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3 Courses in Coventry

Mind-Body-Food Discovery Interactive Workshop by Chakra Wellness


By Prittie Yoga

Discover how to unlock your body’s natural wisdom to help you eat, move and live with more energy and enjoyment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What would it mean to relate to your body as a powerful source of knowing? In this enlightening, experiential workshop, we explore how each of our bodies can become a more welcoming home, a source of healing, and an inner compass to guide our eating experiences. Energy Medicine Yoga®️ Teacher, Emily Perrier, and BANT Registered Nutritionist & Intuitive Eating Coach, Sarah Grant, will show you how your natural energy system, the chakra system, is a doorway to a deeper connection with your body, yourself, and food. In this workshop, you will: Gain a better understanding of your energetic nature and specifically the body’s major energy system: the chakra system Learn how the core seven chakras live within the body and mind, and can express in your relationship with food and eating patterns Discover how taking a more intuitive approach to eating can help you build body trust and help make food a joy Experience activities that can help you enhance your mind-body-food connection including Energy Medicine Yoga practices, chants, and group/self-enquiry As a result of attending this workshop, you will feel recharged and inspired, and leave with a deeper connection and appreciation for your body and the incredible resource that it is. A workbook, refreshments and light snacks will be provided. Your Hosts Emily Perrier teaches Energy Medicine Yoga®️, a magical union of yoga and energy medicine, which amplifies the benefits of a traditional practice by combining simple movements that help the body to self-regulate, heal, energise, and move with more ease. Emily spends her time learning the language of the body, and is passionate about teaching others how to speak their body’s language too. She teaches from the heart, and says “we only have one body; let’s treat it with the love, kindness and compassion it deserves”. Find out more about Emily at Prittie Yoga www.prittieyoga.co.uk Sarah Grant is a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Intuitive Eating Coach with more than ten years’ experience helping people make lasting changes to how they relate to food, what they choose to eat, and how they care for their bodies. She is passionate about helping people to reconnect with their health in intuitive, sustainable ways that value physical and emotional wellbeing, energy and esteem - free of diet culture, restrictive food rules and nutrition overwhelm. Find out more about Sarah's holistic approach to nutrition and behaviour change at Gut Reaction www.gutreaction.co.uk

Mind-Body-Food Discovery Interactive Workshop by Chakra Wellness
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Team Building & Team Development

By Dickson Training Ltd

Our Team Building Programmes are 'simply excellent' (quote from Unilever). They always deliver much greater energy' motivation and efficiently accelerates to a galvanised, integrated team for their Manager/Team Leader. They're great fun and very commercially orientated - the best of both key elements to a successful and long-lasting high performance team. A successful company is always made up of successful teams. Teams that can work autonomously with a clearly defined set of goals, roles, vision, responsibility and culture will always reach for and achieve far greater success than a team that works just as a group of individuals. Our team building solutions are individually built and geared towards teams at any level within an organisation, providing an independent and objective perspective to promote a common purpose such as the creation of a 'high performance team'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUT WITH THE OLD Traditionally, team building events have been restricted to certain levels of management where they head off site for a bit of archery, quad biking and paintballing or something along those lines. Then over some coffee and cocktails, business plans and more efficient ways to work are casually discussed. Whilst being out having fun instead of being at work may improve an individual person's mood, the effect will only be short-term, and will not go far in creating permanent and cohesive teams who are able to overcome challenges together and drive the business forward when back in the workplace. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN WITH THE NEW Today's business thinking is more strategic and certainly has to look for returns on the investment. That is why Dickson Training Ltd's team building programmes are bespoke and built to your requirements through research, understanding your business and, most importantly, what results and achievements you are looking to get out of the programme. Once "what success looks like" has been established, we create tasks and activities that will test your leadership, problem solving, communication and team work skills. When the tasks have been completed, the learning - both practical and theory - is debriefed to the group as well as how it will translate back in your business. Not only are our events great fun, but they provide participants with learning points they can act upon to improve or enhance the working practices/environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM BUILDING THAT GETS RESULTS We have a highly innovative team who design team builds to suit all budgets and time or space restrictions. Large or small, we will develop the perfect event to meet your commercial objectives, keeping in line with your values and company culture. More recently we have combined team galvanising events with ways to engage the participants with and support their local communities. This solution has proved extremely popular with our clients and we are continuing to develop more and more programmes doing exactly this. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Phil did everything in a very professional and focused manner, without losing sight of the overall aims or having 'fun'. When I moved to Airbus UK and subsequently European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS), I had no hesitation in recommending Phil and the team to deliver the required training and team events.  Without doubt Phil and his team are excellent providers of training, to suit even bespoke requirements, and I would not hesitate in recommending the team to any business in the future. " Glenn Brown, Systems & Expertise Manager, Airbus Personnel Service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUGMENTED SKILLS – AN ESSAY BY PHIL DICKSON All of you, who are reading this, and all the people you meet and work with will have – ‘Augmented Skills’. So – if you are an IT Engineer or a Pharmacist; perhaps you are, or know, a Departmental Leader and you work with a Logistics Project Manager; these roles will demand core skills, whether they be technical know-how or qualifications in the discipline. But to be that bit better; more reliable; more effective & productive and therefore more valuable and, frankly, marketable – capitalizing on ‘Augment Skills’ comes into play. The I T Engineer who was a Chess Champion at Uni, which would indicate that they possess some key ‘Augmented skills’ including how they plan 3 steps ahead and are always prepared for the unexpected. The Pharmacist, who is a keen sportsperson in their private life, will likely be tenacious, team-orientated and disciplined – again these are superb qualities to have in this – or any – role. Your colleagues, as well as yourself, will have ‘Augmented Skills’ that will be an asset if only they are explored and applied to their role and indeed, career. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN 'SUPER-POWER' If they love gardening, they are probably strategic, patient and inclined to research; if they cook or bake, they are usually well organized and comfortable with multi-tasking. A big reader will tend to be considered and possess good critical thinking faculties, and an amateur mechanic or keen DIY person will often be practical, resourceful and very determined. I have observed that many new Parents discover they have ‘Augmented Skills’ they didn’t know they had... such as getting order out of chaos and displaying industrial amounts of patience and good grace when they really do not feel like it. They very often become far more compassionate and empathetic. Most people have their very own ‘Superpower’. Invite your team members to offer their ‘Augmented Skills’ to your work-place – and just watch as it elevates the motivation levels and improves results. It’ll be very rewarding for all concerned – and for meeting the Team’s objectives, to encourage the person who is a talented artist to be a sounding board on some of the marketing imagery and layouts; for the team member who is great at Maths or resolving crosswords to be asked for their input to solving a problem that is causing logistical or operational headaches. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVER EXPLOIT A TEAM MEMBER’S UNIQUE SPECIAL SKILLS AT THEIR EXPENSE I would like to stress, however, that it must never be an area where a team member gets exploited by harvesting their unique special skills to coerce them into taking on greater responsibilities and tasks without providing them with the commensurate salary and status. To do so would be immoral and, ultimately, counter-productive as it would lead to resentment and disenfranchisement. This is about encouraging people’s capability and inviting their input to boost confidence and enhance the team’s capability. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFTEN, WE NEED TO BE MORE THAN WHAT OUR JOB DESCRIPTION SAYS It is also important to highlight that whatever a person’s role or function is – they will definitely need to have additional capabilities to be effective. The best example of this is when we designed and delivered a range of ‘Advanced Customer Care skills’ training sessions for the Met Office a few years ago…we met so many remarkably super-bright Meteorologists, many of whom were having to make significant adjustments to answering questions from Customers that seemed to be illogical and often, obtuse. It wasn’t enough for these Meteorologists to be highly skilled at interpreting data and identifying patterns – they needed ‘Augmented skills’ to make that information accessible to members of the public (and Council workers and Air Traffic controllers and Shipping agents) and many other people, as to what that particular weather system was going to be like in their area and at what time. They have to know how to ‘de-jargonise’ the material and provide succinct, clear, and yet temperate, descriptions without ever appearing exasperated, impatient or judgmental in response to sometimes quite silly questions. For a highly trained scientist – that can be counter-intuitive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEING PHILOSOPHICAL... AND A WEE BIT PRETENTIOUS At the risk of being a little Philosophical (and probably a wee bit pretentious) – in my own role of Trainer – my core skills have to include – being a very good communicator, an active listener and have innovative and engaging ways to convert an idea, or a model, into practical application that my Delegates and Clients gain tangible benefits from. This is how it applies to me... I really enjoy composing short, light classical-style piano pieces. Now, to do this well, you need to be able to find a transition from one chord or melody to a different theme or key. It has to be worked out very carefully to have incremental transitions and pleasant-sounding developments as the piece unfolds. I think I have become better at this as I have honed my skills as a composer. But I have realized that these very same skills have ‘Augmented’ my ability to help a Manager, or a Team, move from a state of conflict; tension; disfunction; disenfranchisement; lack of confidence to a place that is more harmonious with far greater productivity. The very same process of careful listening, considering options, taking well-considered steps, having a creative, sometimes brave, move towards a resolution are at play in both Training and Piano Compositions! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULED COURSES Unfortunately this course is not one that is currently scheduled as an open course, and is only available on an in-house basis. Please contact us for more information.

Team Building & Team Development
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bardsey & 4 more
Price on Enquiry

Harness the energy (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Harness the energy is an explorative workshop introducing the notion of utilising and intuitively listening to the energy shared between a group of people. Whether we realise it or not, we all give off certain energies at any time. These energies can affect change, sometimes positively, sometimes negatively. This workshop enhances understanding of the power of our own energy transmissions through the use of complicité-based theatre techniques and exercises. This workshop will help participants become active and aware listeners, able to work better collaboratively to produce strong results. It will demonstrate the power of our own individual energy and the positive impact we can have when we learn to utilise the energy beneficially in different situations.

Harness the energy (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Online Options

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By Fay Beck Studio

ONLINE SCREEN ACTING COURSE GREAT ON-SCREEN PERFORMANCES LEAVE THEIR MARK IN OUR MEMORIES. SOME PERFORMANCES EVEN BECOME ICONIC.  Here at the Studio, we’ve brought knowledge gained across producing, writing, directing and coaching to bear on the question of how to do great, memorable screen acting performances. We’ve discovered that it comes down to the actor’s ownership of the character. Indeed, when we think of memorable or iconic screen performances we find it difficult to separate the actor from the character. There is a sense in which the character becomes the character. Or another way of thinking about it, the actor owns the character. The skill of becoming or owning the character is even harder on screen than it is on stage. On stage, performances rely heavily on the actor’s skill in voice and movement – as well of course their ability to use emotions the way they are supposed to. Mastery over physicality, voice and emotion is often what makes the stage actor memorable in a role. But if the stage actor relies on voice and movement primarily, what does the screen actor need to hold onto to elevate their on screen characters? How does ‘becoming the character’ look like for the actor working on screen? This course is a first step into helping you create memorable characters on screen – character performances you own. Over the course of the 5 weeks, the Online Screen Acting Course will deliver key insights into how to do screen acting the most powerful but also, most efficient way. Key to our practice will be teaching you how to read scripts deeply and helping you see how you can search the text for clues into characterisation that may lie under the surface. In the final weeks of the course, students will learn how to make confident choices, take the risk of committing to some choices while at the same time remaining flexible enough to change, adapt and adjust their performances in line with the casting director notes or the director’s requirements. Take the first step into learning screen acting technique the powerful, intuitive but yet also easy way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE REQUIREMENTS * INTERMEDIATE ACTORS WELCOME: To join the course you will need at least intermediate acting skills. Good script analysis skills are presumed. * BEGINNING ACTORS: Consider doing the Script Analysis Course. You will benefit much more from this course if you are well equipped with sound script analysis skills. * EXPERIENCED ACTORS:  This course is recommend for you! Elevate existing acting skills. Key Points * SMALL GROUP (MAX 10 PEOPLE) TO POWER LEARNING * SESSIONS CONDUCTED LIVE OVER GOOGLE * CLASSES AVAILABLE TO WATCH BACK WHILE THE COURSE IS RUNNING * 50% THEORY, 50% PRACTICE/HOMEWORK PLAYBACK LEARNING OUTCOMES * Gained an understanding of how to use the camera for maximum effect * Practiced on-camera Building Character exercises * Learnt useful tools to control facial expressions conveying nuance and specificity * Practiced useful techniques to direct emotional delivery and behaviour * Discovered exercises to strengthen Fay Beck's principle of the 'Outside-in/Inside-Out Perspective' COURSE TERMS MAY 25TH – JUNE 22ND 2024 5 Consecutive SATURDAYS Join us from any timezone around the world. The course runs at generally convenient times for the following Timezones: Universal Time Coordinated (UTC): 09:00 AM – 11:00 AM Greenwhich Mean Time (GMT): 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (EG. LONDON, GB) Central European Time (CET): 11:00 AM – 13:00 PM (EG, BERLIN, PARIS, ROME) (UTC+4): 13:00 PM – 15:00 PM (EG, DUBAI) Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) 17:00 PM – 19:00 PM (EG. PERTH) Australian Central Standard Time (ACST) 18:30 PM – 20:30 PM (EG. ADELAIDE) Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) 19:00 PM – 21:00 PM (EG. Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne) Not a convenient time for you? Don’t worry this course will run again at a time more suitable for your timezone. Keep up with upcoming by signing up to our newsletter!

Delivered Online2 hours, Jun 15th, 09:00 + 1 more

Open into your Intuitive Knowing


By The Soul Shed

Discover more than a little magic in the forest. Learn new ways to connect with your instincts. Delve into symbols and patterns in archetypal stories. A crafted series of seven gatherings for creators, healers, unseen sustainers and those longing to cultivate depth and sacredness in everyday life.

Open into your Intuitive Knowing
Delivered Online2 hours 30 minutes, Jun 23rd, 16:00 + 5 more

Intuitive Healing Course

By Elearncollege

DESCRIPTION Intuitive Healing Diploma Embark on a transformative journey with the Intuitive Healing Diploma, a meticulously designed online course that redefines the paradigms of personal development and holistic wellness. Through this engaging and immersive digital experience, participants will gain a profound comprehension of Intuitive Healing, exploring an assortment of insightful facets and methods. Commencing with an exploration of the course's cornerstone - understanding Intuitive Healing - participants will unravel the compelling nuances of this healing modality. As they progress, the course fosters a nurturing environment where learners develop their intuition, becoming attuned to their body's wisdom. They learn to harness this insightful knowledge, bolstering their capacity to facilitate their self-healing. In this enlightening Intuitive Healing Diploma, the course encourages the cultivation of a deep connection between mind and body. Students learn how to listen to their bodies, discerning subtle signs and messages that assist in the advancement of their holistic wellness. This practice of intuition isn't confined within the parameters of the course; rather, it is intended to seamlessly integrate into everyday life, leading to a more synchronised and spiritually enriched existence. As learners traverse further into the enriching landscapes of this Intuitive Healing Diploma, they will explore the principles of Intuitive Energy Healing. Here, they delve into the hidden potential of their inner energy sources, learning to channel this energy towards a journey of self-restoration and revitalisation. In addition to the internal work, this online diploma doesn't shy away from external aids. The course introduces healing practices involving crystals and essential oils. These potent tools, often underrated, can greatly amplify the healing process. Students learn to harness their unique properties, using them as a supportive framework in their journey towards achieving optimal wellness. A crucial aspect of Intuitive Healing involves the exploration of a spiritual connection with entities beyond the physical world. The course illuminates the path to forming a profound bond with one's spirit guides, offering an avenue to tap into their guidance and support. This serves to enhance the personal healing process, granting individuals an elevated perspective and a deeper understanding of their life's path. The Intuitive Healing Diploma is not just about introducing concepts and techniques; it is about establishing a solid foundation for overcoming challenges that may arise during the healing journey. It equips learners with the skills and knowledge necessary to face these hurdles, providing solutions that foster resilience and perseverance. Beyond these fascinating modules, the course cultivates a mindset focused on nurturing a healing lifestyle. It is a journey of transformation that doesn't end upon completion of the diploma; instead, it continues as a lifelong practice of intuitive living. The course guides learners in making wholesome lifestyle choices that support their healing processes, harmonising their mind, body, and spirit. In conclusion, the Intuitive Healing Diploma is an enriching exploration of personal and spiritual growth. It is more than an online course - it is a path towards a healthier, more intuitively guided lifestyle. Let this diploma be the start of an empowering journey of self-discovery and holistic wellness, one that fosters deep connections, resilience, and healing. What you will learn 1: Understanding Intuitive Healing 2: Preparing for Intuitive Healing 3: Listening to Your Body's Wisdom 4: Empowering Self-Healing 5: Intuitive Energy Healing 6: Integrating Intuition in Everyday Life 7: Healing with Crystals and Essential Oils 8: Connecting with Your Spirit Guides 9: Overcoming Challenges in the Healing Process 10: Nurturing a Healing Lifestyle COURSE OUTCOMES After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college. ASSESSMENT Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter. ACCREDITATION Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

Intuitive Healing Course
Delivered Online On Demand

Remote Policy Evaluation Methods July 2024 Course

By Institute for Fiscal Studies

The course covers research design principles and all main quantitative evaluation methods: randomised experiments, instrumental variables, sharp and fuzzy regression discontinuity designs, regression methods, matching methods and longitudinal methods (before-after, difference-in-differences and synthetic controls).

Remote Policy Evaluation Methods July 2024 Course
Delivered Online3 days, Jul 1st, 09:00
£450 to £1662

Sunday Openings at The Soul Shed


By The Soul Shed

Time and space for you to reconnect with your intuitive guidence in gentle restorative community.

Sunday Openings at The Soul Shed
Delivered Online1 hour 30 minutes, Jul 7th, 16:00 + 4 more

Discover your Intuitive Wisdom Imagery: A SoulCollage® online primer in three parts.


By The Soul Shed

You know you are imaginative, sensitive, curious, empathic, connecting, and compassionate. You may or may not consider yourself creative - but that doesnt matter, because all those other qualities mean that Im quietly convinced that you already are! you might already know that these gifts support you and bring you incredible joy and sense of connection with yourself and others. But because of your qualities - your life is also  demanding. Everyone wants a pice of you and sometimes you forget self care, meaning  you are also over-stretched, out of balance, and sometimes even ungrounded, spaced out, and overwhelmed. The Soul Sheds purpose is to  enable you to turn your empathy and imagination into intuitive guidence and a deeply embodied sense of presence to yourself and others. Welcome to this primer in SoulCollage®  In the comfort of your own home, I will share with you  the powerful SoulCollage® process to uncover your own source of inner wisdom. Over  three sessions booked to suit your timetable,  you will practice the basics: * Connecting deeply with your intuitive guidence self as an embodied three-centred being * meet the  imagery that speaks to you most and collage with it,  * Bypass any innercritic -this is just for your own pleasure  * Hear the imagery speak its wisdom to you.  * Learn about the  different suits in a SoulCollage® deck * Leave with cards that will continue to speak deeply to you in your life. The Soul Shed offers you gentle creative space to explore reflect and shift stuck energy in powerful ways. Samantha Taroni is a trauma-informed coach, a SoulCollage facilitator, breathwork teacher, and teacher of creative arts with over thirty years experience. Book three sessions to get you started  at a time to suit you. Receive  a pack of images  and blank cards to a UK address.  (If you live overseas, I can send you  images to download, or courier you a pack. Ask for a quotation! And if youre interested but want to talk it over a bit more in a chat, you can book a call with me by clicking here. [https://www.thesoul-shed.co.uk/currentevents?layout=grid&cadpath=the-soul-shed%2Fone-to-one-enquiry] Id love to talk with you and make sure its right for you.

Discover your Intuitive Wisdom Imagery: A SoulCollage® online primer in three parts.
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
£85 to £180

Opening to your natural joy - meeting your intuitive self

By Mindfulness Unleashed

Mindfulness course with a difference. It is not about gaining or getting somewhere but about melting away all that prevents you from a joyful life.

Opening to your natural joy - meeting your intuitive self
Delivered Online On Demand

Guided Meditation - online class


By This Divine Life

Online guided meditation class suitable for all levels. Experienced teacher with a fun & relaxed style.

Guided Meditation - online class
Delivered Online1 hour, Jun 24th, 18:30 + 8 more

Animal Communication Course

By Elearncollege

DESCRIPTION Animal Communication Diploma The term 'animal communication' may conjure up notions of animal behaviour and animal body language. But it goes much beyond that. All human beings possess telepathic abilities that enhance interspecies communication, but many people are ignorant of this fact and do not recognize that animals are waiting for them to make a connection with them. Animal communication means the transmission of messages between you and an animal by means of telepathy and intuition. It has several benefits like understanding and resolving an animal's behaviour as well as health, communicating with your pet when you are not home, identifying the source of happiness of your pet, locating a missing animal, strengthening your connection and relationship with an animal, etc. With the help of our intuitive thoughts, we mentally transmit messages to animals and this process is known as animal communication. The messages may include emotions, thoughts, experiences and images. It is not the type of communication in which you try to figure out their feelings or needs with the help of their body language and behaviour. Professional animal communicators can even communicate with animals from a distance. Animals are skilful at intuitive communication. They communicate intuitively among themselves and sense surroundings and humans with the help of intuition. On the other hand, human beings' intuitive ability is a little suppressed by urban culture and busy lifestyles. Even though humans use their intuition knowingly, it is unconscious and uncontrolled. Therefore, intuitive people are gifted people. As we all possess intuition within us, we could train ourselves to communicate intuitively. If you have an interest in animals and you care for and love them, it is assumed that you are connecting with animals without knowing it yourself. A deep study on this subject and practice will help you develop a professional approach towards animal communication. It is commonly believed that animals are inferior to us intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. The concept of intuitive communication challenges this belief. Before learning animal communication, you must believe in your heart and in your ability to do interspecies communication. All of us can do this and it is not confined to the gifted. You should learn to keep your mind calm and quiet to hear the soulful voice of your pet or some other animal. Meditation will help you keep your mind calm. Keep in mind that animal communication is not a replacement for veterinary care. But it will help you understand and strengthen the relationship with an animal. This course on animal communication will help you comprehend the important aspects of animal communication. It will give you an insight into the importance of animal communication, two-way conversations, life lessons from other species, what to ask, how to ask and when, communication sessions, healing thoughts, long-distance communication, life beyond death, communication with wild animals, etc. What you will learn 1:Why Talk with Animals? 2:Two-way conversations 3:Lessons from species 4:What to Ask, How to and When 5:Communication sessions 6:Healing thoughts 7:From a distance 8:Beyond the here and now 9:Wild talk 10:Various veterinary conditions and treatments COURSE OUTCOMES After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college. ASSESSMENT Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter. ACCREDITATION Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

Animal Communication Course
Delivered Online On Demand

The Empath's Protection Kit


By Love2Meditate

Empaths can sense and feel the emotions, thoughts, and energies of others, as well as the vibrations of the environment. They are often compassionate, intuitive, and creative, but may also struggle with overwhelm, fatigue, and stress, as they absorb the negativity and pain of others. In this course, you will learn where these different energy attacks may come from. You will gain higher intuition and awareness and get a chance to resolve any energy depletion to feel your true self again.

The Empath's Protection Kit
Delivered Online On Demand

Educators matching "intuitive"

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