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37 Courses in Bradford



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package: Unlocking Emotional Freedom and Healing Are you struggling with repressed emotions, finding it difficult to express and process your feelings from the past? Miss Date Doctor’s Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package offers you compassionate support and guidance to unlock emotional freedom, heal past wounds, and embrace a healthier emotional state. Repressed emotions are feelings that have been pushed aside or buried due to various reasons, leading to unresolved emotional baggage. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to helping you navigate through these suppressed emotions, fostering emotional release, and promoting healing. Here’s how the Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package can support you: * Understanding Repressed Emotions: Our therapists will help you understand the nature of repressed emotions and how they impact your current emotional well-being. * Creating a Safe Space: We offer a safe and non-judgmental environment where you can freely explore and express your suppressed emotions. * Emotional Release: Therapy will focus on facilitating emotional release, allowing you to process and express feelings that have been held back. * Healing Past Wounds: We’ll work on addressing and healing the unresolved emotional wounds from the past. * Coping Strategies: Our therapists will equip you with healthy coping strategies to manage overwhelming emotions as they arise. * Self-Compassion and Acceptance: Therapy encourages self-compassion and self-acceptance as you navigate through your emotional journey. * Building Emotional Resilience: We’ll focus on developing emotional resilience to face and process emotions in a healthy way. * Mindfulness Practices: Therapy for repressed emotions may incorporate mindfulness techniques to cultivate present-moment awareness. The Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to empower you to release the emotional burden of the past and find emotional freedom. Our compassionate therapists provide gentle guidance and support to help you navigate through your emotional journey. Invest in your emotional well-being and take the first step towards unlocking emotional freedom with the Therapy for Repressed Emotions Package. Embrace the opportunity to heal past wounds, express your feelings, and foster a healthier emotional state. Let our experienced therapists guide you towards emotional release, healing, and a brighter emotional future. 8 SESSIONS X 1 HOUR https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-repressed-emotions-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-repressed-emotions-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

An Understanding of Physiological Observations

By Guardian Angels Training

Gain essential knowledge and practical skills to accurately monitor and interpret physiological parameters in patients with our "An Understanding of Physiological Observations" course. Learn to conduct and interpret various observations to support informed clinical decision-making.

An Understanding of Physiological Observations
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Internationally



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Therapy for Rumination Package: Breaking Free from Overthinking and Cultivating Mindful Awareness Are you struggling with rumination, finding it challenging to break free from repetitive and intrusive thoughts that lead to stress and anxiety? Miss Date Doctor’s Therapy for Rumination Package offers you expert support and guidance to manage overthinking and cultivate a more mindful and present-focused mindset. Rumination involves getting caught in a cycle of obsessive thoughts and excessive self-reflection, often leading to emotional distress. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to helping you understand and address rumination, enabling you to regain control of your thoughts and emotions. Here’s how the Therapy for Rumination Package can support you: * Understanding Rumination: Our therapists will help you understand the nature of rumination and its impact on your emotional well-being. * Cognitive Restructuring: We’ll work on cognitive restructuring techniques to challenge negative thought patterns and replace them with more constructive and balanced thinking. * Mindfulness Practices: Therapy for rumination includes mindfulness exercises to help you cultivate present-focused awareness and reduce excessive thinking. * Emotional Regulation: Our therapists will guide you in developing effective strategies to manage and regulate emotions triggered by rumination. * Breaking the Cycle: We’ll assist you in breaking free from the cycle of rumination, preventing its negative effects on your mental and emotional health. * Positive Coping Mechanisms: Therapy will focus on helping you develop positive coping mechanisms to manage stress and anxiety more effectively. * Self-Compassion: We’ll encourage self-compassion and self-care practices to promote emotional healing and well-being. * Goal Setting: Together with your therapist, you’ll set achievable goals to work towards reducing rumination and fostering a more balanced thought process. The Therapy for Rumination Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to empower you to manage overthinking and create a more mindful and present-oriented mindset. Our compassionate therapists provide a safe and supportive space to explore your thought patterns, allowing you to work towards emotional healing and inner peace. Invest in your mental well-being and take the first step towards breaking free from rumination with the Therapy for Rumination Package. Embrace the opportunity to cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress, and foster a more balanced and positive thought process. Let our experienced therapists guide you towards a brighter and more emotionally fulfilling future, free from the burden of rumination. 4 x 1 hour sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-rumination-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/therapy-for-rumination-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Communication Skills 1 Day Training in Leeds

By Mangates

Our classroom training provides you the opportunity to interact with instructors and benefit from face-to-face instruction. For more queries, reach out to us: info@mangates.com

Communication Skills 1 Day Training in Leeds
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request
£595 to £795

Communication Skills 1 Day Training in Wakefield

By Mangates

Our classroom training provides you the opportunity to interact with instructors and benefit from face-to-face instruction. For more queries, reach out to us: info@mangates.com

Communication Skills 1 Day Training in Wakefield
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request
£595 to £795

Unconscious bias from a fresh new perspective for anyone who interacts with, or makes decisions about, people; whether you work with customers, supervise staff or work in collaboration, this session will enhance your insight and interactions.

Bias hides in open minds
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

Learn from two decades of specialist equality & inclusion expertise and the pitfalls to avoid, plus adventures in self-discovery. Participants enjoy the engaging and motivational style, building up the confidence to apply deepened insights and practical tools.

Inclusive Leadership
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Adjustment Counselling Package: Navigating Life Transitions and Embracing Change Are you facing challenges in adjusting to major life transitions and seeking support to cope with change? Miss Date Doctor’s Adjustment Counselling Package offers you a compassionate and understanding space to navigate through life’s adjustments and embrace positive transformation. Life transitions, such as moving to a new city, starting a new job, or going through significant life changes, can be overwhelming and emotionally taxing. Our experienced counsellors are here to help you navigate these adjustments, find coping strategies, and embrace change with resilience and optimism. Here’s how the Adjustment Counselling Package can support you: * Understanding Transitions: Our counsellors will help you understand the nature of the life transition you are experiencing and its impact on your emotions and well-being. * Coping with Change: Adjustment counselling equips you with coping strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and uncertainty during times of change. * Supportive Environment: Our counsellors provide a safe and non-judgmental space where you can freely express your feelings and concerns related to the adjustment process. * Finding Balance: We’ll work with you to find a balance between embracing change and maintaining stability in other areas of your life. * Creating a Support System: Adjustment counselling helps you identify and build a support system to lean on during times of transition. * Growth and Resilience: As you navigate through adjustments, our counsellors will help you discover strengths and develop resilience to embrace change positively. * Setting Realistic Expectations: We’ll assist you in setting realistic expectations for yourself during the adjustment period, fostering self-compassion and patience. * Embracing New Opportunities: Adjustment counselling can help you see transitions as opportunities for growth and new experiences. The Adjustment Counselling Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to empower you to navigate life’s transitions with grace and confidence. Our compassionate counsellors provide guidance and support to help you find stability, embrace change, and thrive through life’s adjustments. Invest in your well-being and take the first step towards embracing change with the Adjustment Counselling Package. Embrace the opportunities for growth and transformation that life transitions bring. Let our skilled counsellors guide you towards a more resilient, positive, and fulfilling journey through life’s adjustments. 3 x 1 hour https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/adjustment-counselling-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/adjustment-counselling-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Trauma-Informed Therapy Package: Healing, Empowerment, and Renewed Well-Being Have you experienced past traumas that continue to impact your daily life and relationships? Miss Date Doctor’s Trauma-Informed Therapy Package is designed to provide you with a safe and supportive environment to heal from trauma, regain a sense of empowerment, and foster renewed well-being. Trauma can leave deep emotional scars that affect your mental health, self-esteem, and capacity to form healthy connections. Our experienced and compassionate therapists are here to help you navigate the healing journey with trauma-informed care. Here’s how the Trauma-Informed Therapy Package can support you: * Safe and Non-Judgmental Space: Our therapists create a safe, non-judgmental space where you can freely express yourself and explore the impact of trauma on your life. Trust and confidentiality are paramount as we work together on your healing journey. * Trauma Processing: Through evidence-based techniques, we’ll gently guide you through trauma processing, helping you gradually process and release the emotions and memories associated with the traumatic experience. This process can reduce the emotional intensity of trauma and foster emotional healing. * Empowerment and Resilience: Our trauma-informed therapy empowers you to reclaim your strength and resilience. By addressing the effects of trauma, you’ll find inner resources to cope with life’s challenges, enabling you to move forward with renewed hope. * Coping Strategies: We’ll equip you with practical coping strategies to manage triggers and stressors that may arise from trauma-related memories. You’ll learn healthy ways to regulate emotions and navigate difficult situations. * Rebuilding Self-Esteem: Trauma can significantly impact self-esteem. Our therapists will work with you to rebuild a positive self-concept and develop a healthy self-image, fostering self-compassion and self-acceptance. * Strengthening Relationships: Trauma can affect how you relate to others. In the Trauma-Informed Therapy Package, you’ll explore relational patterns and develop healthier ways of connecting with others, nurturing fulfilling relationships. * Mindfulness and Grounding: Practicing mindfulness and grounding techniques can help you stay present and connected to the here and now, reducing anxiety and hypervigilance associated with trauma. * Understanding Triggers: We’ll help you identify triggers and understand their origins. By gaining insight into your triggers, you can better manage their impact on your emotional well-being. The Trauma-Informed Therapy Package at Miss Date Doctor prioritizes your healing and well-being. Our therapists have extensive experience in trauma recovery, ensuring that your therapy journey is individualized and tailored to your unique needs. Release the burden of trauma and embrace a future filled with hope and empowerment. Enroll in the Trauma-Informed Therapy Package today, and let our skilled therapists guide you towards healing and renewed well-being. You don’t have to face trauma alone; we’re here to walk with you on your journey to recovery and growth. 3 X 1 hour sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/trauma-informed-therapy-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/trauma-informed-therapy-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing the “How to Keep a Relationship Strong and Happy” Package: Your Blueprint for Long-lasting Love, Respect, and Happiness Are you looking to build a solid foundation and keep your relationship thriving with love, respect, and happiness? Miss Date Doctor is delighted to present our exclusive “How to Keep a Relationship Strong and Happy” package. Designed to provide you with the essential tools and guidance, this comprehensive relationship coaching program will empower you to create a lasting and fulfilling bond with your partner. With our package, you’ll learn invaluable strategies to foster respect, effectively manage conflicts, maintain physical and emotional intimacy, cultivate empathy, and nurture love. We understand that every relationship is unique, which is why our experienced relationship coaches will tailor their expertise to address your specific needs and goals. Why should you invest in the “How to Keep a Relationship Strong and Happy” package? Because a strong and happy relationship requires effort, commitment, and the right knowledge. Here’s how our package can help: * Cultivating Respect: Respect forms the foundation of any healthy relationship. Our package will guide you on how to establish mutual respect, communicate effectively, and create a safe and supportive environment where both partners feel valued and appreciated. By learning the principles of respect, you’ll build a strong bond that withstands the test of time. * Conflict Management Strategies: Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship, but how you handle them can make all the difference. Our expert coaches will teach you effective conflict resolution techniques, helping you navigate disagreements with grace and understanding. By learning healthy communication styles and negotiation skills, you’ll resolve conflicts while strengthening your connection. * Maintaining Physical and Emotional Intimacy: Physical and emotional intimacy are essential for a thriving relationship. Our package will provide you with practical tips and guidance to keep the spark alive, reignite passion, and deepen your emotional connection. You’ll explore techniques to enhance intimacy, explore each other’s needs and desires, and create a satisfying and fulfilling bond. * Cultivating Empathy and Understanding: Empathy is the key to fostering understanding and compassion in your relationship. Our coaches will guide you through exercises and techniques to enhance empathy, helping you better understand your partner’s perspective, needs, and emotions. By cultivating empathy, you’ll foster a deeper connection and create a harmonious and supportive partnership. * Nurturing Love and Connection: Love is a journey that requires nurturing and continuous effort. Our package will provide you with the tools and strategies to keep the love alive. You’ll explore ways to express love and appreciation, create shared experiences, and maintain a sense of adventure and excitement. Together, we’ll ensure that your relationship remains vibrant and filled with joy. * Continuous Support and Guidance: Throughout your journey, our dedicated relationship coaches will provide ongoing support and guidance. You’ll have access to personalized advice, resources, and strategies to address any challenges that may arise. With our support, you’ll feel confident in navigating the ups and downs of your relationship and maintaining a strong and happy partnership. Invest in the “How to Keep a Relationship Strong and Happy” package from Miss Date Doctor today and embark on a transformative journey towards building a lasting and fulfilling relationship. Discover the secrets to love, respect, happiness, and connection that will enrich your lives for years to come. Contact Miss Date Doctor now to book your package and create a relationship that stands the test of time. Happiness and fulfillment await you and your partner. Don’t wait—start building the love you deserve today! 4 x 1 hour session https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/how-to-keep-a-relationship-strong-and-happy-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/how-to-keep-a-relationship-strong-and-happy-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Educators matching "compassion"

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The Northern College Of Clinical Hypnotherapy

the northern college of clinical hypnotherapy



Our Multi award winning Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy (NCCH) courses are recognised in the UK, Europe, Asia and internationally. We provide a range of professional Hypnotherapy Courses and CPD in the Classroom and Online. Training with us enables our students to start from scratch or enhance their knowledge. Students begin by gaining a Foundation in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Our Foundation in Clinical Hypnotherapy gives you an opportunity to see if learning with us is really for you.  You'll gain 14 hours of CPD, be able to see the materials and resources, meet your tutor and potential colleagues too. You also gain Student membership with The Complementary Medical Association and a years free membership with the International Hypnotherapy Association. The course focuses on confidence building, such a great tool for your clients and for yourself when starting anything new. Step into the dynamic world of hypnotherapy with the Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy (NCCH), where our courses are designed to accommodate your schedule and learning style. Dive into our online platform, where every lecture, demonstration, study notes, and assessments are readily available, allowing you to study at your own pace. As part of our vibrant community of clinical hypnotherapists, you'll engage in peer supervision, attend Masterclasses, and participate in live learning chatrooms with 24-hour access for discussions and practice. Additionally, experience the immersive learning opportunities of our face-to-face retreat-style workshop weekends. Here, you'll gain practical experience and put your newfound knowledge into action through experiential exercises. Whether you're a beginner or seeking to enhance your expertise, NCCH offers a warm welcome and a wealth of resources to support your journey. Our Foundation in Clinical Hypnotherapy provides 14 hours of CPD, access to enriching materials, and connections with tutors and fellow practitioners. Plus, you'll receive valuable membership benefits with The Complementary Medical Association and the International Hypnotherapy Association. Confidence-building lies at the core of our curriculum, empowering you to excel in your practice and positively impact your clients' lives. Our Diploma course, available in classroom-based, hybrid, and virtual formats, guides you through an 10-module programme leading to an Accredited and Certified Practitioner Level Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Along the way, you'll have opportunities to join prestigious professional associations and immerse yourself in a supportive community dedicated to your success. With our flexible learning paths, personalised support, and commitment to excellence, NCCH ensures that your journey to becoming a certified hypnotherapist is both clear and achievable. From small working groups to ongoing support and CPD opportunities, we're with you every step of the way. Whether you're joining us locally or from afar, NCCH welcomes you to join our mission of fostering mental well-being worldwide. Together, let's illuminate our communities with compassion and expertise. Join us at NCCH and become a bright light in your community today!

Darleen Klug

darleen klug


Darleen is an Empowerment Coach, with qualifications in Professional Life Coaching and Hypnosis, as well as years of experience as a safe space facilitator. She is also constantly focusing on broadening her knowledge in many different areas. Making her incredibly resourceful when working with clients. She was born in Germany but raised in Portugal for most of her childhood. At 18 years of age, she took a leap and moved to the UK in the hope to find purpose as she had always felt out of place. At the time, she didn't know where she was headed or what for, all she knew was that her intuition was telling her to jump... Seven years have passed since the day she set foot in England. Since then, she has moved 7 times and explored many different career paths. It has been a roller coaster, but one worth going on. Darleen always felt drawn to spirituality but was afraid of being seen as crazy. So one of her first spiritual eye-openers was a book called The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield. From then on, small and big encounters have shaped her beliefs and shown her that she was not alone on this journey. When she attended her first Women's Circle in 2019 (held by Ella Grace Denton), all the judgment, competition and fear she had felt towards and from other women in her life was replaced by love, respect and compassion. It made her feel so abundant and helped her realise that we are all one and that we do not have to go on this journey by ourselves. The moment she arrived home that day, she knew it was something she would love to facilitate for others, as she always wanted to help people. After months of avoiding her intuition (as we are conditioned to do) she finally gave in, looked past the fear of judgment and began to hold space for others. She also began to coach people, as well as share all the knowledge that life has given her via Instagram. Now she has fully committed to her calling, aiming to help her soul clients in every way possible.

Qui with Trish

qui with trish


The approach I take within my work comes from my own life experiences, extensive training and research, my interest in fellow human beings and a deep longing to share with others my knowledge of self-development, spirituality and natural healing. I graduated in Biology at Durham University in the 1980s and I entered the workplace at the Science Museum in London. Science and particularly the Medical Sciences were my first loves, however a taste of the stress and pressure of city life, led me to take off on a travelling adventure and find out what it was I really wished for out of life. Whilst living and working in South East Asia I gravitated towards Buddhism and the Ayurvedic approach to wellness and health. I took a course in 'Chakra Consciousness' in India where I qualified as a teacher. This changed my whole outlook and meditation/natural healing became part of my life and it stuck. On returning to the UK, two children later, and having decided to completely switch career, I worked in a Natural Health business whilst further training in Stress Therapy, Holistic Massage, Acupressure and Reiki Healing. I opened my first 'Holistic Wellbeing' clinic in Wetherby in 2006 and then 'Qui Wellbeing' in Sicklinghall and I have now worked 1:1 with a wide range of clients. In 2017 I qualified as a Mindfulness Association teacher and UK registered with the British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches following the UK good practice guidelines. In 2019 I qualified as a Compassion Based Living Teacher with the Mindfulness Association. In recent years I have delivered Mindfulness based interventions to recovering addicts (5-ways academy in Leeds), vulnerable adults (Harrogate Homeless Project), leaders working with vulnerable adults, stressed city workers (NHS digital Leeds), sixth formers (Harrogate Grammar school) and I am currently working with University of Leeds on research funded by the Medical Research Council into approaches to mental health in adolescents. Recently I recorded a professionally produced audio version of the MBLC course for the Mindfulness Association. I continue to deliver to private clients and groups at the Acorn Wellness Retreat and at Carlshead Business Centre. I am now very happily part of the Kagyu sangha of Tibetan Buddhism and practice at Samye Dzong, Samye Ling and with Mindsprings. I regularly attend immersive retreats. I combine my multi-disciplinary skills, my extensive client-based experience and my deep belief in the power of Mindfulness to create a unique and considered approach to personal wellness and natural health. Communicating through social media, magazine articles and blogs keeps me abreast of new developments and research into my diverse areas of interest. Other than that, I am committed to be happy and compassionate in my work, with my family, with the people I meet and the world around me. I am very grateful to my many guides and influences. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Namaste