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58 Courses in London

Communication Skills 1 Day Training in Heathrow

By Mangates

Our classroom training provides you the opportunity to interact with instructors and benefit from face-to-face instruction. For more queries, reach out to us: info@mangates.com

Communication Skills 1 Day Training in Heathrow
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request
£595 to £795

Unconscious bias from a fresh new perspective for anyone who interacts with, or makes decisions about, people; whether you work with customers, supervise staff or work in collaboration, this session will enhance your insight and interactions.

Bias hides in open minds
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Stopping Addictions: effective treatment and recovery

By Human Givens College

Discover the highly effective psychological techniques that are helping people overcome all kinds of addictions and compulsive behaviours… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate : 6 hours * Length 1 day (9.30am - 4.00pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hugely informative - one of the best addiction training days > > ADDICTIONS COUNSELLOR NEXT available date:  Tuesday 27th February, London – join Emily Gajewski [https://www.humangivens.com/person/emily-gajewski/] for this popular addiction recovery training workshop – to ensure your place, book online now or call our friendly team on 01323 811690. Other dates and venues available. When combined with key insights into the addictive process and what drives it, the techniques covered on this day prove effective at helping people successfully quit a wide range of addictions. They also help to reduce withdrawal symptoms, minimise relapses and give people the best chance at effective, long-lasting recovery…   WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * New insights into the addictive process and why people become addicted * Common traps to avoid when treating addictions * A range of psychological techniques for overcoming addiction * How to develop a treatment plan and deepen a client’s commitment to change * Ways to overcome resistance – and prevent relapses ALSO COVERED: * Demonstrations – by a leading expert in addiction counselling – of the powerful skills that help to quickly break the patterns of addictive behaviour * Guidance and practise in using some of these yourself * How to break the cycle of shame involved in addictions, using self-compassion and generation of hope * Essential motivational interviewing techniques – and how to incorporate them into the ‘cycle of change’ * Up-to-date knowledge of the most useful ways to beat a wide variety of addictions – and prevent relapse * Increased understanding of the addictive trance and its false promises * How to use harm-reduction techniques * Why the social-based model of addiction is more helpful than the disease-based model * An understanding of the importance of guided imagery in overcoming addictions and substance abuse (particularly ‘counter-conditioning’ which is taught on Guided Imagery 2: additional techniques) * Co-morbid conditions – the link with addiction and how to deal with them as effectively and quickly as possible > A total revelation – very uplifting > > MENTAL HEALTH WORKER WHY TAKE THIS COURSE The numbers of people affected by addictions and substance abuse continue to rise – causing immense mental, physical and financial suffering to individuals, their families and colleagues – while the resources to help are dwindling. But thankfully it is possible to help most addicts transform their lives – often in only a few sessions – as you will discover on this practical day which draws together, from various schools of solution-focused therapy, the most effective and proven techniques for treating addictions (including motivational interviewing and self compassion techniques) with essential neuroscientific insights into the addictive process to create powerful interventions. You will leave the day with renewed confidence knowing how it is possible to help most people with addictions, enabling them to transform their lives, often in a small number of sessions. The skills covered are essential to have (along with guided imagery) if you wish to improve your effectiveness when helping people quit any addiction, including: alcohol addiction, smoking, gambling addiction, shopping, social media addiction, sex, substance abuse, self-harm and eating disorders. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE You will leave this workshop with essential information and a variety of skills that you can implement straight away. However, the key concepts and most effective ways of treating addictions, which you will see demonstrated and explained, incorporate guided imagery skills. We therefore recommend, if you aren’t proficient in these already, that you attend the Guided imagery and visualisation for therapeutic change workshop (either before or after this one). The counter-conditioning technique that you will see demonstrated and explained on ‘Stopping Addictions’, is taught in detail and practiced by workshop participants on Guided Imagery Day 2: additional techniques. ‘Stopping Addictions’ complements our online course Tackling Addiction and what you will learn on it will also be very useful if you support or work with people who self-harm. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME The ‘Stopping Addictions: effective treatment and recovery’ course starts at 9.30am and runs until 4.00pm. * From 8.30am Registration (Tea and coffee served until 9.25am) * 9.30am How and why people develop addictions  * 11.00am Discussion over tea/coffee * 11.30am Dealing with resistance * 1.00pm Lunch (included) * 1.45pm How to create the optimal environment for positive change * 2.45pm Discussion over tea/coffee * 3.00pm Utilising the imagination * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? All members of the caring professions, including: psychotherapists, addiction counsellors, drug workers, youth workers, nurses and detox support specialists, doctors, sober companions and drug and alcohol workers, therapists, vocational counselors, clinical psychologists, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, cognitive behavioural therapists, teachers and education professionals, social workers, supervisors, physiotherapists, support workers and anyone wishing to improve their understanding of addictive behaviour and how to treat it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://directory.cpdstandards.com/providers/human-givens-college/ This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

Stopping Addictions: effective treatment and recovery
Delivered In-Person in London + 1 more locations6 hours 30 minutes, Oct 8th, 08:30

Quality/ Difficult Conversations (1 Day)


By The TCM Group

This is a highly interactive programme designed by the communication experts at TCM. The course helps learners to develop essential skills for everyday management. On this programme, delegates learn how to navigate the complex maze of having difficult conversations, managing performance, and giving bad news. Offering a proactive and hands on approach to teaching, the TCM trainers equip delegates with the confidence to have those crucial conversations, to prevent disputes before they escalate out of control and, to be assertive in addressing performance issues to achieve engagement and sustainable outcomes.

Quality/ Difficult Conversations (1 Day)
Delivered Online & In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Learn from two decades of specialist equality & inclusion expertise and the pitfalls to avoid, plus adventures in self-discovery. Participants enjoy the engaging and motivational style, building up the confidence to apply deepened insights and practical tools.

Inclusive Leadership
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

How to avoid burnout

By Human Givens College

Essential self-care for helping professionals New research gives us practical ways to prevent overwhelm or burnout in ourselves and others, manage workplace stress, avoid ‘compassion fatigue’ and much more… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Accredited CPD Certificate: 6 hours * Length: 1 day (9.15am - 4.00pm GMT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Really interesting and engaging online course with lots of tips to support > ourselves and our clients > > COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIST Live Online Training – Join Emily Gajewski on Thursday 11th April 2024 to take some important time out for yourself, or to help those you support. Once you’ve booked your place we will email you confirmation and you will receive details of how to join the Zoom workshop the day before the event. Bonus Recording – the training is recorded, in case anyone experiences technical difficulties on the day, so you will also get a recording for a limited time afterwards to maximise your learning. Can’t make this date? Then please register your interest below – and we’ll email you when a new date is available.    To help others effectively, we need to have enough ‘spare capacity’, which means looking after our own wellbeing too – new research shows us how… WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE When our day-to-day jobs involve continually listening to other people’s emotional difficulties, how do we avoid being overwhelmed by them ourselves or succumbing to compassion fatigue? We are the ‘tool’ of our trade. It could be argued that we have a duty to those we work with to prioritise our own mental health and wellbeing so that we can give them the best possible service. This live online training events shows you how. ‘Burnout’ is commonly defined as a physical and emotional state caused by excessive or overwhelming workplace stress. This is often specifically related to work but of course feelings of burnout can be impacted or compounded by other life events and caring roles too. Even if we know good stress management techniques, this often isn’t enough. Burnout is a very common phenomena in the ‘helping professions’, A 2018 research review paper published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology analysed 30 years of research on this topic, involving 9,000 psychotherapists. Over half of the therapists they sampled reported “moderate-high levels of stress and burnout”. The good news is that burnout, overwhelm and empathy fatigue are not a given of working in roles where we are consistently exposed to others’ emotional pain. New research and insights into ‘buffering’ the impact of this work mean that we can consciously choose to put in safeguards to our own mental wellbeing, whilst also remaining connected and present with our clients. Emily Gajewski’s online course draws on her extensive experience of working as a therapist and clinical supervisor, in the NHS and privately, for over 20 years. Throughout the day she examines the many ways working in the caring professions can impact us personally and gives you a wealth of practical steps you can take to mitigate them. She also covers the most up-to-date guidance on keeping ourselves well and thriving in caring roles and will help you develop a realistic plan for your own continuing wellbeing. > Excellent online training…. very insightful and thought provoking > > HILARY KEARNS, ACUPUNCTURIST WHAT YOU WILL LEARN * The latest research on how to prevent burnout in your working life * How to identify burnout in ourselves and others – the warning signs you need to look out for * Easy, practical steps to protect yourself in stressful work situations * How to avoid ‘compassion fatigue’ * Evidence based ‘top tips’ for optimal working practices to maintain your own wellbeing * The Cycle of Stress – how to ‘work with it’ for optimal health * An understanding of vicarious trauma – and how to avoid it * Techniques to calm yourself in client sessions when you are ‘triggered’ by something they bring up * Understanding the difference between compassion fatigue and empathy fatigue * Reducing your own risk of depression when you’re worried about your clients * The joy of creating ‘flow’ in our working life * Constructive ways to manage difficult feelings that arise as a result of your work * Practical techniques for grounding and ‘letting go’ of clients * How to safely explore our own areas of vulnerability * Useful tips for ongoing stress management * What you need to maintain your own mental health * How to re-ground yourself if you’re feeling overwhelmed or derailed by a client * An opportunity for you to reflect on your own practice and wellbeing, take some time to step back, learn what works for you and how you can create more spare capacity * Time to relax, try out techniques and refresh your tools to support your wellbeing and build resilience * How to utilise what you’ve learnt to create your own realistic wellbeing plan. > Very useful and practical. The term ‘burnout’ is become as over-used as > ‘wellbeing’ and ‘stress’. This online course provides clarity on what the term > ‘burnout’ means in reality ... with strategies to counter the effects > > HEADTEACHER SUPPORT SERVICE COUNSELLOR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE PROGRAMME The ‘How to avoid burnout’ live online course starts at 9.15am and runs until 4.00pm. (GMT). * 9.15am Join the Zoom meeting * 9.30am Understanding Burnout and how to halt the journey towards it * 11.00am Comfort break and discussion * 11.30am Exploring practical self-care steps that can work for YOU! * 1.00pm Lunch break * 1.45pm How to manage difficult feelings that arise as a result of our work * 2.45pm Comfort break and discussion * 3.00pm Creating a plan for your own wellbeing * 4.00pm Day ends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHO THIS WORKSHOP IS SUITABLE FOR Anyone who works within a role that involves caring for others – including: * medical professionals – including GPs and nurses * health and social care professionals * therapists and mental health workers * counsellors * educators, teachers * professional carers (foster carers and non-paid carers) * social workers * occupational therapists * outreach workers * volunteers * holistic practitioners etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training. On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

How to avoid burnout
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Adjustment Counselling Package: Navigating Life Transitions and Embracing Change Are you facing challenges in adjusting to major life transitions and seeking support to cope with change? Miss Date Doctor’s Adjustment Counselling Package offers you a compassionate and understanding space to navigate through life’s adjustments and embrace positive transformation. Life transitions, such as moving to a new city, starting a new job, or going through significant life changes, can be overwhelming and emotionally taxing. Our experienced counsellors are here to help you navigate these adjustments, find coping strategies, and embrace change with resilience and optimism. Here’s how the Adjustment Counselling Package can support you: * Understanding Transitions: Our counsellors will help you understand the nature of the life transition you are experiencing and its impact on your emotions and well-being. * Coping with Change: Adjustment counselling equips you with coping strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and uncertainty during times of change. * Supportive Environment: Our counsellors provide a safe and non-judgmental space where you can freely express your feelings and concerns related to the adjustment process. * Finding Balance: We’ll work with you to find a balance between embracing change and maintaining stability in other areas of your life. * Creating a Support System: Adjustment counselling helps you identify and build a support system to lean on during times of transition. * Growth and Resilience: As you navigate through adjustments, our counsellors will help you discover strengths and develop resilience to embrace change positively. * Setting Realistic Expectations: We’ll assist you in setting realistic expectations for yourself during the adjustment period, fostering self-compassion and patience. * Embracing New Opportunities: Adjustment counselling can help you see transitions as opportunities for growth and new experiences. The Adjustment Counselling Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to empower you to navigate life’s transitions with grace and confidence. Our compassionate counsellors provide guidance and support to help you find stability, embrace change, and thrive through life’s adjustments. Invest in your well-being and take the first step towards embracing change with the Adjustment Counselling Package. Embrace the opportunities for growth and transformation that life transitions bring. Let our skilled counsellors guide you towards a more resilient, positive, and fulfilling journey through life’s adjustments. 3 x 1 hour https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/adjustment-counselling-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/adjustment-counselling-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Trauma-Informed Therapy Package: Healing, Empowerment, and Renewed Well-Being Have you experienced past traumas that continue to impact your daily life and relationships? Miss Date Doctor’s Trauma-Informed Therapy Package is designed to provide you with a safe and supportive environment to heal from trauma, regain a sense of empowerment, and foster renewed well-being. Trauma can leave deep emotional scars that affect your mental health, self-esteem, and capacity to form healthy connections. Our experienced and compassionate therapists are here to help you navigate the healing journey with trauma-informed care. Here’s how the Trauma-Informed Therapy Package can support you: * Safe and Non-Judgmental Space: Our therapists create a safe, non-judgmental space where you can freely express yourself and explore the impact of trauma on your life. Trust and confidentiality are paramount as we work together on your healing journey. * Trauma Processing: Through evidence-based techniques, we’ll gently guide you through trauma processing, helping you gradually process and release the emotions and memories associated with the traumatic experience. This process can reduce the emotional intensity of trauma and foster emotional healing. * Empowerment and Resilience: Our trauma-informed therapy empowers you to reclaim your strength and resilience. By addressing the effects of trauma, you’ll find inner resources to cope with life’s challenges, enabling you to move forward with renewed hope. * Coping Strategies: We’ll equip you with practical coping strategies to manage triggers and stressors that may arise from trauma-related memories. You’ll learn healthy ways to regulate emotions and navigate difficult situations. * Rebuilding Self-Esteem: Trauma can significantly impact self-esteem. Our therapists will work with you to rebuild a positive self-concept and develop a healthy self-image, fostering self-compassion and self-acceptance. * Strengthening Relationships: Trauma can affect how you relate to others. In the Trauma-Informed Therapy Package, you’ll explore relational patterns and develop healthier ways of connecting with others, nurturing fulfilling relationships. * Mindfulness and Grounding: Practicing mindfulness and grounding techniques can help you stay present and connected to the here and now, reducing anxiety and hypervigilance associated with trauma. * Understanding Triggers: We’ll help you identify triggers and understand their origins. By gaining insight into your triggers, you can better manage their impact on your emotional well-being. The Trauma-Informed Therapy Package at Miss Date Doctor prioritizes your healing and well-being. Our therapists have extensive experience in trauma recovery, ensuring that your therapy journey is individualized and tailored to your unique needs. Release the burden of trauma and embrace a future filled with hope and empowerment. Enroll in the Trauma-Informed Therapy Package today, and let our skilled therapists guide you towards healing and renewed well-being. You don’t have to face trauma alone; we’re here to walk with you on your journey to recovery and growth. 3 X 1 hour sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/trauma-informed-therapy-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/trauma-informed-therapy-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing the “How to Keep a Relationship Strong and Happy” Package: Your Blueprint for Long-lasting Love, Respect, and Happiness Are you looking to build a solid foundation and keep your relationship thriving with love, respect, and happiness? Miss Date Doctor is delighted to present our exclusive “How to Keep a Relationship Strong and Happy” package. Designed to provide you with the essential tools and guidance, this comprehensive relationship coaching program will empower you to create a lasting and fulfilling bond with your partner. With our package, you’ll learn invaluable strategies to foster respect, effectively manage conflicts, maintain physical and emotional intimacy, cultivate empathy, and nurture love. We understand that every relationship is unique, which is why our experienced relationship coaches will tailor their expertise to address your specific needs and goals. Why should you invest in the “How to Keep a Relationship Strong and Happy” package? Because a strong and happy relationship requires effort, commitment, and the right knowledge. Here’s how our package can help: * Cultivating Respect: Respect forms the foundation of any healthy relationship. Our package will guide you on how to establish mutual respect, communicate effectively, and create a safe and supportive environment where both partners feel valued and appreciated. By learning the principles of respect, you’ll build a strong bond that withstands the test of time. * Conflict Management Strategies: Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship, but how you handle them can make all the difference. Our expert coaches will teach you effective conflict resolution techniques, helping you navigate disagreements with grace and understanding. By learning healthy communication styles and negotiation skills, you’ll resolve conflicts while strengthening your connection. * Maintaining Physical and Emotional Intimacy: Physical and emotional intimacy are essential for a thriving relationship. Our package will provide you with practical tips and guidance to keep the spark alive, reignite passion, and deepen your emotional connection. You’ll explore techniques to enhance intimacy, explore each other’s needs and desires, and create a satisfying and fulfilling bond. * Cultivating Empathy and Understanding: Empathy is the key to fostering understanding and compassion in your relationship. Our coaches will guide you through exercises and techniques to enhance empathy, helping you better understand your partner’s perspective, needs, and emotions. By cultivating empathy, you’ll foster a deeper connection and create a harmonious and supportive partnership. * Nurturing Love and Connection: Love is a journey that requires nurturing and continuous effort. Our package will provide you with the tools and strategies to keep the love alive. You’ll explore ways to express love and appreciation, create shared experiences, and maintain a sense of adventure and excitement. Together, we’ll ensure that your relationship remains vibrant and filled with joy. * Continuous Support and Guidance: Throughout your journey, our dedicated relationship coaches will provide ongoing support and guidance. You’ll have access to personalized advice, resources, and strategies to address any challenges that may arise. With our support, you’ll feel confident in navigating the ups and downs of your relationship and maintaining a strong and happy partnership. Invest in the “How to Keep a Relationship Strong and Happy” package from Miss Date Doctor today and embark on a transformative journey towards building a lasting and fulfilling relationship. Discover the secrets to love, respect, happiness, and connection that will enrich your lives for years to come. Contact Miss Date Doctor now to book your package and create a relationship that stands the test of time. Happiness and fulfillment await you and your partner. Don’t wait—start building the love you deserve today! 4 x 1 hour session https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/how-to-keep-a-relationship-strong-and-happy-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/how-to-keep-a-relationship-strong-and-happy-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Gastrostomy: PEG


By EF Training & Consultancy Ltd

Gastrostomy tube care Gastrostomy tube management Gastrostomy tube training Enteral feeding care Gastrostomy tube complications Gastrostomy site care Gastrostomy tube insertion Gastrostomy tube feeding techniques Gastrostomy tube nursing Gastrostomy care for healthcare professionals Gastrostomy tube education CPD accredited course Nursing revalidation hours Practical gastrostomy care training Hands-on gastrostomy tube practice Patient education in gastrostomy care Ethical considerations in gastrostomy tube care Cultural sensitivity in gastrostomy care Gastrostomy tube complications prevention High-quality gastrostomy care certification PEG

Gastrostomy: PEG
Delivered In-Person in LondonFull day, Aug 16th, 08:30