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37 Courses in Bradford



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing “Hire a Therapist” Package: Personalized Support for Your Mental Health and Emotional Well-being Are you considering seeking professional support for your mental health and emotional well-being? Miss Date Doctor’s “Hire a Therapist” Package offers you personalized and confidential counselling sessions with experienced therapists to help you navigate life’s challenges, overcome obstacles, and achieve personal growth. Therapy provides a safe and supportive space to explore your thoughts, emotions, and concerns with the guidance of a skilled therapist. Our team of dedicated therapists is committed to helping you enhance your overall well-being and lead a more fulfilling life. Here’s how the “Hire a Therapist” Package can support you: * Personalized Assessment: Our therapists will conduct a thorough assessment to understand your unique needs and goals for therapy. * Individualized Approach: Your therapy sessions will be tailored to address your specific concerns and support your personal growth. * Emotional Support: We offer a compassionate and non-judgmental environment where you can freely express your feelings and experiences. * Confidentiality: Your therapy sessions are completely confidential, ensuring a safe space for open and honest communication. * Coping Strategies: Our therapists will equip you with practical coping strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional difficulties. * Self-Exploration: Therapy encourages self-discovery and self-awareness, helping you gain insights into your thoughts, behaviours, and emotions. * Goal Setting: Together with your therapist, you’ll set achievable goals to work towards positive change and personal growth. * Flexible Sessions: “Hire a Therapist” Package offers flexibility in scheduling sessions, accommodating your availability and preferences. The “Hire a Therapist” Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to provide you with personalized support and guidance on your journey to better mental health and emotional well-being. Our skilled therapists are committed to helping you overcome challenges, enhance your resilience, and lead a more fulfilling life. Invest in your mental and emotional health and take the first step towards positive change with the “Hire a Therapist” Package. Embrace the opportunity to explore your thoughts and feelings in a confidential and supportive environment. Let our experienced therapists guide you towards a brighter and more empowered future. 3 x 1 hour sessions https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/hire-a-therapist-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/hire-a-therapist-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing the Occupational Therapy Package: Empowering Independence and Enhancing Daily Living Are you seeking specialized support to enhance your daily living skills and regain independence in your life? Miss Date Doctor’s Occupational Therapy Package offers you expert guidance and personalized interventions to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. Occupational therapy is a client-centered approach that focuses on improving functional abilities and promoting independence in various aspects of life. Our experienced occupational therapists are committed to empowering you to participate fully in meaningful activities and overcome obstacles that may be affecting your daily functioning. Here’s how the Occupational Therapy Package can support you: * Comprehensive Assessment: Our occupational therapists will conduct a thorough assessment of your physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities to understand your unique needs and challenges. * Personalized Goals: Based on the assessment, we’ll work with you to set personalized goals that align with your aspirations and desired outcomes. * Functional Interventions: Through a range of evidence-based interventions, we’ll address challenges related to self-care, productivity, and leisure activities, helping you regain independence in your daily life. * Adaptive Techniques: Our therapists will introduce you to adaptive techniques and assistive devices that can support your engagement in various activities and promote greater autonomy. * Workplace Support: For individuals seeking occupational therapy for work-related challenges, we’ll provide support and recommendations to improve workplace ergonomics, time management, and productivity. * Cognitive Strategies: If cognitive challenges are affecting your daily functioning, our occupational therapists will introduce cognitive strategies to enhance memory, attention, and executive functions. * Sensory Integration: For individuals experiencing sensory processing difficulties, our therapists will employ sensory integration techniques to help you better process sensory information and improve daily functioning. * Lifestyle Modification: Occupational therapy goes beyond managing symptoms; it aims to improve overall well-being. We’ll work with you to make lifestyle modifications that promote health and balance. The Occupational Therapy Package at Miss Date Doctor is tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. Our compassionate occupational therapists will collaborate with you every step of the way to ensure that your therapy experience is positive, empowering, and transformative. Experience the benefits of occupational therapy and embrace a more independent and fulfilling life. Invest in your well-being and unlock your potential to thrive in everyday activities. Take the first step towards empowerment and enhanced daily living with the Occupational Therapy Package. Let our expert therapists guide you towards a life filled with greater independence, productivity, and satisfaction. 4 X 1 hour https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/occupational-therapy-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/occupational-therapy-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more



By Nia Williams Miss Date Doctor Dating Coach London, Couples Therapy

Introducing Private Counselling Package: Personalized Support for Your Mental and Emotional Well-Being Are you looking for private and confidential support to address personal challenges, improve your emotional well-being, and enhance your overall quality of life? Miss Date Doctor’s Private Counselling Package offers you individualized sessions with experienced therapists who are dedicated to helping you navigate life’s difficulties and achieve personal growth. Private counselling provides you with a safe and supportive environment to explore your thoughts, feelings, and concerns without judgment. Our skilled therapists are committed to understanding your unique needs and providing you with personalized guidance to promote healing and positive change. Here’s how the Private Counselling Package can support you: * Personalized Assessment: Our private counsellors will conduct a thorough assessment to gain a comprehensive understanding of your unique challenges and aspirations. * Individualized Approach: Your counselling sessions will be tailored to address your specific concerns, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and effective support. * Emotional Support: Our therapists provide a compassionate and empathetic space where you can freely express your feelings and experiences. * Confidentiality: Private counselling ensures complete confidentiality, allowing you to discuss sensitive topics with confidence and peace of mind. * Coping Strategies: We’ll equip you with practical coping strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional difficulties. * Self-Exploration: Private counselling encourages self-discovery and personal growth, helping you gain insights into your thoughts, behaviours, and motivations. * Goal Setting: Together with your counsellor, you’ll set achievable goals to work towards positive change and improved well-being. * Flexible Sessions: Private counselling offers flexibility in scheduling sessions, making it convenient for your busy lifestyle. The Private Counselling Package at Miss Date Doctor is designed to provide you with personalized support and guidance on your journey to emotional well-being and personal growth. Our skilled therapists are committed to helping you overcome challenges, enhance your resilience, and lead a more fulfilling life. Invest in your mental and emotional health and take the first step towards positive change with the Private Counselling Package. Embrace the opportunity to explore your thoughts and feelings in a confidential and supportive environment. Let our experienced counsellors guide you towards a brighter and more empowered future. 3 x 1 hour https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/private-counselling-package/ [https://relationshipsmdd.com/product/private-counselling-package/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London & 2 more

Equality workshops for staff and governors

By Centre For Studies On Inclusive Education

We will come to your school at a time that suits you and run a 2-hour workshop for all staff. We will present in clear and simple terms the school’s duties under the Equality Act, help you guard against discrimination, and leave you with useful resources. HOW WILL THIS WORKSHOP HELP YOUR SCHOOL? This is a practical, "hands on" workshop designed to be engaging and constructive. Over and above helping your school fulfil its legal duties, it will help ensure that nobody is left behind or discriminated against. The workshop will show how all protected characteristics covered by the Equality Act 2010 can be reflected positively in everyday school life. It will consider real-life examples and make this more meaningful and relevant by inviting participants to bring their own examples of equality challenges in school. We will show you how to get the best out of CSIE’s toolkit ‘Equality: Making It Happen’ – a succinct and user-friendly set of reference cards to help schools promote equality – and leave you with at least two complimentary copies. Above all, the workshop will help develop a shared understanding and build a consistent response to diversity and equality. We understand that all schools are at different stages of this journey, so this workshop will assist you in determining next steps and areas of specific focus for your setting. WHAT WILL THE WORKSHOP COVER? The workshop will: * provide an overview of the Equality Act 2010, including the Public Sector Equality Duty and what it means for all schools * bring awareness to unconscious bias and how it can influence our interactions * present strategies for removing barriers to learning and participation * address intersectionality and how it affects people’s experiences * help develop confidence and language for discussing sensitive equality issues * add flesh to the bones of all the above, by considering real-life examples WHO IS IT FOR? The workshop has been designed for all primary and secondary school staff and governors; delivery is adjusted to the context of each school. We encourage all teaching and non-teaching staff to attend, so that your school can develop a coherent and consistent response to diversity and equality. FEEDBACK FROM PREVIOUS CSIE EQUALITY WORKSHOPS: > Very knowledgeable presenter. > I feel more empowered. > Clear and concise. > Very thought provoking. > Clear, compassionate presentation.

Equality workshops for staff and governors
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bristol

Courageous Conduct Intervention (in house)


By Conduct Change Ltd

Manage Abrasive Workplace Behaviour with Backbone: What’s one of the toughest jobs managers face? Managing abrasive employee behaviour is no easy task, and doing it poorly or failing to do it altogether can have disastrous consequences for your organization, your team, and you. You know what you should do (intervene early, be specific, develop a corrective action plan), but why is it so terribly hard to do it? What can you do to manage unacceptable employee behavior calmly, confidently, and compassionately?

Courageous Conduct Intervention (in house)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harrogate & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Team Building & Team Development

By Dickson Training Ltd

Our Team Building Programmes are 'simply excellent' (quote from Unilever). They always deliver much greater energy' motivation and efficiently accelerates to a galvanised, integrated team for their Manager/Team Leader. They're great fun and very commercially orientated - the best of both key elements to a successful and long-lasting high performance team. A successful company is always made up of successful teams. Teams that can work autonomously with a clearly defined set of goals, roles, vision, responsibility and culture will always reach for and achieve far greater success than a team that works just as a group of individuals. Our team building solutions are individually built and geared towards teams at any level within an organisation, providing an independent and objective perspective to promote a common purpose such as the creation of a 'high performance team'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUT WITH THE OLD Traditionally, team building events have been restricted to certain levels of management where they head off site for a bit of archery, quad biking and paintballing or something along those lines. Then over some coffee and cocktails, business plans and more efficient ways to work are casually discussed. Whilst being out having fun instead of being at work may improve an individual person's mood, the effect will only be short-term, and will not go far in creating permanent and cohesive teams who are able to overcome challenges together and drive the business forward when back in the workplace. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN WITH THE NEW Today's business thinking is more strategic and certainly has to look for returns on the investment. That is why Dickson Training Ltd's team building programmes are bespoke and built to your requirements through research, understanding your business and, most importantly, what results and achievements you are looking to get out of the programme. Once "what success looks like" has been established, we create tasks and activities that will test your leadership, problem solving, communication and team work skills. When the tasks have been completed, the learning - both practical and theory - is debriefed to the group as well as how it will translate back in your business. Not only are our events great fun, but they provide participants with learning points they can act upon to improve or enhance the working practices/environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM BUILDING THAT GETS RESULTS We have a highly innovative team who design team builds to suit all budgets and time or space restrictions. Large or small, we will develop the perfect event to meet your commercial objectives, keeping in line with your values and company culture. More recently we have combined team galvanising events with ways to engage the participants with and support their local communities. This solution has proved extremely popular with our clients and we are continuing to develop more and more programmes doing exactly this. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Phil did everything in a very professional and focused manner, without losing sight of the overall aims or having 'fun'. When I moved to Airbus UK and subsequently European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company (EADS), I had no hesitation in recommending Phil and the team to deliver the required training and team events.  Without doubt Phil and his team are excellent providers of training, to suit even bespoke requirements, and I would not hesitate in recommending the team to any business in the future. " Glenn Brown, Systems & Expertise Manager, Airbus Personnel Service -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUGMENTED SKILLS – AN ESSAY BY PHIL DICKSON All of you, who are reading this, and all the people you meet and work with will have – ‘Augmented Skills’. So – if you are an IT Engineer or a Pharmacist; perhaps you are, or know, a Departmental Leader and you work with a Logistics Project Manager; these roles will demand core skills, whether they be technical know-how or qualifications in the discipline. But to be that bit better; more reliable; more effective & productive and therefore more valuable and, frankly, marketable – capitalizing on ‘Augment Skills’ comes into play. The I T Engineer who was a Chess Champion at Uni, which would indicate that they possess some key ‘Augmented skills’ including how they plan 3 steps ahead and are always prepared for the unexpected. The Pharmacist, who is a keen sportsperson in their private life, will likely be tenacious, team-orientated and disciplined – again these are superb qualities to have in this – or any – role. Your colleagues, as well as yourself, will have ‘Augmented Skills’ that will be an asset if only they are explored and applied to their role and indeed, career. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN 'SUPER-POWER' If they love gardening, they are probably strategic, patient and inclined to research; if they cook or bake, they are usually well organized and comfortable with multi-tasking. A big reader will tend to be considered and possess good critical thinking faculties, and an amateur mechanic or keen DIY person will often be practical, resourceful and very determined. I have observed that many new Parents discover they have ‘Augmented Skills’ they didn’t know they had... such as getting order out of chaos and displaying industrial amounts of patience and good grace when they really do not feel like it. They very often become far more compassionate and empathetic. Most people have their very own ‘Superpower’. Invite your team members to offer their ‘Augmented Skills’ to your work-place – and just watch as it elevates the motivation levels and improves results. It’ll be very rewarding for all concerned – and for meeting the Team’s objectives, to encourage the person who is a talented artist to be a sounding board on some of the marketing imagery and layouts; for the team member who is great at Maths or resolving crosswords to be asked for their input to solving a problem that is causing logistical or operational headaches. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVER EXPLOIT A TEAM MEMBER’S UNIQUE SPECIAL SKILLS AT THEIR EXPENSE I would like to stress, however, that it must never be an area where a team member gets exploited by harvesting their unique special skills to coerce them into taking on greater responsibilities and tasks without providing them with the commensurate salary and status. To do so would be immoral and, ultimately, counter-productive as it would lead to resentment and disenfranchisement. This is about encouraging people’s capability and inviting their input to boost confidence and enhance the team’s capability. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFTEN, WE NEED TO BE MORE THAN WHAT OUR JOB DESCRIPTION SAYS It is also important to highlight that whatever a person’s role or function is – they will definitely need to have additional capabilities to be effective. The best example of this is when we designed and delivered a range of ‘Advanced Customer Care skills’ training sessions for the Met Office a few years ago…we met so many remarkably super-bright Meteorologists, many of whom were having to make significant adjustments to answering questions from Customers that seemed to be illogical and often, obtuse. It wasn’t enough for these Meteorologists to be highly skilled at interpreting data and identifying patterns – they needed ‘Augmented skills’ to make that information accessible to members of the public (and Council workers and Air Traffic controllers and Shipping agents) and many other people, as to what that particular weather system was going to be like in their area and at what time. They have to know how to ‘de-jargonise’ the material and provide succinct, clear, and yet temperate, descriptions without ever appearing exasperated, impatient or judgmental in response to sometimes quite silly questions. For a highly trained scientist – that can be counter-intuitive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEING PHILOSOPHICAL... AND A WEE BIT PRETENTIOUS At the risk of being a little Philosophical (and probably a wee bit pretentious) – in my own role of Trainer – my core skills have to include – being a very good communicator, an active listener and have innovative and engaging ways to convert an idea, or a model, into practical application that my Delegates and Clients gain tangible benefits from. This is how it applies to me... I really enjoy composing short, light classical-style piano pieces. Now, to do this well, you need to be able to find a transition from one chord or melody to a different theme or key. It has to be worked out very carefully to have incremental transitions and pleasant-sounding developments as the piece unfolds. I think I have become better at this as I have honed my skills as a composer. But I have realized that these very same skills have ‘Augmented’ my ability to help a Manager, or a Team, move from a state of conflict; tension; disfunction; disenfranchisement; lack of confidence to a place that is more harmonious with far greater productivity. The very same process of careful listening, considering options, taking well-considered steps, having a creative, sometimes brave, move towards a resolution are at play in both Training and Piano Compositions! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHEDULED COURSES Unfortunately this course is not one that is currently scheduled as an open course, and is only available on an in-house basis. Please contact us for more information.

Team Building & Team Development
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bardsey & 4 more
Price on Enquiry

Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health

By Prima Cura Training

The half-day First Aid for Mental Health Awareness course provides a concise yet impactful overview of essential mental health concepts. Participants gain a foundational understanding of common mental health conditions, learn to recognize signs and symptoms, and explore effective communication strategies.

Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Educators matching "compassion"

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The Northern College Of Clinical Hypnotherapy

the northern college of clinical hypnotherapy



Our Multi award winning Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy (NCCH) courses are recognised in the UK, Europe, Asia and internationally. We provide a range of professional Hypnotherapy Courses and CPD in the Classroom and Online. Training with us enables our students to start from scratch or enhance their knowledge. Students begin by gaining a Foundation in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Our Foundation in Clinical Hypnotherapy gives you an opportunity to see if learning with us is really for you.  You'll gain 14 hours of CPD, be able to see the materials and resources, meet your tutor and potential colleagues too. You also gain Student membership with The Complementary Medical Association and a years free membership with the International Hypnotherapy Association. The course focuses on confidence building, such a great tool for your clients and for yourself when starting anything new. Step into the dynamic world of hypnotherapy with the Northern College of Clinical Hypnotherapy (NCCH), where our courses are designed to accommodate your schedule and learning style. Dive into our online platform, where every lecture, demonstration, study notes, and assessments are readily available, allowing you to study at your own pace. As part of our vibrant community of clinical hypnotherapists, you'll engage in peer supervision, attend Masterclasses, and participate in live learning chatrooms with 24-hour access for discussions and practice. Additionally, experience the immersive learning opportunities of our face-to-face retreat-style workshop weekends. Here, you'll gain practical experience and put your newfound knowledge into action through experiential exercises. Whether you're a beginner or seeking to enhance your expertise, NCCH offers a warm welcome and a wealth of resources to support your journey. Our Foundation in Clinical Hypnotherapy provides 14 hours of CPD, access to enriching materials, and connections with tutors and fellow practitioners. Plus, you'll receive valuable membership benefits with The Complementary Medical Association and the International Hypnotherapy Association. Confidence-building lies at the core of our curriculum, empowering you to excel in your practice and positively impact your clients' lives. Our Diploma course, available in classroom-based, hybrid, and virtual formats, guides you through an 10-module programme leading to an Accredited and Certified Practitioner Level Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy. Along the way, you'll have opportunities to join prestigious professional associations and immerse yourself in a supportive community dedicated to your success. With our flexible learning paths, personalised support, and commitment to excellence, NCCH ensures that your journey to becoming a certified hypnotherapist is both clear and achievable. From small working groups to ongoing support and CPD opportunities, we're with you every step of the way. Whether you're joining us locally or from afar, NCCH welcomes you to join our mission of fostering mental well-being worldwide. Together, let's illuminate our communities with compassion and expertise. Join us at NCCH and become a bright light in your community today!

Darleen Klug

darleen klug


Darleen is an Empowerment Coach, with qualifications in Professional Life Coaching and Hypnosis, as well as years of experience as a safe space facilitator. She is also constantly focusing on broadening her knowledge in many different areas. Making her incredibly resourceful when working with clients. She was born in Germany but raised in Portugal for most of her childhood. At 18 years of age, she took a leap and moved to the UK in the hope to find purpose as she had always felt out of place. At the time, she didn't know where she was headed or what for, all she knew was that her intuition was telling her to jump... Seven years have passed since the day she set foot in England. Since then, she has moved 7 times and explored many different career paths. It has been a roller coaster, but one worth going on. Darleen always felt drawn to spirituality but was afraid of being seen as crazy. So one of her first spiritual eye-openers was a book called The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield. From then on, small and big encounters have shaped her beliefs and shown her that she was not alone on this journey. When she attended her first Women's Circle in 2019 (held by Ella Grace Denton), all the judgment, competition and fear she had felt towards and from other women in her life was replaced by love, respect and compassion. It made her feel so abundant and helped her realise that we are all one and that we do not have to go on this journey by ourselves. The moment she arrived home that day, she knew it was something she would love to facilitate for others, as she always wanted to help people. After months of avoiding her intuition (as we are conditioned to do) she finally gave in, looked past the fear of judgment and began to hold space for others. She also began to coach people, as well as share all the knowledge that life has given her via Instagram. Now she has fully committed to her calling, aiming to help her soul clients in every way possible.

Qui with Trish

qui with trish


The approach I take within my work comes from my own life experiences, extensive training and research, my interest in fellow human beings and a deep longing to share with others my knowledge of self-development, spirituality and natural healing. I graduated in Biology at Durham University in the 1980s and I entered the workplace at the Science Museum in London. Science and particularly the Medical Sciences were my first loves, however a taste of the stress and pressure of city life, led me to take off on a travelling adventure and find out what it was I really wished for out of life. Whilst living and working in South East Asia I gravitated towards Buddhism and the Ayurvedic approach to wellness and health. I took a course in 'Chakra Consciousness' in India where I qualified as a teacher. This changed my whole outlook and meditation/natural healing became part of my life and it stuck. On returning to the UK, two children later, and having decided to completely switch career, I worked in a Natural Health business whilst further training in Stress Therapy, Holistic Massage, Acupressure and Reiki Healing. I opened my first 'Holistic Wellbeing' clinic in Wetherby in 2006 and then 'Qui Wellbeing' in Sicklinghall and I have now worked 1:1 with a wide range of clients. In 2017 I qualified as a Mindfulness Association teacher and UK registered with the British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches following the UK good practice guidelines. In 2019 I qualified as a Compassion Based Living Teacher with the Mindfulness Association. In recent years I have delivered Mindfulness based interventions to recovering addicts (5-ways academy in Leeds), vulnerable adults (Harrogate Homeless Project), leaders working with vulnerable adults, stressed city workers (NHS digital Leeds), sixth formers (Harrogate Grammar school) and I am currently working with University of Leeds on research funded by the Medical Research Council into approaches to mental health in adolescents. Recently I recorded a professionally produced audio version of the MBLC course for the Mindfulness Association. I continue to deliver to private clients and groups at the Acorn Wellness Retreat and at Carlshead Business Centre. I am now very happily part of the Kagyu sangha of Tibetan Buddhism and practice at Samye Dzong, Samye Ling and with Mindsprings. I regularly attend immersive retreats. I combine my multi-disciplinary skills, my extensive client-based experience and my deep belief in the power of Mindfulness to create a unique and considered approach to personal wellness and natural health. Communicating through social media, magazine articles and blogs keeps me abreast of new developments and research into my diverse areas of interest. Other than that, I am committed to be happy and compassionate in my work, with my family, with the people I meet and the world around me. I am very grateful to my many guides and influences. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Namaste