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246 Architecture courses in London

Definitive IP routing for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

DEFINITIVE IP ROUTING TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION An intensive hands on IP routing course leading to LINX Accredited Internet Technician stage 2 focusing on routing in an IP environment. The course concentrates on OSPF and IS-IS but also covers BGP and MPLS. Hands on sessions are used to reinforce the theory rather than teach specific manufacturer equipment. A multiple choice exam, leading to the LAIT II certification, is available after the course. The exam consists of 60 questions and lasts 2.0 hours. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Calculate subnet numbers in seconds. * Configure and troubleshoot static routes. * Explain how OSPF works. * Build resilient networks with VRRP and OSPF. * Implement and troubleshoot OSPF, IS-IS and VLANS. * Evaluate and choose appropriate routing protocols for particular scenarios. An optional multiple choice exam, leading to the LAIT II certification, is included at the end of the course. The exam consists of 60 questions and lasts 2.0 hours. DEFINITIVE IP ROUTING TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers * Duration 5 days DEFINITIVE IP ROUTING TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Basic routing Review of LAIT I routing, reading routing tables. Hands on Setting up a routed network. * Static routes Why use static routes? Default routes. Hands on Configuring static routes. * First hop redundancy Default gateways, VRRP/HSRP/GLBP. Load sharing, critical IP addresses. Hands on VRRP. * Basic OSPF What is OSPF? Process IDs, passive interfaces. Hands on Simple OSPF. * Subnetting Bit boundary subnetting, calculating network numbers. Exercise: Subnetting. * OSPF overview Metrics, convergence, DV vs. Link state, IGPs, classless, OSPF features, load sharing, OSPF authentication. Hands on OSPF features. * OSPF within an area How OSPF works, LSAs, LSDB, router IDs, hellos, configuring hellos, exchange protocol. Hands on Investigating OSPF structures. * OSPF areas Scalability, why areas? Area IDs, area 0, ABRs, ABR resilience, areas & LSDBs & LSAs, virtual links. Hands on Multi area OSPF. * Redistribution Multiple routing protocols, common scenarios, routing distance, External LSAs, E1 and E2. Type 4 LSAs. OSPF and default routes. Hands on Configuring static route redistribution. * Route aggregation Route summarisation. How to aggregate, CIDR, ASBR summarisation. Hands on OSPF address summarisation. * OSPF packet formats OSPF packets, protocol stack, packet flows, OSPF headers, neighbours, neighbour states, DRs, adjacencies, BDRs, DR election. Hands on Analysing OSPF packets, troubleshooting. OSPF * OSPF stub areas LSA types, area types, area architecture, stub areas, default routes, benefits & disadvantages of stub areas, TSSAs, NSSAs, Type 7 LSAs. Hands on Stub and TSSA configuration. * IS-IS End systems, Intermediate systems, how IS-IS works, IS-IS router ID, Level 1, Level 2, IS-IS hierarchy. Hands on Configuring IS-IS, troubleshooting IS-IS. * The Internet Autonomous systems, Peering, transit, looking glasses. Hands on Internet routing tables. * Basic BGP IGPs, EGPs, What's BGP? BGP RIB, in/out process, tables peers, adding routes. Hands on Simple configuration and troubleshooting. * Routing IPv6 Multi protocol routing, IPv6 addressing, IPv6 routing tables, IPv6 static routes, OSPFv3, IS-IS and IPv6. Hands on Routing IPv6. * STP and L2 routing STP, RSTP, L2 IS-IS, Multi system link aggregation. Hands on RSTP. * MPLS Core MPLS, MPLS and the 7 layer model, MPLS protocol, MPLS standard, MPLS runs on routers, MPLS history, Why MPLS?, LSRs, PE and P router roles, FEC, swapping labels, MPLS packet format. Hands on Enabling MPLS. Testing and troubleshooting of MPLS. * Appendix EIGRP: How EIGRP works, DUAL.

Definitive IP routing for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

LINX II TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION An intensive hands on IP routing course leading to LINX Accredited Internet Technician stage 2 focusing on routing in an IP environment. The course concentrates on OSPF and IS-IS but also covers BGP and MPLS. Hands on sessions are used to reinforce the theory rather than teach specific manufacturer equipment. A multiple choice exam, leading to the LAIT II certification, is available after the course. The exam consists of 60 questions and lasts 2.0 hours. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Calculate subnet numbers in seconds. * Configure and troubleshoot static routes * Explain how OSPF works. * Build resilient networks with VRRP and OSPF. * Implement and troubleshoot OSPF, IS-IS, simple BGP and simple MPLS. * Evaluate and choose appropriate routing protocols for particular scenarios. LINX II TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers. * Prerequisites: LAIT I attendance and 55%+ exam score OR LAIT I exam only and pass (70%+) OR CCNA and take LAIT I exam on this course. * Duration 5 days LINX II TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Basic routing Review of LAIT I routing, reading routing tables. Hands on Setting up a routed network. * Static routes Why use static routes? Default routes. Hands on Configuring static routes. * First hop redundancy Default gateways, VRRP/HSRP/GLBP. Load sharing, critical IP addresses. Hands on VRRP. * Basic OSPF What is OSPF? Process IDs, passive interfaces. Hands on Simple OSPF. * Subnetting Bit boundary subnetting, calculating network numbers. Exercise: Subnetting. * OSPF overview Metrics, convergence, DV vs. Link state, IGPs, classless, OSPF features, load sharing, OSPF authentication. Hands on OSPF features. * OSPF within an area How OSPF works, LSAs, LSDB, router IDs, hellos, configuring hellos, exchange protocol. Hands on Investigating OSPF structures. * OSPF areas Scalability, why areas? Area IDs, area 0, ABRs, ABR resilience, areas & LSDBs & LSAs, virtual links. Hands on Multi area OSPF. * Redistribution Multiple routing protocols, common scenarios, routing distance, External LSAs, E1 and E2. Type 4 LSAs. OSPF and default routes. Hands on Configuring static route redistribution. * Route aggregation Route summarisation. How to aggregate, CIDR, ASBR summarisation. Hands on OSPF address summarisation. * OSPF packet formats OSPF packets, protocol stack, packet flows, OSPF headers, neighbours, neighbour states, DRs, adjacencies, BDRs, DR election. Hands on Analysing OSPF packets, troubleshooting. OSPF * OSPF stub areas LSA types, area types, area architecture, stub areas, default routes, benefits & disadvantages of stub areas, TSSAs, NSSAs, Type 7 LSAs. Hands on Stub and TSSA configuration. * IS-IS End systems, Intermediate systems, how IS-IS works, IS-IS router ID, Level 1, Level 2, IS-IS hierarchy. Hands on Configuring IS-IS, troubleshooting IS-IS. * The Internet Autonomous systems, Peering, transit, looking glasses. Hands on Internet routing tables. * Basic BGP IGPs, EGPs, What's BGP? BGP RIB, in/out process, tables peers, adding routes. Hands on Simple configuration and troubleshooting. * Routing IPv6 Multi protocol routing, IPv6 addressing, IPv6 routing tables, IPv6 static routes, OSPFv3, IS-IS and IPv6. Hands on Routing IPv6. * STP and L2 routing STP, RSTP, L2 IS-IS, Multi system link aggregation. Hands on RSTP. * MPLS Core MPLS, MPLS and the 7 layer model, MPLS protocol, MPLS standard, MPLS runs on routers, MPLS history, Why MPLS?, LSRs, PE and P router roles, FEC, swapping labels, MPLS packet format. Hands on Enabling MPLS. Testing and troubleshooting of MPLS. * Appendix EIGRP: How EIGRP works, DUAL.

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

MySQL foundation


By Systems & Network Training

MYSQL FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The MySQL foundation course covers the basics of the SQL language as implemented by MySQL. The course is designed to give delegates practical experience in writing SQL statements using the MySQL client program and MySQL Workbench. The basic SQL statements, including the use of SQL functions and the basic table and view handling statements are introduced. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Create, alter and drop a MySQL database. * Write SQL statements. * Use SQL expressions and functions. * Create and alter tables, indexes and views. * Use transactions. * Grant and revoke access privileges. * Export and import data. MYSQL FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone who needs to access and work with a MySQL Database. * Prerequisites: An understanding of databases and exposure to information technology in general would be useful. * Duration 3 days MYSQL FOUNDATION TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Database concepts What is a database? database management systems, tables, rows and columns, indexes, primary keys, unique constraints and foreign keys, client-server architecture, supported data types, storage engines and table types, Information_Schema and MySQL Databases. Hands on using a database. * Using the MySQL client What is the MySQL client? getting started and logging in, selecting a database, client commands, entering and executing SQL statements, retrieving previous commands, creating, editing and executing SQL files, redirecting output into a file, command line execution of MySQL scripts. Hands on Using the MySQL client. * Basic SELECT The SQL SELECT statement, case sensitivity, quotes, statement terminator, syntax conventions, SELECT clause, FROM clause, conditions and the WHERE clause, logical operators, ORDER BY clause, column aliases, arithmetic expressions, precedence of operators. Hands on querying the sample database. * LIMIT, UNION and AGGREGATE functions The LIMIT clause, UNION, UNION ALL, aggregate functions, GROUP BY clause, using Rollup with GROUP BY, HAVING clause. Hands on using limit, union and aggregate functions. * Subqueries and joins Subqueries, cartesian products, table aliases, natural joins, join using, join on, multi-table joins. Hands on using subqueries and joins. * Numeric and character functions Function types, testing functions, numeric functions character functions. Hands on using numeric and character functions. * Data, time and other functions Date and time column types, date and time formats, Date format function, functions to return date time, functions to extract components from date time, date time arithmetic, miscellaneous functions. Hands on using date, time and other functions. * Databases and tables Creating a database, selecting a database, creating tables, Auto_increment, show create table, column operations, constraint operations, copying tables, renaming tables, changing engine for tables, dropping tables, temporary tables. Hands on maintaining databases and tables. * Indexes and views What is an index? creating an index, reviewing indexes, dropping indexes, what is a view? creating views, view restrictions, dropping views. Hands on maintaining indexes and views. * Managing data Inserting rows, replacing rows, updating rows, deleting rows, Truncate statement, The COMMIT and ROLLBACK commands, savepoints, implicit commits. Hands on managing data. * Access control Creating users, renaming users, dropping users, granting privileges, revoking privileges. Hands on creating users, granting and revoking. * Import and export Exporting using SQL, importing using SQL, exporting from the command line, importing from the command line. Hands on export and import data.

MySQL foundation
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Certified Wireless Analysis Professional


By Systems & Network Training

CWAP TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This WiFi analysis course consists of hands-on learning using the latest enterprise wireless LAN analysis and troubleshooting tools. The course takes an in-depth look at the functionality of WLANs, intended operation of the 802.11 protocol and Wi-Fi Alliance specifications, WLAN frame formatting and structure, troubleshooting methodology, and protocol analysis. It also includes extensive training in modern spectrum analysis with a focus on advanced RF behaviour analysis, data collection methods, interpreting spectrum plots and charts, and understanding advanced features of WLAN spectrum analysers. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Analyse WiFi frames using Wireshark. * Explain 802.11 protocol operation. * Troubleshoot WiFi networks using Wireshark. * Troubleshoot WiFi networks using spectrum analysers. CWAP TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical Network Staff Anyone looking to become a CWAP * Prerequisites: Certified Wireless Network Administrator * Duration 4 days CWAP TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS Principles of WLAN Communication 802.11 Working Group, OSI reference model and the 802.11 PHY and MAC, Communication sublayers and data units, WLAN architecture components, Organization of station forwarding Addressing and internetworking operation, Modern WLAN product architectures. Physical (PHY) and MAC Layer Formats and Technologies Physical layer functions, Preamble function and format, Header purpose and structure, Analysis of PHY problems, Physical PPDU formats, 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, 802.11n, MAC frame components, MAC encapsulation, Fields and subfields of the MAC header, Frame Control, Frame types and subtypes and their uses, Addressing, Frame body, Data frame format, Control frame format, Management frame format, Information elements and fields. Beaconing and synchronization Scanning, Client state machine, 802.11 contention, QoS, Admission control, Band steering and airtime fairness mechanisms Fragmentation, Acknowledgments and Block acknowledgments, Protection mechanisms and backward compatibility, Power management, Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) and Transmit Power Control (TPC), Security components, methods, and exchanges, Roaming procedures exchanges, Future protocol enhancements. 802.11n Transmit beamforming, Spatial multiplexing, Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC), Space-Time Block Coding, 40 MHz channels, Frame aggregation, HT-OFDM format, Modulation and Coding Schemes (MCS), HT frame formatting and more. Protocol Analysis Tools and Methodology Troubleshooting methodology, Protocol analyser types, Analysis NIC/adapter selection and constraints, Interpreting results based on location, Analyzer settings and features, Filtering and channel scanning, Interpreting decodes, Using advanced analysis features, Assessing WLAN health and behaviour factors, Evaluating network statistics, Troubleshooting common problems, Wired analysis to support wireless network issues. Spectrum Analysis Tools and Methodology Radio frequency behaviour review, Visualizing RF domains using spectrum measurement tools, Spectrum analyser types and operation, Analyser specifications and characteristics, Understanding spectrum data presentation, Interpreting plots and charts, Common WLAN spectrum analyser features, Identifying transmit patterns, Device classification and network impact, Recognizing transmit signatures. HANDS ON LAB EXERCISES Wireshark Setup, Use, and In-Depth Analysis Wireshark is fundamental to troubleshooting. Labs include: - Capabilities, configuration, and data display - Opening, collecting, saving, and modifying capture files. - Filtering traffic, and using colouring rules as analysis aides. - Live captures based on a set of desired collection criteria. - Identify and isolate network problems. - Conversation analysis. - Remote packet capture with an AP. Understanding Frame Components Familiarity with the frame structure and contents is essential in real -world troubleshooting efforts. Labs include: - Understanding the MAC header - Comparing the three major frame types and their subtypes - Analysing frame formats of individual frame types - Analysing 802.11n frame components - Additional information is reported by protocol analysers - Information not visible in protocol analysers Frame Exchanges Understanding frame exchange rules and behaviors is critical to identifying expected and unexpected. It is also necessary to understand what is normal so that aberrations can be properly troubleshot. Labs include: - Connectivity exchanges and sequences - Legacy and modern security exchanges - ERP and HT protection mechanisms - Power save behaviour - Acknowledgments, block acknowledgments, and supporting action frames - Dynamic rate switching - Band steering Troubleshooting Common Problems This lab exposes students to hands-on troubleshooting skills by setting up common problems in WLANs and allowing students to attempt to solve them. - Trouleshooting connectivity exchanges - Troubleshooting 802.1X and EAP exchanges - Troubleshooting roaming Spectrum Analyzer Setup, Use, and In-Depth Analysis Specifically, it will explore the plots and charts used to display spectrum data and how to interpret this data to define a transmitter's impact on the network. The following are covered: - Installing the analyser and using display and navigation - The 'RF perspective' provided by each plot and chart - Using built-in features and automated device identification - Characterizing the behaviours of an interference source - Assessing the impact of an interference source - Determining the impact of transmitter proximity on interference. - Identifying signatures of common transmitters - Remote spectrum analysis with an AP

Certified Wireless Analysis Professional
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Revit One to One Basic to Advance Weekends Online or Face to Face

By Real Animation Works

Revit face to face training customised and bespoke. Online or Face to Face

Revit One to One Basic to Advance Weekends Online or Face to Face
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London

Peering demystified


By Systems & Network Training

PEERING DEMYSTIFIED TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A concise overview course covering The Internet and peering. Particular emphasis is placed on the structure of the Internet, how IXs benefit the Internet, IX architectures, peering and the technical buzzwords behind the IX services. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe the structure of the Internet * Explain the role of RIPE, ARIN and IXs in the Internet * Explain how IXs connect ISPs and the benefits of using IXs. * Describe peering from a technical perspective including the role of BGP and AS's. PEERING DEMYSTIFIED TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Non technical staff working for Internet companies. * Prerequisites: None. * Duration 1 day PEERING DEMYSTIFIED TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * IP and routers IP as glue. What is a router? How routers join networks, benefits and disadvantages of routers, default gateways, routing tables, routing protocols. * Addressing IP address format, rules of IP addressing, where to get IP addresses. Subnetting and groups of IP addresses. * The Internet What is the Internet? The big picture, IP basics, registering IP addresses, DNS and registering domain names, whois, The IAB, IANA, ICANN, RIPE and other Internet organisations. * ISPs Top ISPs, Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 ISPs, backbone providers, circuit providers, content providers, virtual ISPs, the internal network of ISPs. Customer connections to ISPs (DSL, Leased lines, MPLS…) * ISP to ISP connections: Peering points Public peering versus private peering, NAPs, Internet Exchanges, Metropolitan Area Exchanges, LINX, other major peering points, the geography of the Internet. BGP and ASNs. How to peer. IRRs. * IX architecture Ethernet switching.

Peering demystified
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

MySQL server administration


By Systems & Network Training

MYSQL SERVER ADMINS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This MySQL Server administration course is designed for MySQL Server administrators who have a basic understanding of a MySQL database and a good working knowledge of SQL commands. The course provides an understanding of MySQL Architecture and practical experience in setting up, configuring and maintaining a MySQL server, backing up and recovering data and optimising query performance. This MySQL Server administration course also covers MySQL replication and its role in high availability and scalability. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use MySQL Workbench. * Install and configure a MySQL Server . * Administer and tune a MySQL server. * Configure log files and interpret error messages.. * Secure the Server. * Administer a replication topology. MYSQL SERVER ADMIN TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Database administrators, Database developers and Technical consultants. * Prerequisites: Introduction to MySQL * Duration 5 days MYSQL SERVER ADMIN TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction to Oracle Application Express APEX concepts APEX main components Workspaces, database applications and websheet applications Creating a workspace The Workspace Administrator Upgrading APEX Logging into APEX Running an application * SWL Workshop Use APEX to browse, create and modify objects Process ad hoc SQL statements Manage scripts in APEX Create, run and save SQL queries * Build a database application Application components Create an application Create an application from a spreadsheet * Create reports Create reports using wizards Edit report attributes Add links to reports Create a link to a printer-friendly version of a report Save and print reports in different formats * Using files Uploading images Creating cascading stylesheet files Uploading static files Adding an Image as an application logo Adding a reference to a Javascript file * Pages and regions Web form behaviour in APEX Create a form based on a table Create a form based on a procedure Create a form with a report Create a tabular form Format a form Locking in APEX forms * Creating lists of values Overview of application express shared Components Dynamic and static lists of values Create a dynamic list of values Create a static list of values Use a list of values to control data in a report Create a cascading list of values * Items and buttons Understand the different Types of items Create items Understand and edit item attributes Use Javascript with item Manipulate items in tabular forms Add dynamic items to a report Create and edit buttons * Page Processing Page rendering and page processing Create computations Validate input data Process Data Understand application branching Create conditional branches * Shared components Overview of application express navigation components Manage parent and standard tabs Create navigation bar entries Create and use lists and list items Manage breadcrumbs Create shortcuts Shared component subscription User interface defaults * Display dynamic content Filter reports with dynamic queries Create charts with a wizard Format charts Create calendars Add links to calendars Create hierarchical trees * State and debugging Understand session state Set a session state value Clear the session state Review the session state Review the messages in debug mode Enabling feedback Managing feedback and team development * Themes and templates Switch to a different theme View existing templates Understand and manage templates Create a new template Add references to cascading stylesheet and Javascript files * Dynamic actions and plug-in components Identify plug-in components and their types Plug In a component Create dynamic actions Use a plug-in in a dynamic action * Building website applications Websheet applications and their components Create a websheet application Enable SQL and PL/SQL in a websheet application Add sections and pages to a websheet application Add links on a websheet page Add a data grid to a websheet application Create SQL reports ion websheet applications Add annotations to a websheet application * Implementing security Authentication and authorization Provide an authentication scheme Create an authorization scheme using access control Enable and configure session state protection * Deploy an appliction Define supporting objects Package an application Export an application Import an application Install supporting objects * Administer Apex workspaces Manage workspaces and users Request a schema or storage Purge session state Monitor developer activity log Monitor workspace activity View activity reports Import a workspace * Utility programs Import and export data Generate DDL statements View objects reports

MySQL server administration
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Sketchup and Stable Diffusion Rendering Course

By Real Animation Works

1-2-1 bespoke training course

Sketchup and Stable Diffusion Rendering Course
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London

Peering at LINX


By Systems & Network Training

PEERING AT LINX TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A one or two day induction course covering the technical procedures of LINX along with correct interaction with LINX and LINX members. This course focuses on the implementation of the technologies within the LINX network. For those already competent in BGP the one day version of this course is sufficient. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain the role of LINX in the Internet. * Correctly connect to LINX. * Recognise the correct procedures for peering at LINX. * Use the current Best Current Practices. PEERING AT LINX TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff of new LINX members. Technical staff of companies preparing to join LINX. Non technical staff may also benefit from this course. * Prerequisites: None. (For technical staff with BGP knowledge 1 day) * Duration 1 to 2 days PEERING AT LINX TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction and review Networks, The Internet, IP, routers, Autonomous systems, the structure of the Internet, the role of Internet Exchanges. BGP and peering. LINX, EuroIX, RIPE. What you get when you join LINX. LINX products: Connexions, Virtual PoPs, Colocation resales, LINX from anywhere. * LINX infrastructure The original architecture, The growth of LINX, the current topology. LINX London locations. Dual LAN topology. LON1, LON2. Use of MPLS to connect London sites. Regional peering: LINX NoVa, LINX Manchester, LINX Wales, LINX Scotland, ManxIX, JEDIX. * Connecting with LINX nnecting with LINX Locations. 1/10/100/400G. Interface specifications. Link aggregation. The racks and space provided, access to the racks, connecting WAN circuits into LINX. The connection form, How to link your ISP with LINX, switch assignments, limits on traffic, average measured traffic, getting statistics from LINX, Using looking glass. Allowed traffic. Port security * Configuration hints LINX IP details, IPv4, IPv6, PTR records, Cisco base configuration, Juniper base configuration. * Peering with other LINX members Preparing for peering, the peering template, setting up the peering, RFC 2142, the RIPE database, contacts, peeringdb.net, solving downed BGP sessions, escalation procedures. * Peering configuration hints Cisco BGP configuration, Juniper BGP configuration. * LINX additional services Private interconnect, LINX time service. NTP, Strata. * The LINX route server Bi lateral peering, Multi lateral peering. How the LINX route server is configured. Use of communities on the route server, template for peering with the route server. * Summary Getting further information, the LINX website, the LINX mailing lists.

Peering at LINX
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally


By Real Animation Works

3ds max and Photoshop face to face training customised and bespoke.

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in London