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108 Courses in Cardiff

CDM 2015 - in-depth (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The learning objectives that we believe you require to be covered within the training include: * A detailed understanding of the CDM 2015 Regulations and how they should work in practice * An understanding of the key roles (Designer, Principal designer, contractor, principal contractor and client) under CDM 2015 * What constitutes design and when you may be acting as a designer * The requirements for notification * Pre construction information, the construction phase plan and the H&S file * An opportunity for delegates to ask questions and gain clarification on specific project requirements 1 INTRODUCTION * Why manage health and safety? * The costs of accidents * Construction industry statistics * Why CDM 2015? 2 OVERVIEW OF HEALTH AND SAFETY LAW AND LIABILITIES * Criminal and civil law * Liability * Enforcement and prosecution * Compliance - how far do we go? * Statutory duties 3 HEALTH AND SAFETY LAW IN CONSTRUCTION - THE CURRENT FRAMEWORK * Framework of relevant legislation * Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 * Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 * Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 * Work at Height Regulations 2005 * Who is responsible for the risks created by construction work? * Shared workplaces/shared responsibilities * Control of contractors - importance of contract law 4 CDM 2015 - THE PRINCIPLES AND CURRENT BEST PRACTICE * Scope - what is construction? * Application - when do the Regulations apply? * The CDM management system * Dutyholders (client, designer, principal designer, principal contractor, contractor) * Documents (pre construction information, Notification, construction phase Plan, H&S File) * Management process * The 2015 HSE guidance / industry best practice * Clarification of roles and responsibilities 5 COMPETENCE UNDER CDM 2015 * What is 'Competence'? * The criteria to be used in construction * Achieving continuous improvement 6 PART 4 CONSTRUCTION HEALTH SAFETY AND WELFARE * Overview of Part 4 * Responsibilities * Welfare arrangements 7 RISK ASSESSMENT AND THE ROLE OF THE DESIGNER * Principles of risk assessment * Loss prevention / hazard management * What is a suitable risk assessment? * Design v construction risk assessment * The client is a designer? * Whose risk is it? 8 RISK ASSESSMENT EXERCISE * Understanding the principles of design risk assessment * Identifying hazards under the control of clients and designers * Quantifying the risk 9 QUESTIONS, DISCUSSION AND REVIEW

CDM 2015 - in-depth (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Manual Handling (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Some 60% of injuries at work are caused by lifting heavy objects. This powerful, practical programme is designed to help stop any of your staff from becoming the next statistic. 1 INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES 2 OVERVIEW OF HEALTH AND SAFETY LEGISLATION AND HSE INJURY STATISTICS * Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 * Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) 1992 * MHSWR 1999 specific duties to risk assess * Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR) 1992 * Breakdown of injury statistics and costs of poor manual handling 3 THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM EXPLAINED * Prevention and ill-health * Ergonomics * RSI * The spine in detail 4 RISK ASSESSMENT * General principles * The TILE method * Employees' duties * Workplace scenarios

Manual Handling (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Building services and maintenance - introduction (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

To provide a fundamental understanding of building services in the context of: * The working environment * The success of the core business * The health and safety of the occupants * Operating cost and environmental impact * The optimisation of cost and value * Strategies for continuous improvement DAY ONE 1 BUILDING SERVICES FUNDAMENTALS * The function of services in commercial buildings and their importance to the core business * Electrical services * Lighting * Heating * Ventilation and air conditioning * Lifts * Water * Understanding IT and communication systems * Practical exercises 2 THE PROVISION OF COMFORT AND SAFETY * Statutory requirements * Health and safety legislation * Control of contractors * Risk assessment * Fire precautions * Legionella, sick building and other risks * Business requirements * Understanding user requirements * Matching systems to business needs * Practical exercises 3 GETTING THE DESIGN RIGHT * What the FM needs to know about design and its procurement * Successful space planning * Relationship between services, space planning and design * Getting the brief right * Supplier selection and management * Practical exercises DAY TWO 4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE * Why maintain? * Maintenance contracts * Input and output specifications * Resource options * Contracts - principal elements * Tendering - key steps * Selection criteria * Operational criteria * Maintenance trends * Performance-based service provision * Input and output specifications * KPIs and thresholds * Risk containment * Value-add opportunities * Performance contract strategy * Practical exercises 5 CONTINGENCY PLANNING * Being ready for the unexpected * Identifying and reducing risk * Internal risks * External risks * Identifying threats at your site * Managing risk * Protective systems * Occupier obligations * Fire management * Testing * Practical exercises 6 COMMISSIONING SERVICES SYSTEMS * Physical commissioning * Common problems * Typical costs * Commissioning stages * Continuous commissioning * Energy efficiency and the scope for environmental improvement * Practical exercises 7 SATISFYING THE OCCUPANTS * Obtaining and responding to feedback * When to get feedback * Why * How * What to do with it * Practical exercises 8 'AIR TIME' * Sharing experience and addressing specific issues of interest to participants * Course review * Close

Building services and maintenance - introduction (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Health & Safety Level 2

By Prima Cura Training

This Health & Safety in the Care Sector Course works alongside, and helps, learners understand Standard 13 of the Care Certificate. This Standard touches on the legislation, policies & responsibilities relating to Health & Safety in the care sector, as well as looking at accidents and sudden illnesses.

Health & Safety Level 2
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Environmental awareness and management (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

A flexible, modular-based, programme to heighten participants' awareness of ways in which their operations can affect the environment, the principles of environmental management and the practical steps they need to take as individuals and as an organisation to improve environmental performance. Depending on the course modules selected, this programme will give participants: * Increased awareness of relevant environmental issues * A greater understanding of, and commitment to, the organisation's environmental management programme * Preparation for any responsibilities they may have under an Environmental Management System * Further benefits according to options chosen 1 ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS * Definition of 'the environment' * Key environmental issues * Global warming * Ozone depletion * Acid rain * Air quality * Water pollution * Contaminated land * Land take and green belt shrinkage * Resource usage * Habitat destruction and species extinctions. * Option: This module can be used to explain the key environmental issues related to the activities of your own organisation. Diagrams, photos, pictures, examples and statistics relevant to your own organisation are used where possible to illustrate the points being made. 2 ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION * Key elements of environmental legislation affecting the activities of your organisation - including international, European and UK legislation. * Legislation of particular relevance to your organisation - how it affects the operations of your organisation * Option: Legislation can be dealt with according to which aspect of the environment it protects (eg, air, water, waste) or which part of your organisation's activities it affects * Consequences of breaching legislation 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS * Overview of what an environmental management system is * How is an Environmental Management System (EMS) designed and put together? * Key elements (emphasising Plan - Do - Check - Review cycle) * The need to continually improve * Pros and cons * Reasons for having an EMS * Benefits of an EMS * Consequences of not managing the environment * Costs of installing an EMS * Explanation of ISO 14001 and EMAS standards and guidance as applicable to the EMSs of your organisation * Overview of your organisation's EMS * How it was set up / is being developed / operates * Who is responsible for it * Key parts of system (eg, environmental policy, objectives and targets) identified and discussed * EMS documentation - what and where it is. * Workshop option: Brainstorm 'Pros and cons' with the participants, come up with all their ideas for good and bad things about EMS and demonstrate that the 'good' list is longer than the 'bad' 4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES * Define what an environmental impact is and discuss how they are determined, with reference to the EMS * Identify why we want to determine the environmental consequences of operations and activities; how they are used in the EMS for planning, and reducing the impact on the environment * Establish key environmental consequences of construction and operational activities on the site; discuss significance ranking and the control measures in place in your organisation. * Workshop option: In small groups, participants are asked to identify the impact on the environment of your organisation's activities or a part of their activities. They are then asked to rank these impacts in terms of their significance, using guidelines provided to help them be aware of the contributing factors (eg, frequency, severity). For a selected number of the impacts, the participants are asked to identify what control measures there are and which of these they play a part in. All stages can be discussed with trainers as a whole group at various stages during the workshop. 5 PROTECTED SPECIES, NATURE CONSERVATION AND INVASIVE WEEDS * Nature conservation, landscape and visual issues in the planning process - overview of key nature UK wildlife legislation, EIA, appropriate timing of surveys, Hedgerow regulations and landscape and visual impact issues * Ecological issues - ecological legislation, significant species, hedgerows * Archaeology in the development process - why archaeology is important, organisation in the UK, legislation and planning guidance * Construction phase issues and consents - major environmental issues during construction, including water resources and land drainage consents, discharges to land or water, water abstraction, public rights of way, tree protection, waste management, Special waste, noise, good practice pollution control and Environmental Audits * Identification and management of invasive weeds - including legal position regarding management 6 CHEMICALS AND FUELS HANDLING AND STORAGE * How health and safety management is closely linked to environmental management of materials * Planning - what mechanisms are in place for planning materials use; legislation, guidance and policies which define how to manage materials * Materials storage - what are the considerations for storing materials, covering: * Labels: what are the different types and what do they tell us? * Storage facilities: what are the requirements for safe storage of materials (eg, signs, secondary containment, access, segregation, lids/covers) * Handling: safe handling for protecting the environment, organisational procedures, high risk situations (eg, decanting, deliveries), how to reduce the risks (eg, use of funnels, proper supervision, training) * COSHH and MSDS: brief explanation of legislation and its role in environmental control of hazardous materials, how to use the information provided by COSHH assessments * Option: These sessions can be illustrated with photographs/pictures and examples of good and bad storage and handling practices * Workshop Options: Labelling Quiz - quick-fire quiz on what different labels tell us; Build a Storage Facility - participants are asked to consider all the environmental requirements for building a safe storage facility for their organisation 7 ON-SITE CONTROL MEASURES * Overview of the legislation associated with nuisance issues on site and mitigating problems when they arise * Examples of bad practice, including fuel storage tanks and mobile equipment - costs involved with prosecution of fuel spills, remediation costs, management costs, legal fees, bad PR coverage * Identification and management of contaminated land and relevant legislation * Workshop option: Participants are provided with a site plan containing information on site features, environmental conditions and indications of potential issues 8 WASTE MANAGEMENT * Why worry about waste? - a look at how waste disposal can impact on the environment, illustrated by examples of waste-related incidents, statistics on waste production on national, industry-wide and organisational levels, landfill site space, etc * Legislation - overview of the relevant legislation, what the main requirements of the regulations are, what penalties there are, and the associated documentation (waste transfer notes) * Waste classification - a more in-depth look at how waste is classified under legislation according to hazardous properties, referring to Environment Agency guidance * Handling and storage requirements - what are the requirements of the applicable waste legislation and how are they covered by organisational procedures? Examples of good and bad environmental practice associated with handling and storing waste. * Workshop option: 'Brown bag' exercise - participants pass round a bag containing tags each with a different waste printed on. They are asked to pick out a tag and identify the classification and the handling, storage and disposal requirements for the waste they select * Waste minimisation - overview of the waste minimisation 'ladder' and its different options (elimination, reduction, reuse and recycling), benefits of waste minimisation, examples of waste minimisation techniques * Workshop option: Participants are asked to identify opportunities that actually exist within the organisation for minimising production of waste that are not currently being taken advantage of 9 AUDITING * Requirements for environmental auditing of operations * Auditing the EMS * Types of internal and external audits * Requirements EMS standards (ISO 14001 and EMAS) * Carrying out internal audits and being prepared for external audits * Workshop options: * Mock audit 'Brown Bag' - can be used either for trainers to test participants as if they were in an audit situation, or for the participants to test each other and practice their auditing technique. The bag contains tags each with a different topic printed on (eg, waste skips); participants pass the bag round and select a tag; they are then questioned by the trainer or another participant about that topic as if they were in an audit situation. If the participants are auditing each other, they will be provided with a set of guidelines to keep in mind during the workshop. * Virtual auditing - a more practical workshop where participants review photographs of situations/activities relevant to the organisation's operations. They are asked to identify all the good and bad environmental practices that are occurring in the situations. 10 INCIDENT RESPONSE * What should you do when an incident does happen? * What should be in a spill kit? * When should you call in the experts? * When should you inform the Environment Agency or Environmental Health Officer? * Workshop option: The participants are provided with some incident scenarios and asked to develop a response to the incident 11 MONITORING AND REPORTING * Environmental monitoring programmes and procedures * Monitoring and reporting as control measures for environmental consequences * Monitoring and environmental 'STOP' card systems - personal and behavioural monitoring and reporting

Environmental awareness and management (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Health & Safety Awareness

By Prima Cura Training

This Health & Safety in the Care Sector Course works alongside, and helps, learners understand Standard 13 of the Care Certificate. This Standard touches on the legislation, policies & responsibilities relating to Health & Safety in the care sector, as well as looking at accidents and sudden illnesses.

Health & Safety Awareness
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Risk Assessing in the Care Sector

By Prima Cura Training

This course is designed to enable learners to increase their understanding of risk assessment and risk management in Health and Social Care settings.

Risk Assessing in the Care Sector
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Risk Assessing

By Prima Cura Training

This course is designed to enable learners to increase their understanding of risk assessment and risk management in Health and Social Care settings.

Risk Assessing
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry


By Prima Cura Training

This course is designed to provide delegates with awareness in the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and how it may affect them, their colleagues, and their employer.

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Emergency First Aid at Work

By Prima Cura Training

This one-day course will help you meet your regulatory requirements if your risk assessment indicates that first aid training covering emergency protocols only, is sufficient for your workplace.

Emergency First Aid at Work
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry