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14 Courses in Liverpool

Healing Circle London

By EFT Course UK Online

Modern Energy, EFT Tapping, Reiki Healing, Manifesting, Energy Healing Circle Online On Zoom – for Low-Cost Practice with Lovely People Just Like You, Easy Case Studies, Networking for Client Referrals, or Supervision – All levels welcome!

Healing Circle London
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
£20 to £50

Professional Management is crucial to your company's success. In fact, managers can have the single largest impact on your organisation's productivity and overall profitability, with more influence over employee morale and performance than anyone else.

Professional Management Programme
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

DevOps for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

DEVOPS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is an introduction to DevOps. The course emphasizes communication, collaboration , integration, and automation to improve the workflow between developers and IT operations professionals. Improved workflows lead to more opportunities to design software and services in a more agile fashion. This course is a basis for discovering the most important DevOps concepts and to understand the principles and methods behind this. The course will leave you with the inspiration to be the advocate of change. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain DevOps principles. * Describe the relationship between Agile , Lean and IT Service Management ( ITSM). * Describe methods for automation and technology factors. * Describe considerations when changing. * Describe challenges, risks and critical success factors. DEVOPS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: IT development, IT operations and IT service management. * Prerequisites: Introduction to data communications & networking. * Duration 2 days DEVOPS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Why DevOps? Introduction DevOps Goals DevOps Added value of DevOps Proven Results DevOps for businesses DevOps principles (The Three Ways) * DevOps and other frameworks DevOps and Agile DevOps and Lean DevOps and IT Service Management * DevOps culture Characteristics of a DevOps culture Organizational Considerations DevOps DevOps stakeholders DevOps roles DevOps teams DevOps organizational structures * DevOps methods Continuous Integration Continuous delivery Continuous deployment Value stream mapping Kanban Theory of Constraints Improvement Kata Deming's quality circle ITSM processes DevOps and Automation * Methods for DevOps automation Longevity and tools categories DevOps applications Transitioning to a DevOps culture. * Implementation Challenges, risks and critical success factors Measuring DevOps successes

DevOps for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

DevOps demystified


By Systems & Network Training

DEVOPS DEMYSTIFIED TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is an introduction to DevOps. The course emphasizes communication, collaboration , integration, and automation to improve the workflow between developers and IT operations professionals. Improved workflows lead to more opportunities to design software and services in a more agile fashion. This course is a basis for discovering the most important DevOps concepts and to understand the principles and methods behind this. The course will leave you with the inspiration to be the advocate of change. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain DevOps principles. * Describe the relationship between Agile , Lean and IT Service Management ( ITSM). * Describe methods for automation and technology factors. * Describe considerations when changing. * Describe challenges, risks and critical success factors. DEVOPS DEMYSTIFIEDS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Non-technical staff involved with DevOps. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 1 day DEVOPS DEMYSTIFIED TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Why DevOps? From a business perspective From an IT perspective Stereotypes of Dev and Ops: perception and reality * What is DevOps? Introduction DevOps Goals DevOps Added value of DevOps Proven Results DevOps for businesses DevOps principles (The Three Ways) * DevOps and other frameworks DevOps and Agile DevOps and Lean DevOps and IT Service Management * DevOps culture Characteristics of a DevOps culture Organizational Considerations DevOps DevOps stakeholders DevOps roles DevOps teams DevOps organizational structures * DevOps methods Continuous Integration Continuous delivery Continuous deployment Value stream mapping Kanban Theory of Constraints Improvement Kata Deming's quality circle ITSM processes DevOps and Automation * Methods for DevOps automation Longevity and tools categories DevOps applications Transitioning to a DevOps culture * Implementation Challenges, risks and critical success factors Measuring DevOps successes

DevOps demystified
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Stress can affect your ability to think clearly and rationally and to perform well. This session aims to help you better deal with stress by sharing key insights and strategies to reduce stress and optimize your work-life balance, particularly as we face uncertainties in the economy, the workplace and the environment.

Stress Management
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough

The Fast Track Course


By Optima Electrical Training

The shortage of electricians has lead to an increased demand nationwide and in turn a sharp rise in salary. Our training solutions can help you gain nationally recognised qualifications such as City & Guilds and NVQ. Not only you will train in state-of-the-art training centres, but you can also have the opportunity to attain the Work Based Performance Units and complete a portfolio of diverse evidence of onsite work.

The Fast Track Course
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in London & 2 more
£6470 to £8495

Geomechanics at Well and Field Scale

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

ABOUT THIS TRAINING COURSE Geomechanical evaluations are about the assessment of deformations and failure in the subsurface due to oil & gas production, geothermal operations, CO2 storage and other operations. All geomechanical evaluations include four types of modelling assumptions, which will be systematically addressed in this training, namely: 1.      Geometrical modelling assumption: Impact of structural styles on initial stress and stress redistribution due to operations 2.      Formation (or constitutive) behaviour: Linear elastic and non-linear behaviour, associated models and their parameters, and methods how to constrain these using 3.      Initial stress: Relation with structural setting and methods to quantify the in-situ stress condition 4.      Loading conditions: Changes in pore pressure and temperature on wellbore and field scale This 5 full-day course starts with the determination of the stresses in the earth, the impact of different structural styles, salt bodies, faulting and folding on the orientation of the three main principal stress components. Different (field) data sources will be discussed to constrain their magnitude, while exercises will be made to gain hands-on experience. Subsequently, the concepts of stress and strain will be discussed, linear elasticity, total and effective stress and poro-elasticity in 1D, 2D and 3D, as well as thermal expansion. Participants will be able to construct and interpret a Mohr-circles. Also, different failure mechanisms and associated models (plastic, viscous) will be discussed. All these concepts apply on a material point level. Next, geomechanics on the wellbore scale is addressed, starting with the stress distribution around the wellbore (Kirsch equations). The impact of mudweight on shear and tensile failure (fracturing) will be calculated, and participants will be able to determine the mudweight window stable drilling operations, while considering well deviation and the use of oil-based and water-based muds (pore pressure penetration). Fracturing conditions and fracture propagation will be addressed. Field-scale geomechanics is addressed on the fourth day, focussing on building a 3D geomechanical model that is fit-for-purpose (focussing on the risks that need evaluation). Here, geological interpretation (layering), initial stress and formation property estimation (from petrophysical logs and lab experiments) as well as determining the loading conditions come together. The course is concluded with interpretation of the field-wide geomechanical response to reservoir depletion with special attention to reservoir compaction & subsidence, well failure and fault reactivation & induced seismicity. Special attention is paid to uncertainties and formulating advice that impacts decision-making during development and production stages of a project. This course can also be offered through Virtual Instructor Led Training (VILT) format. Training Objectives Upon completing of this course, the participants will be able to: * Identify potential project risks that may need a geomechanical evaluation * Construct a pressure-depth plot based on available field data (density logs, (X)LOT, FIT, RFT) * Employ log-based correlation function to estimate mechanical properties * Produce a simplified, but appropriate geometrical (layered, upscaled) model that honours contrasts in initial stress, formation properties and loading conditions, including * Construct and interpret a Mohr-circle for shear and tensile failure * Calculate the mud weight that leads to shear and tensile failure (fracturing conditions) * Identify potential lab experiments to measure required formation properties * Describe the workflow and data to develop a field-wide fit-for-purpose geomechanical model * Discuss the qualitative impact of pressure and temperature change on the risk related to compaction, well failure, top-seal integrity and fault reactivation Target Audience This course is intended for Drilling Engineers, Well Engineers, Production Technologists, Completion Engineers, Well Superintendents, Directional Drillers, Wellsite Supervisors and others, who wish to further their understanding of rock mechanics and its application to drilling and completion. There is no specific formal pre-requisite for this course. However, the participants are requested to have been exposed to drilling, completions and production operations in their positions and to have a recommended minimum of 3 years of field experience. Course Level * Intermediate Trainer Your expert course leader has over 30 years of experience in the Oil & Gas industry, covering all geomechanical issues in the petroleum industry for Shell. Some of his projects included doing research and providing operational advice in wellbore stability, sand failure prediction, and oil-shale retortion among others. He guided multi-disciplinary teams in compaction & subsidence, top-seal integrity, fault reactivation, induced-seismicity and containment. He was also involved in projects related to Carbon Capture Storage (CCS). He is the founding father of various innovations and assessment tools, and developed new insights into the root causes seismicity induced by Oil & Gas production. Furthermore, he was the regional coordinator for technology deployment in Africa, and Smart Fields (DOFF, iField) design advisor for Shell globally. He was responsible for the Geomechanical competence framework, and associated virtual and classroom training programme in Shell for the last 10 years. He served as one of the Subject Matter Expert (SME) on geomechanics, provided Technical Assurance to many risk assessments, and is a co-author of Shell's global minimun standard on top-seal integry and containment. He has a MSc and PhD in Civil Engineering and computational mechanics from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Training experience: Developed and delivered the following (between 2010 and 2020): * The competence framework for the global geomechanical discipline in Shell * Online Geomechanical training programs for petroleum engineers (post-doc level) * The global minimum standard for top-seal integrity assessment in Shell * Over 50 learning nuggets with Subject Matter Experts * Various Shell virtual Geomechanical training courses covering all subjects * Developed Advanced Geomechanical training program for experienced staff in Shell * Coaching of KPC staff on Geomechanics and containment issues on an internship at Shell in The Netherlands, Q4 2014 * Lectured at the Utrecht University summer school (The Netherlands, 2020) on induced seismicity among renowned earthquake experts (Prof. Mark Zoback, Prof. Jean-Philippe Avouac, Prof. Jean-Pierre Ampuero and Prof. Torsten Dahm) (https://www.nwo.nl/onderzoeksprogrammas/deepnl/bijeenkomsten/6-10-juli-2020-deepnl-webinar-series-induced-seismicity) * Lectured at the Danish Technical University summer school (Copenhagen, 2021) summer school on Carbon Capture and Storage (https://www.oilgas.dtu.dk/english/Events/DHRTC-Summer-School) * Virtual Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Project Risks & How to Manage Them training course (October and November 2021) POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Geomechanics at Well and Field Scale
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£3697 to £4299

Competency Management & Assurance in the Energy Industry

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

ABOUT THIS TRAINING COURSE Within the energy industry, it is a requirement, both contractual and in some areas legislative, to ensure effective internal systems are in place which support employee development and provide evidence of their competence. A Competence Management and Assurance process - if correctly developed and applied - provides employees and organisations with the tools to demonstrate competence and contributes to career development of the individual. The 3 full-day course focuses on Competence Management Systems (CMS) which are typically in use within the Energy Industry, their structure and process development requirements. In addition, the course details the assessment process, the role of the competency assessors within the organisation and the relationship between competence management and training provision. For impactful learning, the course instructor uses a variety of instructional methodologies such as lectures, discussions, individual reflection, games, mystery puzzles, video, case studies, team syndication, group presentations, sharing and feedback. Training Objectives This course will provide attendees with an understanding of: * The role of competencies in the Energy industry * The benefits of Competency Management System to the organisation * The components of a Competency of Competency Management System * The know how to implement the Competency Management System * The roles and responsibilities within a Competency Management System * The know how to develop Competency Models * The relationship between Competency Management and Capability Development * The know how to conduct Organisational Analysis * The know how to conduct Job Analysis and Task Analysis * The know how to develop Competency Standards and Development Guides using the 70:20:10 principle * The competency assessment process, tools and methodologies * The know how to package and communicate the Competency Assessment Reports to Management * Competency Management Case Studies in the Energy Industry Target Audience This course will benefit professionals from Human Resource and Capability Development as well as Line Managers. Course Level * Basic or Foundation Trainer Your expert course leader is an independent consultant trainer with more than 30 years of experience in People & Organizational Development. She has retired from her full-time job and is currently serving as an Associate Consultant / Trainer with several Learning & Development organizations operating in Malaysia and Singapore. A chemist by training, her interest in People & Organizational Development was so intense that she decided to switch profession during her earlier years of employment, and she has never looked back since. She has gathered extensive hands-on experience, leading key projects and delivering learning programs in her field of expertise with numerous leading organizations in South East Asia, the Middle East and Europe. A project that she is particularly proud in completing was the transformation of PETRONAS Management Training Institute into a regional Leadership Centre. While leading this project, she was given the opportunity to be seconded to General Electric (GE), a Fortune 500 multinational known for its cutting-edge leadership development innovation. She was instrumental in the development of the existing leadership model for PETRONAS. In addition, she was also extensively involved in the development and implementation of Technical Competency Development process that is currently being used by more than 20 disciplines in the organization. Another massive project that she was heavily involved in was the creation of the quality culture for PETRONAS. The project saw the establishment of PETRONAS' own quality principles where she played a key role in propagating the desired mindset towards the creation of a high performing culture. Her involvement in this project took her to many PETRONAS Operating Companies which spanned into several countries across the globe including Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Sudan, South Africa and Switzerland, creating awareness through learning programs and consultancy services. The PETRONAS Quality Principles have since evolved into shared values that are now known as the PETRONAS Culture Beliefs. In keeping her expertise current after retiring from full-time employment since 2017, she has continued to deliver learning programs, providing coaching and consultancy services to selected Oil & Gas companies in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, India, Oman and Thailand. Among her most recent work are virtual learning deliveries and consultancies during the COVID-19 pandemic to some government linked companies / agencies in Malaysia and PTT Exploration & Production Company of Thailand. Outside her professional circle, she is an avid cyclist, a jungle tracker and a mount climber. She is also an accredited trainer from the Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD CORP). POST TRAINING COACHING SUPPORT (OPTIONAL) To further optimise your learning experience from our courses, we also offer individualized 'One to One' coaching support for 2 hours post training. We can help improve your competence in your chosen area of interest, based on your learning needs and available hours. This is a great opportunity to improve your capability and confidence in a particular area of expertise. It will be delivered over a secure video conference call by one of our senior trainers. They will work with you to create a tailor-made coaching program that will help you achieve your goals faster. Request for further information post training support and fees applicable Accreditions And Affliations

Competency Management & Assurance in the Energy Industry
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally
£1633 to £1899

EFT Course Northeast (EFT Level 1, 2, 3)

By EFT Course UK Online

EFT Tapping Course NE38 7SA – Your Level 1 EFT Workshop – FREE 6 months email support – Fully Experiential Class

EFT Course Northeast (EFT Level 1, 2, 3)
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
£72 to £447

EFT Course London (EFT Level 1, 2, 3)

By EFT Course UK Online

Small Class Sizes – EFT Tapping Course Online on Zoom – Every Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, Parent, and Teacher needs to learn EFT Tapping – Or For Your Own Self-Development – Dip your toe in the water with just Level 1, or go for the whole thing, scroll down for details and amazing Early Bird Rate

EFT Course London (EFT Level 1, 2, 3)
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
£72 to £447

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