53 Educators providing Courses delivered Online




I am often asked what my style of yoga is. I find this really difficult to answer. I trained with the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY), but I attend a lot of yoga days and weekends with various teachers, many from the Satyananda tradition. In May 2014 I started the Satyananda Integration Teachers Course. Satyananda yoga is traditional yoga, looking after the whole person; giving us tools to help with the busy lives we all lead. It includes all the asanas, the breath work, meditation, mantra and chanting, and it is where the practice of Yoga Nidra originated. Yoga Nidra is a deep relaxation – and we all need a bit of that! I love being out in the garden or walking. Being in touch with all of my sense. I have a deep love of nature and often weave that into some lesson plans! The scope of yoga is vast and I rule nothing out – but I only share what I have tried and think others will find beneficial or interesting. My suggestion is to come along for a couple of sessions, and if you like my way of teaching fantastic. If not I can try and help you find someone more suitbale for you. We all have different needs at different times. I have been teaching weekly classes since April 2010; weekend retreats since December 2012; and in 2014 I started running regular monthly workshops – allowing a little extra time to focus on different elements of yoga. When you practise yoga you are working with the mind, the body and the breath. In Hatha Yoga (‘Ha’ means sun and ‘tha’ means moon), we are working to balance the solar and lunar – the yin and yang – energies in the body, mind and spirit. It really does not matter what other name you give your practice, as long as you are practicing with awareness, being here and now – and really importantly, accepting and appreciating what you have now. I am often told that ‘I cannot do yoga as I am so inflexible’. My response is always ‘if you are breathing you can do yoga – in fact you already are doing yoga’! By practising the asanas (postures) you become more flexible, but yoga is so much more than just the asanas, it helps you breathe properly, it helps you relax, we learn to meditate to help find that peace within…I could make a huge list! Please give yoga a try. It really can make a difference to how you feel and how you cope with the stresses and strains of our Western society.

Octavia Mentoring

octavia mentoring


Octavia Raheem is a wife, mother, author of two books Pause, Rest, Be and Gather, rest coach, chief executive daydreaming officer, and yoga educator. She founded Devoted to Rest + Starshine & Clay Online Yoga and Meditation Studio for Black Women and Women of Color. Within her rest and work she threads poetry, prayer, and time tested practices into a blanket of experience under which individuals can gather and rebuke stress, fatigue, and burnout. The foundation of Octavia’s rest work is Black Church (rooted in the South USA), restorative yoga, Yoga Nidra, and meditation. Her deepest offerings lead driven, ambitious, visionary, and highly impactful women to awaken the fullness of their wisdom, power, and clarity through rest. Octavia has over 20 years of experience and well over 10,000 hours of designing and delivering classes, restshops, workshops, immersions, and trainings that transform, heal, and restore individuals and organizations. In 2021 Yoga Journal magazine recognized Octavia as one of fifteen experienced yoga professionals who have elevated and changed the field on a global scale. Closer to home and as a beacon in her local community, she was named one of four luminaries who have lit the way and created new avenues to yoga in Atlanta, Georgia, and the Southeast in September 2019 by Natural Awakening Magazine. Additionally her writing, rest, and work have been featured in Mantra, Tricycle, Well + Good, Atlanta Magazine, CNN, and at Essence Festival Wellhouse Atlanta.





I first found my way on to a Yoga mat in 2000 and immediately became an addict. The gradual effects of including Yoga as part of my life has changed my body, physically and mentally... and my life. Up until the age of 18, my hobby was dance, particularly ballet and lyrical. I danced my way through the RAD grades to intermediate level enjoying competing in festivals. I left to study Human Behaviour in Manchester. My study of dance gave me a deep understanding of movement, muscles, balance and breath. My studies at University brought me a deeper knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, psychology and other aspects of human communication. After university, I found my way into the world of design, advertising and media and worked for agencies in the Midlands and Manchester in various roles leading design, marketing, media planning and buying teams. I believe that the universe has a plan for us and when life threw me lemons in 2014, I made the big decision to become a yoga teacher full time. Best lemonade I ever made! All the experiences of life up to that moment seemed to come together. And now I can comfortably draw upon the different movement practices and styles of yoga I have experienced and studied on my life journey, so my classes are always imaginative, varied, dynamic and energetic with a interest in alignment, strength building and the therapy/healing that comes from movement with the breath. I teach yoga to everyone; athletes, pregnant ladies, rehabilitation, beginners and more advanced yogis. I adapt the class to suit the group or individual and their personal goals. My teaching style is clear and informative but also fun and my classes are informal so students feel at ease and confident to explore their ability. I have a passion for sharing my understanding of the anatomy of yoga and the positive effects of using the breath to help manage stress and anxiety. I hope that my passion and dedication comes across to my students so they can also feel the incredible benefits of Yoga. Whilst my personal practice has spanned more than 20 years, I completed my original 200hrs Yoga training in 2013 and have since gained further qualification amounting to more than 500hrs in Yoga Therapy for stress, Yoga therapy for digestive health, Pranayama, Yin Yoga, Circular Flow, Pregnancy Yoga, and Yoga Nidra. I maintaining a regular personal practice with my own inspiring teachers. To deepen my knowledge of Yoga and movement practice I regularly attend workshops and CPD trainings.

Yoga Wise Studio

yoga wise studio


Yoga & AyurvedaEmma Turnbull is the founder of Yoga Wise, Yoga and Ayurveda, and has recently opened a beautiful new dedicated studio in Mayland, Essex which runs regular classes, workshops and teacher training. Yoga Wise combines the ancient wisdom of both Yoga and Ayurveda and will be running the country’s first 500hr Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher Training in 2019. Emma Turnbull is a BWY teacher, BWY Foundation Course tutor, IYN Elder and also an Ayurvedic Practitioner. Emma trained with the BWY in 2005 and has special interest in teaching Yoga for Women and has trained with both Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Franscoise Freedman. She also had the privilege of completing a Yoga Nidra Teacher’s Training course given by Swami Pragyamurti of the London Satyananda Centre– a teacher who has greatly influenced her teaching and practice. Emma’s classes combine over a decades experience of teaching yoga with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda – so that each offering is seasonally appropriate and aimed at balancing the excess of the season, Emma draws on lunar cycles, seasonal cycles and the natural world to inform her practice and teaching, she believes that by combining Yogic and Ayurvedic wisdom, through simple daily practices, life can be lived to the fullest by each of us. “I strongly believe that it’s the culmination of simple daily practices that make a difference, and that anybody at any time has the power to transform their lives using the amazing tools that Yoga and Ayurveda offer – I believe yoga is a lifestyle, a way of being, a gift for all!”

Yoga360 & Meditation with Simon Hoten

yoga360 & meditation with simon hoten


Yoga360 with Simon Hoten (pronounced Yoga three sixty) creates yoga practices, classes, workshops and retreats. As the number 360 reflects the number of degrees in a full or whole circle, Yoga360 reflects a focus on the whole person.   Founder: Simon Hoten I have been practising & studying yoga since 2003 and teaching since 2010. As a yoga teacher I am British Wheel of Yoga accredited. I am also a qualified meditation teacher and certified iRest™ Teacher (iRest yoga nidra / Guided meditation) I started my personal meditation practise with a 10 day silent Vipassana meditation retreat in New Zealand in March 2003. Following this revelatory experience, I went to my first yoga class a few days later, with the primary intention of improving my flexibility so that I could sit more comfortably during meditation. However at my very first class I became intrigued about the physical yoga practise as well as meditation and this soon developed into the passion that it is today. My teaching style is one of emphasis on the breath, healthy alignment, flow of movement, building strength & flexibility, whilst also giving an opportunity for deep relaxation. I aim for all my classes to be open and friendly whilst also being focused. I am very keen in sharing the benefits of private / one on one teaching, having personally seen the depth in my own practise develop following such a setting. As a yoga teacher I come with 25 years of experience of a fast-paced, city working-life and all the pressures, expectations and challenges that this lifestyle brings. I have seen the positives that yoga can bring first hand including supporting improved focus and energy as well as helping alleviate symptoms of stress and supporting improved sleep patterns particularly after long periods of travelling. With a regular asana practise, I have also significantly benefited from improved posture, flexibility and movement in my body where there were restrictions, particularly following the effects of a severe femur fracture in my 20's and subsequent 12 month recovery period in hospital.




Little Yoga Studio aims to empower children and adults, in mind and body, through a fun, creative and inspiring approach to yoga. My children’s classes focus on exploring a child’s natural flexibility. Improving their own strength and poise, while helping them nurture a strong sense of self and awareness of others. The journey isn’t dissimilar with my adult classes. With each class, we work on bringing inner harmony through movement, breath and meditation. Uniting the body, mind and spirit to awaken our true Self. My teaching journey began shortly after the birth of my daughter. Having practiced yoga for 10 years, I found motherhood gave me a new perspective. Wanting to deepen my practice, I found myself taking to the mat in between my classes. And as I moved through poses or paused in meditation, I noticed her watching with curiosity. Before long she was on my mat, copying the poses and demanding more ‘mummy yoga.’ Soon she had her own mat (in her favourite colour, purple, of course) and we were practicing yoga together daily. Really I have her to thank for setting me on this path. As watching her little character flourish in our practices together has inspired me to share this with both little and bigger minds alike. My 200-hr training with Avani Yoga Academy and Yoga Bananas means I am now honoured to share the ancient practice of yoga in an authentic and heartfelt way to adults, children and families alike. Of course yoga is a lifelong journey that is forever evolving. I am honoured to continue my own discovery with a 50-hour Yoga Nidra Immersion with Avani Yoga Academy and Naomi Absalom’s 6-month Liberate mentorship, among others.

Yoga Body Zen Mind

yoga body zen mind



Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness to Balance your Mind and Body Kerrie is passionate about yoga and its effects on wellbeing. For years she has believed it makes you and those around you happier! Yoga is far more than a work-out, it is a way of life and a journey of self-discovery. Whether in a busy class or in a private lesson, Kerrie's aim is to enable everyone to feel the practice is just perfect for them in that moment.......leaving students feeling amazing! MEET KERRIE Hello! I believe in living a life full of joy, laughter, gratitude, and free of judgement. These feelings guide my teaching and practice, which is focused on nurturing students to help them better connect to themselves and to bring about a sense of balance and peace. I have been practicing meditation since a young girl taught by my mother and later as an adult practicing yoga asana too, with many brilliant teachers. My initial Hatha Yoga teacher training (200 hours) was with Daizan Roshi, a Zen Master and monk in the rigorous Rinzai tradition of Zen. He studied with the forefather of Ashtanga Yoga, Sri Pattabhi Jois in India. This Zen focus means mindfulness is at the heart of my practice, developing focus, awareness and suppleness on all levels. Training was immersive; away from modern life and the outside world. Starting each day at sunrise and finishing after dark, it was intense, inspirational and totally life changing. Training covered alignment, asana, meditation, breath-work, anatomy, philosophy and Zen. My passion for sharing yoga has led to further training in pregnancy and baby yoga (85 hours), restorative Yoga Nidra (40 hours) and Yin Yoga (130 hours; trained with the amazing Bernie Clark!). Most recently I have become certified to work in the areas of therapeutic yoga for cancer care, aligned to the British Society of Integrative Oncology and have also taken part in 'strong throughout menopause' education. Additionally, I have completed advanced training, over a number of years this included the art of sequencing, of adjustments and the subtle body including; Chakras, Bandhas and Prana (500 hours). I also have over 3000 hours teaching experience and am registered with the professional governing body, Yoga Alliance, as a senior designated experienced teacher. I have also had the privilege of staying at Plum Village in France to practice and study Zen and Mindfulness under the teachings of world renowned Zen Master and global peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh. An absolutely incredible experience and such beautiful teachings, that I continue to share with anyone that will listen! My other life passion is travel and I have been lucky enough to have spent time exploring India, Japan, Thailand, Borneo, Indonesia, Hawaii, Malaysia, Mexico, Canada, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Europe and many other beautiful places. I bring together and share my experiences of yoga from those places too.



Naomi supports Women through the Every day and transitional times of life - with Yoga, Massage and Sound practices. She taught her first Yoga class in 2008 and has 1000s of hours of teaching and training experience since then. She passionately specialises in Yoga & Massage for Women's Health - Womb Health, Fertility, Pregnancy, Postnatal &, peri/menopause years. She regularly teaches Yin & Hatha Yoga, Yoga in the Workplace, Children's Yoga and Yoga for Mental Wellbeing. I taught my first Yoga class Yoga in 2008 and founded Yogababe in 2010. I initially trained for 3 years (500 hours) with the British Wheel of Yoga whilst I was pregnant and caring for young children. Naturally I adapted my Yoga style to suit Conception, Pregnancy, Birth and the Postnatal period. I decided to train with with Uma Dinsmore Tuli in Well Woman Yoga Therapy to help me maintain equilibrium both in my personal journey and helping other women. I have now completed many hours of extra study and training since so I can share Yoga practices with you and help you on your journey.. "My Yoga is totally adaptable and changes to suit whatever life brings me - it has helped me through transformative times . I bring adaptability into my teaching - there is always a Yoga practice to be had, whatever life stage you are at - whether physical posture, meditation, pranayama, song..... I was introduced to Yoga as a child, as my mother was also a Yoga teacher. But it wasn't until my early twenties that I rocked up at a random class in London, on my office job lunch break. I began to feel truly at peace and at home in myself on the mat. "I always said, I would train to be a Yoga teacher if I was still unhappy in my office job at 30. In fact, it happened way before that. I spent time in ashrams in India whilst travelling - Auroville, Tamil Nadu and the Sivananda Ashram, Kerala - they both taught me how Yoga can be 'lived' and it became an intrinsic part of my life. After travelling, I started my teacher training course with Elaine Fletcher and i haven't looked back. Having children transformed my practice and helped me find solace and interest in the subtler Yoga practices. Stronger postures often felt 'not quite right' especially when my body felt like it was giving up, suffering from pelvic & back issues, fatigue & postnatal depression. I learnt a lot at that time and now I am passionate in adapting Yoga practices to suit every body and mind. I actively promote mental health and wellbeing as well as developing self-awareness. Over the years I have taught classes in numerous gyms, and Schools, and collaborated with organisations such as MIND, MS Society, CoastNet, NE Essex Primary Care Trust and Barnardos.... "My personally practice changes every day according to my needs. I love a bit of Yin Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga and Yoga Nidra when i'm feeling exhausted....'

Chetna Holistic

chetna holistic



I have been actively engaged in self healing, therapies , yoga and related researches for the past ten years, to become an holistic therapist and yoga teacher.  Today my goal is to support others in their journey, through the help of different techniques according to their needs, while adapting my knowledge to suit and what I feel is the best for my clients. I discovered yoga in 2013 and practiced intensely with an amazing teacher from India in Kerala. I realised at that moment that yoga could offer a real balance to the mind, body and soul.  The pain in my body was gone, I felt emotionally balanced and happy.  I then decided to go to India to pass my 200Hours in the beautiful mountain of Himalaya. I lived six months in the yoga school assisting my teacher during classes and deepening my knowledge. Two years later, I travelled back to India in Rishikesh and studied my 300Hours teacher training while gaining considerable knowledge of Pranayamas and Kriyas. The knowledge I share today comes from India, the root of Yoga. Every class I teach, people will reconnect with themselves more and more, leading to the rebalance of their inner space, mind, body and soul. Yoga it is also a state of mind, along with the practice of pranayama & meditation it can become a way of living. This is what I can offer to every class & student for the betterment of themselves. My classes receive high praise as people find themselves connecting to their body and their breath. I offer an opportunity to really discover yoga and its benefits in day-to-day life. People tend to feel taller, more present, happier, more relaxed, more confident; the benefits are endless. I have a deep knowledge on pranayama, asanas and their benefits, meditation, yoga nidra, yoga philosophy, yin yoga, restorative yoga, ashtanga vinyasa yoga and looking forward to completing a training yoga for pregnancy soon. “Yoga is falling in Love with yourself again & again”   Qualifications: Teacher Training 200H In India( McLeod Ganj) Chinmay yoga certified by Yoga Alliance Teacher Training 300H In India Rishikesh certified by Yoga Alliance Vipassana in Thailand Chaing Mai Thai yoga massage in Thailand Chiang Mai Reiki level 1 & 2 in India McLeod Ganj Emotionnal Freedom Technique In India McLeod Ganj