidance. * SRv6 integration with 'older' technologies MPLS. The role of iBGP and eBGP v6 sessions. Hands on Integration with legacy network. * Troubleshooting SRv6 SRv6 ping and traceroute. Hands on: Used throughout the course during exercises.

Definitive SRv6 for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally