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291 Network & Security courses in Belfast

Linux fundamentals LPI 010


By Systems & Network Training

LINUX FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to using the Linux operating system with a focus on the command line. Appropriate for all versions of Linux. The starting point for all Linux work, we concentrate on the technical aspects rather than issues such as using browsers. The course is heavily practical in nature. The course can be run on any Linux distribution you wish. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe Linux. * Log in and use Linux commands to perform a variety of tasks from manipulating and printing files to looking at and killing processes. * Create and edit files with vi. * Recognise the role of the administrator. * Write simple shell scripts. * Customise the user environment. LINUX FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anybody who needs to use a Linux system. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days LINUX FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is Linux? Operating systems, Linux flavours, Linux distributions, open source software. * Getting started Logging in, changing passwords, logging out. * Linux basics Command structure. The Linux manuals, basic commands (who, date, tty, uname, echo, banner...) * Filesystem commands Home directories, manipulating files and directories, Filesystem layout, Pathnames, hard and symbolic links. Viewing files. * The Linux editors ed, vi, shell escapes, .exrc * Extracting data from files grep, find, cut, sort and paste... * Permissions Theory, chmod, chown, newgrp.. * Processes ps, kill, background processes, at, exec, priorities. Managing Linux log files. * The Shell Metacharacters, piping and redirection. * Basic shell scripting What are shell scripts? Simple scripts, control structures. Variables. Arguments. * Customising your environment Environmental variables, stty, .profile and other startup files * More shell features Bash and other shells, the history facility, command line editing, aliases, job control, miscellaneous features. * Introduction to administration The root user, su. Managing users and groups * Archiving files Backups, tar, cpio, dd, gzip. * Linux and hardware Main hardware components, Linux device drivers. * Connecting to a network IP configuration, ifconfig, ping, netstat, traceroute, dig.

Linux fundamentals LPI 010
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Intro to data communications & networking


By Systems & Network Training

DATA COMMS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on training course introducing the concepts of data communications, moving on to covering both LAN and WAN technology. Quizzes are used extensively to ensure material has sunk in and to maximise learning time. Hands on sessions ensure that by the end of the course delegates have made cables, built LANS and WANS, configured TCP/IP, switches and routers. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use the seven layer model to classify networking buzzwords. * Build and troubleshoot Ethernet, LAN/WAN and WiFi networks * Explain the difference between switches and routers. * Connect networks with routers. DATA COMMS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who requires a technical introduction to networks. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days DATA COMMS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What are networks? What is data communications? What are networks? Types of network, LANs, LAN choices, WANs, WAN choices, PANs, SANs, MANs, connecting networks. Internetworks, the internet, clouds. * Networks and standards Standards bodies, ISO, ITU, IEEE, IETF, OSI 7 layer reference model, TCP/IP and OSI, ping and the 7 layer model, encapsulation, fragmentation. * The physical layer Transmission media: Copper, Fibre, RF, UTP, Cat 5/5e/6/7..., RJ45, straight and cross over cables. Coax, Fibre cable & connectors, SFP, MMF, SMF, radio spectrum, frequencies, ranges, noise and electrical distortion, repeaters. Hands on Cabling, ping. * Bandwidth Definition, Bits, bytes, speeds, simplex, half/full duplex, a/symmetrical, aggregation, latency. Calculating bandwidth requirements. * The Data Link layer Frames, classifications, standards, LAN/WAN layer 2 technologies (Point to point, virtual circuits). * Ethernet What is Ethernet? 802.3, evolution from CSMA/CD, choosing cables, topologies, NICs, MAC addresses. Ethernet frame format. Hands on Analysing Ethernet frames. * Ethernet switches Connecting multiple devices, switches work at layer 2, Switches vs. hubs, simultaneous conversations, full duplex, MAC address database, how switches work, switch benefits, loops, STP. Console ports. Hands on Switches and WireShark, configuring switches, broadcast storms, STP. * VLANS What are VLANs, why have VLANs. Hands on The effect of VLANs on network traffic. * Wireless LANs Type of wireless network. WiFi, 802.11b/g/n/ac, WiFi6, antennae, interference, 802.11 frame format, CSMA/CA, half duplex, Wireless Access Points, security. Hands on Building a WiFi network. * WANS WAN architecture, WAN types, service providers, access equipment, DTE, DCE, core equipment, WANs and the 7 layer model, choosing a WAN. * WAN access Point to point, multi access, Internet, phone lines, leased lines, xDSL, broadband architecture. DOCSIS, FTTH, PON, SD-WAN. Older technologies (if required): Modems, ISDN, 64k, E1, TDM. * Packet switched networks Packet switching, virtual circuits, Hub & spoke, partial & full mesh, MPLS, MPLS and routers, Why MPLS? MPLS -TE, MPLS VPN, Internet VPN. Older technologies (if required). * Service provider technologies Transport plane, SDH, SONET, WDM, CWDM, DWDM, DWDM architectures, OTN. * TCP/IP Definition, protocols, services, internetworking, the Internet, intranets, IAB, RFCs, IP header, IP addressing, subnet masks, IPv6, TCP, UDP. Hands on IP address and subnet mask configuration. * Routers What are routers? Routers vs switches, when to route and when to switch, default gateways, routing tables, static routes, routing protocols. Firewalls, how firewalls work. Hands on Router configuration, tracert. * Applications Clients, servers, web, HTTP, Email, resource sharing, IM, VoIP, Video over IP, terminal emulation, ftp, ssh. Hands on telnet

Intro to data communications & networking
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

UNIX fundamentals


By Systems & Network Training

UNIX FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to using the UNIX operating system focussing on the command line. Appropriate for all versions of UNIX. The starting point for all UNIX work, we concentrate on the technical aspects rather than issues such as using browsers. The course is heavily practical in nature. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe UNIX. * Log in and use UNIX commands to perform a variety of tasks from manipulating and printing files to looking at and killing processes. * Create and edit files with vi. * Recognise the role of the administrator. * Write simple shell scripts. * Customise the user environment. UNIX FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anybody who needs to use a UNIX system. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days UNIX FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is UNIX? Operating systems, UNIX flavours, UNIX features. * Getting started Logging in, changing passwords, logging out. * UNIX basics Command structure. The UNIX manuals, basic commands (who, date, tty, uname, echo, banner...) * Filesystem commands Home directories, manipulating files and directories, Filesystem layout, Pathnames, hard and symbolic links. * The UNIX Editors ed, vi, shell escapes, .exrc * Extracting data from files grep, find, cut, sort and paste * Permissions Theory, chmod, chown, newgrp.. * Processes ps, kill, background processes, at, exec, priorities. * The Shell Metacharacters, piping and redirection. * Basic shell scripting What are shell scripts? Simple scripts, control structures. Variables. Arguments. * Customising your environment Environmental variables, stty, .profile and other startup files * More shell features Bash and other shells, the history facility, command line editing, aliases, job control, miscellaneous features. * Introduction to administration The root user, su and tar * Archiving files Backups, tar, cpio, dd, gzip. * Unix and hardware Main hardware components, Unix device drivers. * Connecting to a network IP configuration, ifconfig, ping, netstat, traceroute, dig.

UNIX fundamentals
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Advanced UNIX shell programming


By Systems & Network Training

ADVANCED UNIX SHELL SCRIPTING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A follow on hands on course from the Introduction to shell programming course covering the powerful sed and awk tools along with the extra Korn shell programming features. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use regular expressions within grep, ed and many other utilities. * Use awk and sed. * Integrate sed and awk into shell scripts. * Recognise the role of shell scripts within the UNIX system. * Write shell scripts using new Korn shell features including: * The select construct * Arrays * Arithmetic evaluation ADVANCED UNIX SHELL SCRIPTING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Programmers developing applications under UNIX. Administrators who need time saving utilities. Technical personnel who wish to make the most out of the Korn Shell. * Prerequisites: UNIX shell scripting * Duration 3 days ADVANCED UNIX SHELL SCRIPTING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Regular Expressions What are REs? How can they be used? How to write REs * More REs e REs Tagging, matching words, repetitions. * The sed editor Basic usage: Saving output, options. sed script files, sed commands, Specifying lines to edit, Hold space and pattern space, advanced commands * Awk Basic usage, nawk script files, Patterns, Records and fields, Actions if, while, do, for... System variables NF, NR, RS... Arrays Functions length, printf, cos, user defined... Using nawk in shell scripts * Korn shell scripts Review of Bourne shell scripts functions... Variables typeset, manipulating strings Arrays Arithmetic evaluation the let command, (( )), typeset -i The select construct Syntax, workings, REPLY, PS3 Miscellaneous Enhanced I/O, ${10}

Advanced UNIX shell programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Microsoft Access


By Systems & Network Training

MICROSOFT ACCESS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course providing a solid grounding in Microsoft Access. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use and customise the Microsoft Access environment. * Select, use and customise queries. * Define tables. * Design forms and reports. * Recognise the use of macros. MICROSOFT ACCESS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to work with Microsoft Access. * Prerequisites: Database fundamentals * Duration 3 days MICROSOFT ACCESS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introducing databases Flat file databases, Relational databases, the objects defined in an Access database, planning a simple relational database. * Open Access and create a database The database wizards, tables, creating and amending tables, using field properties to improve the quality of data entry and system performance, the primary key. * Working in datasheet view View, add, modify and delete records, find records. Advantages and disadvantages of entering data directly into a table. * Queries Sort and select records form a single table, advantages and disadvantages of entering data via a query, define simple calculated expressions, use 'Totals' queries. * Forms Use the form wizards, basic editing of objects created using the form wizards, Data-entry in form view. * Reports Use the report wizard, basic editing of objects created using the report wizard, print reports. * The multi table environment Plan and create a related table, define a one-to-many relationship, write multi-table queries and use the 'AutoLookup' feature, use the form wizard to create a subform and carry out data-entry in a main/subform, print and amend reports, use the report wizard to create reports based on multi-table. * Relationships Working with one-to-one and one-to-many relationships, recognising and handling many-to-many relationships, referential integrity. * Select queries Select queries based on related tables, parameter queries, Crosstab, find unmatched queries and Find Duplicate, the implications of the Join properties in a relational query, conditional expressions, and working with the expression builder. * Action queries Make table queries, append queries, update queries, delete queries. Customising forms. Using the Toolbox, calculated controls, Combo and List boxes, query by form, working with form and control properties, domain aggregate functions. * Reports Report and control properties, customising sorting and grouping, calculated controls on reports, Sub-reports, editing and altering a report's source. * Macros Introduction to macros.

Microsoft Access
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

PC fundamentals


By Systems & Network Training

PC FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A basic introductory course for those who have never worked with PCs before. The principle target audience is for those who will become PC support people. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Cable PCs. * Perform preventive maintenance on PCs * Run Windows and start applications. * Use Microsoft Office applications. * Customise Windows. PC FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone new to PCs. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 3 days PC FUNDAMENTALS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * PC hardware Overview of components inside a PC, cabling up a PC, preventive maintenance, cleaning mice, hardware screen controls, booting a PC. * Windows overview Versions of Windows, Starting Windows, logging on, shutting down. * Using Windows The desktop, the start menu and submenus, getting help, shutting down Windows, switching between applications, sizing and controlling windows, special keys on the keyboard. * Accessing files and folders Folders and files, Windows explorer, IE, creating, viewing and manipulating folders, creating, viewing and manipulating files, permissions, bits and bytes, the recycle bin, undeleting and undoing, formatting floppy disks, using floppy disks * DOS Accessing DOS, basic DOS commands, drives. * Microsoft Office Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, emails, browsing the Internet, printing files, managing print queues. * Printing Overview, printing, properties * Customisation Customising the task bar, customising the start menu. The control panel, mouse and display properties, Desktop settings, setting the date and time. * Networking overview Workgroups and domains, Accessing file and print resources

PC fundamentals
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Introduction to SQL


By Systems & Network Training

INTRO TO SQL TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course focusing on the use of SQL. In particular this course does not concentrate on any particular version of SQL but rather enables delegates to recognise the differences found in SQL on different platforms. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain the difference between standard SQL and different flavours. * Use SQL statements to query databases. * Use SQL statements to define databases. INTRO TO SQL TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with databases. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 2 days INTRO TO SQL TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is SQL? What is SQL? History, standards, What is SQL used for? Dialects, ANSI SQL, PL/SQL, Transact SQL, front ends. * Database basics RDBMS, Tables. Hands on Investigating a database. * Basic SQL commands SQL Overview: SQL DML, SQL DDL, SQL queries. SELECT, WHERE and ORDER BY clauses. Combining conditions. IN, LIKE and BETWEEN. Hands on Querying a database from existing tables. * SQL data retrieval Scalar functions. Hands on Selecting data from an existing database. * More SQL data retrieval Scalar functions, variations. Aggregate functions, GROUP BY. HAVING. Hands on Selecting data from an existing database. * Table joins Multiple tables, joins, keys, inner joins, left joins, right joins. Hands on Selecting data from an existing database. * SQL basic data manipulation INSERT, UPDATE, MERGE, DELETE. Transaction controls: COMMIT, ROLLBACK. Hands on Modifying data in tables. * SQL Data Definition USE, CREATE, DROP, TRUNCATE, ALTER. Hands on Managing new tables and columns. * Data control GRANT, REVOKE. Hands on Defining permissions.

Introduction to SQL
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Advanced Kibana


By Systems & Network Training

ADVANCED KIBANA TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This training course is aimed at users who already have some experience with Kibana, who are looking to further their knowledge. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Lens * Timelion * Maps * Custom Visualisations with Vega * Canvas * Filters and Controls * Drilldown and Dashboards * KQSL and ElasticQueries * Scripted and RunTime Fields * Alerts and Alarms ADVANCED KIBANA TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Users who already have some experience with Kibana, who are looking to further their knowledge. * Prerequisites: None * Duration 1 day ADVANCED KIBANA TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS Topics * Lens Visualisation types (tables,bars,charts) Category breakdown Adding multiple metrics Using formulas in metrics Labels Adding reference layer Limitations * Visualise Library Timeseries, Metrics Different types of aggregations * Maps GeoMapping Heat Maps Using ES index as data source Visualisation, tool tips * Custom Visualisations with Vega Introduction to vega scripting * Canvas Widgets and Texts Elasticsearch SQL Canvas Expressions * Filters and Controls Dropdown filters Ad-hoc filters Searchbar filters * Drilldown Dashboards Linking one dashboard to another * KQSL and ElasticQueries Bool Query AND/OR Phrase Part match vs keyword search Wildcard search * Scripted and RunTime Fields Creating ad-hoc calculated fields using scripts Performance issues * Alerts and Alarms Query Based Formatting output Connector types(email,index,teams etc)

Advanced Kibana
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential DWDM


By Systems & Network Training

DWDM TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A concise overview of Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) with both Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing (CWDM) and Dense Wave Division Multiplexing (DWDM) being covered. The course starts with a review of the relevant elements of fibre transmission and multiplexing before then studying WDM components and architectures. Reliability, resilience and management are then followed by WDM services and futures. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain the benefits of WDM. * Describe Dispersion and four way mixing. * Describe the different WDM equipment components. * Describe different WDM architectures. * Explain How DWDM works. DWDM TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with CWDM/DWDM. * Prerequisites: Telecommunications Introduction * Duration 2 days DWDM TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Fibre communications review Optical transmission, Fibre characteristics, Fibre component parts. Multi Mode Fibre (MMF). Single Mode Fibre (SMF). Fibre connections. Lasers. Attenuations, dispersion, optical signal noise ratios (OSNR) and their effects. Channel Spacing and Signal Direction. Limiting factors to single wavelength. * WDM overview Multiplexing, TDM, WDM benefits. WDM standards. CWDM vs. DWDM. Four Wave Mixing (FWM). Impact and countermeasures to FWM on WDM. * CWDM ITU G.694.2, channels, channel spacing. * DWDM ITU G.694.1, channels, channel spacing. * WDM Equipment Components Equipment components and building blocks. Optical Terminal Multiplexers (OTM). Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers (OADM). Adding versus dropping. Optical Amplifiers. Erbium Doped Fibre Amplifiers (EDFA). Transponders and Combiners. WDM/DWDM Hubs. Optical and Electrical Cross Connects (OXCs/DXCs). Types of Cross Connects (Transparent/Opaque). Advantages and disadvantages of various Optical cross connects. * WDM Architectures WDM network sections. Point-to-Point, Optical switches, mesh, ring and star topology. Example of combined WDM and other technology network. Wavelength converting transponders, 1R, 2R, 3R. * Protection for WDM Sub 50ms failover. Equipment protection. Card protection. Y cable, Splitter protection. Far end laser control. Line protection. OMSP 1+1, OMSP 1:1, OMSP 1: N. Self healing optical ring. Sub Network Connection Protection (SNCP). Automatically Switched Optical Networks (ASON). * WDM Management Options In band management. Out of band management. The Optical Supervisory Channel (OSC). OSC capabilities. * WDM services WDM Access. Bit rates, Transparent Networks. Modulation, DQPSK. SDH over WDM. Migrating from SDH to DWDM. Ethernet over WDM, IP over WDM. * Optical Transport Networks G.709, 'digital wrapper', Optical Channel Payload Unit (OPU), Optical Channel Transport Unit ( OTU), Optical Channel Data Unit (ODU). OTU1, OTU2, OTU3, OTU4. * WDM Futures All optical amplification, Raman amplification, distributed, lumped. Bit rates. Solitons. Coherent technologies.

Essential DWDM
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

SDH foundation


By Systems & Network Training

SDH TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Our SDH training course is designed for those with a basic knowledge of the principles of telecommunication digital transmission techniques. An overview of the existing transmission hierarchies and their limitations is provided with an introduction to the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH). The advantages of SDH are explained fully. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Identify the major limitations of the PDH network. * Outline the advantages of using the SDH. * Illustrate the various SDH equipment and network topologies. * Describe the principles of the SDH multiplexing structure. SDH TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with SDH. * Prerequisites: It should be noted that this course will assume some basic telecommunication transmission knowledge from the delegates attending. This may be accomplished by attending the Introduction to Telecommunications course. * Duration 2 days SDH TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction to SDH Timing and synchronisation of digital signals, the plesiochronous digital hierarchy (PDH), the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH), service protection with SDH * SDH Multiplexing Techniques The multiplexing principles of SDH, mapping and aligning a 2Mbit/s tributary into a TU-12, aligning the VC-12 in a TU-12, multiplexing TU-12's into a TUG-2, multiplexing TUG-2's into a TUG-3, multiplexing TUG-3's into a VC-4, the VC-4 path overhead, the STM-1 frame, the AU-4 pointer, the STM-1 section overheads, multiplexer section protection, transmission at rates higher than STM-1, concatenation line transmission functions in SDH * SONET Multiplexing Techniques Mapping a DS1 tributary into a virtual tributary, aligning the VT-SPE into a VT frame, mapping the VTGs into a STS-1 SPE, the STS-1 synchronous payload envelope, the STS-1 frame SONET network sections and lines transmissions at higher rates than STS-1 * SDH Functions and Facilities SDH network topologies, structure of SDH equipment, synchronisation of SDH networks, protection switching in SDH networks, SDH alarm structure, SDH performance monitoring, testing of SDH, equipment and systems, network management and SDH, asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), future services and technologies * OSI Telecommunications Network Management Definition of network management, managing telecom equipment, the managed object library, the management information base, the telecommunications management network (TMN), the Q3 protocol.

SDH foundation
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally