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39 Courses in London

Prospect Risks & Volumes Assessment

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

ABOUT THIS VIRTUAL INSTRUCTOR LED TRAINING (VILT)  A decision to drill an exploration well with the objective to find a new oil or gas field must be based on sound assessment of the prospect risk and of the volumes. What is the chance that a well will find hydrocarbons, and how much could it be? Risk and volume assessments form the basis for decisions to drill a well or not, and as such form the link between subsurface evaluation and the business aspects of the petroleum industry. This Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) course explains how risks and volumes can be assessed in a realistic manner, based on a sound understanding of the geological details of the prospect as well as its regional geological setting and current play understanding. Participants of this VILT course will receive a softcopy of Risk and Volume Assessment Handbook which explains the concepts that are associated with probabilistic Risk & Volume (R & V) Assessment and contains many practical recommendations on how to translate geological understanding into meaningful inputs for probabilistic R &V assessments. The book is fully compatible with any probabilistic R & V tool in the industry. Training Objectives By the end of this VILT course, participants will be able to understand: * The fundamentals of risk and volumes assessment; translating geological understanding into reasonable numbers and ranges. * The difference between risk and uncertainty. * Fundamentals of statistics; including explanation of distribution curves, understanding of expectation curves, do's and don'ts for adding risked volumes, and Bayes theorem. * Uncertainty of trap, reservoir, seal and charge, illustrated by examples. * Guidelines and exercises for estimating risks realistically and consistently. * Calculating volume ranges for prospects and for portfolios of prospects; how to add prospect volumes for a correct representation of prospect portfolios. * Incorporation of geophysical evidence (DHIs) in a realistic risk assessment. Target Audience This VILT course has been designed in the first place for geoscientists working in exploration, for prospect portfolio analysts and for their direct supervisors. It will also benefit staff from disciplines working closely with exploration staff, such as reservoir engineers, petrophysicists and geophysicists. Course Level * Intermediate Training Methods Learning, methods and tools The VILT course will be delivered online in 5 half-day sessions comprising 4 hours per day, with 2 breaks of 10 minutes per day. It is the intention to have at least 2 smaller exercises per day. Time will be reserved for recapitulation, questions and discussions. VILT will be conducted either via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Presenting materials can easily be done on this platform. When participants need to ask a question, they can raise their hand, write notes or interrupt the Instructor by using their microphone. The presenter can switch to a screen where he/she can see all participants (also when each participant is sitting in another location e.g. at home). There is also a whiteboard functionality that can be used as one would use a flip chart. Exercises will be done on an online platform which provides each participant with a private work area that can be accessed by the Instructor to discuss the exercise in a similar manner as in a classroom course. Each topic is introduced by a lecture, and learning is re-enforced by practical exercises and discussions. Handout material in electronic format will be provided. Trainer Dr. Jan de Jager has a PhD in Geology from the University of Utrecht. He joined Shell in 1979 as an exploration geologist, and worked in several locations around the world such as Netherlands, Gabon, USA, Australia, Argentina, and Malaysia in technical and management positions. During the last 10 years of his career, he was responsible for the quality assurance of Shell's exploration prospects in many parts of the world and for upgrading and replenishing Shell's global exploration portfolio. During this period, he had also developed extensive expertise in Prospect Risk and Volume assessments for which he ran successful internal training programmes. Following his retirement from Shell in 2010, Dr Jan de Jager took on a position as part-time professor at the University of Amsterdam and also serves as a consultant exploration advisor for various E&P companies. POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information about post training coaching support and fees applicable for this. Accreditions And Affliations

Prospect Risks & Volumes Assessment
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1536 to £2899

This one-day or Two Session workshop will focus on a key but often ignored communication skill: Focused Listening.

Effective Listening
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Ceremonial Cacao Crystal Manifestation Circle


By Stephanie Edwards

Manifest Good Fortune and Happiness Through focused intention, emotion, and visualization, and with the aid of ceremonial cacao, we will connect more deeply to the energy of the heart with a gentle and immersive meditation to manifest and bring your goals, dreams, and desires into physical form. #manifestation #newmoonceremony #ceremonycacao #sacredcacao #surbitonmums #surbiton #surreylife #surbiton #kingstonuponthames #manifesting #newlife #fullmoonmanifestation #crystalgrid

Ceremonial Cacao Crystal Manifestation Circle
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Suicide First Aid Lite


By Changing Minds Training

This half-day Suicide First Aid Lite training course gives learners the knowledge and tools to understand that suicide is one of the most preventable deaths and some basic skills can help someone with thoughts of suicide stay safe from their thoughts and stay alive.

Suicide First Aid Lite
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London

Suicide First Aid


By Changing Minds Training

This one-day Suicide First Aid training course gives learners the knowledge and tools to understand that suicide is one of the most preventable deaths and some basic skills can help someone with thoughts of suicide stay safe from their thoughts and stay alive.

Suicide First Aid
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London

The classification society, which is a non-governmental organisation in the shipping industry establishes and maintains technical standards for construction and operation of marine vessels and offshore structures. The primary role of the society is to classify ships and validate that their design and calculations are in accordance with the published standards. It also carries out periodical survey of ships to ensure that they continue to meet the parameters of set standards. The society is also responsible for classification of all offshore structures including platforms and submarines. Flag states maintain a ship register in which all ships that sail under their flag need to be registered. Classification societies are licensed by flag states to survey and classify ships and issue certificates on their behalf. They classify and certify marine vessels and structures on the basis of their structure, design and safety standards. The primary task of classification society surveyors is to survey in order to maintain the standards of construction and condition of ships and machinery, which have been laid down by the society. The secondary function of class surveyors, where their society is approved by governments, is for their surveys to be used as a basis for the issue of statutory certificates relating to safety at sea. A classification society’s workforce comprises of Surveyors who are full time employees and are generally referred to as “Exclusive” surveyors; the ones employed on a part time basis are “Non-exclusive” surveyors. Although the classification societies started in 1760 with captains who will examine a ship, more specialization came and now there are in principle there three kind of surveyors whom are mainly marine professionals’ mariners, such as a qualified ship's deck officers, mechanical/electrical engineers, naval architects. In most cases you will find the navigational inspectors as the flag state inspectors and auditors. The classification society uses the mechanical/electrical inspectors. They will start in the engine room and will learn the hull part in their inspection career. The hull surveyors are in a perfect world only naval architects. The auditors in the classification society can have navigational background but normally the surveyor with experience will become auditor. Although you will think that every class surveyor is entitled to inspect everything, this is however not the case. It is the intention of this course to extend the student’s knowledge and understanding of the role, workings and requirements of a classification society and its interface with IMO when applying statutory regulations on behalf of flag administrations and qualify you as an expert in this field able to deal with port state control, flag administration and vetting officials.

Class Surveyor
Delivered Online & In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Soundscape Facilitator Training

By Mystic Sisters

Soundscape Facilitator Training

Soundscape Facilitator Training
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Appreciative Inquiry

By Inovra Group

OVERVIEW Appreciative Inquiry is a form of action research that collects people’s stories of best practices.  We can use these best practices as a way to initiate organisational change. This course will guide attendees through the process of Appreciative Inquiry (AI) and give them the techniques to succeed in using the AI system. This course will benefit anyone that leads change and wants to create positive dialogue that leads to improvements within their organisation. DESCRIPTION David Cooperrider, Suresh Srivastva, and their colleagues at Case Western Reserve University developed AI in the 1980s. According to them, the aim of Appreciative Inquiry is to help the organisation in: * Envisioning a collectively desired future * Realising that vision in ways that successfully translate intention into reality and beliefs into practices The AI approach can be applied in almost all groups of people and once the process starts, the change is put in motion. The appreciative approach works in individual conversations among colleagues, managers and employees. AI consultants around the world are increasingly using an appreciative approach to bring about collaborative and strengths-based change. This course will provide attendees with the means to effectively develop the skills of managers for the benefit of their organisation. They will be taken through the full process of appreciative inquiry; developing a wide understanding of the tools and techniques required to effectively improve communication and affect change. What can Appreciative Inquiry achieve? Well, just imagine you were better able to: * Solve problems within an organisation in a positive and forward-thinking way. * Be more curious and excited about the challenges faced within the business. * Ask unconditional, positive questions to strengthen the organisations capacity to increase potential. * Approach change in an affirmative mindset. * Use questions to create movement and change within the company. * Simply apply core communication skills, for overall organisational success Topics covered: * What is Appreciative Inquiry? – A review of the subject with an activity that helps embed understanding and a case study that explains the process in action. * Benefits of Appreciative Inquiry to the Organisation – Establishing how AI can aid and improve the way an organisation works and how people communicate within it. Exploring how specific organisational issues can be viewed positively. * Appreciative Inquiry Questions – Understanding how questions can be used to identify positive organisational improvements and refocus our approach to business issues. * Appreciative Inquiry Interviews – A set process for performing AI interviews and framing consultations to get the best out of those involved. A chance to practice the given approach and hone personal skills. * The 4D Model – An overview of the AI 4D Model (Discovery, Dream, Design, Destiny) and how it is applied. * The 4D Model: Topic – Demonstrating how selecting the topic is the beginning of the 4D model process. Choosing the participants own topic to work on throughout the training. * The 4D Model: Discovery – Showing how positive discussions are kick-started at this stage and taking a chance to look at, ‘the best there is and what has been’. * The 4D Model: Dream – ‘Thinking big and beyond what they have in the past’. Creating an amazing and positive vision for the future. * The 4D Model: Design – Laying the foundation with a design of the vision, principles, and set of propositions that describe the ideal end state. Defining the desired state by creating a hierarchy and blueprint for success. * The 4D Model: Destiny – Defining clear actions that will help the organisation and individuals achieve what they have set out to. The output is the self-reinforcing nature of using positive and affirmative inquiry to improve the business. * The 4D Model: Summary Task – Review of learning and knowledge check. * The Change Process – Exploring Dr. Kotter’s 8-step change process and how it can support the AI approach. * Rooms of Change – Understanding feelings and attitudes to change, using this interesting and memorable model. Using an activity to help participants consider their own ‘change position’ and what this might mean for them. * Strategies for Managing Change – A simple set of skills to help overcome the challenges faced by people trying to implement change. Applying these strategies to the 4D Model and Appreciative Inquiry. * Recall Quiz – A chance to review learning in an engaging way. * Summary – Developing actions and key points to take away. WHO SHOULD ATTEND Managers who want to learn about and practice the Appreciative Inquiry approach to drive positive changes. REQUIREMENTS FOR ATTENDEES None.

Appreciative Inquiry
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Wakefield

Sound Healing & Hypnotherapy Healing the Heart Centre

By Alphawavetherapy

A powerful healing experience fusing modern day therapeutic approaches and ancient healing methods. Focusing on the heart centre .

Sound Healing & Hypnotherapy Healing the Heart Centre
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Angelic Reiki 1&2 Workshop

By Academy Of Angelic Healing

Learn Angelic Reiki with multi-award winning Master Teacher, Jayn Lee-Miller, who was one of the first to work professionally with angels and is now approaching her 18th year of teaching Angelic Reiki. Please email info@healingangels.co.uk for full details of this healing module which has been channelled through the Archangel Metatron especially for this time as the consciousness of humanity is collectively ascending to fifth dimension. The Angelic Kingdom of Light is assisting in helping us hold a place of unconditional love to help us remember the divine beings we truly are. In Angelic Reiki you are attuned by Angels to The Angelic Kingdom of Light and during healing exchanges you actually become the Angel you are channelling.

Angelic Reiki 1&2 Workshop
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request