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72 Courses in London

Self-Leadership & Executive Development Course

By The Power Within Training & Development Ltd

Our self-leadership and executive development programme can be fully ITA SDS funded supporting leaders and business owners and creating a growth plan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDS INDIVIDUAL TRAINING ACCOUNTS (ITA) RELY ON OUR TEAM FOR YOUR EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT The Power Within Training offers unrivalled executive development training for go-getters and self-starters throughout England and Scotland. Did you know that approximately 55% of people making their living in sales don’t have the right skills to be successful? Good sales skills are some of the rarest and most sought-after skills in the workforce. Whether you’re running a business, looking to progress further in your career or want to sharpen your skills before returning to work, our self-leadership training will help you develop the skills you need to succeed. After completing our executive development training, you’ll have a sales mindset and the skills to secure your ideal role, perform better, and utilise high-payoff action-planning techniques. Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR TRAINING SOLUTIONS WHAT IS SELF-LEADERSHIP EXECUTIVE TRAINING? SELF-LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Our self-leadership development course was designed to give you total control of your career, business, and professional life. Most professionals will spend more than 80% of their time at work or in business. We’ve structured our executive training to help those looking to enhance their career prospects or business success by taking advantage of our unique Motivational Intelligence seven steps to success framework. The seven-step success system will take you through a journey of self-discovery, self-awareness, and self-development, which enables you to understand the barriers and self-limiting obstacles that have been holding you back. The Power Within’s self-leadership training will guide you through overcoming these barriers and eliminating them from your life. If you are looking to stand out from the crowd and build a career or business you can be proud of, then this live classroom-based programme is definitely for you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BENEFITS OF SELF-LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT The self-leadership training has been designed from the ground up to inspire, guide, and develop you into not only achieving your goals but being able to measure success in your career, help you find your dream job, and help make an immediate impact in everything you do. Completing our executive leadership development course will allow you to utilise emotional intelligence to get the best of your team while focusing on clear values and principles that increase your overall success and profitability. Working on your self-leadership skills will grant you greater insight into the factors hindering or impacting your success while giving you the tools to make decisions and get into action. Here are some additional benefits of our self-leadership training: * Build Awareness – When you’re a leader, you must inspire and motivate people to achieve and go after the bigger picture for your organisation. You’ll need an effective and flexible leadership style to ensure your team succeeds. We’ll help you discover your leadership style and how you can use it effectively to the advantage of your business. * Increase Team Engagement, Motivation, and Accountability – How can you expect your team to behave if you’re no longer motivated to succeed? The Power Within will give you the tools to keep striving toward success while ensuring your business is focused and motivated. * Cultivating a High-Performance Culture – The right high-performance culture installs peak performance into every team member. Through our executive development, you’ll be able to help each reach their targets while they look for ways to improve constantly. * Develop Strategic Skills – We’ll help you develop leadership skills and self-improvement goals, allowing you to introduce changes to your business based on your guiding visions while encouraging others to share the same vision. If you are looking to stand out from the crowd and build a career or business you can be proud of, then this live classroom-based programme is definitely for you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT ARE THE KEY SKILLS LEARNED FROM EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT TRAINING One of the first sets of vital skills for self-leadership you’ll learn is the ability to stop, step back, and reflect on the things that trigger us to react. When we react, we’re being controlled by the trigger. Another skill we’ll help instill is to consider intention. Intention is important to us, such as our values and what we’re trying to achieve. When you become intentional, you start to live a life of choice. Self-leadership and executive development are a journey. The more self-leadership we attain, the more successful we’ll become. The more successful we become, the more self-leadership we need. Here are some additional critical skills you’ll learn from our self-leadership training: * Self-Awareness – It’s vital to hone your ability to see yourself as clearly as you are. This skill takes dedication, introspection, and mindfulness. Also, a dose of self-awareness helps with self-control, self-confidence, and feelings of validation. Overall, you should be open to critique and accountability. * Goal Setting – A good self-leader must be proactive in not only identifying their goals but how to reach those goals in a manageable manner. Our executive development training will teach you how to break down a larger goal into more attainable steps to avoid burnout while helping you celebrate smaller milestones. * Self-Motivation – A classic way to handle self-motivation is to divide long-term goals into smaller, more attainable ones. This optimization means recognising what about the goal that appeals to you, then forming a strategy that aligns with your strengths and values toward that goal. * Constructive Thought Patterns – Through our leadership skills and self-improvement course, you’ll be able to review your performance and assess your intentions and effectiveness while providing an opportunity to ensure your strategies are geared towards success. This is done by focusing on improving strengths and the mental imagery of yourself that recognizes your capacity to grow, develop, and change. Self-leadership training teaches you to see yourself as having the ability to create, improvise, innovate, and adapt. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR LIVE WORKSHOPS ARE BACK WHAT’S COVERED IN OUR EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT? SELF-LEADERSHIP "IT'S A MINDSET THING" When you undergo our self-leadership training, you’ll experience several modules designed to allow your conscious and subconscious belief systems to work together for a predetermined goal or set of outcomes. Self-leadership is one skill that will significantly impact your career, team, and even your life’s happiness. Our executive leadership development course promotes bold and powerful decisions to get you back into the driver’s seat of your life and make the best of each day by setting goals, shifting your mindset, and finding your purpose. During each module, we’ll work with you and help you design and deliver your team leadership programmes catered to your team and your business dynamic. Our goal is to allow you to evolve into a bigger and better leader. Here are some of the modules in our self-leadership training: * Unleash Your True Potential * Create Your Personalised 7-Step Success Framework * Peak Performance and Self-Mastery * Growth Mindset and Mindset Performance * The Power of Feedback * Taking Back Control of Your Personal & Professional Journey * Goal Setting & Defining If you are looking to stand out from the crowd and build a career or business you can be proud of, then this live classroom-based programme is definitely for you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCOVER WHO’S LEADING OUR SELF-LEADERSHIP TRAINING James Fleming, the co-creator of The Power Within, will lead your self-leadership training. James founded The Power Within with his wife, Enas Fleming. They wanted to inspire people around the world to think better, be better and achieve more. James believes that everyone can be whatever they set their minds to. Founding The Power Within allowed James to turn that deep knowledge into a business that helps others think bigger, better, and achieve more daily. He strives to give leaders the tools and knowledge to achieve their full potential while increasing their self-confidence and self-belief through Motivational Intelligence Revolution. James wants to support today’s businesses to become tomorrow’s leaders. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE OVERVIEW Our self-leadership development course is a quick-paced training that is between eight and twelve hours in length. After you attend the face-to-face workshops, you’ll be given access to our online self-leadership training portal. This allows you to continue your journey of self-development by ensuring you’ll always have a system and process to fall back on when you need it. One of the best parts of our executive development course is that you receive this information fully funded. Even if you aren’t eligible for funding, you can still invest in this course and begin a new chapter of professional development for yourself. Elevate yourself if any of our eligibility requirements apply and you early less than 22,000 a year.

Self-Leadership & Executive Development Course
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Motherwell
Price on Enquiry

Women in Construction Management Course

By The Power Within Training & Development Ltd

Supporting Women in Leadership Throughout The UK Our women in leadership course is specifically designed to target challenges and support women in developing their leadership and management careers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AWARD WINNING LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME DISCOVER OUR WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COURSE The Power Within is dedicated to helping women in construction across England and Scotland achieve business success through our Motivational Intelligence framework. Motivational Intelligence is the third level of intelligence, and the science behind it has won a Nobel Prize. Our women leadership in construction course supports women by improving their motivation, self-belief, decision-making, and leadership skills. This programme is designed to help female business leaders adapt more quickly to their environment, handle adversity more effectively, take productive action, and thrive during times of change. Each is a vital skill needed in today’s ever-changing business environment. When completed, you’ll have the skills needed to make decisions more effectively that help your business grow, become more resilient, and take opportunities when others are stuck. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This course has completely changed my outlook on my responsibilities as a manager/leader. In 26 years with Pfizer, I have never participated in a programme that has as profoundly changed my perspective on my role, my responsibilities and my ability to positively impact my team." FEMALE DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS SERVICES, PFIZER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEADING WITH MOTIVATIONAL INTELLIGENCE What is our Women in Construction Course? In the past five years, we’ve supported thousands of business leaders and managers in nurturing the skills and mindset needed to achieve and exceed their business goals. The Power Within knows women are incredibly effective and consistent at applying our Motivational Intelligence techniques to their lives and business. Our women in construction management course is designed to give you the skills you need to take charge of your business and ensure constant growth while future-proofing your business. The training is perfect for women in construction who are managers or leaders looking to: * Quickly Adapt Their Team to Change * Effectively Mentor Every Team Member * Improve Communication and Collaboration * Gain More Buy-In to New Goals or Strategies * Transform Their Team Culture * Increase Initiative and Self-Motivation Across Their Team How We Help Women in the Construction Industry Our course focuses on imparting fundamental skills, tactical best practices, and powerful insights into the human side of the business. You’ll be provided with valuable knowledge needed to be successful leaders and managers of all levels. We’ll focus on addressing the challenges new businesses around the world face, like leading teams and developing businesses in turbulent and transitional times as well as overcoming the challenges of being women in the construction industry. Throughout the course, particular emphasis is given to helping leaders raise motivational intelligence and foster a growth mindset within their team. LEADING WITH MOTIVATIONAL INTELLIGENCE Our Leading with Motivational Intelligence (MQ) Executive Diploma Programme is specifically designed to help participants create the “complete game” of leadership and management. Leveraged by more than 40% of the largest Fortune 500 companies and implemented around the world, the Leading with Motivational Intelligence (MQ) consistently receives a participant buy-in rate in excess of 97%. However, the most important statistic is: 12 months after completing the course more than 93% of participants continue to use the skills and techniques taught on a daily basis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQA APPROVED EXECUTIVE DIPLOMA What Skills Do We Help Women in Construction Develop? The skills we teach through our women in construction management courses are delivered through seven modularised sessions, each between three and three-and-a-half hours per session, with all sessions starting at 9:30 am via Zoom. An additional two hours per week is spent working on the online training assignments and leadership development plan. Each session will provide the education and information needed to establish yourself in your business. Here is more information regarding each session and the skills taught: SESSION 1: SELF-LEADERSHIP & THE SECRET TO PERSONAL SUCCESS Our first module is focused on setting course expectations and creating the right environment for learning. We’ll introduce the format and logistics, then discuss leading through turbulent times and how we can take control of ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions to lead growth. There is also a discussion on adult learning techniques and how leaders can leverage them to improve the effectiveness of their teams. We’ll also explore how turbulence and transition have changed how we manage and lead our teams. SESSION 2: THE ROLE OF INTELLIGENCE WHEN LEADING In this session, we’ll discuss the three levels of human intelligence and show how they each play in an individual’s performance and behaviors. Through two distinct mindsets, you’ll be shown how an individual’s motivational intelligence ultimately influences their emotional intelligence and intelligence quotient (IQ). Depending on which mindset a person operates under ultimately dictates their view of themselves, opportunities, and the work at which they will allow themselves to succeed. Finally, we’ll discuss switching your team to a growth mindset. SESSION 3: THE PILLARS OF HUMAN PERFORMANCE Completing this session will allow you to deconstruct the components that create a motivational intelligence growth mindset. Through discussion, you’ll see how most organizational challenges can be directly tied back to lapses in these components. We’ll review the leaders who’ve had the most significant influence on the meeting participants and shows the commonalities that make these leaders stand out. Lastly, we’ll introduce terminology, tools, and techniques that leaders can leverage to better coach and mentor their team. SESSION 4: MANAGEMENT VERSUS LEADERSHIP: THE TWO CRITICAL AND CO-DEPENDENT SKILLSETS FOR CREATING TEAM SUCCESS We’ll discuss the difference between a manager’s and a leader’s focus. The discussion focuses on the two most common management mistakes and how they undermine team culture and individual performance. The final debate focuses on the five critical best practices of excellent management, including clearly defining and communicating goals, creating alignment and buy-in, setting proper expectations, monitoring performance, and recognizing and rewarding performance. Our final portion will work to define what management is. Session 5: Exploring and Defining Leadership: Dispelling the Myths that Surround It Session 5 strives to define leadership. Building on this definition is a follow-up discussion regarding how people develop their leadership abilities. We’ll explore the underpinnings of what creates a successful leader. It also includes the importance of asking questions and active listening. We’ll review the five behavioral characteristics associated with motivational intelligence and how leaders can assess the relative strengths or weaknesses of the characteristics within their team. Lastly, we’ll explore great leaders’ five critical best practices, including communicating a compelling vision, modeling the correct behaviors, establishing a team culture anchored in responsibility, consistently building team confidence and self-esteem, and proactively coaching and mentoring. SESSION 6: BUILDING A LEADERSHIP TOOLBOX FOSTERING ADAPTABILITY, RESILIENCE, AND COURAGE We’ll provide information regarding tools and techniques that leaders can utilize to foster greater accountability and ownership win their teams. The Power Within will explore self-esteem’s critical role in the relative strength or weakness of a person’s motivational intelligence and adaptability in life. We’ll discuss how self-esteem has formed and how it will influence how a person interprets feedback in life. Lastly, we’ll explore levels of self-esteem and the associated behaviors of each. SESSION 7: HELPING EMPLOYEES DEVELOP A HEALTHY PERSPECTIVE AND RESILIENT ATTITUDE During the final session, we’ll explore self-esteem’s critical role in the relative strength or weakness of a person’s motivational intelligence and adaptability in life. We’ll talk about how self-esteem is formed and how it influences how a person interprets feedback. Finally, we’ll explore levels of self-esteem and the behaviors of each and the influence of comfort zones, and the tools that leaders can use to help people escape the fear of change. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR COURSE LEADERS The Power Within was founded by husband and wife team James and Enas Fleming, to inspire people worldwide to think bigger, be better, and achieve more. They both work on a personal level with individuals, businesses, and organisations to help them create leaders and build environments where they can thrive. James and Enas challenge the limits with the Motivational Intelligence formula to help you broaden your perspective and create a future on your terms. Here is more about your course instructors: JAMES FLEMING James Fleming – James Fleming, the co-creator of The Power Within. He wanted to inspire people around the world to think better, be better, and achieve more. James believes everyone can do whatever they set their minds to. Founding The Power Within allowed James to turn that deep knowledge into a business that helps others think bigger, better, and achieve more daily. He strives to give leaders the tools and knowledge to achieve their full potential while increasing their self-confidence and self-belief through the Motivational Intelligence Revolution. James wants to support today’s businesses to become tomorrow’s leaders. MARI STEYN Mari is the go-to person for building self-esteem, offering new perspectives and stepping up in Life. With an endless abundance of excitement and love for all people, combined with degrees in Psychology, Knowledge and Information Management and is a Master NLP and Transformation Coach and International NLP and Coaching Trainer and Executive Coach, Mari offers an attractive, fresh, expert approach to Emotional Freedom, Motivational Intelligence, Leadership Development and ReWriting your Story. We undoubtedly have the power within to alchemize ourselves and any situation! Seeing the light go on in someone’s eyes is my ultimate joy. https://www.linkedin.com/in/maristeyn-tpwtd/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAKE CHARGE WITH OUR WOMEN IN CONSTRUCTION COURSE The Power Within is a Motivational Intelligence company dedicated to helping businesses and leaders become more accountable, resilient, adaptable, and capable of handling all challenges, regardless of the complexity. Our women in construction management course build upon best practices, strategic insights, and lessons learned over three decades of building leadership universities for Fortune 500 companies. Throughout the course, emphasis is given to helping leaders raise their motivational intelligence and foster a growth mindset within their team. You’ll gain the skills you need to successfully lead your team and overcome adversity while ensuring your company is profitable. To learn more about our course or to register, reach out today.

Women in Construction Management Course
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Motherwell
Price on Enquiry

Online Options

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An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EI) (£395 total for the half-day course for up to 12 participants)

By Buon Consultancy

Emotional Intelligence Training

An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EI) (£395 total for the half-day course for up to 12 participants)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Aberdeen & 5 more

Emotional Intelligence

By Skillogy International

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage oneself and one’s relationships with others in a mature and constructive manner. Research indicates that EI is closely related to workplace success at all levels of the organisation. In this course we look at six key aspects of EI in order to help develop your skills and abilities in managing yourself and your relationships in the workplace.

Emotional Intelligence
Delivered Online On Demand
£65 to £85

Emotionally intelligent leadership


By The Self Leadership Initiative

Learn how to develop your emotional intelligence to become a more effective leader.

Emotionally intelligent leadership
Delivered Online1 hour, Jul 16th, 12:00



By Improving Communications Uk

LEARN TO FOCUS ON INTERPERSONAL SKILLS, BEHAVIOR, AND ENVIRONMENT AND HOW TO PROMOTE DIVERSITY-POSITIVE INTERACTIONS. You will be able to focus on interpersonal skills, behavior, and environment, to see how they promote diversity-positive interactions, as well as learn causes for discriminatory practices and create an action plan for increasing workplace acceptance and harmony. Uncover and discard beliefs and attitudes that foster or block progress. By discovering your strengths as well as liabilities, you can build on the positive and move toward minimizing the negative. As a result, you will gain greater personal and professional satisfaction. PART I – BROADENING THE VIEW   Find new perspectives and ways to turn challenges into opportunities. Become skilled at ways to further develop self-awareness and sensitivity. PART II – FAIR STANDARDS   Learn about how attitudes expressed in speech and behavior promote or hinder a positive work environment. Determine and apply steps for getting past prejudice for greater productivity. PART III – ORGANIZATIONAL UNITY   Discover value in diverse perspectives and personalities and their benefits. Strategize ways to strengthen relationships and turn negative into positive interactions. ATTENDEES WILL BE ABLE TO:   * Discover new ways to “see things differently;” * Use Emotional Intelligence to strengthen relationships and increase awareness of self and others; * Define Diversity and uncover ways in which it is significantly useful in an organization; * Develop best practices (rooted in honor and law) to use Diversity in planning, problem solving, and decision-making); * Manage conflict through unity, using the organization’s mission, vision, values, and goals; and * Understand and communicate value to staff. Online Class—Diversity – Building a Thriving Business Environment is a 4-hour interactive virtual class.    REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS AND YOU WILL BE SENT ONLINE LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO THE CLASS DATE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Improving Communications brought our organization to realize how important our employees—our people—are to Baystate Dental. By helping us to develop a more thoughtful and sensitive nature, we now relate better with each other and our patients. Dr. Kevin Coughlin, DMD, FAGD, MBABaystate Dental

Delivered Online4 hours, Jul 17th, 19:00 + 1 more

Emotional Intelligence Basics


By John Academy

> You feel that everything isn't right at work? It is safe to say that you are > disappointed by your employment? Is your workplace conflictual? Is it hard to > work with your partners? Do you feel like skipping your job today? If your > answer is yes, the arrangement is straightforward: take a shot at your > emotional intelligence, and everything will change. Enrol now! DESCRIPTION: The ability to recognize and manage emotion is known as emotional intelligence. Individuals who have the potential to comprehend emotional intelligence can easily avoid miscommunication, reach consent, manage stress, and address conflicts efficiently. This Emotional Intelligence (EI) course concentrates on the five core capabilities of emotional intelligence: mindfulness, self-direction, inspiration, sympathy and relational skills. Members will figure out how to create and execute these to upgrade their connections in work and life by expanding their comprehension of social and passionate practices, and figuring out how to adjust and deal with their responses to particular circumstances. Different models of emotional intelligence will be covered. WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? * Managers. * Parents. * Business professionals. * People who want to develop their emotional intelligence competencies to enhance as well as manage their relationships at work and in life. * Any individual who works with others. ENTRY REQUIREMENT: * This course is available to all learners, of all academic backgrounds. * Learners should be aged 16 or over to undertake the qualification. * Good understanding of English language, numeracy and ICT are required to attend this course. ASSESSMENT:  * At the end of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice test. Your test will be assessed automatically and immediately so that you will instantly know whether you have been successful. * Before sitting for your final exam you will have the opportunity to test your proficiency with a mock exam. CERTIFICATION: * After you have successfully passed the test, you will be able to obtain an Accredited Certificate of Achievement. You can however also obtain a Course Completion Certificate following the course completion without sitting for the test. Certificates can be obtained either in hard copy at a cost of £39 or in PDF format at a cost of £24. * PDF certificate's turnaround time is 24 hours and for the hard copy certificate, it is 3-9 working days. WHY CHOOSE US? * Affordable, engaging & high-quality e-learning study materials; * Tutorial videos/materials from the industry leading experts; * Study in a user-friendly, advanced online learning platform; * Efficient exam systems for the assessment and instant result; * The UK & internationally recognized accredited qualification; * Access to course content on mobile, tablet or desktop from anywhere anytime; * The benefit of career advancement opportunities; * 24/7 student support via email. CAREER PATH: * The emotional in elegance course is for anyone to wants to enhance their productivity at work and even in their social life. Emotional Intelligence Basics Definition Of Emotional Intelligence 00:30:00 The Emotional Mind 00:30:00 The Methods Of Increase Your Emotional Intelligence (EI) & IQ 00:15:00 How To Increase Self-Awareness 00:30:00 10 Exercises to Strengthen Your Team's EI 00:30:00 Conclusion 00:15:00 Emotional Intelligence History of Emotional Intelligence 00:15:00 Emotional Intelligence Defined 00:15:00 EI Blueprint 00:15:00 Optimism 00:30:00 Validating Emotions in Others 00:15:00 Understanding Emotions 00:30:00 Setting Your Personal Vision 00:15:00 Mock Exam Mock Exam-Emotional Intelligence Basics 00:20:00 Final Exam Final Exam-Emotional Intelligence Basics 00:20:00 Order Your Certificates and Transcripts Order Your Certificates and Transcripts 00:00:00

Emotional Intelligence Basics
Delivered Online On Demand

High Performing Teams (HPTs)


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

High Performing Teams. Moccasin Approach, Moccasin Manager,

High Performing Teams (HPTs)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

Emotional Intelligence Profile & Exploration Session

By Starling

A personalised resilience profile and 60 minute coaching and exploration session for those who want to develop their capacity to adapt positively in an ever changing world.

Emotional Intelligence Profile & Exploration Session
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online

Empath Awareness Course

By Elearncollege

DESCRIPTION Empath Awareness Diploma  Empaths are those who have the magical gift to put themselves in the shoes of others and feel their emotions deeply as if they are their own. This is due to the powerful and heightened sensitivity that empaths have. Such qualities can be both a blessing and a curse simultaneously. But with the correct technique and knowledge, empathy can become a superpower. By uniting knowledge, practical techniques, and study, empaths can acquire the skill of transforming their quality of sensitivity into success, power, and strength. With the correct approaches and methods, one can master how to use their excellent emotional connections and perceptions to improve the lives of themselves and other people. This Empath Awareness Diploma course will provide tremendous knowledge about the approaches that can bring success to those who possess extraordinary empathetic qualities. The Empath Awareness Diploma course starts by pondering what makes an individual an empath, the indicators of someone being an empath, the different types, and the attributes of empaths, including their gifts, abilities, and skills. The Empath Awareness Diploma course will also discuss the troubles the empaths encounter in their lives and the methods to transform them into strength. The Empath Awareness Diploma course includes techniques for navigating life as a person who experiences empathy keenly. These techniques involve the utilization of one's gifts and the setting of boundaries when necessary. The enrollees will learn the reasons behind the tendency of empaths to end up in relationships or friendships with narcissists and the methods to move away from them. The course delves deeper into the issues faced by empaths in conflict resolution and how to feel strong and safe when faced with such cases. The Empath Awareness Diploma course also teaches learners how to clear, shield, and detect themselves against negative energies and nurture one's physical and emotional health. It also explores emotional intelligence (EI) and intuitiveness and how to reinforce these skills. Finally, the course teaches the techniques to find success as empaths by using their abilities for the well-being of society and understanding the true objective of empaths. This Diploma course in Empath Awareness can be helpful for those who are highly sensitive and are trying to recover from their internalized wounds. This course teaches one to protect and look after oneself. The learners will master the skills of maintaining boundaries, tweaking their sensitivities, grounding themselves when necessary, alchemizing their emotions, and harmonizing their hearts to natural healing and balance. Through these techniques, empaths will align with their life's purpose and manifest their full potential in society. What you will learn   1: What is empathy  2: How does one become an empath  3: Health and emotions  4: Addiction  5: Love and sex  6: Protecting yourself  7: Parenting  8: Work and empaths  9: Extraordinary perceptions and intuition  10: The gift of being an empath  COURSE OUTCOMES After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college. ASSESSMENT Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter. ACCREDITATION Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

Empath Awareness Course
Delivered Online On Demand

Leadership Management and Communication Diploma Course

By Training Express

Leadership Management and Communication - CPD Certified Diploma Did you know that the concept of "emotional intelligence" (EI) plays a crucial role in effective leadership and communication? Emotional intelligence involves the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as the ability to empathise with and influence the emotions of others. Unveil the art of seamless communication as you delve into the first module. It's not just about words; it's about weaving narratives that captivate minds and forge connections. Move on to the canvas of personal development, where self-awareness is the brushstroke that paints your path to success. It's not merely about growth; it's about evolving into the architect of your destiny. Continue with the art of problem-solving, where challenges are not obstacles but opportunities to showcase your ingenuity. Elevate your prowess in communication, personal development, leadership, problem-solving, and life coaching - because leadership is not just a destination; it's an exhilarating journey. Leadership Management and Communication Skills Training Bundle * Course 01: Leadership Management * Course 02: Communication Skills * Course 03: Personal Development Skills * Course 04: Problem-Solving Skills * Course 05: Life Coaching The training materials of this Leadership Management and Communication course are available online for you to learn at your own pace and fast-track your career with ease. Key Features This Leadership Management and Communication course includes * Accredited by CPD * Instant e-certificate * Fully online, interactive Leadership Management and Communication course with audio voiceover * Self-paced learning and laptop, tablet, smartphone-friendly * 24/7 Learning Assistance * Discounts on bulk purchases Enrol now in this Leadership Management and Communication course to excel! Course Curriculum The curriculum of Leadership Management course is outlined below: * Module 01: Introduction to Leadership * Module 02: Qualities of a Good Leader and Leadership * Module 03: Creativity in Leadership * Module 04: Leadership Skills and Competencies The curriculum of Communication Skills diploma course is outlined below: * Module 01: Business Communication * Module 02: Verbal and Non-verbal Communication * Module 03: Written Communication * Module 04: Electronic Communication * Module 05: Communicating with Graphics * Module 06: Effectively Working for Your Boss Accreditation All of our courses are fully accredited, including this Leadership Management and Communication course, providing you with up-to-date skills and knowledge and helping you to become more competent and effective in your chosen field. Certification Once you've successfully completed your Leadership Management and Communication course, you will immediately be sent a digital certificate. Also, you can have your printed certificate delivered by post (shipping cost £3.99). CPD 50 CPD hours / points Accredited by CPD Quality Standards WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This Leadership Management and Communication Diploma course can be taken by anyone who wants to understand more about the topic. With the aid of this course, you will be able to grasp the fundamental knowledge and ideas. Additionally, this Leadership Management and Communication Diploma course is ideal for: * Professionals seeking to excel in leadership and communication roles. * Individuals aspiring to boost personal and professional development skills. * Team members aiming to enhance problem-solving and communication abilities. * Those interested in mastering life coaching techniques for personal and professional impact. * Leaders and managers keen on refining leadership management strategies. REQUIREMENTS Learners do not require any prior qualifications to enrol on this Leadership Management and Communication Diploma course. You just need to have an interest in Leadership Management and Communication Diploma. CAREER PATH After completing this Leadership Management and Communication Diploma Course you will have a variety of careers to choose from. The following job sectors of Leadership Management and Communication Diploma are: * Team Leader * Communication Specialist * Personal Development Coach * Problem-Solving Analyst * Leadership Manager CERTIFICATES DIGITAL CERTIFICATE Digital certificate - Included Once you've successfully completed your course, you will immediately be sent a FREE digital certificate. HARD COPY CERTIFICATE Hard copy certificate - Included Also, you can have your FREE printed certificate delivered by post (shipping cost £3.99 in the UK). For all international addresses outside of the United Kingdom, the delivery fee for a hardcopy certificate will be only £10. Our certifications have no expiry dates, although we do recommend that you renew them every 12 months.

Leadership Management and Communication Diploma Course
Delivered Online On Demand

Communicating Effectively


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

We communicate daily in many ways, including email, phone, text, Zoom, Teams, Google Meets, Slack, and even that old-fashioned thing, what was it now... oh yes, talking face-to-face. But, when we look at communication closely and really drill down into what we are doing in conjunction with how our brain works (neuroscience), how internal, organisational, and social politics control what we believe we can say, how hierarchical positioning impacts our honesty and how the lack of psychological safety means we say what we know others want to hear rather than what they need to hear…. It is oh so complicated! This workshop not only explores the concept of excellent communication, but we also want to hear what you believe it is too. We also delve into how organisational culture influences our perception of speaking up. Factors that hinder open and honest communication, and we work collaboratively towards removing these barriers to achieve a communication style that fosters trust and transparency, creating psychological safety.   This workshop is particularly relevant to our Emotional Intelligence workshop (EI and Me). We firmly believe that developing emotional intelligence is the key to unlocking Clean Communication, a skill that is crucial for all of us, regardless of our roles and responsibilities, so that we thrive in our professional environment. If you want to see if we are correct, why not have us facilitate a workshop for you and see what you get by the end of it?  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LENGTH 1 Day NEXT WORKSHOP START Let's chat and confirm a date. WORKSHOP DELIVERY The best environment for this experience is face-to-face, but we can facilitate this workshop online. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUITABILITY - WHO SHOULD ATTEND? WHO SHOULD ATTEND AND WHY? Who? - Perhaps think of this another way… who shouldn’t attend to ensure we can manage Clean Communication? There’s your answer. Why? - Every person needs to understand what we are saying above about how we get trapped in this organisational formatting which changes how we communicate and how it prevents us from communicating cleanly. EVERY organisation has this, despite what our values profess. And 'Values', that’s a whole other story. WORKSHOP CONTENT * Using the 'Moccasin Approach'® to clean our personal and organisational communication * LaPD’s Communication Cycle and what we must consider. (Can you work out what the ? represent above? * Accountability and Responsibility raises its head in Communication. It has to. * Bias, unconscious bias and its impacts on our communication. * The conundrum of communicating with others and their styles (The TRAP). * How would my perfect Manager/Leader communicate with me? * Nonverbal communication (body language), rapport, Clean Communication. * Negative communication can go viral (Self-Fulfilling Prophecy). * Reflections, findings and goals (individual and team). * Meeting our workshop objectives by listing five areas for development. WORKSHOP DELIVERY AND VENUE This workshop is usually one day in duration, and it focuses solely on how we communicate with each other. It can also be a two-day event incorporating aspects of Emotional Intelligence (EI) with group, and individual activities to allow discussions about the various communication we need in your organisation. When you consider the content we deliver, we are sure you will understand why we always prefer to deliver our workshops, courses and programmes face-to-face. Face-to-face workshops and courses can be held at a location of your choice or, if you wish, a central UK location, such as the Macdonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham, located directly across from the Birmingham New Street train station. We can deliver our workshops, courses and programmes online, although this will mean splitting elements into manageable learning events to suit the online environment.

Communicating Effectively
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Birmingham
£1250 to £1500

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