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80 Influence courses in Coventry

Influencing for Leadership and Management

By Dickson Training Ltd

We often find ourselves working in fast-paced matrix environments, working in/with virtual teams or simply trying to get something done by someone in another part of the business. This common aspect of our working lives has a common challenge: how to influence other people to help us or do something for us, when they don't report to us. Pulling rank or strong nudging might work once, but we need to build a supportive and collaborative relationship over the long term. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT DOES THIS COURSE OFFER? Fortunately, there are really effective tips for influencing, and our program offers an influencing model in detail. Through activity and discussion we explore how you can apply these principles and use it when you need help from other people. Even when we are not in a leadership position it can sometimes be extremely difficult to get people's help, especially when we have no authority over them. This is where an approach and an influencing model can help us identify what we and other people value in a given influencing situation. We can then explore that information so that everyone can view and pursue a common purpose. This course will enhance and promote the skill set necessary for any leader or manager, allowing our in-depth influencing knowledge to be applied into your working environment. From an employer's perspective this award can be a significant long-term return on investment by developing your leaders and managers. Our learning experiences are successful because the outcomes are quickly embedded and demonstrate an immediate visible impact on the day-to-day working environment. Our engaging learning inspires employees to want to personally add value to the companies they work for. We also offer our Paradigm Trait-Map™ online assessment and report as a frame of reference for your own influencing styles and that of others. This assessment should be completed before attending the program, and will be expanded upon during the program delivery. COURSE CONTENT The Influencing for Leadership and Management course covers the following topics: * Two key influencing models that you can apply back in your daily work * Different types of influencing * How to create the right environment for influencing * Barriers you may face and how to overcome these barriers ACCREDITATION ACTIVITY Our accredited tutors deliver training that encourages delegates to confidently and practically apply all they have learnt as soon as they get back into the business. To achieve this award, delegates need to prepare and deliver a 3 minute presentation* on the highlights of their learning and immediate application avenues when back in their working environment. *Participants will be given 30 minutes during the program to prepare for their 3 min presentation at the end of the program. SCHEDULED COURSE DATES Unfortunately this course is not currently scheduled as an open course as it is primarily run as an in-house programme. For more information, please contact us. IN-HOUSE COURSES This is our own management training course which has been developed and refined over the many years we have been providing it to delegates from organisations in virtually every industry. This means that the course syllabus is extremely flexible and can be tailored to your specific requirements. If you would like to discuss how we can tailor this management training course for you and/or run it at your premises, please contact us.

Influencing for Leadership and Management
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Bardsey & 4 more
Price on Enquiry

Dealing with Difficult People Training Course UK


By Live And Learn Consultancy

Our Dealing with Difficult People Training provides your team with communication skills to handle challenging situations, identify early warning signs & triggers, whilst creating more positive outcomes.

Dealing with Difficult People Training Course UK
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Sheffield
Price on Enquiry

Leadership Skills Training for Employees


By Live And Learn Consultancy

Our Leadership Skills Training Course will help your employees gain a deeper insight into your role as a leader whilst ensuring you confidently motivate, inspire & lead your team.

Leadership Skills Training for Employees
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Sheffield
Price on Enquiry

Professional Customer Care

By Dickson Training Ltd

Any team member with Customer interaction (including internal) are the 'Ambassadors' of the company/organisation. If they project positive professionalism - they win others' confidence. If they appear or sound like they are in any way indifferent or unprofessional - they will cost sales and lose clients/customers. With this 2 day Training course, that will be tailored to your company/organisation, each person attending will upgrade their professional standards in people skills, telephone manner and email etiquette. No training in this area may well be a false economy as there is a much greater risk of disenfranchised customers and team members - and probably increases your competitors to win business at your expense. Professional customer care is all too frequently regarded as a token issue in most induction sessions for employees. Surprisingly it is very rarely considered as a key priority, despite being essential for ensuring customer commitment is secure and supplier/partnerships are robust. Excellent customer care is paramount in our ever increasingly competitive market and making customers feel valued and looked after is often a differentiator. This 2-day course will help you understand your customers and the vital importance of customer care in any organisation. You will gain the tools and techniques to apply your learning directly back into the workplace and deliver excellent customer care. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course Syllabus The syllabus of the Professional Customer Care course is comprised of four modules, covering the following: Module One What is Excellent Customer Care? * Internal versus external customers * Why customer care is important * Meeting customer expectations Module Two Making a Personal Difference * How do you measure customer care? * Making a difference * Taking ownership * Positive mental attitude * Displaying professionalism both face-to-face and over the telephone * Using positive language Module Three Gathering Information and Offering Solutions * Asking the right questions * Active listening skills * Summarising and clarifying skills Module Four * Dealing with Difficult Situations * How to give a 'service' no * Demonstrating empathy * Assertiveness techniques * Handling a complaint * Problem solving * Saying 'sorry' * Making realistic promises and keeping them -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real Play Scenarios with a Professional Actor (Optional Extra) This programme benefits significantly from our innovative training feature: Real Play. Using a professional actor who performs role plays as different customer characters in carefully devised situations, the delegates have the opportunity to 'pause' the role play to coach and control their character to improve their skill sets and practice the theory delivered. These scenarios can deal with difficult situations and enacting options to ensure good customer relations are intact. The outcome of the scenario is the responsibility of the delegates, not the trainer and actor. The actor will remain in character throughout the de-brief in order to bring to life the impact and possible next steps. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives By the end of the course participants will be able to * Adopt a professional telephone manner * Communicate assertively by taking control and directing the conversation * Deliver information positively by offering options and alternatives * Develop a range of versatile behaviours to use when dealing with difficult situations by: * Listening actively * Using empathy * Gathering relevant information through effective questioning * Finding solutions to concerns/problems quickly and efficiently * Speaking positively and assertively -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS THE BENEFIT? For individuals this course will increase confidence and ability to deal with customers in all situations, which will in turn create customer loyalty and raise their profile. For an employer, ensuring that all customer facing employees are demonstrating excellent customer care instils confidence in the customers and promotes a positive image of the company. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN-HOUSE COURSES Every single team member or employee that has a role which involves engaging with a customer, client and/or a key partner/supplier has a responsibility for projecting a positive image of the organisation which they represent. That may sound obvious, but how many hundreds of experiences have you had as a customer where you were treated with indifference and a distinct lack of professionalism by the receptionist, the retail assistant, the tele-agent, the delivery person, the credit controller or the departmental manager of the operation that you were dealing with? Far too many to count? This is because professional customer care is regarded as a token issue in most induction sessions for employees - and it is very rarely considered as a key priority to ensure customer commitment is secure and supplier/partnerships are robust. Yet the hugely expensive churn in customer/client commitments and staff is enormously expensive and immensely disruptive to any organisation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE IMPORTANCE OF CUSTOMERS AND CLIENTS Every client/customer engaging person needs to recognise that it is ultimately the client or customer that pays their wages. If they gain a basic understanding of the clients' motivations and behaviours, coupled with some core skills in how to care for them, they will attain the status of 'professional'. This will very quickly translate into increased revenues, retained loyalty, high commitment and far greater security for all parties. The foundation has to be based on the authentic commitment to both the customer and also to the organisation they work for. Disenfranchisement readily curdles into sloppy behaviours cloaked in unprofessional attitudes and demeanours; plenty there to repel the most loyal of customers. If your company or organisation relies on repeat business and retaining the confidence and commitment of your clients, then all of your team members - perhaps including managers who set the example and have the biggest influence on the where the needle points to in relation to professionalism - need to be trained on the core basics of professional customer care. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMER CARE PROGRAMMES FROM DICKSON TRAINING LTD We are delighted to boast about the many successes we have had in providing effective and long lasting improvements for many clients, where awards have been won and, more importantly, talent has been retained because their clients and customers keep on coming back. Professional customer care extends to suppliers and partners that you value and need to get the best service and rates from, as well as any 'internal clients' such as other departments where you need to rely on their support and collaboration in order to achieve your goals. It is amazing what effective professional customer care training can do for any organisation. Without it your organisation may be vulnerable, with it you are much more likely to see increased performances and much greater security and growth. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULED COURSES Unfortunately this course is not one that is currently scheduled as an open course, and is only available on an in-house basis. Please contact us for more information.

Professional Customer Care
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bardsey & 4 more
Price on Enquiry

Our team of Construction industry experts provide business management training for leaders and business owners across England and Scotland -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS GROWTH ACADEMY The Power Within Training is dedicated to helping construction-based business owners and construction management throughout England, Scotland, and Wales achieve more than they believed possible. Our construction business training is designed to develop owner-managers and help them create the future they want. To ensure business growth, we have a dedicated team of industry professionals to give unique support specific to the skills, traits, and challenges found within Construction. This programme was created to help you push and elevate your business to the next level. Contact us to register for our construction business training. EXPLORE OUR CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS GROWTH COURSE We created the Business Growth Academy for business owners like you to grow and develop their businesses in a more controlled and sustainable way. To ensure growth, our construction business training is a series of six training modules focused on business growth, leadership, and financial management. Most of our participants are business owners looking to get the tools needed to spend more time working on their business while generating more profitability to ensure consistent business growth. The Power Within Training uses the latest business growth strategies, which allow you to identify, modify and quickly implement our easy-to-follow business-building tools and techniques designed around the construction and property development industry. Whether you are a business owner or an aspiring construction and property development entrepreneur, our Construction Management Course will provide the tools and techniques to drive your business forward and achieve sustainable growth. Join us at the Business Growth Academy and unlock your full potential. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE GOAL OF OUR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT TRAINING Our goal with this training is to provide you with the tools you need to take control of your business. This allows you to use the latest strategies and ensure the smooth growth of your construction business. The construction management training we offer is a three-month course with new modules available twice monthly, delivered via Zoom or in person. These modules are designed to work around your schedule. After, you’ll have a 39-hour CPD certification thanks to our CITB skills & training courses. Overall, our fully funded construction management training will help you place the proper foundation, allowing you to build a more substantial and focused business that’s centred around constant growth and profits while future-proofing your business. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS GROWTH ACADEMY THE BENEFIT OF OUR BUSINESS GROWTH ACADEMY As you go through our training, you’ll delve into each module and the critical steps and tools. These include how to plan, organize, and control construction operations, all designed to provide you with a well-rounded view of your business. Not only will you get the tools you need to ensure your construction business growth, but you’ll also get access to benefits such as lifetime access to your online interactive training portal, entrance into a private social and professional networking group, pro bono coaching, and mentoring from industry experts and leaders. Here are some additional benefits of our construction management training: REGISTER YOUR INTEREST TODAY * You’ll build a personalised 12-month business development plan that keeps you focused on high-value activities, ensuring you remain on track to grow. * Tools and techniques to not only measure but also increase your profitability within your business. These tools help you ensure that you’re never leaving money on the table again. * Learn, develop, and nurture self-management and leadership strategies that you can work on and in your business to help you from chasing your tail or burning out. * You’ll develop unshakeable confidence in your business’s ability to grow and become the kind of entrepreneur that chooses the customers they want to work with, meaning customers who are driven by value, not by price. * Gain valuable leadership and self-development skills, which encourage learning for life. * Lastly, you’ll no longer wonder, “what if?” You’ll have the knowledge and understanding to keep unlocking and growing your business’s true potential. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S INCLUDED IN THE PROGRAMME COURSE OVERVIEW As we’ve mentioned, our business management course is designed to be completed over three months, with two courses being released monthly. These are designed to be done on Zoom or in person and are flexible around your busy schedule. Our modules were created to be easy to understand while providing the resources needed to elevate your construction business. Here is a more in-depth look at what to expect from our modules: Module 1: The C.O.D.E Breaker: The Business Fundamentals This module will encourage you to deep dive into your why and break the business C.O.D.E. You’ll be shown the importance of knowing why you started the business, how you can build a business while remaining authentic, and what needs to be done to ensure you create and support a solid foundation moving forward. During this module, you’ll discover how to successfully build a business in the construction industry, from the fundamentals and foundations to the growth. Lastly, we’ll review your vision, values, and purpose, show why these are critical areas, and allow you to establish a real business for you and your customers. Module 2: Your M.E.N.T.A.L Agility: The Entrepreneurial Mindset With this module, we’ll focus on self-leadership and how you should constantly be developing the ‘inner game’ or minder and the ‘outer game’ or action. The inner game consists of intention, self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-efficacy. These must be used to achieve personal mastery, while the outer game consists of influence and impact. M.E.N.T.A.L. agility is your key to all success and failure, meaning that without leading yourself, you’ll never find business success. For us, your M.E.N.T.A.L. agility is made of five key components that enable you to transition from owning a business to thinking and planning like an entrepreneurial business owner. Module 3: The T.I.M.E Multiple: Working ON or Working IN The point of this module is to help you understand that you can’t manage your time; you can only manage your use of time or your self-management skills. It’s vital to have strong self-management skills to be more successful at work. We’ll explore ways to help maximise your time and identify your High Payoff Activities. The T.I.M.E. multiplier is about accepting that you cannot do everything yourself. Instead, it would be best if you focused on your high-payoff activities. Our goal is to teach you to say it’s okay to say no. We’ll show you the importance of recognising the significance of all your decisions. Along with that, we focus on unique planning and defining processes to bring the future into the present. Module 4: The Business P.R.O.B.E: The Numbers Game Understanding your finances is essential as it allows you to make informed decisions that have the potential to make significant impacts on your business, growth, and even your bottom line. We want you never to leave money on the table again. When you know the difference between markup and margin, fixed and variable costs can make the difference between owning a business and the business owning you. Understanding your business numbers will increase your revenue and profitability and even grow your business. Module 5: High-Performance T.E.A.M.S: The Well-Oiled High-performing teams are more than a group that works together. A high-performing team has clear priorities and purposes and shares an understanding of how each team member or subcontractor prefers to approach work. The foundation of a high-performing team or business starts with trust. The development starts with creating an environment where leaders and team members can openly disclose which strengths they feel they bring to a team and what support they need to be their best selves. Truth is that all people’s problems directly reflect the business owner’s leadership and management. When a team doesn’t do things your way, they probably have no idea what your way is. Module 6: G.O.A.L.S: Setting & Defining the Accountability System Everyone works best with clearly defined goals, from completing a refurb on a budget or growing your construction business to over 10M annual profit. Remember the old saying, through a goal with a plan, is just a wish! We’ll teach you our tried and tested process for setting and achieving your objectives by focusing on what matters most. Reviewing your daily, weekly, and monthly goals, we can help you make high performance a habit. Best of all, you’ll create a detailed 12-month business development plan to get your personal and professional goals moving in the right direction. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEET THE CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS TRAINING PRESENTERS DERRICK MATHESON: TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AND TRAINER OF BUSINESS GROWTH ACADEMY A seasoned business owner, Derrick understands the challenges UK construction and property development professionals face. We have crafted a targeted program that simplifies growth, empowering entrepreneurs with easy-to-implement strategies.  Derrick’s mission is simple: to empower and equip ambitious entrepreneurs and professionals with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive in today’s competitive market. The Business Growth Academy is a testament to his dedication, offering an innovative, step-by-step business-building process that demystifies the complexities of growth and unlocks the full potential of your enterprise. STUART MASON: BGA’S BOLD TRAINING MANAGER, LEAD TRAINER, AND AUTHOR OF “HOW TO WRECK YOUR BUSINESS  Stuart, the fearless BGA Training Manager and Lead Trainer has turned his business failures into powerful lessons for others. As the author of “How To Wreck Your Business,” Stuart shares his hard-earned wisdom to help business owners avert the same pitfalls that led to the demise of his own company on its 20th anniversary. Stuart’s approach is refreshingly direct and unapologetically abrupt, cutting through the noise to deliver real-world insights that make a difference. Don’t expect a dry lecture on business theory from a dusty textbook; instead, Stuart offers a ‘streetwise’ perspective that is both practical and actionable, pushing you to uncover the answers that will make your business shine in a competitive market.

Business Growth Academy
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Motherwell
Price on Enquiry

New business and lead generation (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Generating new leads and new business can be both time-consuming and frustrating. It's not easy - it takes skill, careful preparation and the creation of effective models and methods, even perhaps using formal approaches and scripts. Once generated, a new lead or enquiry must also be carefully managed to maximise the potential revenue it can generate. But it's crucial to get it right. If your company can afford not to worry about getting new business - congratulations! If your company is completely confident that it is performing at peak potential in generating new leads - again, congratulations! But if your company is working in the real world, couldn't your team do with some help, to become even just that little bit more effective, to make the process just that little less painful? This highly practical, intensive workshop gives sales teams the proven strategies and tactics they need to build a sustainable new business pipeline. This course will help participants: * Develop a clear and consistent process for new business development and lead-generation * Master the secret of effective new business development and lead-generation - 'only sell the appointment or next stage of the sales process, not your product or service' * Set and achieve the right level of new business development and lead-generation activity to achieve your personal and organisational sales goals * Apply the key principles of effective prospecting and pipeline management using a proven toolkit and approach * Overcome the most common 'put-offs' when conducting telephone or face-to-face business-development and lead-generation activities * Develop an engaging telephone voice and manner - and a 'networking personality' * Qualify potential opportunities with more accuracy on a consistent basis * Prioritise opportunities and manage their time when sourcing new business * Discover online sources of leads, contacts and referrals * Overcome psychological blocks to cold or warm calling - theirs and the client's * Identify potential prospects - and decision-makers and influencers within target prospects - with greater accuracy * Make outbound sales or appointment calls with improved confidence, control and results * Improve the conversion of calls to appointments by using more effective questions and sales messages * Get past gatekeepers and assistants more effectively * Make the most of your CRM software and systems 1 ONLINE MARKETING - WHAT WORKS! * Workshop overview and learning objectives * Choosing your social media channels * LinkedIn for sales and marketing * Designing and implementing an effective new business email campaign online * Creating a lead-generation strategy online - with case studies * Avoiding common mistakes in social media marketing * Case study: 'Best practice in social media sales and marketing' * Using blogs and video-based marketing (eg, YouTube) * New trends and how to keep your finger on the 'social media' pulse * Twenty essential websites and online marketing tools 2 MAKING APPOINTMENTS BY TELEPHONE * Planning the call, telephone techniques, integrating with email and online marketing * Developing a clear and consistent process to appointment-making * Setting and achieving the right level of telephone activity to achieve your appointment goals * Applying the key principles of effective prospecting and pipeline management generation, using a proven toolkit and approach * Overcoming the most common 'put-offs' to seeing or engaging with you * Overcoming psychological blocks to cold or warm calling - yours and the client's * Identifying potential prospects - and decision-makers and influencers within target prospects - with greater accuracy * Making outbound sales or appointment calls with improved confidence, control and results * Improving conversion of calls to appointments by using more effective questions and sales messages * The five keys to developing an engaging telephone voice and approaching manner 3 POWER NETWORKING * Strategies for networking and B2B referral-based marketing * The importance, and different types, of networking * How to work a room - preparation and strategy * Communication dynamics in networking - the power of the listening networker * Assumptions when networking * Business networking etiquette * Making connections, asking for cards, contact details and referrals, gaining follow-up commitments * Building relationships - follow-up and follow-through 4 DEVELOPING NEW LEADS * Strategies for first-time sales calls * Gaining rapport and opening first-time and new business sales calls effectively * Advanced consultative selling - questioning techniques to quickly and efficiently uncover opportunities, need areas and preferences * Presenting your solution to a new or first-time customer - creating an enthusiastic and compelling personalised and persuasive summary of your proposal * Value message - differentiate your solutions clearly and accurately, with tailored value statements * Presenting the right initial USPs, features and benefits and making them relevant and real to the customer * Smart ways to position price, emphasise value and be a strong player without being the cheapest or leading on price * Learn and use advanced techniques to determine customer needs, value and decision-making criteria in depth on a first-time call 5 ORGANISED PERSISTENCE - CRM AND PROSPECT-TRACKING * Organised persistence - sales tracking, following up on 'sleeping' customers, gaining referrals, time and territory management * Maintaining a good database for maximising new business ROI * Developing a contact strategy with different types and levels of contact * Analysing your contact base using state-of-the-art software and tools * Making the most of your CRM systems and solutions * Understanding that your attitude makes a difference when sourcing new business * Setting SMART objectives for new business development and lead-generation * Practical exercise - setting personal development and business goals * Time management tips to improve daily productivity * New business pipeline management strategies for peak sales performance 6 WORKSHOP SUMMARY AND CLOSE * Practical exercise - developing your new business action plan * Review and feedback

New business and lead generation (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Mental Health First Aid (MHFAider) (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Mental Health First Aid (MHFAider) is an internationally recognised training course that teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. We don't teach people to be therapists, but we do teach people how to respond in a crisis, and how to reach out before a crisis happens. The training gives people tools to support themselves and each other, so everyone can talk about mental health and seek help when needed. As an MHFAider you will be able to: * Recognise those that may be experiencing poor mental health and provide them with first-level support and early intervention * Encourage a person to identify and access sources of professional help and other support * Practise active listening and empathy * Have a conversation with improved mental health literacy around language and stigma * Discuss the role in depth, including boundaries and confidentiality * Practise self-care This course is ideal for those who would like to become an MHFAider to: * Gain the knowledge and skills to spot signs of people experiencing poor mental health * Be confident starting a conversation and signpost a person to appropriate support * Alongside the best evidence-based Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training, MHFAiders are also provided with three-year access to ongoing learning and support through the MHFAider Support App 1 INTRODUCTION TO MHFAIDER (3 HOURS 30 MINS) * MHFA and the MHFAider role * Introduction to the MHFAider Action Plan 'ALGEE' * What is Mental Health? * Helpful and unhelpful language * Undersign our Frame of Reference, understanding how we make sense of the world * Understanding stress & the Stress Container 2 UNDERSTANDING MENTAL HEALTH (4 HOURS) * What influences mental health? * The Mental Health Continuum * What is anxiety? * What is a traumatic event? * Active listening and empathy * What are eating disorders? * What is self-harm? * What is substance misuse? * MHFA conversation practice 3 MHFAIDER IN PRACTICE (4 HOURS) * Applying ALGEE * What is depression? * What is suicide? * What is psychosis? * MHFA conversation practice 4 NEXT STEPS (3 HOURS) * Recovery and lived experience * Applying ALGEE * Boundaries in the MHFAider role * MHFA conversation practice * Moving forward in the MHFAider role and your MHFA action plan * Self-care

Mental Health First Aid (MHFAider) (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

The professional project manager (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The aim of this programme is to provide current / prospective senior project managers with an in-depth review of the role and importance of project management in the organisation. It focuses on the strategic role of the project manager and aims to draw out the full scope of the role and how it impacts on project performance. The five key objectives of this programme are to enable the participants to: * Identify the characteristics and attributes needed by project managers in ensuring the organisation is recognised as an industry leader in delivering successful projects * Understand the full scope and impact of the project manager / leader's role in managing projects or programmes to maximise benefit to the business * Define the hallmarks and skills required to manage significant business projects or project portfolios * Develop an understanding of the skills required and their impact on the project through case study work and syndicate exercises * Benefit from an effective forum for exchanging experience and fostering a sense of team spirit and mutual support between senior project managers DAY ONE 1 INTRODUCTION (COURSE SPONSOR) * A vision of future opportunities and challenges * The impact of project managers / leaders on future success 2 THE DETERMINANTS OF SUCCESS * The contractor's perspective * The client's perspective * Success and failure: factors that determine the project outcome * The impact of the project manager 3 CASE STUDY: PROJECT GIOTTO * How successful was this project? * What were the primary factors that influenced the outcome? * How relevant are these factors to current projects? * Feedback and review 4 PROJECT TEAM EXERCISE * A practical exercise demonstrating the role of the project manager in managing the interfaces between the client, the project team and suppliers * Review - what skills are required to be a 'world class' project manager? 5 THE ROLE OF THE PROJECT MANAGER * The role and skills of the 'world class' project manager * The three key dimensions of effective project leadership * Managing influential stakeholders * Managing project performance * Managing the project team * Project leadership skills appraisal (individual review) DAY TWO 6 MANAGING INFLUENTIAL STAKEHOLDERS * Project management and the art of leadership * Who are the influential stakeholders and how do they affect the project? * What we need to do / not do, to build successful working relationships 7 CASE STUDY: UNDERSTANDING THE CUSTOMER * What are the likely problems the project manager will encounter? * What should the project manager do to ensure an effective partnership? 8 MANAGING PROJECT PERFORMANCE * Issues affecting commercial performance * Joining up the project life-cycle: getting performance from inception to closure * The roles of project manager, line manager and project sponsor 9 PROJECT TEAM EXERCISE: MAKING THE PROMISE / DELIVERING THE PROMISE * An exercise demonstrating the commercial and team leadership skills needed by the project manager * Review - what must the project manager do to optimise project performance? 10 MANAGING MULTI-FUNCTIONAL PROJECT TEAMS * The challenges of building effective, multi-functional project teams * Co-ordinating work across functional and organisational boundaries * Maintaining strategic focus and balancing priorities 11 MAKING IT HAPPEN * Individual action planning * Syndicate discussion 12 COURSE REVIEW AND TRANSFER PLANNING (COURSE SPONSOR PRESENT) * What will we do differently? * How will we make it happen? * Conclusion

The professional project manager (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Key account management (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This programme has a simple objective: to help a sales team create and implementa comprehensive account development plan. If you want to earn strategic partner or preferred supplier status with your clients and customers then you need to add value to their business, consistently, and you can only do this if you have a plan - a key account management plan. This programme will help participants: * Discover opportunities - through a deeper understanding of the customer's business * Develop partnership - through a better 'value proposition' for the customer * Increase repeat business - based on higher customer satisfaction * Improve synergy - by getting everyone to 'sing from the same hymn sheet' * Develop a collaborative account plan - validated by the customer and their own management * Secure resources - management will align resources to execute soundly based account plans * Win an increased share of 'customer wallet' - through systematic account development 1 THE SIX PRINCIPLES OF STRATEGIC ACCOUNT DEVELOPMENT * Introduction to the PROFIT account development model: * - Performance * - Relationships * - Objectives and goals * - Feedback * - Integration * - Teamwork * Practical account development strategies: overview and case studies 2 PERFORMANCE * Use practical tools to help you manage and measure account performance and success * Design and build a monthly account dashboard for all sizes of account * Prioritise and manage accounts and customers pro-actively and successfully, using proven planning tools * Develop a cross-selling strategy to integrate products or solutions into the customer's business as closely as possible 3 RELATIONSHIPS * How to build and manage key relationships within an account * Qualifying and managing key influencers accurately * Producing a 'relationship matrix' for each account quickly and easily * Approaching and developing new contacts strategically * Tools and techniques for successful tracking of contacts and call-backs * Developing a coach or advocate in every customer organisation pro-actively 4 OBJECTIVES AND GOALS * Where are you now? - how to establish your competitive position within an account * Know how to set, monitor and track key objectives for accounts over the short, medium and long term * Selling against the competition - developing both long- and short-term sales strategies 5 FEEDBACK - BUILDING LOYAL AND SATISFIED CUSTOMERS * The correct way to manage customer expectations and create listening loops within an account * How to monitor and track your customer's perception and satisfaction with your organisation * Building a personalised satisfaction matrix for each account * Customer review meetings - best practice in building loyalty by regular joint planning events * Understanding the concept of long-term customer value and the importance of adapting a customer-focused attitude 6 INTEGRATION * How to integrate your products or solutions with the customer's business needs and processes * Spot and react to early warning signals that may cause an account's loyalty to fade, reduce revenue or switch to a competitor * Developing a loyalty strategy for key accounts or groups of smaller accounts * Getting your message and strategy across to C-level contacts 7 TEAMWORK * Working with others to achieve your account goals * Gaining internal commitment from your organisation * Managing and working with a virtual team * Creating cross-departmental communication loops 8 PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER * Personal account reviews * Personal learning summary and action plans

Key account management (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

The Sales Accelerator (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The Sales Accelerator programme is a fresh approach to improving business development productivity. It focuses on identifying and using a series of business productivity metrics in order to build a clear action plan for improving sales results - typically within 90 days. The metrics are grouped under three headings: The basic principle is that a small improvement in each area can lead to a significant increase in sales results and productivity. And the object of the programme is to show how best to achieve that. The programme therefore looks at each of these three areas in turn, spending a day on each. Suitable for any and all businesses and all levels of experience and expertise, this is a remarkably practical and hands-on programme. During the workshop, participants discuss, review and apply many proven sales and marketing techniques and personal selling ideas. The goal is to generate and commit to changes and actions that can lead to a 10-30% increase in the next three to six months. There's also a consultancy option, rather than the workshop-based programme. See below for details. DAY ONE - ACTIVITY Key objective This first module introduces the Sales Accelerator model. The goal here is to show participants how to increase their pro-active activity levels by around 10%. It covers all aspects of creating new business opportunities, from existing customers and non-customers alike, and is linked to personal activity improvement goals. Main elements * Improve the productivity, accuracy and effectiveness of your business approach by using new and unique models and techniques. * Different methods of creating and generating new business opportunities in the short, medium and long term. This includes sourcing new business, up-selling, cross-selling, warm calling and gaining referrals. * Using organised persistence to track and build new customer revenue. * Managing your sales time effectively. Key learning points * Sales productivity - understand the dynamics of increasing the combination of activity levels, deal value and conversion rate of proposals/quotations to orders and implement an improvement plan. * Sales goal setting: setting business development objectives for quantity and quality - plus tips and tricks of top performers. * Maintain a peak activity level, on a consistent basis using 'organised persistence' and structured business development tracking methodology. * How to prioritise opportunities and manage your time when sourcing new business. * Identify potential new customers - and particularly the decision-makers and influencers - with greater accuracy. * Make outbound business or appointment calls with improved confidence, control and results. DAY TWO - VALUE Key objective To be able to better anticipate, identify, create, and develop business opportunities using a customer / client-focused communication-based business model and consultative skills. Main elements * How to develop sales more effectively from new and existing customers; and managing the first appointment with a new customer. * Use structured and assertive drawing-out skills to identify, develop and formalise business opportunities and to gain commitment. * How to better position your company and your products and services against your main competitors. * Create and deliver persuasive business messages based on specific need areas, criteria and value. Key learning points * Advanced consultative selling - use a variety of structured and advanced questioning techniques to confidently and efficiently uncover opportunities, need areas and business criteria - confidently and efficiently. * Involve the customer/client at all times, and to a far greater degree, and keep better control of business development process. * Value message - differentiate your solutions clearly and accurately with customer/client-matched value statements. * Presenting the right USPs, features and benefits and making them relevant and real to the customer. Qualification and reading buying signals. DAY THREE (HELD AROUND FOUR WEEKS AFTER THE FIRST MODULE) - CONVERSION Key objective This module looks at how to improve the final qualification, progression and conversion of opportunities in your sales pipeline. Also includes price negotiation, overcoming objections and obstacles to gaining agreement. The module begins with a learning review, sharing participants' experiences over the last four weeks in applying the new techniques and skills acquired during the first two modules. This is an opportunity to revisit particularly challenging areas as well as to share and celebrate successes. Main elements * Structuring and preparing for negotiating a deal and knowing when and how to move into the 'end-game' mode. * Anticipate and answer customer objections and questions more confidently. * Build more credibility and proof into your business process to reduce 'buyer's remorse' and speed-up decision-making. * Being more assertive and developing better instincts and strategic thinking in progressing quotations and proposals. Key learning points * Smart ways to position price, emphasise value and be a strong player without being the cheapest. * Becoming more assertive in closing deals, and the importance of organised follow-up on the telephone. * Qualify pipeline opportunities with more accuracy, using a proven check-list. * Use an 'option generator' to simplify complex proposals, increase business value and close business faster. * Writing more effective sales proposal documents and quotations. * How best to draw-out, understand, isolate and answer customer objections, negotiate points and concerns. * Practical methods of asking for agreement and closing a sale

The Sales Accelerator (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

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Talent Engaged Tuition Services

talent engaged tuition services



Rather than just signing you up for tuition, we like to sit down with parents & students to learn more about them. What do you enjoy? What challenges you? Only by understanding these things can we help children develop an organised, efficient and effective learning mentality. Mentoring & advice We understand that making decisions about education and careers can be difficult and stressful. That’s why we’re always happy to offer students advice– especially those studying GCSE and A-Levels — to help them navigate subject and career options. Bespoke syllabus Like private schools, we have dedicated Subject Coordinators building our bespoke syllabus (fully aligned to the National Curriculum and major exam boards like AQA, OCR and Edexcel). This central control allows us to plan lessons for the entire year and cover everything students need to learn for exams. Assessment every 6 weeks After 5 weeks of learning a particular set of topics, students are tested on week 6 to assess how much they’ve learnt. The results show us where the student is successful, but also gives us an idea of where there is room for improvement so that we can reinforce those topics. Homework for every lesson Every student receives approximately 30 minutes worth of homework for each hour of tuition. We find it’s a good amount of work that will keep their brains stimulated outside of school & tuition, without being too stressful. Parent conferences Want regular updates about how your child is progressing? Every 12 weeks we organise a parent conference, allowing parents to catch up with tutors and ask any questions. Qualified & experienced tutors We only use UK qualified and experienced tutors that are either active/experienced school teachers, or industry professionals like trainee doctors, dentists and engineers that are currently working in their respective fields. Small classes Schools can overcrowd classrooms with 25-30 children at one go, making it difficult to give them individual attention. Our centre maintains an average of 6-8 students per class so that everyone gets the support they need to succeed.