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11 Educators providing Illusion courses

Make and Create

make and create


This project is Walthamstow born, Walthamstow grown and Walthamstow based. Inspired by the creative blood running through its heart and community spirit which binds us together. The driving idea behind Make and Create is a desire to bring people together to encourage creativity and community. Have you ever uttered the words "I wish I was more creative?". Then you have come to the right place, my friend. Make and Create project boxes are designed to remove barriers to creativity, by providing you with everything you need to make something useful or beautiful. Or both. Now wouldn't that make our old pal William Morris happy? Creativity is a verb. Not a quality you are born with, but an action. Creativity is not about talent. It is about doing. It is about courage. It is about absorbing yourself in something outside yourself. A release. A distraction to the constant internal hum. A form of meditation. Which brings me to the other reason I set up this project. Mental health. In a world where we spend so many hours of our day on social media, comparing our lives to the lives of others, it's easy to get caught up in the illusion that we are not good enough. Not beautiful enough. Not fit enough. Not adventurous enough. Put down the phone. Turn off your TV. Pick up a box. Make and Create E17 run workshops and private events across London. We will also be selling project boxes online - so watch this space for more details on that, and check out our events page for tickets to upcoming Make and Create evenings throughout the year. Think inside the box.

Easel Weasel Art Workshops

easel weasel art workshops



Please come along and join me at my art workshops in acrylics, linocut printing and soft pastels in the beautiful Derbyshire Peak District.  Whether you are on holiday or living nearby, a novice or experienced - everyone is welcome.  I am a professional artist and was a heat semi-finalist in Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year competition 2022 I have exhibited with the Royal Society of British Artists and Royal Society of Marine Artist Mall Galleries, London.Wednesday workshops are located at my home studio. You have a choice of working in acrylics and/or mixed media, soft pastels or linocut printing.  Subjects include: landscapes, still life, abstract, portraits, etc.The workshops are fun, relaxing and informative.I also hold a Saturday Art Workshops advertised here.  I have a relaxed and informative approach to working with acrylics and mixed media and other techniques. I was a professional muralist for 11 years, specialising in trompe l'oeil (trick of the eye) techniques. Although photo realism painting in acrylics was essential in creating a painting illusion, I have also worked more recently with impasto and mixed media using acrylics which is an enjoyable and liberating experience.  I was a former member of the Association of Professional Muralists and have appeared on television and radio.I have a friendly dog called Phoebe! WHAT'S INCLUDED IN THE PRICE? Lunch and refreshments, use of easels, brushes, aprons, etc.  if you would also like the use of all surfaces, paints, inks etc it is a. additional £10 payable on the day.

Red School

red school


In the beginning ‍From our very first periods our deep instinctual selves ‘knew’ something significant was at work but we had no language to name it. Mainstream consciousness distracted us with the message to keep quiet about the fact of the cycle and menstruation itself and we were both temporarily seduced by the apparent liberation of hormonal contraception. Thankfully our deep instinctual knowing broke through that illusion and each in our own ways found fertility awareness in our 20s, the first conscious step of awakening into the power of menstruality. ‍ From pain to power ‍At thirty one Alexandra was seized by the most outrageous menstrual pain that was to return for 3-4 days each menstrual month. In an attempt to heal her body she decided to give space to menstruation whenever she could and feel into the pain rather than take drugs. It was profoundly challenging but in the wake of that pain came revelation and importantly healing. Her perception of menstruation radically altered she began sharing with other women in workshops and her psychotherapy practice what she was discovering about the psychological and spiritual forces of the female body. The more she taught the more she learnt. Women’s stories held the gold. When she stopped to listen, to follow the natural impulse of the cycle, it was as though a whole new world, a new cosmology revealed itself. The feminine cosmology, the power of menstruality. ‍ A high definition life ‍When Sjanie came off hormonal contraception her feeling life exploded into glorious technicolour. She came alive in ways she had not known before, as though she were tasting herself for the first time. From that day forth her fascination for the cycle grew and grew and lead her to study hypnotherapy and psychotherapy, and to develop an expertise in the area of fertility with women who are struggling to conceive. As the mother of two young girls she brings the menstruality consciousness to bear on the realities of child rearing, relationship and running a business.




Herein you will find the passionate, conversant guidance of a woman — awakened. An awareness activist experienced in and educating on that which endures — with an ethos on earthling equality. I dedicate this digital space to all reciprocal revolutionary uprisers captivated by the mindfulness movement. My inspired intention is that you find heartening, transcendent answers here. My desire is that you find clarity here. The affirmative feedback I repeatedly receive from both my worldwide community and fellow activists alike is that I have an unusually unique, artistically influential way of conveying and communicating the consequential 'vegan' message. [ I quote 'vegan' as this is a societal label — all human beings are born 'vegan' and biologically herbivorous by nature. ] I therefore find it imperative that I devote my lifes work to spreading an abundance of awareness on the significance of leading an ethically enlightened existence — yes, through high vibrational vegan consumption, though also through conscious consumerism, habitual environmentally pure practices, and everyday slow, sustainable, soulful living. To delve a bit more in depth into my intimate individuality — by nature, I am an unperturbed and reserved being. I keep my ongoings, progressions, and successes close to my chest — as I thrive within the reticent realm of exclusivity and privacy. Either interested in or intrusive of my energy, my disengaged disposition often displeases those who cross my path; their reason or rationale being none of my business. Though I do acknowledge and lovingly accept the fact that sneak peeks into my behind the scenes reflections and small snippets into the unveiling of my soul may entertain, engage, or even [ humbly ] inspire — I simply and straightforwardly came to the conclusion aeons ago that everything one does or accomplishes is not in need of immediate announcement or direct praise. The constant need to boast or broadcast, either for acknowledgment or approval, diverts one from their original purpose. If you are in tune with your truest, most transparent ambitions, then, Cosmos Child — the splendor is already yours. True, to be sure, I invest a tremendous amount of personal energy and vigor into managing and preserving all creative content and formative media shared with you throughout my platforms. Though, I do not exert myself in self serving expression and steer clear of segregating societal labels. I solely use the internet arena as an educational tool. All else exhausts me. All else is ego. The overall mission of anything I write or create is always to evoke momentous moralistic reflection while, in turn, providing assistance in relieving ones mind, body, soul, and lifestyle of all stress, anxiety, toxins, carcinogens, inflammation, fatigue, excess weight, and so on — through the introduction and refinement of leading an ethically enlightened existence. [ Masterwork book 'Conscious' in motion — soon to be released here. ] Over the course of the last decade, progressing by educated personal practice, I have advised countless souls on reclaiming and restoring their elemental and biological herbivorous nature as human beings. My personal qualifications to write, consult, and share intricate details on how to enhance the quality of your lifestyle and the entirety of your wellbeing — all began to transpire through my own healing experiences. I was once lost, just as you may be now. Overweight, undernourished, and indoctrinated. Nevertheless, I had a willingness to wade through the status quo with such fortitude and grit that nothing could keep me from finding the truth. Take note that your past or current struggle is not internally engineered but the result of a transmission — an ongoing broadcast of propaganda from the corrupt and seemingly powerful that has strategically colonized your mind. [ Russell Brand. ] Behind the scenes corporations controlling your consumerism and maximizing on your misery, habits, and ignorance. This planet is not in need of any more 'successful' people, 'wealthy' people, 'celebrities.' No. This planet is in desperate need of more peacemakers, healers, restorers, lovers of all kind. [ Dalai Lama. ] I do not aim to impress you here — I aim to guide you towards taking an authentic look at your personal lifestyle by illuminating the certainty that is your moral agency. The universe will see to it that your manifestations are brought to fruition as long as you are willing to focus your energy and intentions around the areas of your life that matter most. All things are transitory in this world. Our destinies are all non physical. Death seems to make this perfectly clear. Why then do we toil all our lives for that which only perishes? Toil instead for that which endures. Choosing to consume life over death, sunshine over suffering, plants over poison day in and day out is the single greatest and most immediate way to make an impact on your mind, body, soul, and lifestyle — not to mention the monumental impact on the planet and, of course, all earthlings. Earth·ling: n. One who inhabits the earth. We need another, wiser, and perhaps more mystical concept of the earthlings we refer to as 'animals.' Remote from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys creatures through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the 'animal' shall not be measured by humankind. Gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren; they are not underlings — they are other nations. Caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth. [ Henry Beston. ] Humanity yearns for customs and community. Humanity dreams of escaping segregation. Though, the illusion of integrity lies in our folklore and fables. Heritage entices with its tales of woe; tradition seduces with its promise of wisdom. How deceitful human narrative can be. And so, I hereby challenge you to reconsider everything. Deliberately and delicately, conscientiously and concernedly — reexamine everything.

Ksenia Belash

ksenia belash

It’s a pleasure to greet you in my virtual home:) Meeting someone for the first time can feel a little awkward. As a way of introduction, let me share a few random and not so random facts about me: I spent a big chunk of my childhood daydreaming, journeying through whimsical worlds, exploring subtle energies and noticing things that other people strangely wouldn’t notice. I wrote my first poem at the age of 6. This is also when I experienced myself as a cloud during my first ever meditation, guided by my grand dad. One of my favourite treasures was a blue crystal ball that my mum brought home from a lab she worked at - it seemed to have come from a different dimension. For a long time, I made myself believe these things were silly and meaningless. These days, I cherish the magical, the whimsical, the weird and believe the sense of WONDER to be a potent medicine for the soul that I am privileged to share with others. Up until the age of 9, if I closed my eyes, I could see people’s emotional states as auras of different colours. I developed my own colour coding system to identify what was going on - it was quite accurate. Unfortunately, I don’t see auras anymore, but I get a lot of subtle information through my body sensations. Whenever I speak to someone, a whole big experience unfolds within me and, over the years, through studies of the nervous system and what not, I have developed a way of making quite a good sense of it. It is a huge resource that I bring into my work with people. I also see images and metaphors that come seemingly out of nowhere and bring insights into things. I am currently 38. Most people assume I am younger and it can feel mischievously delicious to see them acting in alignment with this assumption without breaking the illusion. I currently live in London, am planning to move to Portugal, was born and raised in Russia and my roots are mainly from Ukraine. I speak seven languages and know both the curses and the gifts of not having one single place of belonging. I came to the UK when I was 20 to study hospitality and tourism management…only to realise, a couple of years later, that my heart longs to create and express itself, not manage. So I got my BA, completed my internship in a Central London office and went on to pursue photography and other visual arts for many years to come. It is only recently that I have connected my early interest in hospitality with what I currently do - which hosting spaces where people can really land and feel at home, in connection with their body, soul and spirit. I spent many years of my life in a relationship that felt utterly destructive to my soul. In 2015, I felt desperate and went to see a therapist. I thought this work was useless and nothing would help. In 2016, I went through a painful separation and then divorce. At that time, I was also feeling completely lost professionally. This period felt like the dark night of the soul, but I have eventually managed to come through, with a different understanding of myself, my strength, my needs and things I stand for in this world. What felt like hell, turned out to be the beginning of my healing journey. A BIT ABOUT MY HEALING JOURNEY Having grown up in an environment where emotional depth, sensitivity to nuance, authentic self-expression and creative ways were not exactly appreciated, I know very well what it's like to feel different, misunderstood, not sure where and if I can ever belong. For many, many years, I believed that something was deeply wrong with and broken about me and how I am. No matter how much I tried, how much I pushed to change myself, I struggled to fit into the loud, noisy, rushing, linear, rationality-oriented world that at times didn't make any sense. Like so many other sensitive souls, I have developed my own ways of coping and fitting in - like hiding bits of myself that I deemed ugly, scary or uncool, swallowing my truth, hiding my thoughts and feelings even from myself to the extent of losing any sense of boundaries, disconnecting from my body and intuition, anxiously chasing after the next new thing and external validation, not giving myself any space to breathe and listen to my inner voice. Living like this was painful and at some point became intolerable, so I reached out for help. In the course of my own healing journey, one of the many things I have discovered that the belief that something was fundamentally wrong and broken about me, was just that - a belief, not a curse that determined how I lived my life. I have also discovered that the most healing thing was not this or that tool, modality or approach. It was not even a cognitive understanding of why things happened. What my inner system and the young parts of my psyche deeply needed in order to heal was an attuned relational space, where I was loved for who I was and allowed to go at my own pace and be fully me, with all of my feelings of brokenness, sadness, envy, confusion, darkness, guilt, lostness, anger, heartbreak, as well as joy, excitement, dreaminess, hope and pride and a myriad of other feelings. What my parts needed, were to be seen and consistently met with acceptance, love, warm curiosity, compassion and understanding by another human being. In the process, I have also discovered the power of connecting with my intuitive body wisdom and befriending my nervous system and what is often referred to as somatic intelligence - a resource I never knew was available to me. As a result, rigid ways of being/thinking/reacting that have felt like "just who I am", started to soften, release and transform, while my sense of authentic self, personal power, self-trust, boundaries and capacity to feel and handle difficult emotions, without becoming overwhelmed, has been steadily growing. Offering healing spaces like that and supporting others like myself on their journeys of growth and healing, has become my passion and vocation.

Courses matching "Illusion"

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Mixing Techniques Stage 1 - Processing and balancing audio (6-week course every Tuesday evening)


By MakeNoiseAcademy

MIXING TECHNIQUES STAGE 1 EVERY TUESDAY FOR SIX WEEKS 5pm - 9pm Imagine a gloriously painted landscape; as well as the main subjects, you see patches of sky and ground and maybe some things you don't notice on your first exposure. In mixing, we are trying to create a detailed 3D illusion, just like in this painting. But how can this be done?

Mixing Techniques Stage 1 - Processing and balancing audio (6-week course every Tuesday evening)
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

The Art of Painting Beyond Technique

By iStudy UK

DESCRIPTION Learn Nancy's comprehensive and systematic critique method to improve and enhance your paintings. These contemporary concepts will help you create your fine art paintings quicker, with more ease, and better results. Exceptional self-analysis methods will bring more attention to your paintings and expand your audience. Enjoy watching your paintings progress from good to great. Shrink the learning curve and master painting in record time! This course beats years of art school training.  Realistic or abstract - all painting mediums and styles will benefit. The course uses a proven step-by-step process that teaches you exactly how to: * add new inspiration to your work. * quickly move forward when you get stuck. * make ideal choices to maximise results right from the start with any new painting. * find perfect solutions to resolve any painting issue. No need to change your painting style or subject matter (unless you want to). You don't need to learn to paint like someone else. Instead, this course empowers you to make your own unique paintings. You become a smarter painter. You will learn how to improve your painting's viewing power. Learn to push 2D images into the illusion of 3D with contemporary and classic spatial concepts. Learn to enhance and extend the viewing experience so your art can't be ignored! Achieve exciting images, quickly resolve painting issues and easily move your painting to the next level. WHAT WILL STUDENTS LEARN? Students will learn new contemporary ideas about painting, and how to create powerful and exciting images. Other topics covered include techniques for realism and abstraction, tools to create the illusion of space, how to access your creative right brain side at will, and ways to convey emotion through the work. Requirements Some previous painting experience in the medium of your choice. Target Students Intermediate and advanced painters, or any painter wanting to broaden their scope about art and improve their skills. The Art of Painting Unit 01: Introduction FREE 00:10:00 Unit 02: Idea About Painting 00:36:00 Unit 03: What's Your Story? 00:24:00 Unit 04: The Illusion of Space in Painting 00:46:00 Unit 05: Best Ways to Create Illusion of Space 00:42:00 Unit 06: Realism vs Abstraction 00:22:00 Unit 07: Left & Right Brain Sides 00:40:00 Unit 08: Mastering Eye Choreography 00:52:00 Unit 09: Expressing Emotion in Painting 00:41:00 Unit 10: How to Analyze Paintings 00:58:00 Unit 11: Your Work Space 00:14:00 Unit 12: Is It Finished? 00:44:00 Unit 13: Conclusion 00:06:00 Additional Materials Resource - The Art of Painting Beyond Technique 00:00:00

The Art of Painting Beyond Technique
Delivered Online On Demand

Saturday Art Workshops in Acrylics, Soft Pastels, Whatstandwell, Derbyshire

By Easel Weasel Art Workshops

Easel Weasel Weekly Art Workshops - Peak District Fun, informative and relaxing for any ability in beautiful surroundings run by Denise Cliffen, professional artist.

Saturday Art Workshops in Acrylics, Soft Pastels, Whatstandwell, Derbyshire
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Wednesday Art Workshops in Acrylics, Soft Pastels, Whatstandwell, Derbyshire

By Easel Weasel Art Workshops

Easel Weasel Weekly Art Workshops - Peak District Fun, informative and relaxing for any ability in beautiful surroundings run by Denise Cliffen, professional artist.

Wednesday Art Workshops in Acrylics, Soft Pastels, Whatstandwell, Derbyshire
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Character Animation Course for After Effects

By Lead Academy

CHARACTER ANIMATION COURSE FOR AFTER EFFECTS OVERVIEW Whether you are self-taught and you want to fill in the gaps for better efficiency and productivity, this character animation for after effects course will set you up with a solid foundation to become a confident animator expert/character animation and develop more advanced skills. This comprehensive character animation for after effects course is the perfect way to kickstart your career in the field of character animation. This course will give you a competitive advantage in your career, making you stand out from all other applicants and employees. As one of the leading course providers and most renowned e-learning specialists online, we're dedicated to giving you the best educational experience possible. This course is crafted by industry expert, to enable you to learn quickly and efficiently, and at your own pace and convenience. WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE? This comprehensive character animation for after effects course is suitable for anyone looking to improve their job prospects or aspiring to accelerate their career in this sector and want to gain in-depth knowledge of character animation. ENTRY REQUIREMENT * There are no academic entry requirements for this character animation for after effects course, and it is open to students of all academic backgrounds. * As long as you are aged seventeen or over and have a basic grasp of English, numeracy and ICT, you will be eligible to enrol. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT On successful completion of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice assessment. The assessment will be evaluated automatically and the results will be given to you immediately. CAREER PATH This character animation for after effects course opens a brand new door for you to enter the relevant job market and also provides you with the chance to accumulate in-depth knowledge at the side of needed skills to become flourishing in no time. You will also be able to add your new skills to your CV, enhance your career and become more competitive in your chosen industry. COURSE CURRICULUM Introduction Introduction How to Download Project Files Character Setup in Abode Illustrator How to Open Project Files Rigging the Character Rigging the Left Arm Rigging the Right Arm and Legs How to Hide the Shoulder Line How to Hide the Hip Line Put The Left Arm Behind The Character Put The Right Arm Behind The Character Anchor Arms and Legs to Body Turning The Head Setting Up for 3d Illusion - Turning the Face Animating the Face Shape for 3d Illusion - Turning the Face Animating the Rest of the Face for 3d Illusion Cleaning The Workspace Setting Up Controllers Setup for Head and Face Controls Extracting the Different Parts of the Face to Separate Layers Create Effects for the Controllers and Parent Layers Align Anchor Points Activating Controllers Expressions for Turning the Head Controlling the Head Up and Down Marking Limits for Head Control Expressions for Eyebrow and Eye Controllers Preparing Eyes and Eyebrows and Fixing Eye Blinks Expressions for Eyebrows Expressions for Pupils Setting Up The Lip Sync Animating for Lip Sync Expressions for Mouth Part 1 Expressions for Mouth Part 2 Setting Up the Jaw and Using Expressions Automated Blinking and Additional Switches Front to Back Switch Blinking and Final Touches Animating the Character Animating the Character Setting Up 3D Scene Replacement Animation Setting Up for Replacement Animation Replacement Animation Wrap It Up Wrap It Up RECOGNISED ACCREDITATION CPD CERTIFICATION SERVICE This course is accredited by continuing professional development (CPD). CPD UK is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations, and academic institutions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Many organisations look for employees with CPD requirements, which means, that by doing this course, you would be a potential candidate in your respective field. QUALITY LICENCE SCHEME ENDORSED The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. It will give you a competitive advantage in your career, making you stand out from all other applicants and employees.     CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT ENDORSED CERTIFICATE FROM QUALITY LICENCE SCHEME After successfully passing the MCQ exam you will be eligible to order the Endorsed Certificate by Quality Licence Scheme. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. It will give you a competitive advantage in your career, making you stand out from all other applicants and employees. There is a Quality Licence Scheme endorsement fee to obtain an endorsed certificate which is £65. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FROM LEAD ACADEMY After successfully passing the MCQ exam you will be eligible to order your certificate of achievement as proof of your new skill. The certificate of achievement is an official credential that confirms that you successfully finished a course with Lead Academy. Certificate can be obtained in PDF version at a cost of £12, and there is an additional fee to obtain a printed copy certificate which is £35.   FAQS IS CPD A RECOGNISED QUALIFICATION IN THE UK? CPD is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations and academic intuitions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD-certified certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. ARE QLS COURSES RECOGNISED? Although QLS courses are not subject to Ofqual regulation, they must adhere to an extremely high level that is set and regulated independently across the globe. A course that has been approved by the Quality Licence Scheme simply indicates that it has been examined and evaluated in terms of quality and fulfils the predetermined quality standards. WHEN WILL I RECEIVE MY CERTIFICATE? For CPD accredited PDF certificate it will take 24 hours, however for the hardcopy CPD certificate takes 5-7 business days and for the Quality License Scheme certificate it will take 7-9 business days. CAN I PAY BY INVOICE? Yes, you can pay via Invoice or Purchase Order, please contact us at info@lead-academy.org for invoice payment. CAN I PAY VIA INSTALMENT? Yes, you can pay via instalments at checkout. HOW TO TAKE ONLINE CLASSES FROM HOME? Our platform provides easy and comfortable access for all learners; all you need is a stable internet connection and a device such as a laptop, desktop PC, tablet, or mobile phone. The learning site is accessible 24/7, allowing you to take the course at your own pace while relaxing in the privacy of your home or workplace. DOES AGE MATTER IN ONLINE LEARNING? No, there is no age limit for online learning. Online learning is accessible to people of all ages and requires no age-specific criteria to pursue a course of interest. As opposed to degrees pursued at university, online courses are designed to break the barriers of age limitation that aim to limit the learner's ability to learn new things, diversify their skills, and expand their horizons. WHEN I WILL GET THE LOGIN DETAILS FOR MY COURSE? After successfully purchasing the course, you will receive an email within 24 hours with the login details of your course. Kindly check your inbox, junk or spam folder, or you can contact our client success team via info@lead-academy.org

Character Animation Course for After Effects
Delivered Online On Demand

Easel Weasel Wednesday Art workshops - Derbyshire Peak District


By Easel Weasel Art Workshops

Please come along and join me at my art workshops in acrylics, linocut printing and soft pastels in the beautiful Derbyshire Peak District.  Whether you are on holiday or living nearby, a novice or experienced - everyone is welcome.   I am a professional artist and was a heat semi-finalist in Sky Arts Landscape Artist of the Year competition, I have exhibited with the Royal Society of British Artists and Royal Society of Marine Artist Mall Galleries, London. Wednesday workshops are located at my home studio. You have a choice of working in acrylics and/or mixed media, soft pastels or linocut printing.  Subjects include: landscapes, still life, abstract, portraits, etc. The workshops are fun, relaxing and informative. I also hold a Saturday Art Workshops advertised on Craft Courses! I have a relaxed and informative approach to working with acrylics and mixed media and other techniques. I was a professional muralist for 11 years, specialising in trompe l'oeil (trick of the eye) techniques.  Although photo realism painting in acrylics was essential in creating a painting illusion, I have also worked more recently with impasto and mixed media using acrylics which is an enjoyable and liberating experience.   I was a former member of the Association of Professional Muralists and have appeared on television and radio. I have a friendly dog called Phoebe! What's included in the price? Refreshments plus lunch included in day workshop price.   The workshops are suitable for any age or experience, maximum class size of 4.  Contact Denise for a list of materials required if you are supplying your own.  Alternatively I can supply all materials for an additional £10.00 on the day. Cancellation policy Easy - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 2 weeks before the course starts

Easel Weasel Wednesday Art workshops - Derbyshire Peak District
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Time Management Course for Animators

By Lead Academy

TIME MANAGEMENT COURSE FOR ANIMATORS OVERVIEW Whether you are self-taught and you want to fill in the gaps for better efficiency and productivity, this time management for animators course will set you up with a solid foundation to become a confident animator expert/animation and develop more advanced skills. This comprehensive time management for animators course is the perfect way to kickstart your career in the field of animation. This course will give you a competitive advantage in your career, making you stand out from all other applicants and employees. As one of the leading course providers and most renowned e-learning specialists online, we're dedicated to giving you the best educational experience possible. This course is crafted by industry expert, to enable you to learn quickly and efficiently, and at your own pace and convenience. WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE? This comprehensive time management for animators course is suitable for anyone looking to improve their job prospects or aspiring to accelerate their career in this sector and want to gain in-depth knowledge of animation. ENTRY REQUIREMENT * There are no academic entry requirements for this time management for animators course, and it is open to students of all academic backgrounds. * As long as you are aged seventeen or over and have a basic grasp of English, numeracy and ICT, you will be eligible to enrol. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT On successful completion of the course, you will be required to sit an online multiple-choice assessment. The assessment will be evaluated automatically and the results will be given to you immediately. CAREER PATH This time management for animators course opens a brand new door for you to enter the relevant job market and also provides you with the chance to accumulate in-depth knowledge at the side of needed skills to become flourishing in no time. You will also be able to add your new skills to your CV, enhance your career and become more competitive in your chosen industry. COURSE CURRICULUM Introduction to Time Management Introduction to Time Management Course The Awesome Lie of 'I Don't Have Time' (And Why It Matters) Being Busy vs Being Productive The Illusion of Time Breaking the Illusion: Tracking Your Time Being Focused Taking Control- How to Bend Time to Your Will Are You Selfish for Being Focused. Domino Effect: The Power of Being Focused Pomodoro Technique: How to Do the Boring Tasks Tracking Time How to Develop the Habit of Tracking Your Time How to Use Toggl Struggling to Develop the Habit of Tracking Your Time. Creating a Toggl Report Becoming More Productive How to Make Better Decisions With Your Time Defining a Specific Goal Finding a Good Reason How to Use your Reports to Improve Each Day Time Budgeting Preparing a Time Budget Using the Time Tracking Sheet RECOGNISED ACCREDITATION CPD CERTIFICATION SERVICE This course is accredited by continuing professional development (CPD). CPD UK is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations, and academic institutions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. Many organisations look for employees with CPD requirements, which means, that by doing this course, you would be a potential candidate in your respective field. QUALITY LICENCE SCHEME ENDORSED The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. It will give you a competitive advantage in your career, making you stand out from all other applicants and employees.     CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT ENDORSED CERTIFICATE FROM QUALITY LICENCE SCHEME After successfully passing the MCQ exam you will be eligible to order the Endorsed Certificate by Quality Licence Scheme. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. It will give you a competitive advantage in your career, making you stand out from all other applicants and employees. There is a Quality Licence Scheme endorsement fee to obtain an endorsed certificate which is £65. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT FROM LEAD ACADEMY After successfully passing the MCQ exam you will be eligible to order your certificate of achievement as proof of your new skill. The certificate of achievement is an official credential that confirms that you successfully finished a course with Lead Academy. Certificate can be obtained in PDF version at a cost of £12, and there is an additional fee to obtain a printed copy certificate which is £35.   FAQS IS CPD A RECOGNISED QUALIFICATION IN THE UK? CPD is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations and academic intuitions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. CPD-certified certificates are accepted by thousands of professional bodies and government regulators here in the UK and around the world. ARE QLS COURSES RECOGNISED? Although QLS courses are not subject to Ofqual regulation, they must adhere to an extremely high level that is set and regulated independently across the globe. A course that has been approved by the Quality Licence Scheme simply indicates that it has been examined and evaluated in terms of quality and fulfils the predetermined quality standards. WHEN WILL I RECEIVE MY CERTIFICATE? For CPD accredited PDF certificate it will take 24 hours, however for the hardcopy CPD certificate takes 5-7 business days and for the Quality License Scheme certificate it will take 7-9 business days. CAN I PAY BY INVOICE? Yes, you can pay via Invoice or Purchase Order, please contact us at info@lead-academy.org for invoice payment. CAN I PAY VIA INSTALMENT? Yes, you can pay via instalments at checkout. HOW TO TAKE ONLINE CLASSES FROM HOME? Our platform provides easy and comfortable access for all learners; all you need is a stable internet connection and a device such as a laptop, desktop PC, tablet, or mobile phone. The learning site is accessible 24/7, allowing you to take the course at your own pace while relaxing in the privacy of your home or workplace. DOES AGE MATTER IN ONLINE LEARNING? No, there is no age limit for online learning. Online learning is accessible to people of all ages and requires no age-specific criteria to pursue a course of interest. As opposed to degrees pursued at university, online courses are designed to break the barriers of age limitation that aim to limit the learner's ability to learn new things, diversify their skills, and expand their horizons. WHEN I WILL GET THE LOGIN DETAILS FOR MY COURSE? After successfully purchasing the course, you will receive an email within 24 hours with the login details of your course. Kindly check your inbox, junk or spam folder, or you can contact our client success team via info@lead-academy.org

Time Management Course for Animators
Delivered Online On Demand

Video Compositing with Adobe After Effects CC


By Stills

Adobe After Effects CC is the industry leader in video compositing software, offering an exciting and versatile array of applications for the creation of professional moving image work. On this course you will learn a range of visual effects and animation techniques, working between Photoshop and After Effects to create videos which explore text based motion graphics, character animation, green-screen compositing, 3D landscapes, motion tracking and lots more in-between. Alongside technical exercises the tutor will screen and discuss relevant artists, designers and filmmakers, providing both the technical skills and inspiration to create your own professional motion graphics work, filmic special effects or experimental artists video. Computer experience is required. Week 1 This week we will create a short video that combines text, still image and video layers. Through this exercise you will learn how to: * Navigate the workspace on After Effects * Set up a project and select a video format * Introduce video to the timeline and split layers * Change the position and scale of layers * Introduce basic text * Use selections in Photoshop to create a still image composition * Import this composition into After Effects to create a composite video. Week 2 This week we will look at basic animation techniques. Through a series of exercises, you will learn how to: * Use Photoshop to great multi-layered elements for animation * Import these Photoshop elements into After Effects * Work with key-frames and interpolation * Add motion blur * Duplicate and pre-compose animated elements * Create a parallax effect to give the illusion of depth * Apply blending modes * Work with the puppet tool to create moving joints for an animated character Week 3 This week we will look at converting 2D photographs into a 3D virtual space to provide depth and movement. Through a series of exercises, you will learn how to: * Convert a 2D image into a 3D space * Set up a multi-layered diorama in Photoshop * Import this into After Effects and position the layers within 3D space * Create an animated camera move through 3D space * Apply depth of field Week 4 This week we will look at working with green-screen compositing to place a live action figure within an animated backdrop. Through a series of exercises, you will learn how to: * Work with the Keylight filter * Adjust colour balance and tone * Composite the figure against an animated background * Introduce shadows and highlights * Use the green-screen figure to create a silhouette Week 5 This week we will look at applying masks to footage to create cutouts, as well as exploring different applications for effects. Through a series of exercises, you will learn how to: * Work with masks * Use the Roto-mask tool * Apply time re-mapping * Work with ‘Particle Playground’ and similar effects Week 6 This week we will look at working with the paint panel to create animated drawings, as well as using motion tracking to attach a text element to a moving point within a video clip. Finally, we will cover how to output your final project, adding sound effects and applying a basic edit. Through a series of exercises, you will learn how to: * Create text based motion graphics (kinetic typography) * Apply motion tracking to live action footage * Render your project * Add sound to your video   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Courses are subject to minimum enrolment. Please register early, within five days of the start date, to reduce the likelihood of course cancellation. Please read our cancellation policy before booking. Students, anyone over the age of 65, and those in receipt of any form of benefits can claim the concessionary price, offering a 10% discount on the full course price. Valid proof of eligibility must be produced on the first day of the course. Please use the code CONCESSION when prompted at checkout.

Video Compositing with Adobe After Effects CC
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Dermaplaning Diploma


By Elixskin & Elixir Skin Training

Dermaplaning uses a medical-grade surgical blade in short strokes at a 45 degree angle to remove the surface layer of dead skin, debris and hair Dermaplaning aims to make your skin’s surface smooth, youthful, and radiant. It’s also used to remove “peach fuzz,” the short, soft hairs on your face. Please confirm dates and availability with us prior to purchasing WHY TRAIN IN DERMAPLANING? * Dermaplaning is suitable for all skin types * A single dermaplaning session is able to remove around 2-3 weeks of built up dead skin cells and debris from your skin. * Dermaplaning is completely pain free and non-invasive. * The technique may look similar to shaving, but it is much more effective because the blade being used is able to get right against the top layer of skin. * There is no need to worry about the hair growing back darker- dermaplaning targets the vellus hair (peach fuzz) that grows back the same size and colour. In addition, the way the surgical blade cuts the hair does not create the illusion of a thicker hair. * You can charge £30-£60 per session (depending on your location) WHO IS THIS COURSE SUITABLE FOR? Those who have NVQ Level 2/3 Beauty. If you do not have any experience then you can do our VTCT Level 2 Facial Massage & Skin Care COURSE CONTENT * Skin physiology revision * Types of Hair and Hair life cycle * Pre-Procedure considerations * Contraindications * Post-Procedure * Health and safety implications * Practical demonstration Dermaplaning protocols * Combination treatment protocols to boost the effects of the Dermaplaning procedure * Hands on practice – you are able to receive a treatment as well as perform the treatments COURSE DURATION & COST Home study with one day practical Dermaplaning £400 WHY CHOOSE US? * This course will allow you to offer the most on trend and in demand treatments that are results driven. The key to a successful business is to offer services that clients will want to keep coming back for. All of the treatments within this diploma have proven results which will support you in customer retention. * We do not offer online courses for treatments that require the skill that can only be performed in front an experienced trainer. We ensure we offer a practical course that allows you to work on 2 models per treatment. We want you to be confident in the skill so you can start your business straight away. * We are not an Academy and we take pride in this. This means we offer more than just training you in a skill. We understand how difficult and overwhelming it can be to start a new business and our ethos is to provide guidance and support to get you started. * All our sessions have an option of 1-2-1 sessions for a personalised experience and have a maximum of 4 students per session. * Your journey with us doesn’t end in the practical training session. When you train with Elixir Skin Training you become a part of our brand. We stay in touch with all our graduates and provide that motivation to get you going, which you will not find in large Academies. Quality of training is important but so is what comes after- we support you in every aspect because we want to see you build your business. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Categories: Advanced Skin Care Courses

Dermaplaning Diploma
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Leicester

Save Time in Character Animation for After Effects

By Study Plex

Stop your “I don't have time for this” and animate quickly, using a powerful technique that helps you animate with just a few clicks and drags. The most common reason why people neglect to pursue something in their lives is because the lack of time. Lots of work, lots of things to do. That's the very reason why millions of people love to learn how to do things faster and easier. But how can you do something if there is no such way yet? Frustration hurts, but I had to overcome it. And better yet, help others to avoid it. When I started to take a bit of my sleep time to start a project in animation, I just knew it was going to take me forever, and after the frustration of dropping the project for a couple of months, I came back for revenge! (Not in the negative way, more like in an EPIC WAY!) It was after watching a couple of tutorials for After Effects on Video Copilot that I learned the power of expressions. Got me inspired. There could actually be a way to solve this! As you know, there is no spoiler in saying this, but yes, I found a way. HOORAY! Finally, a solution! That solution is what this course is about. Teaching you how to speed up your animation time with an advanced technique: Rigged Characters. Rigging characters has been used since a couple of years ago, but what I teach you here is how to automate the movements by using expressions (Java code and lots math) inside After Effects to give you the ability to move your characters with just clicks and drags. Just check 1 hour of free lessons to see if you find the techniques interesting. “What options do I have for animating a character?” Picture this. You have a project in your mind, let's say, a 2 minute animation. You have the plot in your mind, it's a good story and you even have the main characters drawn and ready. You know how to use After Effects, because you went to Video Copilot and learned the basics for free. Option 1: Puppet tool You could put your drawings inside After Effects and put a couple of puppet pins, so you can move the character by changing the position of the pins. Right? Well that takes a lot of time to animate, it's faster than drawing frame-by-frame, but still takes a lot of time. Option 2: Cut out animation Maybe you don't know about the puppet tool technique and you just split the character into the different parts of the body. The arms, the legs, the body and the head. Everything in a separate layer. Animating that “rig” takes a lot of time too. Maybe it's faster than classical animation but it won't be as fast as a few clicks and drags to change the position. What can you do to make it super fast? Option 3: Advanced Rigging Using a powerful rig that calculates everything for you so you only have to make a few clicks and drags to change the position of your character. It's so easy that you will remember when you played with toys Have you ever played with toys? If you wanted to raise the hand of your Action Figure or your Barbie, all you had to do was to take the hand and raise it right? Imagine if animating was that simple. Well, this is what this course is going to teach you. How to change body positions in a snap. When you find a solution, everybody wants to know it After I came up with this technique, I brought it to the studio I work for (I do motion graphics for commercials), and they went crazy. They started to ask me for lots of tips because I knew that the secret to be faster in animation was by using expressions. Anybody who knows how to use After Effects knows that the secret to speed up your work is by automating with expressions. And the only way I could help everybody, was by organizing the process and create a couple of videos. That's when the idea for this course was born. Rigged Characters are the common way to speed your animation, everybody knows that Rigged Characters are what most professionals under a schedule use. I'm talking about Nickelodeon, Disney TV. They all use techniques to rig characters and animate faster. But until now, there was no way you could achieve all this in After Effects, you had to do your animation in Toon Boom, or Animate Studio. What about us? The After Effects Community? Well, this is my contribution. An Advanced Rig that helps you control your character easily and quickly, all inside After Effects. If you haven't checked yet, take a look at 1 hour of free lessons and see for yourself how easy you can achieve this rig, and how it can help you to animate faster. “It all sounds great, but, What level of knowledge do I need?” Because I know there is a lot of people who doesn't know how to use After Effects, I made an update and included a tour of the software. Everyone is getting it now. And if you are a veteran user, you might discover some advanced little tips that can help you cut your work time in half. Check the reviews. Animating faster is not only something people with little time need, but also big studios who work under a schedule. This course will help you achieve faster times, deliver work earlier and stay ahead of schedule. “What if I don't understand something? What if I need help?” If you have a question, just ask me and I try to reach as fast as possible. I answer all questions, mostly on the same day. I check my inbox twice a day. And just so you know, this course has had tons of modifications thanks to the many questions I received. Many lessons have been re recorded so anyone can understand the concepts. Really, any doubt you have is actually a way to help improve this course. Check the free lessons now! What are you waiting for? Preview the free hour of video lessons and if you believe this course is what you were looking for, enroll for the complete 4.5 hour course and discover the secret techniques that can help you cut your working time in half. Inside you will find the project files to follow along and easy to follow instructions to achieve this powerful technique. Enroll today! RECOGNISED ACCREDITATION This course is accredited by continuing professional development (CPD). CPD UK is globally recognised by employers, professional organisations, and academic institutions, thus a certificate from CPD Certification Service creates value towards your professional goal and achievement. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. WHAT IS CPD? Employers, professional organisations, and academic institutions all recognise CPD, therefore a credential from CPD Certification Service adds value to your professional goals and achievements. BENEFITS OF CPD * Improve your employment prospects * Boost your job satisfaction * Promotes career advancement * Enhances your CV * Provides you with a competitive edge in the job market * Demonstrate your dedication * Showcases your professional capabilities WHAT IS IPHM? The IPHM is an Accreditation Board that provides Training Providers with international and global accreditation. The Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) accreditation is a guarantee of quality and skill. BENEFITS OF IPHM * It will help you establish a positive reputation in your chosen field * You can join a network and community of successful therapists that are dedicated to providing excellent care to their client * You can flaunt this accreditation in your CV * It is a worldwide recognised accreditation WHAT IS QUALITY LICENCE SCHEME? This course is endorsed by the Quality Licence Scheme for its high-quality, non-regulated provision and training programmes. The Quality Licence Scheme is a brand of the Skills and Education Group, a leading national awarding organisation for providing high-quality vocational qualifications across a wide range of industries. BENEFITS OF QUALITY LICENSE SCHEME * Certificate is valuable * Provides a competitive edge in your career * It will make your CV stand out COURSE CURRICULUM Introduction Introduction 00:08:00 Character Setup In Adobe Illustrator 00:06:00 How To Open Project Files 00:02:00 Rigging The Character Rigging The Left Arm 00:10:00 Rigging The Right Arm And Legs 00:06:00 How To Hide The Shoulder Line 00:10:00 How To Hide The Hip Line 00:06:00 Put The Left Arm Behind The Character 00:08:00 Put The Right Arm Behind The Character 00:11:00 Anchor Arms And Legs To Body 00:06:00 Turning The Head Setting Up For 3D Illusion - Turning The Face 00:08:00 Animating The Face Shape For 3D Illusion - Turning The Face 00:09:00 Animating The Rest Of The Face For 3D Illusion 00:09:00 Cleaning The Workspace 00:06:00 Setting Up Controllers Setup For Head And Face Controls 00:08:00 Extracting The Different Parts Of The Face To Separate Layers 00:09:00 Create Effects For The Controllers And Parent Layers 00:07:00 Align Anchor Points 00:03:00 Activating Controllers Expressions For Turning The Head 00:12:00 Controlling The Head Up And Down 00:05:00 Marking Limits For Head Control 00:07:00 Expressions For Eyebrow And Eye Controllers 00:09:00 Preparing Eyes And Eyebrows And Fixing Eye Blinks 00:05:00 Expressions For Eyebrows 00:18:00 Expressions For Pupils 00:07:00 Setting Up The Lip Sync Animating For Lip Sync 00:09:00 Expressions For Mouth Part 1 00:07:00 Expressions For Mouth Part 2 00:03:00 Setting Up The Jaw And Using Expressions 00:10:00 Automated Blinking And Additional Switches Front To Back Switch 00:07:00 Blinking And Final Touches 00:08:00 Animating The Character Animating The Character 00:14:00 Setting Up 3D Scene 00:07:00 Replacement Animation Setting Up For Replacement Animation 00:07:00 Replacement Animation 00:05:00 Wrap It Up Wrap It Up 00:01:00 Obtain Your Certificate Order Your Certificate of Achievement 00:00:00 Get Your Insurance Now Get Your Insurance Now 00:00:00 Feedback Feedback 00:00:00

Save Time in Character Animation for After Effects
Delivered Online On Demand