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14 Courses in Edinburgh

The Corporate Retreat


By Lapd Solutions Ltd

Organisational retreat, organisational seminar, executive development,

The Corporate Retreat
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Birmingham
£5000 to £7500

Harvest of the Heart - Weekend Retreat


By Wild Power Alchemy

Facilitated by Neil and Fionn this 2-day retreat is an opportunity for you to reconnect to the rhythms of the season and harness the potent energy of the budding spring energy, create joy and bring your dreams to life.

Harvest of the Heart - Weekend Retreat
Delivered In-Person in EdinburghFull day, Sept 14th, 08:00 + 1 more

Shamanic session: healing / ikigai / divination


By Invisible Caims

Sessions can happen ONLINE or IN PERSON.  Please read below to choose the session that is more appropriate for you (you'll be asked to select one in the booking process)  If you have questions please drop me an email info@schoolofshamanism.co.uk Don't worry if you do not know what to select, just come and I'll be happy to help you:-) Shamanism is probably the oldest way to see through our hearts and not our eyes to connect with the nature of our creation. It allows us to go behind and beyond the surface of things, to understand why and how certain situations occur in our lives. Shamanism is a spiritual practice that goes beyond every beliefs and culture and is about trying to reach our full potential as we walk on planet earth, so connecting ourselves to the whole. Shamans were described as the first physicians, magicians, artists, storytellers, spiritual beings. But shamans are healers that make changes in invisible realms to help healing in the ordinary reality of the community. Shamans see in the darkness (which is the meaning of the Siberian word “Shaman”) while connecting with the divine outside the time in an altered state of consciousness. We can work together using different methods: A) Shamanic healing  We can work together to solve one of these imbalances in your life, where you feel:  lost and without life purpose, unhappy and unsatisfied, anxious and worried, overwhelmed and stressed, without energy and hope, uncertain about your future, stuck in repetitive dynamics, unable to manifest abundance, incapable of making decisions,not aligned with your heart, disconnected from the universe,impatient and impulsive, not focused and balanced, with low esteem and more? B) Ikigai coaching to find your soul mission through shamanic work   Ikigai is the manifestation, the realization of who you are. It has always been with you, it is your reason for being. Some people are lucky to find a job that corresponds to their true passion. They earn a living doing what they love. But there are a lot of people that do not have such a privilege or can’t find the courage for such a big change.The Japanese people from the island of Okinawa have a word for you: Ikigai. It’s your “reason for being”, where you combine what you love with what you are good.  Ikigai is 'what makes you happy to get out of bed in the morning' and is formed by the union of two words: iki which means 'life' and gai  that  is 'what is worthwhile' which the ancients called “happiness”, your soul mission.  Our session together will be a deep inner journey, suitable for those who already know their life mission and those who have no clue at all about it or just are not aware how to combine their gifts and skills. You will reconnect with your inner voice and true skills to realize your true life mission. C) 1-1 Shamanic Divination and find your 9 power animals  Everyone has nine power or totem animals that emulate each person’s abilities, talents and challenges.  For example if a person is connected to Wolf as a power animal, that person is a born teacher, pathfinder, innovator. This does not mean that the person has acknowledged the gifts. The 9 animals are one for each of Direction (4 plus above, below, within) and two animals that walk aside you each time and that maybe have come to you in dreams for years or that you are simply drawn to. Through the use of cards, while connecting to my Spirit Allies, I will find out which animals are your main guides into your life.  Afterwards you will have the opportunity, while tuning with the 9 animals,  A) to ask a burning question. Divination does not mean to foresee future, but to tune your own wisdom to be guided about how to read your inner light simply using a stone.  You will need 3 medium/big stones with some marks on them and we will then choose 1 and I will guide you through the full process, both online or in person.  B) or to receive your full essence and symbol from me though "soul remembrance : I will undertake a shamanic journey for you to retrieve the essence of your gifts and talents and a symbol to be blown into your solar plexus. This can be done online or in person GIADA'S JOURNEY Creative and Spiritual Explorer of the human well-being running events for 20 years worldwide Shamanic Teacher *Toltec tradition: three years formal training with Two Birds at Anam Cara, Scotland *Japanese Yamabushi tradition with Selene Calloni Williams Shamanic and Integral Yoga Teacher Ikigai Coach and Forest Therapy Guide qualified with Selene Calloni Williams at the Imaginal Academy Professional Esoteric Numerologist graduated at The Connaissance School of Numerology, England Cacao Alchemist Practitioner obtained with Firetree Alchemy, Scotland Corporate Mental Health Coach achieved with WeFocus, Denmark and twenty years working in corporate Practitioner of Buddhist teachings, meditation and the Five Tibetan Rites Yoga Founder of Drink In Art exhibitions of local artists in private flats Founder of School of Shamanism (formerly Invisible Caims) workshops, classes, therapies, retreats Founder of Art and Spirituality centre for creativity and well-being Co-author of a non-profit book with 33 Italian women about our stories in different countries By attending to our classes, workshops, 1to 1 sessions and retreats you agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment  Bookings are non-refundable.  Disclaimer  By booking any event or 1-1 session -online or  any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims/School of Shamanism, Art and Spirituality and any business partners working with for the event  from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results,  theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise.  When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by the law according to my current insurance.   Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens  in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties. Giada Gaslini and Art and Spirituality do not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities.   

Shamanic session: healing / ikigai / divination
Delivered Online & In-Person in Edinburgh2 hours, Jul 19th, 11:00 + 9 more
£55 to £350



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

* Better relationships intensive training programme * One on one dating coaching * Better relationships programme and Relationship assessment overview * 5 Day Holiday in mystery 5 star location (Clear mind and relaxation) * 2 day therapy in 5 star Luxury London hotel * Luxury spa retreat and treatment by celebrity facialist * World famous celebrity dentist teeth whitening treatment * Free M.D.D Membership for 1 year Assess your love life and enjoy a vacation and bespoke luxury package created by your M.D.D date coach to tailor to your specific needs and problem areas enjoy a first-class experience and let the M.D.D help you embrace a new and bright future and assist you with a beautiful transition to the love life you desire and a happier, confident, enriched mind.Let all your strengths and abilities be harnessed to propel you to great success with this intensive package Price on application https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/m-d-d-premier-vip-coaching-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/m-d-d-premier-vip-coaching-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

1-1 Shamanic Yoga Session


By Invisible Caims

A personalized 1-1 session of Shamanic Yoga is a session of healing of the body according to the blockages and limitations that appear to your eyes, which give us the key to solve in a marvellous way what your soul needs. This yoga is suitable to everyone and it is very easy and creative.  SHAMANIC YOGA  is ancestral, ancient, pre-vedic. It has the element of ecstasy, of a non ordinary state of consciousness, where you work with nature, animals, yantras, mantras, mudras, rituals, initiations in the imaginal forest, in the natural code, non the social code.  Merceliade says that this yoga is the oldest form of yoga and we find it in various traditions: Hindu tradition (Shaktism), Himalayan (Naropa, Milarepa etc), South America (Andean yoga), Siberia, Mongolia, Japan (Yamabushi), Taoism, Alchemy. Shamanic yoga is not an exercise of the body, but a mystical, esoteric and initiatory healing practice that is distinguished by two characteristics; the first is ecstasy, the ability to communicate with the invisible, regaining the state of non-duality that is the typical goal of the yogin’s path. Ecstasy is not achieved by hypnosis or drugs or external means, but by means of instruments such as the drum, the breath and is not the trance of the medium. The shaman does not speak through the voice of spirits but draws knowledge directly from them. The second characteristic is the ability to bring back through narration or storytelling what has been grasped in the invisible worlds, during the shamanic journey, and to convince the matter to transform into reality what is told. Through narrative I awaken forces that then I can bring to life.  Giada’s teachings are also combined with INTEGRAL OR PURNA YOGA founded by Sri Aurobindo “Purna’ means ‘complete’ and Purna Yoga distils and integrates the vast aspects of yoga into an invaluable set of tools for transformation and healing.  It offers more than just physical exercise. Purna Yoga teaches the mind, body and emotions how to be at home with the spirit. Purna Yoga is the art of loving oneself by living from the heart. By attending to our classes, workshops, 1 to 1 sessions and retreats you agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment  Bookings are non-refundable.  Disclaimer  By booking a class or workshop or retreat or 1-1 session -online or  any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims and any business partners working with Invisible Caims  from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results,  theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise.  When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by the law according to my current insurance.   Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens  in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties.  Invisible Caims does not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities.   

1-1 Shamanic Yoga Session
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Edinburgh
£25 to £140

Cacao ceremony


By Invisible Caims

The session can happen ONLINE or IN PERSON. If online and you wish to receive the cacao bar via mail, material and shipment costs will be applied, otherwise I will suggest where to purchase your ceremonial cacao.  Cacao is a sacred plant for the indigenous people, who call it 'The Drink of the Gods'. This is also the meaning of the scientific name given to the cacao plant Theobroma Cacao (Theo - God, broma - drink). To give the cacao spirit the opportunity to enter the person who takes it, the traditional way is to do it through a specific ceremony. It has been used for millennia by the indigenous peoples of Central America as an essential element in rituals. The Cacao Spirit was considered one of the most important deities in the Mayan cosmovision. In Mexico, the Aztecs considered it so precious that cocoa beans were regarded as coins. Ceremonial cacao is very different from the cacao found in our supermarkets. It is produced by simply cold milling cocoa beans from indigenous plants, after which the beans are lightly roasted and peeled. In this way, the cacao contains all the elements of the fruit in its entirety, including the cacao butter, which in industrial production is immediately separated. Returning to the ceremony, the intake of cacao is a sacred moment to connect with the Divine through a deep inner journey from the heart. Cacao has the property of encouraging a loving opening of the heart, allowing you to listen to the deepest parts of yourself. it is through the Heart that the connection with Heaven, Heart of Heaven, and with Earth, Heart of Earth, takes place. The heart is the seat of love in all traditional cultures, sometimes it is also the seat of some wounds that one receives in life, that is why Cacao has an effect first of all of releasing and releasing the emotions that bring the pains of life, but later it connects the individual with the true and great Heart, seat of infinite, unlimited Love. Mama Cacao also works on our Ancestors, it has the ability to release and heal the suffering that was theirs. The Cacao Ceremony leads to a very profound experience of healing, especially towards the awareness that each person's life is in any case imbued with Pure Love, from the moment of conception to the moment of the present breath. Love, also in the Mayan tradition, is the engine of all life, it is the source and source of well-being, harmony and balance of the entire Cosmos. Before attending, you will receive a full form to fill and extra info. By attending to our classes, workshops, 1 to 1 sessions and retreats you agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment  Bookings are non-refundable.  Disclaimer  By booking a class or workshop or retreat or 1-1 session -online or  any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims and any business partners working with Invisible Caims  from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results,  theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise.  When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by the law according to my current insurance.   Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens  in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties.  Invisible Caims does not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities.   

Cacao ceremony
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Edinburgh

Write your story - letters of a lifetime


By The Arienas Collective

Write your own story in this exclusive 'letters of a lifetime' writing workshop run by Kate Emmerson (aka The Quick Shift Deva) and hosted at The Arienas Collective in Edinburgh City Centre

Write your story - letters of a lifetime
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

House Energy cleansing and souls psychopomp


By Invisible Caims

We are all created from energy, as well as the objects we hold and the situations we are in, meaning that we are surrounded by both positive and negative energy. We all experience hard times and setbacks, but ignoring the negative energy that may keep resurfacing will greatly affect our relationships and balance, especially of our home.  The negative things in our lives can easily take a massive toll on our mental health and emotional state without us even realizing it.  Cleansing our home from negative energies or simply from spirits that have lost their ways towards the light and need help in this transition (which is called "shamanic psychopomp") is a beautiful help we are providing to these souls to find their peace after death. I can assist you, as a shamanic practitioner, to take healing to your home or to any spirits that may be involved.  When is a house cleansing required? *Before moving to a new home, as we the property has surely energy blockages from previous experiences of the inhabitants, likely brought on by the challenges of life. *Any time we need to start a new project or phase in our life and we need to cut old energetic cords that bind us and our space to old happenings. *After personal difficulties or illness *If anyone at home is having problems sleeping. How is the cleansing done? Through incense, sound, light, mantras and a shamanic journey. And whatever my Spirit Allies guide me through my intuition.      By attending to our classes, workshops, 1 to 1 sessions and retreats you agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment  Bookings are non-refundable.  Disclaimer  By booking a class or workshop or retreat or 1-1 session -online or  any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims and any business partners working with Invisible Caims  from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results,  theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise.  When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by the law according to my current insurance.   Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens  in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties.  Invisible Caims does not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities.   

House Energy cleansing and souls psychopomp
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide

Shamanic Forest Therapy


By Invisible Caims

I offer private and group sessions of Shinrin Yoku (Forest Bathing) as a certified Guide. We’ll merge with the beauty of nature in the South Queensferry area embracing Japanese rituals of the Yamabushi Shamans and practicing Forest Bathing. If you have ever been among trees in a woodland, listening to the birds, walking, or simply searching for some silence, you have already experienced the Japanese practice of shrin-yoku or forest bathing. In Japanese, “shinrin” means forest and “yoku” means bath, or immersing oneself in the forest and soaking in the atmosphere through the senses. Breathing deeply and finding peace in nature has a massive positive role on your body and mind. Plants release substances from their leaves that are effective in positively stimulating the immune system, as many studies have proved. Forgetting your mobiles and usual busy schedule, in the magic atmosphere of nature , you will take this time off for yourself only to re-build and re-create the cycle that naturally links human beings with nature as a part of the whole. It will be your slowing down time to re-connect literally with your roots.  Some time of digital detoxing will help you to pay attention to your breath, to use all of your senses, to meditate while walking, to dance freely, to stay silent. When did you last touch a tree trunk, or notice the symphony of animals and leaves dancing around you? We will create our sacred space in this time of reconnection with a shamanic ceremony . In this ceremony, you will receive guidance, healing and inspiration, you will learn how to create an altar, smudging with burning sacred herbs, calling the seven directions and then receiving your talking stick to share your heart with your close beautiful circle of souls for this circle. A ceremony is spontaneous, a ceremony is unique, a ceremony is a direct connection with the spirits of the land.  Think about what you need to re-create in your life. Think about what you want to re-connect with along your path. Ask for guidance and the fairies will answer, they always do. Sessions normally last at least 120min plus the walking time to enter the woodland and find a suitable spot according to the season changes in the green (allow extra 30/45min walk and return ) and the current price is for 1-1.  Private groups will receive a bespoke quote. If you wish to have a longer session a bespoke price will be provided.  Giada's Journey Creative explorer of the human well-being with twenty years’ experience running events, workshops and retreats. Co-author of a non-profit book with other 33 Italian women about their stories in different countries. She has been learning to heal herself supportinga Holistic connection between mind, body and spirit. She has been studying and practicing Buddhist teachings, meditation and the Five Tibetan Rites Yoga in Nepal, India and Italy. Approached the imaginal world and dreams with the psychologist Elio Occhipinti and a regressive hypnosis journey with the vision of the psychiatrist Brian Weiss. Her studies and practice have helped her become: Shamanic Practitioner with the two years formal training at Anam Cara Shamanic and Integral Yoga Teacher, Ikigai Coach,Forest Therapy Guide qualified with Selene Calloni Williams at the Imaginal Academy and part of the Italian-Swiss Association for Counselling and Coaching, Aiscon.  Professional Esoteric Numerologist graduated at The Connaissance School of Numerology Corporate Mental Health Coach achieved with WeFocus Founder of Drink In Art exhibitions of local artists in private flats Founder of Invisible Caims creative and spiritual workshops, classes and therapies Founder of the Art and Spirituality Centre centre for creativity and well-being in Edinburgh By attending to our classes, workshops, 1 to 1 sessions and retreats you agree to our TERMS AND CONDITIONS Payment  Bookings are non-refundable.  Disclaimer  By booking a class or workshop or retreat or 1-1 session -online or  any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims and any business partners working with Invisible Caims  from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results,  theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise.  When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by the law according to my current insurance.   Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens  in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties.  Invisible Caims does not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities.   

Shamanic Forest Therapy
Delivered Online & In-Person
Dates arranged on request



By Invisible Caims

Who is this course for: This course is for Spiritual Explorers that: *are already open to energy and to the spiritual vision of the world, *are not living blindly following the rules of the matrix, but try to follow their hearts and intuition *want to go beyond the barriers of the ordinary world and access the wisdom and energy healing powers of the spirits to help themselves and others; *want to realise themselves in the totality of their potential,  in order to live a genuine life mission and become evolved human beings; *want to go through a deep inner transformation and inner work for the evolution of their souls. What you will learn: This intense one year course has been designed combining together the Toltec and the Japanese tradition of shamanism and no experience is required to attend. It will allow you to qualify as a Professional Shamanic Practitioner.  Shamanism has survived for millennia because of its effectiveness and adaptability. In some cultures it is still a reference spiritual practice, in our modern culture it is increasingly an alternative practice for healing the soul and for all health issues that cannot be solved by official science. In these times of great change, spiritual practice, done humbly but also with purpose, can transform our society.  The vision is to educate you to become a shamanic practitioner experiencing this vast and diverse healing heritage, applying it with courage and commitment in your own environment.  The term "professional" means someone who has solid experience working with other people safely and effectively. You will follow a very deep path of healing, transformation and personal empowerment necessary to work ethically and professionally in the field of shamanic healing. Through deep initiations you can open ever wider doors to the spiritual world necessary to become true channels of healing and inexhaustible sources of spiritual wisdom WHEN penultimate week-end of the month per 13months  (different dates in  December due to Christmas and April due to Easter;  break in July and August)  10am-5pm GMT time each day 20th-21st April 2024 18th-19th May 2024 22nd-23rd June 2024 21st-22nd September 2024 19th-20th October 2024 16th-17th November 2024 7th-8th December 2024 18th-19th January 2025 15th-16th February 2025 22nd-23rd March 2025 12th-13th April 2025 17th-18th May 2025 21st-22nd June 2025 You have time till the 15th May 2024 to sign up. If you miss the first week-end, the recording will be sent to you. After this date, no more applications will be taken.  You are ideally required to attend all the week-ends, online or in person but I understand sudden circumstances may occur. You will be allowed to miss maximum two week-ends, for which you will get the recordings and you will be required to do home-works, in order to get your certificate.  If your absence is over this, we'll need to speak and consider your personal circumstances. PROGRAMME ECSTASY: SHAMANIC JOURNEYS AND OTHER METHODS POWER ANIMALS , SPIRIT GUIDES AND SPIRIT NAMES (find your own one) POWER DANCE SHAMANIC TOOLS THE ART OF STORYTELLING: HACKING THE MIND PILGRIMAGES SHAMANIC HEALING: SOUL RETRIEVAL AND EXTRACTIONS SOUL REMEMBRANCE THE ART OF DIVINATION RITUALS AND CEREMONIES THE ANCESTRAL REALMS: PAST LIVES PSYCHOPOMP AND DEATH AS AN ALLY FOREST THERAPY : JAPANESE SHAMANIC RITUALS  BEING A SPIRITUAL WARRIOR IN THE YAMABUSHI TRADITION CREATIVITY AS AN HEALING TOOL  THE MEDICINE WHEEL  THE ARCHETYPES AND CHAOS CYCLES SHAMANIC COUNSELLING AND THE GARDEN OF SOULS HEALING CIRCLES INTRODUCTION TO CACAO CEREMONIES HOW TO WORK WITH CLIENTS FINAL CEREMONY COST OF THE FULL COURSE FULL COURSE £250 non-refundable deposit, followed by 12 monthly instalments according to your income: Early bird offer by 16th February 2024 High £195/month     Medium £185/month     Low £156/month Full price from 17th February High £216/month   Medium £205/month     Low £173/month CANCELLATION AND PAYMENTS A booking is accepted following receipt of a non refundable deposit payment,  followed by monthly instalments. Any cancellation occurring after the start of the course will still be subject to the payment in full of the remaining instalments.  Disclaimer  By booking any event or 1-1 session -online or  any other venues – with us, you release Giada Gaslini, Invisible Caims/School of Shamanism, Art and Spirituality and any business partners working with for the event  from any liability arising out of any personal injuries, emotional or physical release, death, expectations of results,  theft in the venue or damages that may happen to people and objects while attending. We recommend that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise programme, if the class you are booking includes it like with yoga or similar, and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise.  When participating in an exercise, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. You acknowledge that coaching, shamanic healing and counselling are not to be used as a substitute for psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or other professional advice by legal, medical or other professionals. Our sessions are aimed at inner research, problem solving and personal growth, they do not replace the work of doctors and psychotherapists because they do not consider, treat or aim to solve pathologies and symptoms that are strictly medical. All contracts subject to and governed by the law according to my current insurance.   Added element of the disclaimer If the class happens  in any venue and you are causing any damage to the property, you are taking responsibility of your actions. It is down to the individual to take personal responsibility when participating in physical activity and when entering a space that is used and shared by other parties.  Invisible Caims does not take any responsibility about possible risks that may arise but can only advise and enforce guidelines and legal requirements as defined by the Scottish Government and local authorities.  Giada's Journey Creative explorer of the human well-being with twenty years’ experience running events, workshops and retreats. Co-author of a non-profit book with other 33 Italian women about their stories in different countries. She has been learning to heal herself supportinga Holistic connection between mind, body and spirit. She has been studying and practicing Buddhist teachings, meditation and the Five Tibetan Rites Yoga in Nepal, India and Italy. Approached the imaginal world and dreams with the psychologist Elio Occhipinti and a regressive hypnosis journey with the vision of the psychiatrist Brian Weiss.  Her studies and practice have helped her become: Shamanic Practitioner and Teacher with the two years formal training at Anam Cara and one year in Wales Shamanic and Integral Yoga Teacher, Ikigai Coach,Forest Therapy Guide qualified with Selene Calloni Williams at the Imaginal Academy and part of the Italian-Swiss Association for Counselling and Coaching, Aiscon.  Professional Esoteric Numerologist graduated at The Connaissance School of Numerology Corporate Mental Health Coach achieved with WeFocus Founder of Drink In Art exhibitions of local artists in private flats Founder of Invisible Caims creative and spiritual workshops, classes and therapies Founder of the Art and Spirituality Centre centre for creativity and well-being in Edinburgh

Delivered Online & In-Person in EdinburghFull day, Sept 21st, 09:00 + 19 more

Educators matching "Retreat"

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Edinburgh School of Icon Painting

edinburgh school of icon painting



Our school supports students in developing creative confidence and finding courage through a range of icon painting courses and workshops open to students at all levels. Edinburgh School of Icon Painting was founded in September 2013. It is a small school based in the artist hub St. Margaret's House. The school mission is to teach icon painting (writing) to people of all different backgrounds but at the same time maintaining the ethos and essence of it's spirituality. Introducing this unique form of art to students of the school I introduce a way of practising art which is different the other forms of art and it is said to be more then just art. Students learn egg tempera technique which has been used in art for centuries and it is one of the most lasting painting techniques. There are still reasonably well preserved icons from VI Century. Egg tempera involves preparing own paints using egg yolk and dry pigments. Through the whole process of work we try to limit synthetic materials. Using organic materials helps to develop a connection with nature and in consequence with the Divine. Basia Mindewicz - founder and teacher. Born in 1978. Graduated from The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education, MA and College of Iconography (Policealne Studium Ikonograficzne) in Bielsk Podlaski in 2008. She has been working for a major icon painting workshops in Poland. Organized many private workshops and residential courses. Workshops in Poland: Droga Ikony (The way of Icon) http://www.drogaikony.org.pl/ [http://www.drogaikony.org.pl/?fbclid=IwAR0vxEIaxHte2QXz6qYTpzSSsg7vkGnHYASE20fJ4TUGdSALp6bSQP9rSwI] Studium Chrzescijanskiego Wschodu (School of Eastern Christianity) Workshops organized or co-organized by other organizations in UK Retreat at Craig Lodge Family House of Prayer, may 2015. 3 day workshop at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, march 2016 ''Art of Icon. Art of life'' retreat at Hacienda Los Olivos in Spain, may 2016. http://www.haciendalosolivos.org/ [https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.haciendalosolivos.org%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1ul4kqR27pAvXcHaukwpsKVrW-JJdAzvgkwjiF0NmvYDuvYZXBIDHXzKQ&h=AT1Gv3F-ik-nJGhloFQUo3EmqZYW-hcRuWmEr19K-OdZgjxx-Mf1q6VR-uoDwvYXrCf3FeAWDnFf8OjtEf4AQmBFIwC2kZ9P13eXX7ukZqSRYFTS7BLmYlg8o-U-yXTfUw] Member of British Association of Iconographers. She has taken part in many group exhibitions in Poland and Scotland. She curated few. Most important shows: "Icon Today" Contemporary Icon (Ikona Dzis, Wystawa Ikon Wspolczesnych), Exhibition was a part of the Conference under the same title 6.06-31.07.2008 at the Monastery of Dominicans in Warsaw, Poland "Oblicza Ikony" Ukrainian and Polish Contemporary Icon, The Museum Of South Podlasie in Biala Podlaska, Poland, 11.09-30.11.2011 ''The Sacred Face'', March 2014, as a part of MESP Festival. Edinburgh. Curated. ''Doorways to the Divine'', January 2015. St. Margaret's House. Edinburgh. Curated. ''Artist as a Seer in a quantum age'', march 2015. MESP Festival. Summer Hall. Edinburgh. Curated.





This is my philosophy. There have been times when I might have said yes too quickly but equally, no-one lives forever.. This is why I decided to go for my Yoga teacher training. A passion to learn and to teach. Following a trip to Thailand I got back to my desk in Edinburgh and thought no! No more... And so I did it, and I want to share my journey and musings. MY YOGA JOURNEY I started ballet at a really young age of 2 and fell in love with being free to move and letting my imagination run wild. Often I was found looking at my mum's Iyengar Yoga book and imitating the yoga images over and over. This connection with movement has never left me. Inspired, I studied Performing Arts specialising in Contemporary Dance at De Montfort University, Bedford, and continued to study Community Education at Edinburgh University where I specialised in Community Arts and Youth Work. I found my way to Yoga after going to a gym class during a stressful period of work where I tried Power Yoga. My coordination at first was terrible and I was struggling to keep up with the class but still really enjoyed attending. I then decided to do a beginner class to see if that could help my coordination and balance. At this point Yoga was still a purely physical practice to me. It was not until several years later that I went on a trip to India where I travelled to Kerala and Goa and really started to be drawn to the spiritual and meditative side of Yoga. I got up as early as 6am to do Yoga practice and discovered Ashtanga Yoga. I was hooked. I liked how the physical benefits improved my health and was especially drawn to the chanting and the wonderful philosophy of Yoga. Two years of regular yoga practice later, after attending a Yoga retreat in Granada and a trip to Thailand, I took the leap and signed up to a Yoga teacher training course. This course would become what I felt to be a challenge and reward at the same time, learning and memorising sancript and Yoga philosophy, finding self acceptance and realising that it is ok if you cannot do every single yoga pose. This course has given me real confidence to teach yoga in the community and share this feeling of excitement. YOGA FOR KIDS My style of kids Yoga classes is drawn to delivering fun and creative yoga sessions. Yoga journeys are a vital part of these classes, where kids can nourish their creativity using movement in their body to tell a story while breath work helps the kids feel more calm. Having completed my Kids Yoga Teacher training with Rainbow Kids Yoga in London, I quickly realised how passionate I am about working with kids of all ages to help them reach their full potential. YOGA FOR ADULTS My style of classes is drawn to delivering dynamic sequences with focus on flow and restorative styles of yoga where students can focus on deep relaxation and connection of movement with breath. I love sharing that inner work with others and for them to leave feeling happier at ease and with a smile. I strongly believe that everyone can do yoga in the right supportive environment. I am a registered RYT-200 Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance. Having completed my training at Meadowlark Yoga Edinburgh in 2015 my style of yoga is distinctively Ashtanga and Vinyasa Flow influenced. BABY MASSAGE My baby massage courses are about providing quality time between parent and baby, relaxing and enjoying special time together. Parent and baby are introduced to baby massage, loving touch, gentle stretches and songs. I work with you to promote confidence, help you learn how to communicate with your baby and understand their cues of responsiveness in a nurturing and stress free environment.I am a qualified Baby Massage Instructor, having completed my training with the Scottish School of Child and Baby Massage and an accredited Massage Therapist with the Scottish School of Massage where I obtained Diplomas in both, Sport and Remedial Massage as well as Indian Head Massage. PREGNANCY YOGA As a Pregnancy Yoga teacher I am extremely passionate about the holistic mind and body benefits yoga can bring to support women through birth and after. I believe yoga is for everyone and is a great support to help mums to de-stress, connect with others, share our journeys and become part of a community. Pregnancy Yoga classes are a fantastic way to nourish our bodies and physically and emotionally improve our health and wellbeing. I am currently running weekly classes in Pregnancy Yoga where I offer a relaxed and calming space for women to practise and provide practical tools to support women during their pregnancy and birth. MUM & BABY YOGA My style of Post natal Mum & Baby Yoga classes is focused on supporting women after birth. It is a great way to nourish our bodies physically and emotionally, as well as improving health and well being. I especially focuses on breath awareness, building strength and flexibility and creating a safe space for women to bond with their baby. I am currently running weekly classes in Mum & Baby Yoga where I offer a relaxed and calming space for women to practice yoga with their baby and supportive space for women to meet together and share experiences.