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75 Courses in London

Python Coding Boot Camp, 12-week part time, London or Online

By Pcw Courses Ltd

This Python BootCamp is Instructor-led, Practical. In the12-week Python course, learn start to in-depth, leading to a good Python career. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PYTHON BOOTCAMP: This 12-week Python Boot Camp is a practical, instructor-lead program, covering Python from start to in-depth. You will be fully fluent and confident as a Python programmer. If you have more questions goto https://pcworkshopslondon.co.uk/contact.html  [http://pcworkshopslondon.co.uk/contact.html], Or contact us on training@pcworkshopslondon.co.uk [https://pcworkshopslondon.co.uk/] Customise dates, course outline, arrange installments [https://pcworkshopslondon.co.uk/contact.htm] This course will give you enough practical experience and practical projects to code, to give you full confidence to enter into the coding profession.    Duration: 3 months: * 1 Python class per week, * Plus pratical work, * Plus personal trainer-mentor for 1-1 training, * Plus e-learning materials. Final project : Practical to upload to GitHub and show-case Date and times, choose: * Fridays in London or Online , 10am - 5pm, * or Saturdays in London or Online , 12noon-6pm, * or negotiate your date Study level: Start from beginners level to in-depth, ready to work professionally. Virtual attendance:  online instructor-led  Download: Anaconda.com Pre-requisites: General computer literacy. Oracle Qualification: PCWorkshops Python Programmer Certificate Payments:  You may apply to pay in installments for this Python Training course COURSE OUTLINE Week 1 - 4: Essentials 1. Python Coding Basics 2. Object Oriented programming: Python Object Orientated programming (OOP) 3. UX Principles: UX Principles and applying it on Front-ends with TKinter 4. Specialised topics: Dates, Localization, Strings, Maths Operation , Random Number, Lambdas Week 5 - 10 : All about data 1. Python Data Structures: Lists, Tuples, Sets, Exceptions, I/O Fundamentals , Reading and Writing file 2. Database: Database principles and SQL. Database Project: Python database connections and creating a database driven project 3. Data Analytics: Numpy. Pandas for data analytics and data queries. 4. Data Analytics: Pandas data cleaning and restructuring, interacticting with Excel, Csv, Json,etc. 5. Data visualisation: MatPlotLib 6. Prediction: Machine Learning Basics Week 11 and 12: The final touch 1. Python Concurrency and Multi-threading: Threads vs. Processes, Threading Module, Threading Event, Stop a Thread, Daemon Threads, Thread-safe Queue, Thread Pools, Locks 2. Python Unit Testing 3. Optional : Replace Week 11 or 12 with Scraping using Python, ot Tkinter Front-ends INCLUDED: * PCWorkshops Python Course Certificate on completion. * Python Course notes. * Practical Course exercises, Code Examples, Online Materials. * After the course, continuous assistance with practical and preparation for exams * Max group size on this is 4. * Portfolio: Post your Python project online. * Exam preparation and interview questions MORE ABOUT THE ONLINE CLASSROOM *  Attend from your internet connection *  Instructor-led, get instant answers to your questions *  Fully interactive *  Work clearly explained with demonstrations and examples *  Practical exercises to be tried out by delegate WHAT YOU WILL GAIN: * Skills & knowledge: Python coding knowledge and understanding with good practical application   * Certification: Internal PCWorkshops Python certificate * Portfolio: You will have an online portfolio of Python projects  * Experience: Our comprehensive practical makes you job ready -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFUND POLICY No Refunds

Python Coding Boot Camp, 12-week part time, London or Online
Delivered Online & In-Person in LondonFull day, Jul 5th, 09:00 + 27 more
£1800 to £2100

Python Programming Beginners Course, 1 Day, Online Instructor-Led

By Pcw Courses Ltd

PYTHON BASICS: COURSE DESCRIPTION Excellent for beginners, practical, in small groups of max 4 people, 1 Day Online Instructor-led. You could contact us for your prefereed date. Session 1: Python Data Types and Variables: * Primitive types; Characters & Strings; Boolean; Working with variables and its scope; Conversion and casting types in Python. * Operators and Expressions: * Introduction of operators; Arithmetic operators; Relational operators; Assignment operator; Logical operators; Increment and decrement operators.. * Exercise: Calculate Movie Tickets for a Party, Are there enough seats in the cinema? Decision Making & Loops * If statement; If - else statement; If- elif - else statement; Nested if - else; * Exercise: Calculate the travel fee to deliver goods * The while, For loop * Jump statements: break, continue; * Nesting loops. * Exercise: Enter a password, if incorrect 3 times, you are blocked. Session 2: Data Structures * Lists. * Tuples. * Exercise: Hangman Game * Exercise: Get a word for the game from a Json File, store the high score in a Dictionary file Session 3: Files and exceptions * Exception Handling, Exception types; Using try and Except. * Files, streams: Open, Traverse, Read and Create Files: Csv, txt and Json Files. * API: Connecting to API’s. Session 4: OOP * Creating and using custom Functions. * Using parameters and return values. * Creating a Class; Creating an Object; Using an Object; Adding Instance variables; * Class Constructors; Parameterized Constructors. * Inheritance. Override. Session 5: Pandas Dataframe Basics * Getting data into a dataframe: Dict to Dataframe, Dataframe to Dict. Excel To Dict, Dict to Excel , working with Excel data, multiple Excel sheets. * Getting information about the dataframe, * Filter, sort and query a Dataframes, Slicing Dataframes, * Duplicate values,Working with null-values, Sampling. * Exercise: Query the top 1000 grossing movies of the last century Session 6: Built in Functions: String, Math, Random * Python built-in functions: * Strings functions. Maths functions. Random Functions. * Exercise: Find information in prose, to get the sentiment of the prose. * Exercise: Get a word for the game from a txt File * Exercise: Win the lottery INCLUDED: * PCWorkshops's Python Programming Basics Certification * Course notes, exercises and code examples * Revision session after the course -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFUND POLICY No Refunds

Python Programming Beginners Course, 1 Day, Online Instructor-Led
Delivered Online & In-Person in London5 hours, Jul 10th, 09:00 + 9 more
£185 to £285

Python Programming Beginners Evenings Course, Webinar, Virtual Classroom.

By Pcw Courses Ltd

Python coding, interactive, instructor-led, hands-on, practical. From basics to working with professionals. Python Part Time. Python Coding. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Python Beginners Evenings Course COURSE SUMMARY This Python Programming course has become essential to all professional who would like to do code using Python. Learn evenings, work while studying. Work and study Python Part Time. It is a Python beginners course and teaches Python coding from scratch to intermediate. Hands-on, practical. We code some real life examples in this course. Duration: 3 Evenings, once per week for 3 weeks 6pm-8pm, of which the first date only shows on the booking. Virtual Classroom: You could attend in our classroom, or attend online via virtual classroom, by select the appropriate ticket. Who Should Attend? This course is intended for beginner programmers who need to code in Python. Fast-paced, Quite intensive. Course Outline: Session 1: Basics * Python Data Types, Variables, * Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic operators; Relational operators; Assignment operator; Logical operators. * Decision Making: If statement; If - else statement; If- elif - else statement; Nested if - else; * Using Loops: The while, while-else; do-while and the for loop; Enhanced for loop; Jump statements: break, continue; Nesting loops. Session 2: Lists. Dictionaries, Json * Python Data Structures: Lists. Data Structures: 2-d Lists, Tuples. Dictionary, Nested Disctionary. Session 3: Built-in functions: * Python Date Functions. Random. Math Functions. String Functions. Python Regex. Session 4: Database: * Connect to a database, create Database, create a table, insert, delete, update records, query a database and display results. Drop database, drop table. Session 5: Files * Exception Handling in Python: Fundamentals of exception handling; Exception types; Using try and except. * Files, streams: Create, Open, Traverse and Read Files: Csv, txt and Json Files. * API: Connecting to API’s Session 6: M ethods, Classes and Objects * Creating and using Function, Working with parameters, Calling functions. * Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles. Modules and Classes, Creating an Object; Using an Object; Adding Instance variables; Controlling accessibility; Naming conventions for class member.s FAQ Do I need Python on my Laptop? Ideally spoken yes, but if not possible, you could use our online platform. Can I pay by BACS? Yes, simply email us, a Python course consultant will contact you. training@pcworkshopslondon.co.uk or pcworkshopslondon@gmail.com Can I pay with PayPal? Yes, simply email us, a course consultant will contact you. training@pcworkshopslondon.co.uk or pcworkshopslondon@gmail.com Do I get an invoice? Yes, on request. Can I pay with a PO (Purchase Order Number)? Yes, simply email us, a Python course consultant will contact you. training@pcworkshopslondon.co.uk or pcworkshopslondon@gmail.com Do I get a certificate? Yes, a PCWorkshops Certificate Can I attend in classroom? Yes, on request, and it would incur an additional charge, depending on your location. We have offices in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Portmouth, Southend-on-Sea, Milton Keynes. Can beginners follow this course? Yes, this is a Python beginner friendly course. We offer Python courses with max 4 people, so we make sure each delegates fully understand the material covered Can I customise the course? Yes, all our Python courses are customisable. We can customise the dates, times, location. course outline. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFUND POLICY No Refunds

Python Programming Beginners Evenings Course, Webinar, Virtual Classroom.
Delivered Online & In-Person in London1 hour 30 minutes, Jul 10th, 17:00 + 12 more
£120 to £210

Python Machine Learning Course, 1-Days, Online Attendance

By Pcw Courses Ltd

This Python Machine Learning online instructor led course is an excellent introduction to popular machine learning algorithms. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Python Machine Learning 2-day Course Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Python coding is a pre-requisite. Who Should Attend? This course is an overview of machine learning and machine learning algorithms in Python SciKitLearn. Practical: * We cover the below listed algorithms, which is only a small collection of what is available. However, it will give you a good understanding, to plan your Machine Learning project * We create, experiment and run machine learning sample code to implement a short selected but representative list of available the algorithms.  Course Outline: Supervised Machine Learning: * Classification Algorithms: Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machine * Regression Algorithms: Linear, Polynomial Unsupervised Machine Learning: * Clustering Algorithms: K-means clustering, Hierarchical Clustering * Dimension Reduction Algorithms: Principal Component Analysis Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) * Association Machine Learning Algorithms: Apriori, Euclat Other machine learning Algorithms: * Ensemble Methods ( Stacking, bagging, boosting ) Algorithms: Random Forest, Gradient Boosting * Reinforcement learning Algorithms: Q-Learning * Neural Networks and Deep Leaning Algorithms: Convolutional Network (CNN) Data Exploration and Preprocessing: * The first part of a Machine Learning project understands the data and the problem at hand. * Data cleaning, data transformation and data pre-processing are covered using Python functions to make data exploration and preprocessing relatively easy. What is included in this Python Machine Learning: * Python Machine Learning Certificate on completion   * Python Machine Learning notes * Practical Python Machine Learning exercises and code examples * After the course, 1 free, online session for questions or revision Python Machine Learning. * Max group size on this Python Machine Learning is 4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFUND POLICY No Refunds

Python Machine Learning Course, 1-Days, Online Attendance
Delivered Online6 hours, Jul 9th, 10:00 + 10 more

Complete Python programming


By Systems & Network Training

COMPLETE PYTHON TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION Python is an agile, robust, expressive, fully objectoriented, extensible, and scalable programming language. It combines the power of compiled languages with the simplicity and rapid development of scripting languages. This course covers Python from the very basics of 'hello world!' through to object oriented programming and advanced topics such as multi threading. Hands on follows all the major sections in order to reinforce the theory. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Read Python programs. * Write Python programs. * Debug Python programs. * Use Python's objects and memory model as well as its OOP features. COMPLETE PYTHON PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone wishing to learn Python. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 5 days COMPLETE PYTHON PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Welcome to Python: What is Python? Origins, features. Downloading and installing Python, Python manuals, comparing Python, other implementations. * Getting started: Program output, the print statement, "hello world!", Program input, raw_input(), comments, operators, variables and assignment, numbers, strings, lists and tuples, dictionaries, indentation, if statement, while Loop, for loop. range(), list comprehensions. Files, open() and file() built-in functions. Errors and exceptions. Functions, Classes, Modules, useful functions. * Python basics: Statements and syntax, variable assignment, identifiers, basic style guidelines, memory management, First Python programs, Related modules/developer tools. * Python Objects: Other built-in types, Internal Types, Standard type operators, Standard type built-in functions, Categorizing standard types, Unsupported types. * Numbers: Integers, Double precision floating point numbers, Complex numbers, Operators, Built-in and factory functions, Other numeric types. * Sequences: strings, lists, and tuples: Sequences, Strings, Strings and operators, String-only operators, Built-in functions, String built-in methods, Special features of strings, Unicode, Summary of string highlights, Lists, Operators, Built-in functions, List type built-in methods, Special features of lists, Tuples, Tuple operators and built-in functions, Tuples special features, Copying Python objects and shallow and deep copies. * Mapping and set types: Mapping Type: dictionaries and operators, Mapping type built-in and factory functions, Mapping type built-in methods, Dictionary keys, Set types, Set type operators, Built-in functions, Set type built-in methods. * Conditionals and loops: If, else and elif statements, Conditional expressions, while, for, break, continue and pass statements, else statement . . . take two, Iterators and iter(), List comprehensions, Generator expressions. * Files and input/output: File objects, File built-in functions [open() and file()], File built-in methods and attributes, Standard files, Command-line arguments, File system, File execution, Persistent storage modules. * Errors and exceptions: What are exceptions? Detecting and handling exceptions, Context management, Exceptions as strings, Raising exceptions, Assertions, Standard exceptions, Creating Exceptions, Why exceptions, Exceptions and the sys module. * Functions: Calling, creating and passing functions, formal arguments, variable-length arguments, functional programming, Variable scope, recursion, generators. * Modules: Modules and files, Namespaces, Importing modules, Module import features, Module built-in functions, Packages, Other features of modules. * Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Classes, Class attributes, Instances, Instance attributes, Binding and method invocation, Static methods and class methods, Composition, Sub-classing and derivation, Inheritance, Built-in functions for classes, and other objects, Customizing classes with special methods, Privacy, Delegation, Advanced features of new-style classes (Python 2.2+), Related modules and documentation. * Execution environment: Callable and code Objects, Executable object statements and built-in functions, Executing other programs. 'Restricted' and 'Terminating' execution, operating system interface. * Regular expressions: Special symbols and characters, REs and Python, Regular expressions example. * Network programming: Sockets: communication endpoints, Network programming in Python, SocketServer module, Twisted framework introduction. * Internet client programming: What are internet clients? Transferring files, Network news, E-mail. * Multithreaded Programming: Threads and processes Python, threads, and the global interpreter lock, The thread and threading Modules. * GUI programming: Tkinter and Python programming, Tkinter Examples, Brief tour of other GUIs. * Web programming: Web surfing with Python: creating simple web clients, Advanced Web clients, CGI: helping web servers process client data, Building CGI applications, Using Unicode with CGI, Advanced CGI, Web (HTTP) Servers. * Database programming: Python database application programmer's interface (DB-API), ORMs. * Miscellaneous Extending Python by writing extensions, Web Services, programming MS Office with Win32 COM, Python and Java programming with Jython.

Complete Python programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Complete VBA programming


By Systems & Network Training

COMPLETE VBA PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course helps you extend the capabilities of the entire Office suite using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Even if you have no programming experience, you'll be automating routine computing processes quickly using the simple, yet powerful VBA programming language. We start at the beginning to get you acquainted with VBA so you can start recording macros right away. You'll then build upon that foundation to utilize the full capabilities of the language in Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Record, write and run macros. * Work with VBA Editor. * Use the huge library of built-in functions. * Create simple dialog boxes and complex forms. * Customize Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access. * Program the Office 2016 ribbon. COMPLETE VBA PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone looking to extend the capabilities of the entire Office suite using VBA. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 5 days COMPLETE VBA PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Macros and getting started in VBA VBA syntax, variables, constants, and enumerations, array variables, finding objects, methods, and properties. * Working with VBA 1 VBA syntax, variables, constants, and enumerations, array variables, finding objects, methods, and properties. * Decisions, loops and functions Built-in functions, creating your own functions, making decisions in your code, using loops to repeat actions. * Using message boxes, input boxes, and dialog boxes Getting user input with message boxes and input boxes, creating simple custom dialog boxes, creating complex forms. * Creating effective code Building modular code and using classes, debugging your code and handling errors, building well-behaved code, exploring VBA's security features. * Programming the Office applications The Word object model and key objects, working with widely used objects in Word, the Excel object model and key objects, working with widely used objects in Excel, the PowerPoint object, model and key objects, working with shapes and running slide shows, the Outlook object model and key objects, working with events in Outlook, the Access object model and key objects, manipulating the data in an Access database via VBA, accessing one application from another application, programming the Office 2016 ribbon.

Complete VBA programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Complete C# programming


By Systems & Network Training

COMPLETE C# PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This training course teaches developers the programming skills that are required for developers to create Windows applications using the C# language. Students review the basics of C# program structure, language syntax, and implementation details, and then consolidate their knowledge throughout the week as they build an application that incorporates several features of the .NET Framework. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use the syntax and features of C#. * Create and call methods, catch and handle exceptions, and describe the monitoring requirements of large-scale applications. * Implement a typical desktop application. * Create class, define and implement interfaces, and create and generic collections. * Read and write data to/from files. * Build a GUI using XAML. COMPLETE C# PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Programmers wishing to learn C#. * Prerequisites: Developers attending this course should already have gained some limited experience using C# to complete basic programming tasks. * Duration 5 days COMPLETE C# PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Review of C# Syntax Overview of Writing Applications using C#, Datatypes, Operators, and Expressions. C# Programming Language Constructs. Hands on Developing the Class Enrolment Application. * Methods, exceptions and monitoring apps Creating and Invoking Methods. Creating Overloaded Methods and Using Optional and Output Parameters. Handling Exceptions. Monitoring Applications. Hands on Extending the Class Enrolment Application Functionality. * Developing a graphical application Implementing Structs and Enums. Organizing Data into Collections. Handling Events. Hands on Writing the Grades Prototype Application. * Classes and Type-safe collections Creating Classes. Defining and Implementing Interfaces. Implementing Type-safe Collections. Hands on Adding Data Validation and Type-safety to the Grades Application. * Class hierarchy using Inheritance Class hierarchies. Extending .NET framework classes. Creating generic types. Hands on Refactoring common functionality into the User Class. * Reading and writing local data Reading and Writing Files. Serializing and Deserializing Data. Performing I/O Using Streams. Hands on Generating the Grades Report. * Accessing a Database Creating and using entity data models. Querying and updating data by using LINQ. Hands on Retrieving and modifying grade data. * Accessing remote data Accessing data across the web and in the cloud. Hands on Modifying grade data in the Cloud. * Designing the UI for a graphical applicatione Using XAML to design a User Interface. Binding controls to data. Styling a UI. Hands on Customizing Student Photographs and Styling the Application. * Improving performance and responsiveness Implementing Multitasking by using tasks and Lambda Expressions. Performing operations asynchronously. Synchronizing concurrent data access. Hands on Improving the responsiveness and performance of the application. * Integrating with unmanaged code Creating and using dynamic objects. Managing the Lifetime of objects and controlling unmanaged resources. Hands on Upgrading the grades report. * Creating reusable types and assemblies Examining Object Metadata. Creating and Using Custom Attributes. Generating Managed Code. Versioning, Signing and Deploying Assemblies. Hands on Specifying the Data to Include in the Grades Report. * Encrypting and Decrypting Data Implementing Symmetric Encryption. Implementing Asymmetric Encryption. Hands on Encrypting and Decrypting Grades Reports.

Complete C# programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Complete C programming


By Systems & Network Training

COMPLETE C PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands-on introduction to programming in the ANSI C programming language. The course initially moves at a fast pace in order to spend as much time as possible on the subject of pointers - the area which cause the most bugs in C programs. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Write ANSI C programs * Use the C libraries * Debug C programs * Examine existing code and determine its function. COMPLETE C PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Programmers wishing to learn C. Programmers wishing to learn C++ or Java. * Prerequisites: None, although experience in another high level language would be useful. * Duration 5 days COMPLETE C PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Getting started The compilation process, comments, main(), statement blocks, printf(). * C data types and operators char, int, float and double, qualifiers, arithmetic and assignment operators, precedence, Associativity. * Basic I/O C libraries, stdin and stdout, getchar(), putchar(), printf() formatting. * Flow control if else, dangling elses, else if, while and for loops. switch statements, the null statement, break, continue and gotos. * Functions Function calls, arguments and return types, function declarations (prototypes), function definitions, scope of variables. * The preprocessor Preprocessor actions, macros, #include. Libraries and their relationship with header files. Conditional compilation. * More data types and operators Logical, bitwise and other operators, type conversion, casting, typedefs and access modifiers. * Arrays Declaring and handling arrays, common gotchas, multidimensional arrays. * Pointers What are pointers? Why they are so important, declaring and using pointers,The three uses of the *,pointer example - scanf, pointers as arguments. * More pointers Golden rules of pointers and arrays, pointers to arrays, pointer arithmetic, arrays of pointers, multiple indirection. * Character/string manipulation Arrays of characters, string definition, working with strings, String library. * Program arguments argc and argv, example uses,char *argv[] versus char ** argv. * Program structure and storage classes Globals (externals), multi source programs, the look of a C program. * Structures Declaration, the . and - operators, unions and bitfields. * Library functions File handling, fopen and fclose, reading from and writing to files, fseek().calloc() and malloc()

Complete C programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Objective-C programming


By Systems & Network Training

OBJECTIVE-C PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on introduction that will allow you to master Objective-C and start using it to write powerful native applications for even the newest Macs and iOS devices! Using The step-by-step approach, will let you get comfortable with Objective-C's unique capabilities and Apple's Xcode 5 development environment. Make the most of Objective-C objects and messaging. Work effectively with design patterns, collections, blocks, foundation classes, threading, Git and a whole lot more. Every session builds on what you've already learned, giving a rock-solid foundation for real-world success! WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use Xcode 5. * Declare classes, instance variables, properties, methods, and actions. * Use arrays, dictionaries, and sets. * Expand and extend classes with protocols, delegates, categories, and extensions. * Use Apple's powerful classes and frameworks. OBJECTIVE-C PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Developers wanting to learn Objective-C. * Prerequisites: Software development fundamentals. * Duration 5 days OBJECTIVE-C PROGRAMMING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * PART 1: GETTING STARTED WITH OBJECTIVE-C * The Developer Program: Objective-C, enrolling as an Apple Developer, setting up the development environment, Xcode. Your first project. * OO programming with Objective-C: OO projects, Frameworks, classes and instances, encapsulation, accessors, Inheritance. * OO features in Objective-C: Messages, methods, working with id, nesting messages, method signatures and parameters. allocating and initializing objects. Using Xcode: Xcode, source code control, git and Xcode, Using a Remote Repository. * Compiler Directives: Projects, Compiler Directives, Prefix headers, main.m, .h files. * PART 2: OBJECTIVE-C BASICS * Messaging in a Testbed App: Setting Up the Testbed Apps, Adding a Text Field and Connecting It to Your Code, Sending a Message to the Text Field, Reviewing the Message Syntax. * Declaring a Class in an Interface File: Context, Creating an Instance Variable with id, What Happens When Execution Stops, dynamic binding, Creating an Instance Variable for with the Class Name and with a Superclass Name, instance variable visibility. * Properties in an Interface File: Interface Variables vs Properties, Declared Properties, Using Attributes. Implementing Properties. @synthesize, @dynamic. * Methods in an Interface File: Methods in a Class, class and instance methods, Method declaration, returning complex data structures from Methods. * Actions in an Interface File: Actions, Actions in OS X and iOS, disconnecting actions. * Routing messages with selectors: Receiver and selector objects in messages, Objective-C Runtime, SEL and @selector (), performSelector, NSInvocation, testing whether an Instance can respond to a selector. * Building on the Foundation: The Foundation Framework, Foundation Classes, Foundation Paradigms and Policies; Mutability, class clusters, notifications. * Defining a Class in Implementation Files: Projects, dynamic typing, creating a new App, implementing a method, expanding Classses with init Methods. * Organizing Data with Collections: Collecting Objects, Property Lists, Runtime, comparing the Collection Classes, Creating a Collection, Objective-C Literal Syntax, Enumerating collections, Testing Membership in a Collection, Accessing an Object in a Collection. * Managing Memory and Runtime Objects: Managing objects in memory, managing reference counts manually and with ARC, variable qualifiers, variable autorelease. * PART 3: EXPANDING AND EXTENDING CLASSES * Protocols and Delegates: Subclassing, Protocols, Delegates, Looking Deeper Inside Protocols. * Categories and Extensions: Comparing categories and protocols, categories vs subclasses, working with categories, class extensions, informal protocols. * Associative References and Fast Enumeration: Objective-C 2.0 Time-Saving Features, Extending Classes by Adding Instance Variables (Sort of), Using Fast Enumeration. * Blocks: Revisiting Blocks, Callbacks, Blocks, Exploring Blocks in Cocoa, Cocoa Blocks and Memory. * PART 4: BEYOND THE BASICS * Handling Exceptions and Errors: Exception and Error classes: NSException, NSError, Identifying exceptions, throwing exceptions, catching exceptions. * Queues and Threading: Getting Started with Concurrency, Introducing Queues, Dispatch Sources, Using Dispatch Queues. * Working with the Debugger: Logging Information, Console Logs, NSLog, Smart Breakpoints, enhancing breakpoints with messages. * Using Xcode Debug Gauges for Analysis: Debug Gauges, Monitoing CPU and memory utilization, monitoring energy, Using Instruments. * PART 5: OPTIONAL TOPICS * C Syntax Summary: Data Types, Control Structures. * Apps, Packages, and Bundles: Project Bundles, lproj Files, Asset Catalogs, plist Files, Precompiled Header Files (.pch). * Archiving and Packaging Apps for Development and Testing: Archiving.

Objective-C programming
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

C++ programming foundation


By Systems & Network Training

C++ TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on introduction to programming in the C++ language. The course concentrates on aspects that will be new to experienced C programmers and so is not suitable for those without C knowledge. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Write C++ programs * Debug C++ programs. * Examine existing code and determine its function. * Use classes, function overloading, operator overloading, inheritance and virtual functions within C++ programs. C++ TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Programmers needing to write C++ code. Programmers needing to maintain C++ code. * Prerequisites: C programming foundation. * Duration 5 days C++ TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * The origins of C++ C++ as a better C, C++ and Object Oriented Programming, encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance. C++ standards. * Getting started Simple C++ programs. * Classes Basics, constructor and destructor functions, member and friend functions. Using objects. Default, copy and conversion constructors. * A better C Arrays, pointers and references, new and delete. Improved safety with smart pointers, Resource Acquisition in Initialization (RAII). * Functions in C++ Function overloading, default arguments, inline functions, Lambda functions. * Templates Template classes and functions. * Standard Library Containers, Iterators, algorithms, function objects. * Operator overloading Basics, binary operators, the this pointer, relational operators, unary operators. Members versus friends. * Inheritance Base class access control, protected members, multiple inheritance, virtual base classes. * More I/O Manipulators, customising inserters, extractors. File I/O. * Virtual functions Pointers to derived classes, run time polymorphism. * Exception handling Throwing errors, trying code and catching errors.

C++ programming foundation
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Educators matching " Programming"

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Croydon Tutorial College Community Interest Company

croydon tutorial college community interest company


Croydon Tutorial College is a registered Community Interest Company (CIC) with a goal of providing quality teaching, both distance learning, self-study and face to face. Our mission is to provide educational, mentoring and consultancy services to students (both young and old) wishing to master new technological skills especially in the computer technology and embedded systems fields. We are a specialist tutoring college based in Croydon, which is located near Sutton and Croydon (London, England) and specialising in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science tuition, as well as emergency help with homework or project crises. We also provide after school activities in computer programming and robotics, as well as coaching in more advanced computer programming. We are a Cisco Netacad and can provide teaching and coaching for professional certification courses in Python, C, C++ and JavaScript programming, Linux command line and shell programming, IoT, networking and cyber security to both college age students and mature students thinking of a career change. CTC can also provide teaching and coaching for students wishing to begin a career in data analytics and machine learning. For students without GCSE / A Level Maths we run intensive GCSE Maths, A Level Maths and A Level Further Maths courses. Specialised computer courses include COBOL programming and teaching / progress coaching for students planning to study for the BCS HEQ Level 4 and Level 5 qualifications.