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By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing our Local Relationship Counselling Services Package – a comprehensive solution designed to strengthen and nurture your relationship. At Miss Date Doctor, we understand that every couple’s needs are unique, which is why we offer a range of tailored services to cater to your specific requirements. With the flexibility to choose any of our offices, we ensure convenience and accessibility for all our valued customers. Our team of expert relationship coaches is dedicated to helping you navigate through the challenges and complexities of modern relationships. Our Local Relationship Counselling Services Package covers a wide array of areas, addressing common concerns and providing guidance in the following key areas: Communication Enhancement: Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Our coaching package equips you with valuable tools and techniques to improve communication, fostering greater understanding and connection between you and your partner. Conflict Resolution: Conflicts are inevitable in relationships, but how we handle them can make all the difference. Our relationship coaching services provide you with valuable insights and strategies to resolve conflicts amicably, promoting harmony and mutual growth. Trust Building: Trust forms the foundation of a healthy relationship. Our experienced coaches will guide you through exercises and discussions aimed at rebuilding trust, overcoming past issues, and cultivating a stronger bond. Intimacy and Emotional Connection: Enhancing intimacy and fostering emotional connection are vital for a fulfilling relationship. Our package offers guidance on building intimacy, reconnecting on a deeper level, and reigniting the spark that initially brought you together. Goal Setting and Future Planning: Together, we’ll help you and your partner identify shared goals, clarify individual aspirations, and work towards building a shared vision for the future. Our relationship coaching services provide a roadmap for aligning your ambitions and creating a fulfilling life together. By choosing our Local Relationship Counselling Services Package, you’re investing in a supportive and confidential environment where you and your partner can explore your relationship dynamics and work towards a happier, healthier future. Our commitment to personalized care, coupled with the freedom to select the most convenient office location for your sessions, ensures that you receive the best possible support for your unique relationship journey. Don’t let the challenges of maintaining a fulfilling relationship overwhelm you. Take the first step towards a more harmonious partnership by opting for our Local Relationship Counselling Services Package today. Trust in our expertise, and let us guide you towards a happier, more fulfilling relationship. 1 hour 3 sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/local-relationship-counselling-services-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/local-relationship-counselling-services-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Coaching sessions

By Sinéad Robertson

Simply speaking, Life Coaching is about raising awareness of how we can move from A to B. Sometimes we don't know what place B is, and we can use Coaching to gain clarity on what B looks and feels like. Life Coaching is non-directive, which means as a Coach, I help you to unlock your potential rather than tell you what to do. The experience creates a space for accountability and motivation to take positive action. ​ My role as your Holistic Coach is to provide you with a safe space for you to ground, explore & embrace your emotions, claim your personal power to design & live your dream life.

Coaching sessions
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Derby & 2 more
FREE to £1500

Managing Meetings


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Managing meetings, Meeting Management, Efficient Meetings, Moccasin Approach, Moccasin Manager,

Managing Meetings
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

An Introduction to Leadership & Management


By Switch Direction

Leadership and Management Training; Introductory Management Training; Ipswich; Suffolk

An Introduction to Leadership & Management
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Ipswich
Price on Enquiry



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package: Unlocking Emotional Freedom and Healing Are you struggling with repressed emotions, finding it difficult to express and process your feelings from the past? Miss Date Doctor’s Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package offers you compassionate support and guidance to unlock emotional freedom, heal past wounds, and embrace a healthier emotional state. Repressed emotions are feelings that have been pushed aside or buried due to various reasons, leading to unresolved emotional baggage. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to helping you navigate through these suppressed emotions, fostering emotional release, and promoting healing. Here’s how the Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package can support you: * Understanding Repressed Emotions: Our therapists will help you understand the nature of repressed emotions and how they impact your current emotional well-being. * Creating a Safe Space: We offer a safe and non-judgmental environment where you can freely explore and express your suppressed emotions. * Emotional Release: Therapy will focus on facilitating emotional release, allowing you to process and express feelings that have been held back. * Healing Past Wounds: We’ll work on addressing and healing the unresolved emotional wounds from the past. * Coping Strategies: Our therapists will equip you with healthy coping strategies to manage overwhelming emotions as they arise. * Self-Compassion and Acceptance: Therapy encourages self-compassion and self-acceptance as you navigate through your emotional journey. * Building Emotional Resilience: We’ll focus on developing emotional resilience to face and process emotions in a healthy way. * Mindfulness Practices: Therapy for repressed emotions may incorporate mindfulness techniques to cultivate present-moment awareness. The Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to empower you to release the emotional burden of the past and find emotional freedom. Our compassionate therapists provide gentle guidance and support to help you navigate through your emotional journey. Invest in your emotional well-being and take the first step towards unlocking emotional freedom with the Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package. Embrace the opportunity to heal past wounds, express your feelings, and foster a healthier emotional state. Let our experienced therapists guide you towards emotional release, healing, and a brighter emotional future. 8 SESSIONS X 1 HOUR https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-repressed-emotions-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-repressed-emotions-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Crisis Life Coach Package: Navigating Challenges and Rediscovering Your Strength Are you currently facing a crisis or challenging situation that is causing distress and uncertainty in your life? Miss Date Doctor’s Crisis Life Coach Package offers you targeted support and guidance from a trained life coach to help you navigate through crises, regain stability, and transform challenges into opportunities for growth. Life can present unexpected hurdles that leave us feeling overwhelmed and lost. Our experienced crisis life coaches are dedicated to helping you harness your inner resilience, develop coping strategies, and create a path forward amidst difficult circumstances. Here’s how the Crisis Life Coach Package can support you: * Personalized Assessment: Our crisis life coach will conduct an initial assessment to understand your situation, concerns, and immediate needs. * Stabilization Strategies: We’ll work on strategies to help you manage immediate crisis-related stress and anxiety. * Crisis Transformation: Our life coach will guide you in reframing challenges as opportunities for personal growth and positive change. * Coping Techniques: We’ll equip you with practical coping techniques to manage emotions and navigate stressors. * Goal Setting: Together with your life coach, you’ll set realistic short-term and long-term goals to work towards during and after the crisis. * Resilience Building: Crisis life coaching focuses on building emotional and mental resilience to handle adversity with strength. * Actionable Steps: Our coach will provide you with actionable steps and strategies to implement in your daily life. * Supportive Partnership: The Crisis Life Coach Package offers you a supportive partnership to guide you through challenging times. The Crisis Life Coach Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to provide you with targeted support during moments of crisis. Our experienced life coaches are committed to helping you find clarity, develop coping skills, and navigate the path towards renewal and transformation. Invest in your well-being and take the first step towards resilience with the Crisis Life Coach Package. Embrace the opportunity to transform challenges into opportunities for growth, navigate through crises, and emerge from them stronger than before. Let our skilled life coach guide you towards a brighter and more empowered future. 3 X 1 HOUR and daily calls https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/crisis-life-coach-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/crisis-life-coach-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Therapy for Anxiety Package: Empowering You to Overcome Anxiety and Reclaim Your Life Are you struggling with anxiety, feeling overwhelmed by persistent worries and fears that impact your daily life? Miss Date Doctor’s Therapy for Anxiety Package offers you expert support and guidance to manage anxiety, develop coping strategies, and regain control of your emotional well-being. Anxiety can be a challenging and distressing experience, affecting various aspects of your life. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to helping you understand the root causes of your anxiety and providing you with the tools to navigate through it with greater ease and confidence. Here’s how the Therapy for Anxiety Package can support you: * Understanding Your Anxiety: Our therapists will help you gain insights into the nature of your anxiety and its triggers. * Coping Strategies: We’ll equip you with effective coping strategies to manage anxiety symptoms and reduce stress. * Identifying Thought Patterns: Therapy will address negative thought patterns that contribute to anxiety, promoting more positive thinking. * Emotional Regulation: We’ll work on emotional regulation techniques to help you manage intense emotions associated with anxiety. * Exposure Therapy: If applicable, exposure therapy may be used to gradually face and overcome anxiety-provoking situations. * Mindfulness Practices: Therapy for anxiety may incorporate mindfulness techniques to promote present-moment awareness and reduce worry. * Building Resilience: We’ll focus on building resilience to handle anxiety triggers with greater strength and adaptability. * Setting Realistic Goals: Together with your therapist, you’ll set achievable goals to work towards reducing anxiety and improving your well-being. The Therapy for Anxiety Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to empower you to overcome anxiety and lead a more fulfilling life. Our compassionate therapists provide a safe and supportive space to explore your fears and concerns, allowing you to develop a stronger foundation for emotional well-being. Invest in your mental and emotional health and take the first step towards managing anxiety with the Therapy for Anxiety Package. Embrace the opportunity to develop coping strategies, reduce stress, and regain control over your thoughts and emotions. Let our experienced therapists guide you towards a brighter and more empowered future, free from the grip of anxiety. 6 X 1 hour sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-anxiety-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-anxiety-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Adjustment Counselling Package: Navigating Life Transitions and Embracing Change Are you facing challenges in adjusting to major life transitions and seeking support to cope with change? Miss Date Doctor’s Adjustment Counselling Package offers you a compassionate and understanding space to navigate through life’s adjustments and embrace positive transformation. Life transitions, such as moving to a new city, starting a new job, or going through significant life changes, can be overwhelming and emotionally taxing. Our experienced counsellors are here to help you navigate these adjustments, find coping strategies, and embrace change with resilience and optimism. Here’s how the Adjustment Counselling Package can support you: * Understanding Transitions: Our counsellors will help you understand the nature of the life transition you are experiencing and its impact on your emotions and well-being. * Coping with Change: Adjustment counselling equips you with coping strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and uncertainty during times of change. * Supportive Environment: Our counsellors provide a safe and non-judgmental space where you can freely express your feelings and concerns related to the adjustment process. * Finding Balance: We’ll work with you to find a balance between embracing change and maintaining stability in other areas of your life. * Creating a Support System: Adjustment counselling helps you identify and build a support system to lean on during times of transition. * Growth and Resilience: As you navigate through adjustments, our counsellors will help you discover strengths and develop resilience to embrace change positively. * Setting Realistic Expectations: We’ll assist you in setting realistic expectations for yourself during the adjustment period, fostering self-compassion and patience. * Embracing New Opportunities: Adjustment counselling can help you see transitions as opportunities for growth and new experiences. The Adjustment Counselling Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to empower you to navigate life’s transitions with grace and confidence. Our compassionate counsellors provide guidance and support to help you find stability, embrace change, and thrive through life’s adjustments. Invest in your well-being and take the first step towards embracing change with the Adjustment Counselling Package. Embrace the opportunities for growth and transformation that life transitions bring. Let our skilled counsellors guide you towards a more resilient, positive, and fulfilling journey through life’s adjustments. 3 x 1 hour https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/adjustment-counselling-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/adjustment-counselling-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Gift Wrapping Class for teams

By Louise Lewis

LEARN THE ESSENTIALS OF GIFT WRAPPING & HAVE SOME FUN WITH YOUR TEAM THIS FESTIVE SEASON  What’s included (and how it will help): * Step by step tuition covering all the Essential Techniques of gift wrapping so they never need to grab a gift/bottle bag again  * Practical guidance on tying different styles of Ribbon Bow so they can confidently use them on any gift (and when it’s best to use each one)  * Learn Pro tips so you feel less overwhelmed & can gift wrap quickly at busy times  Plus all materials are provided A class is a great opportunity for team building/bonding so that people get to know each other outside of a work setting and/or meet people in person. It’s an inclusive alternative to a Christmas party (boozy meals/discos aren’t for everyone) and everyone gets to take away a gift at the end of the class. Packages start from £597 for groups of up to 10 people.  Dates & times can be booked to suit. Book a call below to discuss your requirements.

Gift Wrapping Class for teams
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

* Address root cause * Implement healing strategies * Life coaching * Emotional intelligence guidance * Emotional management programme * CBT or modern stress relief techniques * Support coach * Twice a week * 1 hour X 5 sessions * Stress Management Counselling is a type of therapy that can help individuals who are struggling with the overwhelming effects of stress. Our professional counsellors provide guidance and support to help clients develop effective coping strategies to manage their stress levels. Our goal is to empower clients to take control of their lives and improve their overall well-being. Whether you’re dealing with work-related stress, relationship issues, or any other stressors, our stress management counselling sessions can provide a safe and confidential space for you to explore your thoughts and feelings. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start your journey towards a healthier, happier life. https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/anxiety-and-stress-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/anxiety-and-stress-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more