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Educators providing Google Project Management courses in Leicester

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Project management 'masterclasses' (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Masterclasses? Refreshers? Introductions? It depends what you're looking for and where you want to pitch them, but here are six tried-and-tested highly focused sessions that organisations can take individually or as a series, to help develop their teams' project management capabilities one topic at a time. Objectives for each individual session are set out below, as part of the session outlines. Taken together, as a series, however, these modules are an ideal opportunity to develop your team's levels of project management capability maturity, whether that's by introducing them to the basic principles, refreshing them on best practice, or giving them the opportunity to really drill down into a specific area of challenge in your particular operating environment. SESSION OUTLINES 1 Stakeholder management SESSION OBJECTIVES This session will help participants: * Understand why stakeholders matter to projects * Be able to identify and engage stakeholders * Be able to categorise stakeholders by their significance 1 KEY PRINCIPLES * What does 'stakeholder' mean - in theory? * What does this mean in practice? * Why stakeholders matter * Consequences of missing stakeholders * The stakeholder management process: * Identify * Assess * Plan * Engage 2 IDENTIFYING STAKEHOLDERS * Rapid listing * CPIG analysis * PESTLE analysis * Drawing on the knowledge and experience of others * Other ways to identify stakeholders 3 ASSESSING STAKEHOLDERS * Which stakeholders are significant? * Stakeholder radar * Power-interest maps * Power-attitude maps 4 PLANNING * The adoption curve * Dealing with obstacles * Who should engage which stakeholder? * How should the project's organisation be structured? * How will communication happen? 5 ENGAGING * Seven principles of stakeholder engagement 2 Requirements and prioritisation SESSION OBJECTIVES This session will help participants: * Understand how clarity of requirements contributes to project success * Use different techniques for prioritising requirements * Agree requirements with stakeholders * Manage changes to requirements 1 UNDERSTANDING AND MANAGING STAKEHOLDER NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS * What are 'requirements'? * What is 'requirements management'? * Sources of requirements - and the role of stakeholders * Are stakeholders sufficiently expert to specify their needs? * Do they understand the detail of what they want, or do they need help to tease that out? * What do stakeholders want to achieve? * Working within constraints * Prioritising requirements - three techniques 2 MOSCOW PRIORITISATION * 'Must have', should have', 'could have, 'won't have this time' * When to use MoSCoW 3 THE KANO MODEL * Customer satisfaction - 'attractive' and 'must-be' qualities * When to use Kano 4 VALUE-BASED PRIORITISATION * Understanding risk v value * Using risk v value to prioritise features and schedules 5 AGREEING REQUIREMENTS * Perfect v 'good enough' * Establishing acceptance criteria * Requirements traceability * Agreeing project scope 6 CHANGING REQUIREMENTS * Why requirements change * Why change control matters * Impact on projects * A formal change control process * Paying for change - managing change for different types of project 3 Estimating SESSION OBJECTIVES This session will help participants: * Understand the different purposes estimates satisfy * Be able to use different estimating techniques * Understand how to achieve different levels of accuracy 1 KEY PRINCIPLES * What's an estimate? Informed guesswork * What needs to be estimated? Costs, resources, effort, duration * Tolerances * Precision v accuracy 2 ESTIMATING THROUGH THE LIFECYCLE * Start * Plan * Do 3 EARLY ESTIMATES * Comparative ('analogous') estimating * Parametric estimating * Using multiple estimating techniques 4 BOTTOM-UP ESTIMATING * Bottom-up ('analytical') estimating * Pros * Cons 5 THREE-POINT ESTIMATING * Three-point ('PERT': Programme Evaluation and Review Technique) estimating * Uncertainty and the range of estimates * Calculating a weighted average * Three-point with bottom-up 4 Scheduling SESSION OBJECTIVES This session will help participants: * Understand how to create a viable schedule * Be able to use different forms of schedule * Understand the concept of the critical path 1 KEY PRINCIPLES * The planning horizon * Rolling wave planning * Release planning 2 VIABLE SCHEDULING * Creating a viable schedule * Define the scope * Sequence the work * Identify the risks and build in mitigations * Identify the resources * Estimate the effort and durations * Check resource availability * Refine until a workable schedule is produced 3 CRITICAL PATH ANALYSIS * The critical path * Network diagrams * Sequence logic * Practical application: * Network diagram with estimated durations * The 'forward pass' * The 'backward pass' * Calculating total float * Identifying the critical path * Calculating free float * Gantt charts 5 Risk and issue management SESSION OBJECTIVES This session will help participants: * Understand the difference between risks and issues * Be able to identify and assess risks * Understand ways of mitigating risks * Manage issues 1 KEY PRINCIPLES * Understanding risk * Threats and opportunities * The risk management process * Preparation - proactive risk management * The process - identify, assess, plan, implement * Stakeholder communication * Roles and responsibilities * Risk management strategy * The risk register * Risk appetite 2 RISK IDENTIFICATION * Brainstorming * Interviews * Assumption analysis * Checklists 3 RISK ASSESSMENT AND PRIORITISATION * Probability, impact and proximity * Triggers * Qualitative risk assessment * Qualitative impact assessment * Qualitative probability assessment * Probability / impact grid * Bubble charts * Risk tolerance 4 PLANNING COUNTERMEASURES * To mitigate or not to mitigate? * Categories of risk response * Avoid and exploit * Reduce and enhance * Transfer * Share * Accept * Contingency * Secondary risks 5 ISSUE MANAGEMENT * What is an issue? * Tolerances * Issues and tolerances * The PRINCE2 view of issues * Ownership of issues * An issue management process * Issue register 6 Budgeting and cost control SESSION OBJECTIVES This session will help participants: * Understand what to include in a budget - and why * Choose - and use - the appropriate estimating technique * Align the budget with the schedule * Understand how to monitor spend and control costs * Trouble-shoot effectively to get projects back within budget SESSION FORMAT Flexible. The session can be tailored to the participants' average level of project management maturity - a 60-minute session (delivered virtually) is an effective introduction. A 90-minute session allows for more in-depth treatment. A half-day session (face-to-face or virtual) gives time for a more challenging workshop, particularly to discuss specific cost control issues with any of the participants' current projects. 1 WHERE IS THE MONEY COMING FROM? * Can we pay from revenue? Do we need to borrow? How long will the project take to pay back? * The lifecycle of the budget * Through-life costs * Stakeholder involvement 2 ESTIMATING COSTS * Reminder: the relationship between estimates * Reminder: possible estimating techniques * What do we need to estimate? * People * Equipment * Materials * Facilities and operating costs * Work package estimate * Estimated project costs * Estimating agile projects 3 ALIGNING BUDGET AND SCHEDULE * Scheduling and financial periods * Spreading the budget 4 RESERVES AND AGREEING THE BUDGET * Contingency reserve * Management reserve * Agreeing the budget 5 COST CONTROL * Planned spend over time * Actual spend over time * Work completed over time * Evaluating different scenarios: delivery v spend 6 TROUBLE-SHOOTING * Why are we where we are? * What has caused the project to spend at the rate it is? * Why is it delivering at the rate it is? * What are the root causes? * What can we do about it?

Project management 'masterclasses' (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Project planning and risk management (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Many organisations find that project teams struggle to create and maintain effective plans. Estimates are often overly optimistic and risks go unmanaged until the inevitable happens. Resource managers also find it hard to forecast the likely loading on their departments and requests for support are not provided in a consistent format. This programme has been developed to address these needs in a very practical, hands-on format. Case study work can be based on simulations or on the organisation's current projects for maximum benefit to participants. The aim of this training is to develop and enhance participants' planning and risk management skills in order to maximise the success of project work undertaken by the organisation. The principal training objectives for this programme are to: * Provide a structured, integrated approach to planning and risk management * Demonstrate practical tools and techniques for each stage of planning * Show how to organise and involve relevant people in the planning process * Explain how to use the plan for forecasting and pro-active project control * Identify ways to improve planning, both individually and corporately The course will emphasise the importance of participative planning techniques that improve the quality of plans whilst reducing overall time and cost of planning. The course will encourage discussion of internal procedures and practices and may be customised to include them if required. DAY ONE 1 INTRODUCTION (COURSE SPONSOR) * Why this programme has been developed * Review of participants' needs and objectives 2 PROJECTS AND PLANNING * Why plan? The benefits of good planning / penalties of poor planning * Planning in the project lifecycle; the need for a 'living' plan * The interaction between target setting and the planning process * Team exercise: planning the project 3 PLANNING THE PLAN * Defining the application and structure of the plan * Impact of planning decisions during the project lifecycle * Using available time to create an effective plan 4 DEFINING DELIVERABLES * Assessing the context; reviewing the goals and stakeholders * Developing the scope and defining deliverables; scope mapping * Understanding customer priorities; delivering value for money * Case study: defining the project deliverables 5 CREATING THE WORK BREAKDOWN * Building the work breakdown structure * Detailing the tasks and sub-tasks; structured brainstorming * Defining task ownership; the task responsibility matrix 6 CREATING AND USING A LOGICAL NETWORK * Developing the logical network; task boarding * Determining the critical path and calculating float * Accelerating the plan; concurrent programming and risk * Individual and group exercises DAY TWO 7 DEVELOPING RESOURCE SCHEDULES * Deriving the Gantt chart from the network * Developing the detailed resource schedules * Calculating the expenditure profile ('S' curve) 8 ESTIMATING TASK DURATIONS AND COSTS * Understanding estimates: effort, availability and duration * Estimating tools and techniques * Application of estimating techniques during the project lifecycle 9 CASE STUDY * Developing the project plan * Refining the project plan * Team presentations and discussion 10 MANAGING RISKS AND REFINING THE PLAN * Awareness of contractual issues associated with risk * Identifying and evaluating risks; deciding ownership * Managing risks: determining levels of provision and contingency * Controlling risks: maintaining an up-to date risk register 11 PLANNING FOR PRO-ACTIVE CONTROL * The earned value analysis (EVA) concept and its predictive value * Deriving the measures needed for cost and delivery performance * Practical issues associated with implementing EVA 12 USING AND MAINTAINING THE PLAN * Tracking progress and updating the plan * Publishing and controlling the plan 13 COURSE REVIEW AND TRANSFER PLANNING (COURSE SPONSOR PRESENT) * Identify ways of implementing the techniques learnt * Sponsor-led review and discussion of proposals * Conclusion

Project planning and risk management (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Introduction to project management (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This programme provides an intensive, one-day overview of the key concepts and techniques of project management. The project management methods presented can be applied to a wide range of projects and the course emphasises both the task and the team-related aspects of project management. The aims of the programme are to: * Present the key concepts of project management * Provide a structured approach for managing projects * Demonstrate tools and techniques for planning and controlling project work * Enable participants to apply the techniques to their own projects At the end of the programme, participants will: * Recognise the benefits of a structured approach to project work * Be able to apply a range of practical tools and techniques to improve their personal effectiveness in project work * Have a means of determining the status of current projects and know what actions are needed to ensure success 1 INTRODUCTION * Why this programme has been developed * Review of participants' needs and objectives 2 KEY CONCEPTS * The characteristics of projects and project work * The four key phases of a project * Essential lessons from past projects * Key success factors * Achieving success through the 'Team-Action Model' * Challenges of the multi-project situation 3 SETTING PROJECT GOALS * Understanding 'customer' requirements * Managing project stakeholders and gaining commitment * Using questioning skills to define goals and success criteria * Defining and documenting the scope of the project 4 PROJECT PLANNING * Defining what has to be done * Creating a work breakdown * Agreeing roles and responsibilities for the work * Developing a programme using networks and bar charts * Estimating timescales, costs and resource requirements * Planning exercise: participants develop a project plan * Identifying and managing project risks * Using project planning software * Managing and updating the plan 5 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROL * Creating a pro-active monitoring and control process * Techniques for monitoring progress * Using latest estimates * Managing project meetings * Resolving problems effectively * Managing multiple projects * Personal time management 6 COURSE REVIEW AND ACTION PLANNING * Identify actions * Sponsor-led review and discussion of proposals * Conclusion

Introduction to project management (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Project management made easy! (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Project management can seem scary and rather intimidating. The whole aim of this programme is to give people a simple and straightforward way of dealing with projects without having to use complex and confusing systems. This two-day course is designed to introduce the apparently complex world of project management in a simple and practical manner. The programme is for anybody who has to run a project of any nature. It has been attended by people from as diverse fields as events management, fashion, charities, oil companies and so on. The programme is run without using any IT project management systems although an introduction can be given if required. At the end of the programme participants will leave understanding: * What a project is and why projects are so important today * The roles of a project manager * Some key language and concepts * A simple 5-step model for organising projects * How to make sure you understand what your 'client' really wants * A set of three simple tools to plan the project * How to make decisions * What to monitor when the project is running * How to close the project 1 INTRODUCTION * What is the aim of this programme? 2 BACKGROUND THINKING * What is a project? * The project manager's eternal triangle (cost-quality-time) * What are the characteristics of successful projects? * Who are the key characters in a project? * What are the roles of a project manager? 3 THE PROJECT PROCESS * Why have one? 4 PROJECT INITIATION * What is the aim? * Identifying key information * Key skill: mission analysis * Initial risk analysis * Document and sign-off 5 DECISION-MAKING - 'STOP, THINK, ACT!' * The 'Stop, Think, Act!' technique * Recognise the opportunity to make a decision * The 3 Cs - making sure we understand the decisions we have to make * Identifying options * Making your decision * Taking it to action 6 CREATIVITY 7 THE PLANNING STAGE * Identify all discrete tasks * Sequence and dependencies * Time line - critical path * Resources * Project base-line 8 EXECUTION STAGE - DELIVERING THE RESULT * Monitor * Evaluate * Adapt * Control * Review 9 THE PROJECT CLOSE * Review * Documentation * Have we delivered? * What have we learned?

Project management made easy! (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Successful project management (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the key principles and techniques for leading and managing project work. It will focus on the core principles and generic methods of project management, showing how these can be applied to typical projects. The scope of the programme includes: The course also emphasises the importance of the leadership and team-working skills needed by project managers and team members in carrying out their roles. The principal training objectives for this programme are to: * Explain and demonstrate the key principles of successful project management * Demonstrate a range of useful project management tools and techniques * Define the role of, and help participants understand the skills required by, the project leader * Illustrate the use of project skills through examples and case studies * Identify ways to improve project management, both individually and corporately DAY ONE 1 INTRODUCTION (COURSE SPONSOR) * Why this programme has been developed * Review of participants' needs and objectives 2 KEY CONCEPTS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCCESS * Projects and project management * Lessons from past projects; the essential requirements for success * Differences between projects; characteristic project life cycles * The challenges of project management; the role of the project manager * Project exercise * A team exercise to demonstrate the challenges of project management 3 DEFINING PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE * Identifying the stakeholders; key roles and responsibilities * Getting organised; managing the definition process * Working with the 'customer' to define the project scope 4 PROJECT CASE STUDY: PART 1 * Defining the project objectives: syndicate teams define the objectives and scope for a typical project 5 PROJECT PLANNING * The nature of planning; recognising planning assumptions * Planning the plan; the importance of team involvement * Developing the work breakdown structure * Estimating task resources, timescales and costs * Developing the project schedule * Analysing the plan and identifying the critical path 6 PROJECT CASE STUDY: PART 2 * Creating the project plan * Syndicate teams begin development of their project plans (for completion after session 7) * Team presentations and group discussion (after session 7) DAY TWO 7 MANAGING PROJECT RISKS * Understanding and defining project risks * Classifying risks and adopting an appropriate risk strategy * Identifying, evaluating and managing project risks * Agreeing ownership of project risks; the risk register * Integrating planning and risk management 8 PROJECT CONTROL * Pro-active and re-active control; striking the right balance * Pre-requisites for effective, pro-active project control * Avoiding unnecessary 'scope creep' and controlling change * Selecting the data needed to provide early warning of problems * Monitoring project performance: 'S' curves, slip charts, earned value * Getting good data and assessing project status * Defining the roles and responsibilities for control * Setting up a routine process for keeping up to date * Managing and controlling multiple projects 9 PROJECT CASE STUDY: PART 3 * Controlling the project * Teams control their project as new developments take place 10 COURSE REVIEW AND TRANSFER PLANNING (COURSE SPONSOR PRESENT) * Identify actions to be implemented individually * Identify corporate opportunities for improving project management * Sponsor-led review and discussion of proposals * Conclusion

Successful project management (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Project review (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

All organisations today operate in an environment of constant and rapid change. Managing this change effectively is often achieved through a portfolio of formal projects. Many organisations today have qualified and experienced project management staff to run their projects. Some organisations today have dedicated functions, staff or processes to support their project management teams. The very largest organisations have in-house Enterprise Programme Offices, or project management specialists in corporate audit or risk functions; or organise 'Red Team Reviews' of a project by other staff with project management experience who are not participating in the reviewed project. But for many mid-size businesses and SMEs - and even some larger organisations - these resources are simply not available. For them, having access to external expertise to assure project management disciplines and to coach project managers can be a major contributor to project success. Such reviews can take place at project initiation; at major stage-gates (especially if significant capital is to be committed at the stage-gate); or at any other time if concerns arise concerning project quality, cost or timescales. And it is for those organisations that we offer the necessary expertise, on an ad hoc basis, in reviewing projects and coaching senior project management staff. A document review and workshop led by one of our consultants can help you assess whether: * The strategic goals and priorities for the project are clear and being addressed * Governance of the project within the business is defined and being effectively executed * Project roles and responsibilities are clear and effective * The credibility and robustness of the project plan can be enhanced * Performance measures and reporting procedures are effective * Critical risks are identified and being managed and contingencies are agreed * The roles, responsibilities and capabilities of the key players in the project team are fit for purpose * Budgets are realistic and costs being managed effectively * Communication and change management activities are effectively planned and being executed At your discretion, you can capture the outcomes from the workshop for yourselves, in terms of identifying opportunities for improvement, or you can have our consultant write a report and make recommendations to you.

Project review (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

The project management toolkit (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The aim of this course is to provide project managers, project engineers and project support staff with a toolkit they can use on their projects. The tools range from the simple that can be used on all projects to the advanced that can be used where appropriate. This programme will help the participants to: * Identify and engage with stakeholders * Use tools for requirements gathering and scope management * Produce better estimates using a range of techniques * Develop more reliable schedules * Effectively manage delivery DAY ONE 1 INTRODUCTION * Overview of the programme * Review of participants' needs and objectives 2 STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT * Using PESTLE to aid stakeholder identification * Stakeholder mapping * The Salience model * Stakeholder engagement grid 3 REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT * Using prototypes and models to elucidate requirements * Prioritising techniques * Roadmaps * Requirements traceability 4 SCOPE MANAGEMENT * Work breakdown structures * Responsibility assignment matrix 5 DELIVERY APPROACHES * Sequential * Agile 6 ESTIMATING * Comparative estimating * Parametric * Bottom-up * Three-point estimating * Delphi and Planning Poker * Creating realistic budgets DAY TWO 7 SCHEDULING * Critical path analysis * Smoothing and levelling * Timeboxing * Team boards * Monte Carlo simulations * Probability of completion 8 PEOPLE MANAGEMENT * Situational Leadership * The Tuckman model * Negotiation * Conflict management * Belbin 9 MONITORING AND CONTROL * Earned value management 10 COURSE REVIEW AND ACTION PLANNING * Identify actions to be implemented individually * Conclusion PMI, CAPM, PMP and PMBOK are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

The project management toolkit (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

Project planning and control (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This programme concentrates on the core planning skills needed to develop sound practical project plans in a team environment. This enables the plan to be modified should requirements change or difficulties arise. The programme also gives participants the confidence to practise those skills and apply them in the work environment and deliver their projects more successfully in the future. Participants learn fundamental project management concepts and terminology, demystifying the project management process, and, in particular, how to: * Break a project down into manageable sections and ensure nothing is left out * Understand and apply estimating techniques to develop realistic estimates * Sequence work effectively and carry out critical path analysis to determine project duration and which tasks to pay closest attention to * Manage project risk effectively to protect project value * Monitor, control and re-plan the project to best keep it on track * Close out the project and ensure the project comes to an orderly end 1 INTRODUCTION * Self-introductions and personal objectives * Course objectives * Sharing of project issues 2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS * Characteristics of a project and what should be kept as operational responsibilities * Understanding the triple and quadruple constraints - and their limitations * Prioritising requirements through the MOSCOW technique * Product v project life cycle * Key project roles and responsibilities - the importance of sponsorship and clarity of roles 3 STARTING A PROJECT, AND THE IMPORTANCE OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE / PROJECT BRIEF * Avoiding the pressure to 'just do it'! * The importance and benefits of planning * The best time to learn! * Initial project documentation - the BOSCARDI approach 4 BREAKING THE WORK DOWN * Understanding alternative breakdown structures such as the product breakdown structure and work breakdown structure * Guidelines for creating a work breakdown structure to ensure the full work scope is identified 5 ESTIMATING * Alternative estimating techniques and associated confidence levels * Further considerations - loss and resource factors 6 ORGANISING THE WORK * Use of network diagrams to develop a clear sequence of work * Critical path analysis and calculating the project duration and task float - and usage 7 THE MANAGEMENT OF PROJECT RISK * Understanding the nature of project risk * The risk analysis and risk management processes * How to best manage threats and opportunities * Running a risk workshop * Using the risk register 8 SCHEDULING THE WORK * The importance of the Gantt chart and understanding its limitations * The Gantt chart layout and using alternative views such as the tracking Gantt * Using alternative dependencies 9 RESOURCE ISSUES * Assigning resources and resolving resource overloads * Crashing and fast-tracking your project and potential issues to look out for 10 CONTROLLING THE PROJECT * The control cycle and alternative feedback mechanisms * Alternative progress reporting * Assessing the impact * The importance of re-planning * The benefits of control * Change control - the importance of impact analysis * The steps of change control and the use of the issue register 11 CLOSING THE PROJECT * The project closure checklist * Reviewing the project - things to avoid * Developing meaningful lessons and ensuring they are applied effectively * The post-project review - its importance to the organisation

Project planning and control (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry