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86 Mental Health courses in Birmingham

Training with Birmingham Settlement

By Birmingham Settlement

Birmingham Settlement are running a programme of training sessions between April and July 2024. All sessions are half-a-day and are an excellent opportunity to learn about important topics, starting with Adult Safeguarding on the 18th April.  If you are interested in any of the courses or would like more information, contact our Trainer David Coombes via email david.coombes@bsettlement.org.uk [david.coombes@bsettlement.org.uk] or by phone 07399 560 766. Training Sessions: Adult Safeguarding April 18th 9.15am – 12.30pm (Sports & Community Centre, Kingstanding) Training will include: What is Adult Safeguarding? What is abuse? Categories of abuse. Those most at risk of abuse. Identifying the signs of abuse. Taking safeguarding action. The issue of client consent. Mental Health Awareness April 23rd 9.30am – 12.45pm (Nature & Wellbeing Centre, Ladywood) Training will include: Defining mental health and mental illness. Signs and symptoms of the most common mental health conditions. Identifying and responding to a mental health crisis. Maintaining positive mental wellbeing. How best to support mental health recovery. Trauma Informed Practice May 14th 9.30am – 12.45pm (Nature & Wellbeing Centre, Ladywood) Training will include: What is trauma? Symptoms of trauma. Impact of trauma on children. Understanding the impact of Adverse Childhood experiences. Key principles of trauma informed practice. Managing work stress and undertaking self-care. Professional Boundaries May 23rd 9.15am – 12.30pm (Sports & Community Centre, Kingstanding) Training will include: What are professional boundaries and why are they important? Professional vs Personal boundaries and how they differ. How trauma impacts personal power and the ability to establish boundaries. Signs of boundary violations. How boundaries support wellbeing. Conflict Resolution June 6th 9.15am – 12.30pm (Sports & Community Centre, Kingstanding) Training will include: Defining conflict and exploring the risks vs the benefits of conflict. Looking at anger and aggression. Understanding how the brain responds to threat and danger. Exploring the practical communication strategies effective in the prevention and de-escalation of conflict. Learning to respond rather than react. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion June 11th 9.30am – 12.45pm (Nature & Wellbeing Centre, Ladywood) Training will include: The Equality Act and protected characteristics. Different forms of discrimination. How ‘membership’ of specific groups might bring advantage or disadvantage. Understanding the ‘multi layered’ nature of discrimination. Understanding how diversity and inclusion can positively impact and change what we do. Dementia Awareness July 9th 9.30am – 12.45pm (Nature & Wellbeing Centre, Ladywood) Training will include: What is dementia? The different types of dementia. The signs and symptoms of dementia. Risk reduction strategies. Benefits of early diagnosis. Barriers to diagnosis, treatment, and support. How we can help. Disability Awareness July 18th 9.15 – 12.30pm (Sports & Community Centre, Kingstanding) Training will include: Defining disability, disability as a social construct, non-visible disabilities. Barriers facing those with disabilities and the positive actions and reasonable adjustments we all can make to create more inclusive and less discriminatory environments.

Training with Birmingham Settlement
Delivered In-Person in Birmingham + 1 more locations3 hours 15 minutes, Jul 9th, 08:30 + 1 more

Mental Health First Aid - 2 day


By Strongmind Resiliency Training Ltd

Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAiders®) are vital to helping boost employee wellbeing as we adjust to a completely changed workplace environment.

Mental Health First Aid - 2 day
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Andover & 1 more

Become a Mental Health First Aider (MHFAider®) and receive 3 years of certification and ongoing benefits. This 2-day course will teach you how to identify signs of poor mental health and confidently provide support. Delivered via Zoom or in person. Includes workbook/manual, e-certificate, and 3yr access to MHFAider® Support App and learning opportunities. Enquire for more details

Mental Health First Aid
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Sheffield

Mental Health Awareness


By Magpie Training

Mental health awarenss course

Mental Health Awareness
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Consett

Mental Health Skills for Managers


By Changing Minds Training

This is a practical and immersive course for people managers which provides you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to have effective conversations with staff about mental health and wellbeing.

Mental Health Skills for Managers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London

Mental Health "First Aid" Course (£695 total for this 1-day course for a group of up to 12 people)

By Buon Consultancy

Mental Health "First Aid" Training

Mental Health "First Aid" Course (£695 total for this 1-day course for a group of up to 12 people)
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Edinburgh

Supervising First Aid for Mental Health Course-Two Day - Classroom Setting

By Samina Arshad

Learn how to provide first aid for mental health in a classroom setting over two days, starting on April 23, 2024, at 9:00 AM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supervising / Managers First Aid for Mental Health Course - Two Day - Face to Face Join us for a comprehensive Supervising/Managers First Aid for Mental Health Course in a friendly and interactive classroom setting! This two-day event is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to provide effective mental health support. This means the skills to start a conversation surrounding mental health and implement a positive mental health culture in the workplace. Date: Tue 23rd and Wed 24th Apr 2024 (Requirement to attend both days for qualification) Time: 09:00:17:00 (British Summer Time)/Both days Location: Moseley Exchange,149-153 Alcester Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 8JP Are you in a Leadership or Management Position? Are you a Team Leader or in a supervisor role at work? Is it time to make a difference at work and improve the wellbeing and productivity of your employees/staff and teams. Are you empowered, ready, able and willing to take the challenge on and make an impactful change to impact culture change at work? Then read on... Why train and become a Designated First Aider for Mental Health/Supervisor/ Lead? * A major challenge being high levels of work absence due to poor mental health still remains problematic. * The UK is at risk of becoming a ‘burnt-out nation', mental health charity warns and calls for action. This means that early intervention and support by the UK Government is needed to intervene and better support the workforce. * Life outside work has become increasingly difficult to balance, people are living to work not wokring to live anymore, due to the cost-of-living crisis , pressures on public services, these contributory factors are fueling stress, anxiety, social anxiety and episodic feelings of hopelessness. * A recent survey revealed in the past year, more than a third of adults faced extreme pressure in the workplace. Futhermore, complicated by the fact that the nation is within the transition period of recovery from the pandemic, long term covid, high churn in redundancies, lack of job security, financial econmic crisis impacting on cost of living for all. The survey also found that: * 35% of people were not comfortable voicing concerns about pressure and stress to line managers/supervisors or company leaders, with 31% saying bullying and intimidation/pushiness by colleagues had been a leading cause of their stress in the last year. (49%) almost half of workers suggested their employers did not have a plan in place to spot signs/triggers of chronic stress. * In addition to this, YouGov poll of 2,060 adults- 1,132 whom are workers - 35% stated they had experienced high/extreme levels of pressure at work, this meant 20% requiring time off due to poor mental health caused by work related stress/stressors in the past year. * Although public attitudes, understanding and views towards mental health and work have changed in response to the pandemic, hence still alot more to be done! * Together we can do more and make an impactful difference, both towards our own mental health/resillience and the Public Mental Health, Mental Growth and Wellbeing of others. Source:https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/other/uk-at-risk-of-becoming-a-burnt-out-nation-mental-health-charity-warns/ar-BB1h2e4u? During this course, you will learn practical techniques for identifying and supporting individuals experiencing mental health issues. Our experienced instructors will guide you through various scenarios, allowing you to practice your skills in a safe and supportive environment. A range of subjects are covered including: * What is First Aid for Mental Health? * Identifying mental health conditions * Providing advice and starting a conversation * Drugs and alcohol * First Aid for Mental Health conditions * First Aid for Mental Health in the workplace * A large range of Mental Health conditions are covered in detail. This course goes into detail on a wide range of mental health conditions and the support and help provided by healthcare professionals. This course is aimed at those within a supervisor/manager level within the workplace, as the designated First Aider for Mental Health. By the end of the course, you will gain the confidence to supervise and manage mental health situations, providing invaluable assistance to those in need. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of mental health and make a positive impact in your community! You will leave with your Mental Health First Aider Toolkit and confidence to create a mentally healthy workplace impacting culture, behaviours, breaking norms/stigma. Your tool-kit will include a certificate and digital badge/manual to add to your Personal/Professional Development Portfolio/CPD will be issued on completion of this course. Refreshments will be provided. Paid parking is available (attendees are responsible for paying parking fees)

Supervising First Aid for Mental Health Course-Two Day - Classroom Setting
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Mental Health First Aid Course - Adult - Full Day -Classroom Setting

By Samina Arshad

Learn the skills, gain confidence on how to provide essential first aid for adult mental health in a full-day interactive classroom setting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mental Health First Aid Course - Adult - Full Day - Face to Face Join us for a comprehensive Mental Health First Aid Course designed for adults. This full-day, in-person event will equip you with the knowledge and skills to support individuals experiencing mental health challenges. Why train and become a Mental Health First Aider? * The UK is at risk of becoming a ‘burnt-out nation', mental health charity warns and calls for action. This means that early intervention and support by the UK Government is needed to intervene and better support the workforce. * A major challenge being high levels of work absence due to poor mental health still remains problematic. * A recent survey revealed in the past year, more than a third of adults faced extreme pressure in the workplace. Futhermore, complicated by the fact that the nation is within the transition period of recovery from the pandemic, long term covid, high churn in redundancies, lack of job security, financial econmic crisis impacting on cost of living for all. * YouGov poll of 2,060 adults- 1,132 whom are workers - 35% stated they had experienced high/extreme levels of pressure at work, this meant 20% requiring time off due to poor mental health caused by work related stress/stressors in the past year. * Although public attitudes, understanding and views towards mental health and work have changed in response to the pandemic, hence still alot more to be done. Together we can do more and make an impactful difference, both towards our own mental health and the Public Mental Health and Wellbeing of others. Source:https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/other/uk-at-risk-of-becoming-a-burnt-out-nation-mental-health-charity-warns/ar-BB1h2e4u? Date: Tue Apr 23 2024 Time: 09:00:17:00(British Summer Time) Location: Moseley Exchange, 149-153 Alcester Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 8JP During this course, you'll learn how to identify common mental health issues, offer initial help, and guide individuals toward professional support. Our experienced trainers will cover a range of topics, including anxiety, depression, substance misuse, self-harm, drug and alcohol, and the First Aid for Mental Health Action Plan. A range of subjects are covered including: * What is First Aid for Mental Health? * Identifying mental health conditions * Providing advice and starting a conversation * Drugs and alcohol * First Aid for Mental Health conditions * First Aid for Mental Health in the workplace By attending this course, you'll gain the confidence and skills to provide immediate assistance to someone in need. Whether you're a concerned friend, family member, or part of a community organization, this training will empower you to make a positive impact on mental health. Join us at Moseley Exchange for an engaging and interactive day of learning. Together, let's break the stigma surrounding mental health and create a supportive environment for everyone. You will leave with your Mental Health First Aider Tool-kit including a certificate and digital badge/manual to add to your Personal/Professional Development Portfolio/CPD will be issued on completion of this course. Refreshments will be provided. Paid parking is available (attendees are responsible for paying parking fees)

Mental Health First Aid Course - Adult - Full Day -Classroom Setting
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

1 Day First Aid for Mental Health

By Prima Cura Training

First Aid for Mental Health 1-day course stands at the forefront of addressing the crucial aspect of mental well-being. Designed to equip individuals with essential skills and knowledge, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of mental health first aid.

1 Day First Aid for Mental Health
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

First Aid for Youth Mental Health Course -Full Day - Classroom Setting

By Samina Arshad

Learn how to provide essential first aid for youth mental health in this full-day, interactive classroom course. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Aid for Youth Mental Health Course Full Day - Face to Face Join us on Thursday, April 25, 2024, at 9:00 AM - 17:00 PM in Moseley, Birmingham, UK for an insightful and interactive full-day classroom course on First Aid for Youth Mental Health. This event is designed to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to support young people facing mental health challenges. Led by experienced professionals/trainers in a relaxed and friendly environment, this course will cover various topics including identifying common mental health issues, understanding self-harm and suicide risks, and providing appropriate support and guidance. Through engaging discussions, practical exercises, and real-life case studies, you'll gain valuable insights into the complexities of youth mental health. Why become a Youth Mental Health First Aider/ Young People's Champion for Mental Health? Since the pandemic, young people are experiencing evenmore distress and stress from a much earlier age and much sooner in life, than previous generations before them. Facts and figures provdied by much needed survey's by mind and many other charities and organisations make the case, click on the link below for much needed support and this means supportive conversations about mental health in the community, at home and within schools/colleges/universities. Young peope as young adults are ever so experiencing life changes and many still dealing with bottled up emotions and feelings of their rapid transition / trauma and change in life style, change in schooling, change in living and learning environments bought about by the pandemic. Social anxiety and social isolation is on the increase amongst young people and reducing social confidence and eroding communication, with young people becoming overly digitalised, that in the future may lead to a dis-benefit in a future work setting/engaging , collaborating with a wider audience. Futhermore, many young people feeling the pain/despair of loosing aloved one, one or more grandparent/close blood relation at a earlier age in life as a result of the pandemic and feeling that void and gap in their personal lives at a very young age of not having a grandparent/adult family members in their lives to bounce and flourish of/enjoy that inter-generational learning/ empowerment/inspirational experience that lays the foudnations of healthy growth/parenting by parents and care givers during their childhood. Many may have never had the opportunity to be able to talk about their experiences and express their loss during the pendemic. Link : Facts and figures about young people and mental health - Mind [https://www.mind.org.uk/about-us/our-strategy/doing-more-for-young-people/facts-and-figures-about-young-people-and-mental-health/] Who should attend? This qualification is suitable for anyone who actively connects with children such as parents, carers, teachers, youth group leaders and young adults. Learners will gain the knowledge and skills to identify a potential mental health condition, start a conversation and provide support and guidance to professional help. A range of subjects are covered including: * What is first aid for youth mental health? * Identifying mental health conditions * Stress * Mental health conditions * Drugs and alcohol * First aid action plan for mental health With limited spots available, it's essential to secure your place early. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of youth mental health and make a positive impact in the lives of young people. Register now to reserve your spot! You will leave with your Mental Health First Aider Toolkit including a certificate and digital badge/manual to add to your Personal/Professional Development Portfolio/CPD will be issued on completion of this course. Refreshments will be provided. Paid parking is available (attendees are responsible for paying parking fees)

First Aid for Youth Mental Health Course -Full Day - Classroom Setting
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Educators matching "Mental Health"

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