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35 Generative AI courses delivered Online

Fast Track to Scala Programming Essentials for OO / Java Developers (TTSCL2104)

By Nexus Human

Duration 4 Days 24 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is geared for experienced skilled Java developers, software developers, data scientists, machine learning experts or others who wish to transtion their coding skills to Scala, learning how to code in Scala and apply it in a practical way. This is not a basic class. Overview Working in a hands-on learning environment led by our expert instructor you'll: Get comfortable with Scala's core principles and unique features, helping you navigate the language confidently and boosting your programming skills. Discover the power of functional programming and learn techniques that will make your code more efficient, maintainable, and enjoyable to write. Become proficient in creating dynamic web applications using the Play Framework, and easily connect to databases with the user-friendly Slick library. Master concurrency programming with Akka, empowering you to build scalable and fault-tolerant applications that excel in performance. Enhance your testing skills using ScalaTest and ScalaCheck, ensuring the reliability and quality of your Scala applications, while having fun in the process. Explore the fascinating world of generative AI and GPT technologies, and learn how to integrate them into your projects, adding a touch of innovation and intelligence to your Scala solutions. If your team requires different topics, additional skills or a custom approach, our team will collaborate with you to adjust the course to focus on your specific learning objectives and goals. Discover the power of Scala programming in our comprehensive, hands-on technical training course designed specifically for experienced object-oriented (OO) developers. Scala is a versatile programming language that combines the best of both OO and functional programming paradigms, making it ideal for a wide range of projects, from web applications to big data processing and machine learning. By mastering Scala, you'll be able to develop more efficient, scalable, and maintainable applications. Fast Track to Scala Programming for OO / Java Developers is a four day hands-on course covers the core principles of Scala, functional programming, web application development, database connectivity, concurrency programming, testing, and interoperability between Scala and Java. Additionally, you'll explore cutting-edge generative AI and GPT technologies, learning how to integrate them into your Scala applications for intelligent suggestions or automation. Throughout the course you?ll explore the latest tools and best practices in the Scala ecosystem, gaining valuable knowledge and experience that can be directly applied to your day-to-day work. With 50% of the course content dedicated to hands-on labs, you'll gain practical experience applying the concepts you've learned across various projects, such as building functional web applications, connecting to databases, designing modular components, and implementing concurrency. Upon completing the course, you'll have a solid understanding of the language and its features, empowering you to confidently apply your new skills in data science and machine learning projects. You'll exit well-prepared to create efficient, scalable, and maintainable Scala applications, regardless of the complexity of your projects. INTRODUCTION TO SCALA * Scala features and benefits * Comparing Scala with Java and other OO languages * Installing Scala and setting up the development environment OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IN SCALA * Classes and objects * Traits, mixins, and inheritance * Companion objects and factories * Encapsulation and polymorphism FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING BASICS * Pure functions and referential transparency * Higher-order functions and currying * Immutability and persistent data structures * Pattern matching and recursion HAVING FUN WITH FUNCTIONAL DATA STRUCTURES * Lists, sets, and maps in Scala * Folding and reducing operations * Stream processing and lazy evaluation * For-comprehensions BUILDING WEB APPLICATIONS IN FUNCTIONAL STYLE * Introduction to Play Framework * Functional web routing and request handling * JSON handling with Play-JSON Middleware and functional composition CONNECTING TO A DATABASE * Introduction to Slick library * Database configuration and setup * Querying and updating with Slick * Transactions and error handling BUILDING SCALABLE AND EXTENSIBLE COMPONENTS * Modular architecture and design patterns * Dependency injection with MacWire * Type classes and type-level programming * Implicit parameters and conversions CONCURRENCY PROGRAMMING & AKKA * Introduction to Akka framework and Actor model * Actor systems and message passing * Futures and Promises * Supervision and fault tolerance BUILDING CONFIDENCE WITH TESTING * Introduction to ScalaTest and ScalaCheck * Unit testing and property-based testing * Test-driven development in Scala * Mocking and integration testing INTEROPERABILITY BETWEEN SCALA AND JAVA * Calling Java code from Scala * Using Java libraries in Scala projects * Converting Java collections to Scala collections * Writing Scala code that can be called from Java USING GENERATIVE AI AND GPT TECHNOLOGIES IN SCALA PROGRAMMING * Overview of GPT and generative AI * Integrating GPT with Scala applications * Use cases and practical examples ADDITIONAL COURSE DETAILS: Nexus Humans Fast Track to Scala Programming Essentials for OO / Java Developers (TTSCL2104) training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the Fast Track to Scala Programming Essentials for OO / Java Developers (TTSCL2104) course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.

Fast Track to Scala Programming Essentials for OO / Java Developers  (TTSCL2104)
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

NLP Boot Camp / Hands-On Natural Language Processing (TTAI3030)

By Nexus Human

Duration 3 Days 18 CPD hours This course is intended for This in an intermediate and beyond-level course is geared for experienced Python developers looking to delve into the exciting field of Natural Language Processing. It is ideally suited for roles such as data analysts, data scientists, machine learning engineers, or anyone working with text data and seeking to extract valuable insights from it. If you're in a role where you're tasked with analyzing customer sentiment, building chatbots, or dealing with large volumes of text data, this course will provide you with practical, hands on skills that you can apply right away. Overview This course combines engaging instructor-led presentations and useful demonstrations with valuable hands-on labs and engaging group activities. Throughout the course you'll: Master the fundamentals of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and understand how it can help in making sense of text data for valuable insights. Develop the ability to transform raw text into a structured format that machines can understand and analyze. Discover how to collect data from the web and navigate through semi-structured data, opening up a wealth of data sources for your projects. Learn how to implement sentiment analysis and topic modeling to extract meaning from text data and identify trends. Gain proficiency in applying machine learning and deep learning techniques to text data for tasks such as classification and prediction. Learn to analyze text sentiment, train emotion detectors, and interpret the results, providing a way to gauge public opinion or understand customer feedback. The Hands-on Natural Language Processing (NLP) Boot Camp is an immersive, three-day course that serves as your guide to building machines that can read and interpret human language. NLP is a unique interdisciplinary field, blending computational linguistics with artificial intelligence to help machines understand, interpret, and generate human language. In an increasingly data-driven world, NLP skills provide a competitive edge, enabling the development of sophisticated projects such as voice assistants, text analyzers, chatbots, and so much more. Our comprehensive curriculum covers a broad spectrum of NLP topics. Beginning with an introduction to NLP and feature extraction, the course moves to the hands-on development of text classifiers, exploration of web scraping and APIs, before delving into topic modeling, vector representations, text manipulation, and sentiment analysis. Half of your time is dedicated to hands-on labs, where you'll experience the practical application of your knowledge, from creating pipelines and text classifiers to web scraping and analyzing sentiment. These labs serve as a microcosm of real-world scenarios, equipping you with the skills to efficiently process and analyze text data. Time permitting, you?ll also explore modern tools like Python libraries, the OpenAI GPT-3 API, and TensorFlow, using them in a series of engaging exercises. By the end of the course, you'll have a well-rounded understanding of NLP, and will leave equipped with the practical skills and insights that you can immediately put to use, helping your organization gain valuable insights from text data, streamline business processes, and improve user interactions with automated text-based systems. You?ll be able to process and analyze text data effectively, implement advanced text representations, apply machine learning algorithms for text data, and build simple chatbots. LAUNCH INTO THE UNIVERSE OF NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING * The journey begins: Unravel the layers of NLP * Navigating through the history of NLP * Merging paths: Text Analytics and NLP * Decoding language: Word Sense Disambiguation and Sentence Boundary Detection * First steps towards an NLP Project UNLEASHING THE POWER OF FEATURE EXTRACTION * Dive into the vast ocean of Data Types * Purification process: Cleaning Text Data * Excavating knowledge: Extracting features from Texts * Drawing connections: Finding Text Similarity through Feature Extraction ENGINEER YOUR TEXT CLASSIFIER * The new era of Machine Learning and Supervised Learning * Architecting a Text Classifier * Constructing efficient workflows: Building Pipelines for NLP Projects * Ensuring continuity: Saving and Loading Models MASTER THE ART OF WEB SCRAPING AND API USAGE * Stepping into the digital world: Introduction to Web Scraping and APIs * The great heist: Collecting Data by Scraping Web Pages * Navigating through the maze of Semi-Structured Data UNEARTH HIDDEN THEMES WITH TOPIC MODELING * Embark on the path of Topic Discovery * Decoding algorithms: Understanding Topic-Modeling Algorithms * Dialing the right numbers: Key Input Parameters for LSA Topic Modeling * Tackling complexity with Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (HDP) DELVING DEEP INTO VECTOR REPRESENTATIONS * The Geometry of Language: Introduction to Vectors in NLP TEXT MANIPULATION: GENERATION AND SUMMARIZATION * Playing the creator: Generating Text with Markov Chains * Distilling knowledge: Understanding Text Summarization and Key Input Parameters for TextRank * Peering into the future: Recent Developments in Text Generation and Summarization * Solving real-world problems: Addressing Challenges in Extractive Summarization RIDING THE WAVE OF SENTIMENT ANALYSIS * Unveiling emotions: Introduction to Sentiment Analysis Tools * Demystifying the Textblob library * Preparing the canvas: Understanding Data for Sentiment Analysis * Training your own emotion detectors: Building Sentiment Models OPTIONAL: CAPSTONE PROJECT * Apply the skills learned throughout the course. * Define the problem and gather the data. * Conduct exploratory data analysis for text data. * Carry out preprocessing and feature extraction. * Select and train a model. ? Evaluate the model and interpret the results. BONUS CHAPTER: GENERATIVE AI AND NLP * Introduction to Generative AI and its role in NLP. * Overview of Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) models. * Using GPT models for text generation and completion. * Applying GPT models for improving autocomplete features. * Use cases of GPT in question answering systems and chatbots. BONUS CHAPTER: ADVANCED APPLICATIONS OF NLP WITH GPT * Fine-tuning GPT models for specific NLP tasks. * Using GPT for sentiment analysis and text classification. * Role of GPT in Named Entity Recognition (NER). * Application of GPT in developing advanced chatbots. * Ethics and limitations of GPT and generative AI technologies.

NLP Boot Camp / Hands-On Natural Language Processing  (TTAI3030)
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Generative AI Art Generation - Mastering All the AI Tools

By Packt

Embark on an AI image generation journey with a comprehensive course on Midjourney, DALL-E, Leonardo, Stable Diffusion, Automatic1111, RunwayML, Adobe Firefly, BlueWillow, and more. Requirements: Computer with internet access, and a Discord account for tools like Midjourney.

Generative AI Art Generation - Mastering All the AI Tools
Delivered Online On Demand

ChatGPT CrashCourse

By Xpert Learning

ABOUT COURSE ChatGPT CrashCourse This course will teach you the basics of ChatGPT, a powerful AI language model that you can use for a variety of tasks, including customer service, content creation, and education. Unlock the Power of AI Conversations with ChatGPT CrashCourse. Are you ready to take your conversations to the next level? Join our Course and learn how to use this powerful AI language model to create engaging and informative conversations. What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is a large language model chatbot developed by OpenAI. Launched in November 2022, it's based on the GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 language models, and is capable of carrying on conversations with humans in a way that simulates real human interaction. One can use this tool for a variety of purposes, including: * Having casual conversations on a variety of topics * Getting help with creative writing tasks * Learning about new things In this course, you will: * Learn the basics of ChatGPT * Understand how it works * Explore its different applications * Get hands-on experience using ChatGPT * See real-world examples of how ChatGPT is being used By the end of this course, you will be able to: * Use ChatGPT to create chatbots * Generate text, translate languages, and answer questions * Automate tasks and improve your productivity * Apply ChatGPT to your own projects This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about AI conversations or who wants to use ChatGPT to improve their work or personal life. Sign up today and start unlocking the power of ChatGPT! WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? * Explain what ChatGPT is and how it works * Identify the different applications of ChatGPT * Get started with ChatGPT and create your own account * Use ChatGPT for productivity tasks, such as writing emails, generating reports, and creating presentations * Apply ChatGPT to your own projects COURSE CONTENT INTRODUCTION TO CHATGPT * WHAT IS CHATGPT? CHATGPT FOR PRODUCTIVITY * CHATGPT FOR OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT * CHATGPT FOR REGULAR TASKS CHATGPT FOR MARKETING * CHATGPT FOR MARKETING CHATGPT PROMPTS * REAL-WORLD EXAMPLES OF HOW CHATGPT IS BEING USED * PROMPT ENGINEERING MORE INTO CHATGPT * LESSON - ONE * LESSON - TWO * LESSON - THREE * LESSON - FOUR * LESSON - FIVE * LESSON - SIX * LESSON - SEVEN * LESSON - EIGHT * LESSON - NINE * LESSON - TEN * LESSON - ELEVEN * LESSON - TWELVE * LESSON - THIRTEEN * LESSON - FOURTEEN * LESSON - FIFTEEN * LESSON - SIXTEEN * LESSON - SEVENTEEN * LESSON - EIGHTEEN * LESSON - NINETEEN * LESSON - TWENTY A course by Xpert Learning RequirementsNo specific Requirement. Audience This course is suitable for anyone who is interested in learning about ChatGPT or who wants to use it to improve their productivity. No prior knowledge of AI or ChatGPT is required. AUDIENCE * This course is suitable for anyone who is interested in learning about ChatGPT or who wants to use it to improve their productivity. No prior knowledge of AI or ChatGPT is required.

ChatGPT CrashCourse
Delivered Online On Demand

Quick Start to Mastering Prompt Engineering for Software Developers (TTAI2300)

By Nexus Human

Duration 1 Days 6 CPD hours This course is intended for To gain the most from attending this course you should possess the following incoming skills: Basic knowledge of programming concepts and syntax in Python. Familiarity with common data formats such as CSV, JSON, and XML. Experience using command-line interfaces and basic text editing tools. Understanding of basic machine learning concepts and algorithms. Overview Working in an interactive learning environment, led by our engaging expert, you will: Gain a solid understanding of prompt engineering concepts and their applications in software development and AI-driven solutions. Master the techniques for preprocessing and cleaning text data to ensure high-quality inputs for AI models like GPT-4. Develop expertise in GPT-4 tokenization, input formatting, and controlling model behavior for various tasks and requirements. Acquire the ability to design, optimize, and test prompts effectively, catering to diverse business applications and use cases. Learn advanced prompt engineering techniques, such as conditional text generation and multi-turn conversations, to create more sophisticated AI solutions. Practice creating prompts to generate, run, and test code in a chosen programming language using GPT-4 and OpenAI Codex. Understand the ethical implications and best practices in responsible AI deployment, ensuring fair and unbiased AI applications in software development. Prompt Engineering offers coders and software developers a competitive edge by empowering them to develop more effective and efficient AI-driven solutions in their projects. By harnessing the capabilities of cutting-edge AI models like GPT-4, coders can automate repetitive tasks, enhance natural language understanding, and even generate code suggestions, boosting productivity and creativity. In addition, mastering prompt engineering can contribute to improved job security, as professionals with these in-demand skills are highly sought after in the rapidly evolving tech landscape. Quick Start to Prompt Engineering for Coders and Software Developers is a one day course designed to get you quickly up and running with the prompting skills required to out AI to work for you in your development efforts. Guided by our AI expert, you?ll explore key topics such as text preprocessing, data cleansing, GPT-4 tokenization, input formatting, prompt design, and optimization, as well as ethical considerations in prompt engineering. In the hands-on labs you?ll explore tasks such as formatting inputs for GPT-4, designing and optimizing prompts for business applications, and implementing multi-turn conversations with AI. You?ll work with innovative tools like the OpenAI API, OpenAI Codex, and OpenAI Playground, enhancing your learning experience while preparing you for integrating prompt engineering into your professional toolkit. By the end of this immersive course, you?ll have the skills necessary to effectively use prompt engineering in your software development projects. You'll be able to design, optimize, and test prompts for various business tasks, integrate GPT-4 with other software platforms, and address ethical concerns in AI deployment. INTRODUCTION TO PROMPT ENGINEERING * Overview of prompt engineering and its importance in AI applications * Major applications of prompt engineering in business * Common challenges faced in prompt engineering * Overview of GPT-4 and its role in prompt engineering * Key terminology and concepts in prompt engineering GETTING THINGS READY: TEXT PREPROCESSING AND DATA CLEANSING * Importance of data preprocessing in prompt engineering * Techniques for text cleaning and normalization * Tokenization and n-grams * Stop word removal and stemming * Regular expressions and pattern matching GPT-4 TOKENIZATION AND INPUT FORMATTING * GPT-4 tokenization and its role in prompt engineering * Understanding and formatting GPT-4 inputs * Context windows and token limits * Controlling response length and quality * Techniques for handling out-of-vocabulary tokens PROMPT DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION * Master the skills to design, optimize, and test prompts for various business tasks. * Designing effective prompts for different tasks * Techniques for prompt optimization * GPT-4 system and user parameters for controlling behavior * Importance of prompt testing and iteration * Best practices for prompt engineering in business applications ADVANCED TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS IN PROMPT ENGINEERING * Learn advanced techniques and tools for prompt engineering and their integration in business applications. * Conditional text generation with GPT-4 * Techniques for handling multi-turn conversations * Overview of tools for prompt engineering: OpenAI API, OpenAI Codex, and OpenAI Playground * Integration of GPT-4 with other software platforms and tools * Monitoring and maintaining prompt performance CODE GENERATION AND TESTING WITH PROMPT ENGINEERING * Develop the skills to generate, integrate, and test AI-generated code effectively, enhancing productivity and creativity in software development projects. * Introduction to code generation with AI models like GPT-4 * Designing prompts for code generation across programming languages * Techniques for specifying requirements and constraints in prompts * Generating and interpreting code snippets using AI-driven solutions * Integrating generated code into existing projects and codebases * Best practices for testing and validating AI-generated code ETHICS AND RESPONSIBLE AI * Understand the ethical implications of prompt engineering and the importance of responsible AI deployment in business. * Ethical considerations in prompt engineering * Bias in AI systems and its impact on prompt engineering * Techniques to minimize bias and ensure fairness * Best practices for responsible AI deployment in business applications * Monitoring and addressing ethical concerns in prompt engineering

Quick Start to Mastering Prompt Engineering for Software Developers  (TTAI2300)
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

ChatGPT_ A Beginner Crash Course on ChatGPT

By Kingston Open College

QLS endorsed Qualification | Fully Online Course | Tutor Support | Well Planed Study Materials

ChatGPT_ A Beginner Crash Course on ChatGPT
Delivered Online On Demand

Build Apps and Fine-Tune LLMs Using the OpenAI API

By Packt

Discover the potential of ChatGPT and OpenAI API for language tasks such as summarization, translation, chat completion, and more. Explore the nuances of the OpenAI API, unravel its architecture, and master text generation capabilities. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, this course empowers you to apply these tools in the real world.

Build Apps and Fine-Tune LLMs Using the OpenAI API
Delivered Online On Demand

ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering With Advanced Data Analysis

By Packt

Explore ChatGPT, a cutting-edge world of AI content creation, with our comprehensive course. This meticulously curated program unravels the technology behind ChatGPT to practical applications in machine learning, social media, data analysis, and image generation. This course unveils new facets of AI to navigate this evolving landscape with prowess.

ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering With Advanced Data Analysis
Delivered Online On Demand

10 practical ways to save time using ChatGPT and AI tools (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

ChatGPT, along with other AI tools, aims not to replace the human touch in management, but to enhance it. By addressing repetitive, daily tasks, these tools free up managers to concentrate on core responsibilities like strategic decision-making, team development, and innovation. As we move further into the digital age, integrating tools such as ChatGPT isn't a luxury; it's the future of proactive leadership. In this guide, we'll delve into 10 practical ways through which AI can elevate your efficiency and refine the quality of your work. * Gain familiarity with prominent AI tools in the market * Efficiently compose and respond to emails * Generate concise summaries of complex reports and data. * Obtain quick insights, data, and research across varied topics * Streamline the writing of articles, training notes, and posts * Craft interview tests, form relevant questions, and design checklists for the hiring process 1 STREAMLINING EMAILS An inbox can be a goldmine of information but also a significant time drain for managers. Here's how to optimise it: * Drafting responses: Give the AI a brief, and watch it craft a well-structured response. * Sorting and prioritising: By employing user-defined rules and keywords, ChatGPT can flag important emails, ensuring no vital communication slips through the cracks. 2 EFFICIENT REPORT WRITING Reports, especially routine ones, can be time-intensive. Here's a smarter approach: * Automate content: Supply key data points to the AI, and let it weave them into an insightful report. * Proofreading: Lean on ChatGPT for grammar checks and consistency, ensuring each report remains crisp and error-free. 3 RAPID RESEARCH From competitor insights to market trends, research is a pivotal part of management. * Data synthesis: Feed raw data to the AI and receive succinct summaries in return. * Question-answering: Pose specific questions about a dataset to ChatGPT and extract swift insights without diving deep into the entire content. 4 REINVENTING RECRUITMENT Hiring can be a lengthy process. Here's how to make it more efficient: * Resume screening: Equip the AI to spot keywords and qualifications, ensuring that only the most fitting candidates are shortlisted. * Preliminary interviews: Leverage ChatGPT for the initial rounds of interviews by framing critical questions and evaluating the responses. 5 ENHANCING TRAINING Especially for extensive teams, training can be a monumental task. Here's how ChatGPT can assist: * Customised content: Inform the AI of your training goals, and it will draft tailored content suitable for various roles. * PowerPoint design: Create visually appealing slide presentations on any topic in minimal time.

10 practical ways to save time using ChatGPT and AI tools (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

QuillBot AI Masterclass for Creative Writing


By LearnDrive UK

Unlock the potential of AI-driven creative writing with our QuillBot AI Masterclass. Elevate your writing skills and explore advanced features for flawless content creation.

QuillBot AI Masterclass for Creative Writing
Delivered Online On Demand