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Tai chi Course

By Elearncollege

DESCRIPTION Tai Chi Diploma  Tai Chi, also called Tai Chi Chuan, is a Chinese martial art form and physical exercise distinguished by its slow but graceful movements. This non-combative and flexible exercise form lays great emphasis on improving health. This diploma course attempts to enlighten students with introductory or zero-knowledge regarding this exercise. This Tai Chi Diploma course will help those already familiar with the practice but want to learn more about its advantages and forms. At the outset, this Tai Chi Diploma course briefly introduces students to what the course entails, elucidating how the course will pan out and how students will benefit from each unit. Then comes an explanation of how to get the most out of this well-constructed diploma course. The Tai Chi Diploma course begins with a run-through of Tai Chi and eases into a detailed account of the motives, origin story, plus the four primary forms of the practice. Each topic is designed comprehensively, allowing students to deepen their perception of Tai Chi. The Tai Chi Diploma course explains the many health benefits from both a physical and mental point of view. Taoism, the philosophy that heavily influences Tai Chi, is explored in detail, emphasising its fundamentals. This will further strengthen the students' perception of this unique martial art. Qigong, a sister practice to Tai Chi, may not sound familiar to pupils who have recently started dabbling in this exercise form. This much older practice, Qigong, will be discussed, followed by an enumeration and explanation of the ten fundamentals that the various forms of Tai Chi stand by. This diploma course paints a picture of the primary stances, gestures, and postures employed in Tai Chi. It explains how these exercises should be timed, the ideal locations for practising, and how one should be dressed. The course also illustrates how one should warm up before easing into the exercises of Tai Chi. This follows an in-depth explanation coupled with adequately explained figures of the 21 posture Beijing Short Form of this one-of-a-kind martial art. Students will receive additional helpful information and resources to benefit those keen on taking up this practice as a profession. A list of essential links to visual media and websites will also come with this diploma course for Tai Chi. What you will learn   1: Tai Chi and its benefits  2: Qigong Basics and the philosophy of Tai Chi  3: Preparation for Tai Chi  4: Warming Up  5: Qigong Exercises  6: Tai Chi Exercises  7: Adaptations of Qigong and Tai Chi in the seated posture  8: Meditative Exercises  9: Tai Chi and Rehabilitation  10: Traditional Chinese Medicine  COURSE OUTCOMES After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college. ASSESSMENT Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter. ACCREDITATION Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

Tai chi Course
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Fa-Jing Ch'uan Internal Chinese Boxing Schools

fa-jing ch'uan internal chinese boxing schools


a-jing Ch’uan Internal Chinese Boxing School was founded in 2002 by Nasser Butt - Senior Instructor and student of Erle Montaigue (Masters Degree, China). Our aim is simple: To reintroduce the destructive power of Martial Taijiquan ( Tai Chi Chuan ) as its founders intended it to be - for combat, alongside Baguazhang and Xingyiquan and other traditional Chinese Kung Fu Systems. Our methods are simple and realistic, yet, brutally effective! Powered by fa-jing (explosive energy), the motor of the internal arts and utilising our knowledge of Dim-Mak, inherent within the system, we learn how to repeatedly attack the most vulnerable points of the human body to devastating effect! From day one we learn about distance, timing, balance, co-ordination and natural body movement, through a myriad of single and two person drills, as well as the classical forms. We learn how to gain and develop fa-jing over a short distance, as well as how to access and utilise our reptilian brain in order to survive. Through hard training we develop an understanding of the martial principles “hidden” behind the forms as opposed to learning “exotic” techniques, which can and will lose you fights! That's why a majority of martial artists fail against good street fighters! Techniques are for the dojo... behind every technique is an underlying principle, it is this that one needs to absorb, after which the technique becomes redundant! Most martial artists, unfortunately, never get beyond the technique! If one understands the principles, thoroughly, then they will no longer have the need to remember techniques as the body will move instinctively and deal with the threat appropriately. By preparing the body for combat, we become healthier, physically and mentally, as well as internally and externally. This is how the legendary healing powers of Taijiquan ( Tai Chi chuan ) can be achieved.