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163 Architecture courses in Leicester

Total FabricPath for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

TOTAL FABRICPATH TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A comprehensive look at Cisco's FabricPath. This course starts with the problems in traditional switched networks then moves onto to how FabricPath solves these problems. As IS-IS is key to loop free topologies in FabricPath networks, this protocol is also studied. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Explain the benefits of FabricPath. * Explain how FabricPath works * Explain the role of IS-IS in FabricPath. * Integrate FabricPath into existing networks. TOTAL FABRICPATH TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Technical staff working with FabricPath. * Prerequisites: Definitive Ethernet switching for engineers * Duration 1 day TOTAL FABRICPATH TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is FabricPath? Layer 2 versus Layer 3, STP problems: One path, convergence, MAC explosion. Frame routing. Shortest path. Comparison with TRILL. * FabricPath architecture Core and edge, VLANs, vPC+. * IS-IS Link layer IS-IS, SPF trees, traffic management. IS -IS extensions for FabricPath. ISIS TLV. * FabricPath forwarding Routing table, Switch IDs, multi destination trees, IGMP snooping. Roots. MAC versus switch tables. FabricPath Dynamic Resource Allocation Protocol (DRAP). * FabricPath frames Encapsulation, frame format, Switch ID, Forwarding tag. * Miscellaneous Basic configuration, interoperation with STP, TCN forwarding

Total FabricPath for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Definitive VPNs for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

DEFINITIVE VPNS TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A hands on course covering VPNs from the basics of benefits and Internet vs. Intranet VPNs through to detailed analysis of the technologies involved in VPNs. All the major VPN protocols are covered including PPPoE, L2TP, SSL, IPsec and dynamic VPNs. MPLS L3 VPNs are also covered. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe what a VPN is and explain the difference between different VPN types. * Recognise the design and implementation issues involved in implementing a VPN. * Explain how the various technologies involved in a VPN work. * Describe and implement: L2TP, IPsec, SSL, MPLS L3 VPNs. * Evaluate VPN technologies. DEFINITIVE VPNS TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network personnel. * Prerequisites: IP Security foundation for engineers. * Duration 3 days DEFINITIVE VPNS TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * VPN overview What is a VPN? What is an IP VPN? VPNs vs. Private Data Networks, Internet VPNs, Intranet VPNs, Remote access VPNs, Site to site VPNs, VPN benefits and disadvantages. * VPN Tunnelling VPN components, VPN tunnels, tunnel sources, tunnel end points, hardware based VPNs, Firewall based VPNs, software based VPNs, tunnelling topologies, tunnelling protocols, which tunnelling protocol should you use? requirements of tunnels. * VPN security components Critical VPN security requirements, Encryption and authentication, Diffie Hellman, DES, 3DES, RSA, PKI, Ca server types, pre shared keys versus certificates, Enrolling with a CA, RADIUS in VPNs. * PPP Encapsulation, operation, authentication. Hands on Setting up PPPoE and analysing PPP packets. * PPTP Overview, Components, How it works, control and data connections, GRE. Hands on Building a PPTP VPN. * L2TP Overview, components, how it works, security, packet authentication, L2TP/IPSec, L2TP/PPP, Layer 2 versus layer 3 tunnelling. Hands on Implementing a L2TP tunnel. * IPSec AH, HMAC, ESP, transport and tunnel modes, Security Association, use of encryption and authentication algorithms, manual vs automated key exchange, NAT and other issues. Hands on Implementing an IPSec VPN. * Intranet VPNs Headers, architecture, label switching, LDP, MPLS VPNs. * VPN products and services PE and CPE, management, various VPN products. * VPN issues and architectures VPN architectures: terminate VPN before/on/ after/in parallel with firewall, resilience issues, VRRP, performance issues, QoS and VPNs. documentation.

Definitive VPNs for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Ansible for network engineers


By Systems & Network Training

ANSIBLE TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION The course focusses on the use of ansible for network devices instead of its usual server use case. The course progresses from the basics of ansible and playbooks onto using network specific modules including NAPALM. The use Jinja2 templating with ansible is also studied. Hands on sessions with ansible configuring routers and switches follow all major sections. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Automate tasks with ansible. * Write ansible playbooks. * Configure network devices with ansible. * Troubleshoot network devices with ansible. * Use ansible network modules. * Use jinja2 templates with ansible. ANSIBLE TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation * Duration 2 days ANSIBLE TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is ansible? The language, the engine, the framework. Uses of ansible, orchestration. Hands on Installing ansible, enabling SSH on network devices. * Ansible architecture How ansible 'normally' works, Agentless, SSH, ansible and Python, modules, how ansible work on network devices, Configuration management, inventories, playbooks, modules, ansible.cfg. Hands on Getting started, running ad hoc commands. * Playbooks ansible-playbook, users, YAML, plays, tasks, modules. ansible-vault. Hands on Running playbooks. * More playbooks Handlers, variables, environmental variables, playbook variables, inventory variables, variable scope and precedence, accessing variables, facts, ansible vault. Conditionals, wait_for. Hands on Using variables and conditions in playbooks. * Inventories /etc/ansible/hosts, inventory variables, static inventories, dynamic inventories. Hands on Inventories and variables. * Ansible network modules Built in modules, custom modules, return values. ansible-doc -l. connection: local, Cisco modules, Juniper module, Hands on Using modules for your network devices. * Ansible templatings The template module, the assemble module, jinja2 templates, for, if else. Hands on Configuring network devices from templates. * Roles and includes Dynamic includes, Handler includes, playbook includes. Roles, role parts: handlers, files, templates, cross platform roles, ansible galaxy. Hands on includes example, building roles. * Ansible and NAPALM Installation, napalm-ansible, NAPALM modules: napalm_diff-yang, napalm_get_facts, napalm_install_config, napalm_parse_yang, napalm_ping, napalm_translate_yang, napalm_validate. Hands on Using NAPALM modules in ansible.

Ansible for network engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

DevOps for networking engineers


By Systems & Network Training

NETWORK DEVOPS COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is not a soft skills course covering the concepts of DevOps but instead concentrates on the technical side of tools and languages for network DevOps. Particular technologies focussed on are ansible, git and Python enabling delegates to leave the course ready to starting automating their network. Hands on sessions follow all major sections. More detailed courses on individual aspects of this course are available. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Evaluate network automation tools. * Automate tasks with ansible. * Use git for version control. * Use Python to manage network devices. * Use Python libraries for network devices. NETWORK DEVOPS COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Administrators automating tasks. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation * Duration 5 days NETWORK DEVOPS COURSE CONTENTS * What is DevOps Programming and automating networks, networks and clouds, AWS, OpenStack, SDN, DevOps for network operations. * Initial configuration Configuring SSH, ZTP, POAP. Hands on Initial lab configuration. * Getting started with ansible The language, the engine, the framework. Uses of ansible, orchestration. The architecture, Controlling machines, nodes, Agentless, SSH, modules. Configuration management, inventories, playbooks, modules, roles. Hands on Installing ansible, running ad hoc commands. * Ansible playbooks ansible-playbook, YAML, plays, tasks, handlers, modules. Playbook variables. Register module, debug module. Hands on Running playbooks. * Ansible Inventories /etc/ansible/hosts, hosts, groups, static inventories, dynamic inventories. Inventory variables, external variables. Limiting hosts. Hands on Static inventories, variables in inventory files. * Ansible modules for networking Built in modules, custom modules, return values. Core modules for network operations. Cisco and/or Juniper modules. ansible_connection. Ansible 2.6 CLI. Hands on Using modules. * Ansible templating and roles aConfiguration management, full configurations, partial configurations. The template module, the assemble module, connection: local, Jinja2 templates, variables, if, for, roles. Hands on Generating multiple configurations from a template. * Network programming and modules Why use Python? Why use ansible? alternatives, ansible tower, Linux network devices. * Programming with Python Python programming Functions. Classes, objects and instances, modules, libraries, packages. Python strings, Python file handling, pip list, pip instal. Hands on Python programming with pyping. * More Python programming Functions. Classes, objects and instances, modules, libraries, packages. Python strings, Python file handling, pip list, pip install. Hands on Python programming with pyping. * Git Distributed version control, repositories, Git and GitHub, Alternatives to GitHub, Installing git, git workflows, creating repositories, adding and editing files, branching and merging, merge conflicts. Hands on working with Git. * Python and networking APIs, Sockets, Telnetlib, pysnmp, ncclient, ciscoconfparse. * Paramiko SSH and Netmiko Integrating Python and network devices using SSH. Netmiko, Netmiko methods. Hands on Netmiko. * NAPALM What is NAPALM, NAPALM operations, getters, Replace, merge, compare, commit, discard. Hands on Configuration with NAPALM. Integrating ansible and NAPALM. * Python and REST REST APIs, enabling the REST API. Accessing the REST API with a browser, cURL, Python and REST, the request library. Hands on Using a REST API with network devices.

DevOps for networking engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Network automation for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

NETWORK AUTOMATION COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is not a soft skills course covering the concepts of DevOps but instead concentrates on the technical side of tools and languages for network DevOps. Particular technologies focussed on are ansible, git and Python enabling delegates to leave the course ready to starting automating their network. Hands on sessions follow all major sections. More detailed courses on individual aspects of this course are available. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Evaluate network automation tools. * Automate tasks with ansible. * Use git for version control. * Use Python to manage network devices. * Use Python libraries for network devices. NETWORK AUTOMATION COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers. * Duration 5 days NETWORK AUTOMATION COURSE CONTENTS * What is DevOps Programming and automating networks, networks and clouds, AWS, OpenStack, SDN, DevOps for network operations. * Initial configuration Configuring SSH, ZTP, POAP. Hands on Initial lab configuration. * Getting started with ansible The language, the engine, the framework. Uses of ansible, orchestration. The architecture, Controlling machines, nodes, Agentless, SSH, modules. Configuration management, inventories, playbooks, modules, roles. Hands on Installing ansible, running ad hoc commands. * Ansible playbooks ansible-playbook, YAML, plays, tasks, handlers, modules. Playbook variables. Register module, debug module. Hands on Running playbooks. * Ansible Inventories /etc/ansible/hosts, hosts, groups, static inventories, dynamic inventories. Inventory variables, external variables. Limiting hosts. Hands on Static inventories, variables in inventory files. * Ansible modules for networking Built in modules, custom modules, return values. Core modules for network operations. Cisco and/ or Juniper modules. ansible_connection. Ansible 2.6 CLI. Hands on Using modules. * Ansible templating and roles Configuration management, full configurations, partial configurations. The template module, the assemble module, connection: local, Jinja2 templates, variables, if, for, roles. Hands on Generating multiple configurations from a template. * Network programming and modules Why use Python? Why use ansible? alternatives, ansible tower, Linux network devices. * Programming with Python Scripting versus application development, Python interactive mode, Python scripts, Python 2.7 vs Python 3. A simple Python script. Variables, loops, control statements, operators. PEP style guide. Python IDEs. Hands on Simple Python programs. * More Python programming Functions. Classes, objects and instances, modules, libraries, packages. Python strings, Python file handling, pip list, pip install, Hands on Python programming with pyping. * Git Distributed version control, repositories, Git and GitHub, Alternatives to GitHub, Installing git, git workflows, creating repositories, adding and editing files, branching and merging, merge conflicts. Hands on working with Git. * Python and networking APIs, Sockets, Telnetlib, pysnmp, ncclient, ciscoconfparse. * Paramiko SSH and Netmiko Integrating Python and network devices using SSH. Netmiko, Netmiko methods. Hands on Netmiko. * PyEZ Juniper, NETCONF, installing PyEZ, a first pyEZ script, pyEZ configuration management. Hands on Juniper configuration management with pyEZ. * NAPALM What is NAPALM, NAPALM operations, getters, Replace, merge, compare, commit, discard. Hands on Configuration with NAPALM. Integrating ansible and NAPALM. * Python and REST REST APIs, enabling the REST API. Accessing the REST API with a browser, cURL, Python and REST, the request library. Hands on Using a REST API with network devices.

Network automation for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Essential IP addressing and subnetting


By Systems & Network Training

IP ADDRESSING AND SUBNETTING COURSE DESCRIPTION A course focusing purely on IP addressing and subnetting. The course assumes that delegates already have some knowledge of IP addressing. In particular delegates will be able to calculate subnet numbers in seconds without using binary. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Download and install Wireshark. * Calculate subnet numbers in seconds * Design IP addressing schemes. * Troubleshoot IP address problems. * Calculate CIDR prefixes in seconds IP ADDRESSING AND SUBNETTING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with TCP/IP. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers * Duration 2 days IP ADDRESSING AND SUBNETTING COURSE CONTENTS * IP addressing review What is an IP address? What is a subnet? Classless IP addressing. The rules of IP addressing. Ways IP addresses are used: On hosts, in packets, in routing tables. Hands on Byte boundary subnetting. * Configuring IP addresses Interfaces, Static vs. dynamic configuration. DHCP: Scopes, leases, relays, using multiple DHCP servers. Multihoming. * Subnetting Default subnet masks, subnet notations. How to subnet without binary. VLSMs. Hands on Bit boundary subnetting. * Address ranges and routing Routing tables, IP address spoofing, host specific routing, subnets in routing tables, supernets in routing tables. CIDR. Impact of choice of routing protocol. Hands on IP addressing plans. * Allocations and assignments IAB, IANA, RIRs, RIPE, LIRs and ISPs. PI vs. PA addressing. Hands on Querying the RIPE database. * Private addressing and NAT NAT, NAPT, NAT terms, private addresses, NAT operation, NAT architecture, NAT and security, why use NAT? NAT-ALG, Types of NAT, RSIP. * Special use addresses Unicasts, broadcasts, multicasts, anycasts. Directed broadcasts. Allowing broadcasts through routers.

Essential IP addressing and subnetting
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

CWISA Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator


By Systems & Network Training

CWISA TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION This CWISA course covers wireless technologies with reference to IoT. It examines from an IoT perspective how wireless works, and is an excellent introduction to IoT for the wireless engineer. Topics range from wireless technologies, RF, to mobile networks, IoT, and security. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe wireless networking and IoT technologies. * Explain basic RF communications. * Plan wireless solutions. * Describe how to implement wireless solutions. * Use best practices in implementing wireless solutions. CWISA TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with IoT technologies. * Prerequisites: RF fundamentals. * Duration 4 days CWISA TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * Introduction to wireless technologies History of wireless, radio waves and frequencies, wireless technologies and related components, common components of wireless solutions, LAN networking requirements, Network security, Implementing wireless solutions, staging, documentation, security updates, Industry organizations, IEEE, compatibility and certification groups. * Wireless network use cases Wireless BANs, Wireless PANs, Wireless LANs, Wireless MANs, Wireless WANs, Wireless sensor networks, New network driver-Internet of Things, IoT for industry (IIoT), IoT for connected vehicles, Residential environments, Retail, Education (K12), Higher education, Agriculture, Smart cities / Public access, Health care, Office buildings, Hospitality, Industry, Stadiums, arenas, and large public venues. * Planning wireless solutions Identifying use cases and applications, common wireless requirements and constraints, performing a wireless system design, selecting and evaluating design parameters. * RF communications RF wave characteristics, RF propagation behaviours, RF signal metrics, fundamentals of wireless modulation. other wireless carriers, common frequency bands. * Radio frequency hardware Hardware levels, basic RF hardware components (circuit board level), RF link types (use category). RF device types. * Mobile communications networks Mobile networks, LTE, 5G, Use cases. * Short-range, low-rate, and low-power networks RF and speed, RF and range, RF and power, 802.11, 802.15.4, Bluetooth, LoRa (Long range) / LoRaWAN, ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, NB-IoT and LTE-M. * Wireless sensor networks What is a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)? WSN applications, Sensors and actuators, WSN architectures, Planning a WSN. * Internet of Things (IoT) Internet of Things (IoT) defined, IoT history and its definition revisited, one more comment on the definition of IoT, IoT verticals, Oil & Gas, IoT structure/ architecture basics, IoT connected objects. * Securing wireless networks Confidentiality, integrity and availability, Privacy, non-repudiation, authenticity & safety, Importance of authentication in wireless networks, Key cryptographic technologies & concepts, Authentication methods, Authorisation, OAuth 2.0 authorisation framework, monitoring. * Troubleshooting wireless solutions Proper solutions design, designing and implementing wireless solutions, basic installation procedures, general configuration considerations, troubleshooting and remediation, troubleshoot common problems in wireless solutions. * Programming, scripting and automation What is an API? categories of APIs, common API communication methods, choosing a language, why are we integrating systems? Application & integration architectures. Data structures & types, XML, YAML, API types.

CWISA Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Streaming telemetry for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

STREAMING TELEMETRY TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to streaming telemetry. The course progresses from a brief look at the weaknesses of SNMP onto what streaming telemetry is, how it differs from the xflow technologies, the data formats available and how to configure it. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Describe streaming telemetry. * Explain how streaming telemetry works. * Describe the data presentation formats available. * Configure streaming telemetry. STREAMING TELEMETRY TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Network engineers. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers. * Duration 1 day STREAMING TELEMETRY TRAINING COURSE CONTENT * What is streaming telemetry? SNMP weaknesses, Netflow, sflow, polling and the old models, push vs pull, What is streaming telemetry? * Telemetry streaming architecture Model driven versus event driven telemetry, subscriptions, publications. Periodic versus on change, model selection and scalability. Telemetry streaming protocols TCP, UDP, SSH, HTTP, HTTP2, NETCONF, RESTCONF, gRPC, gNMI. * Models and Encoding The role of YANG. YANG models and tools. XML/ NETCONF, JSON/RESTCONF, JSON over UDP. Protocol buffers/gRPC. * Google Protocol Buffers Decoder ring, protocol definition file. GPB-KV, GPB-Compact. Keys. * Streaming telemetry configuration Router: Destination, Sensor, subscription. Collector: YANG models, .proto file. Pipeline. ELK: Consume, store, visualise streaming data. * Collection tools APIs, YANG development Kit, Downstream consumers, influxdata, Grafana, Kafka, Prometheus, others.

Streaming telemetry for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

IP broadcast fundamentals


By Systems & Network Training

IP BROADCAST TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A current hot topic in recent years has been the provision of multimedia services over IP networks aka triple or quadruple play. This course investigates the characteristics of video transmission and then studies the impact on IP networks. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use Wireshark to analyse and troubleshoot TV streams. * Describe techniques, which can be used in IP to provide low uniform delay. * Evaluate IPTV technologies. * Design data networks, which will support IPTV. IP BROADCAST TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working in broadcast. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP foundation for engineers * Duration 3 days IP BROADCAST TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is IPTV? What is IP? What is TV? Pixels, frames, colour, digital modulation, digital video broadcasting. SDTV, HDTV, 4K. IPTV architectures, Contribution, distribution, delivery. IPTV standards. Hands on Base IP connectivity, VLC. * IPTV protocol stacks IP, TCP, UDP, RTP. IPv6. HTTP. Bandwidth requirements. Hands on IPTV bandwidth calculations. * Video codecs What is a CODEC, pictures and audio, digitisation, sampling, quantisation, encoding, compressing. MPEG, bit rates, resolution. I, B, P frames, GOP. MPEG 2, MPEG 4, H.264, H.265, VP9, AV1. Hands on Analysing MPEG frames. * IP issues Quality vs. bandwidth. Bandwidth, delay, latency, jitter, signalling. Routers. Hands on Analysing jitter and other performance issues. * IPTV performance and QoS IP DSCP field, queuing strategies; FIFO, WFQ, custom, priority, RED. Differentiated services, Diffserv. 802.1Q. Traffic shaping. QoE. Hands on best effort versus prioritisation. * UDP versus TCP Reliable, unreliable, connection oriented, connectionless. Broadcasts, multicasts and unicasts. TCP flow control, TCP and performance. Hands on TCP window sizes. * RTP RTP, ports, mixers, translators, RTCP, SMPTE, FEC. Hands on RTP analysis with Wireshark. * Multicasting Multicasting compared to unicasting and broadcasting, when to use and when not to use multicasting. IGMP, PIM-SM, SSM. MLD. Hands on Analysing multicast streams. * OTT TV HTTP, HTTPS, Chunked HTTP. Adaptive streaming. HTML5. DASH vs HLS. Hands on Analysing HTTP streams. * Security Firewalls, TLS, DRM, watermarking. Encryption. Geolocation. VPNs. * IPTV architecture and other protocols Content providers, Service providers, delivery networks, home networks. Caching, Service discovery. RTSP. SAP, SDP. DHCP, DNS, NTP

IP broadcast fundamentals
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally

Total IPTV for engineers


By Systems & Network Training

IPTV TRAINING COURSE DESCRIPTION A current hot topic in recent years has been the provision of multimedia services over IP networks aka triple or quadruple play. This course investigates the characteristics of video transmission and then studies the impact on IP networks. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN * Use Wireshark to analyse and troubleshoot TV streams. * Describe techniques, which can be used in IP to provide low uniform delay. * Evaluate IPTV technologies. * Design data networks, which will support IPTV. IPTV TRAINING COURSE DETAILS * Who will benefit: Anyone working with IPTV. * Prerequisites: TCP/IP Foundation for engineers Intro to data communications & networking. * Duration 3 days IPTV TRAINING COURSE CONTENTS * What is IPTV? What is IP? What is TV? Pixels, frames, colour, digital modulation, digital video broadcasting. SDTV, HDTV, 4K. IPTV architectures, Contribution, distribution, delivery. IPTV standards. Hands on Base IP connectivity, VLC. * IPTV protocol stacks IP, TCP, UDP, RTP. IPv6. HTTP. Bandwidth requirements. Hands on IPTV bandwidth calculations. * Video codecs What is a CODEC, pictures and audio, digitisation, sampling, quantisation, encoding, compressing. MPEG, bit rates, resolution. I, B, P frames, GOP. MPEG 2, MPEG 4, H.264, H.265, VP9, AV1. Hands on Analysing MPEG frames. * IP issues Quality vs. bandwidth. Bandwidth, delay, latency, jitter, signalling. Routers. Hands on Analysing jitter and other performance issues. * IPTV performance and QoS IP DSCP field, queuing strategies; FIFO, WFQ, custom, priority, RED. Differentiated services, Diffserv. 802.1Q. Traffic shaping. QoE. Hands on best effort versus prioritisation. * UDP versus TCP Reliable, unreliable, connection oriented, connectionless. Broadcasts, multicasts and unicasts. TCP flow control, TCP and performance. Hands on TCP window sizes. * RTP RTP, ports, mixers, translators, RTCP, SMPTE, FEC. Hands on RTP analysis with Wireshark. * Multicasting Multicasting compared to unicasting and broadcasting, when to use and when not to use multicasting. IGMP, PIM-SM, SSM. MLD. Hands on Analysing multicast streams. * OTT TV HTTP, HTTPS, Chunked HTTP. Adaptive streaming. HTML5. DASH vs HLS. Hands on Analysing HTTP streams. * Security Firewalls, TLS, DRM, watermarking. Encryption. Geolocation. VPNs. * IPTV architecture and other protocols Content providers, Service providers, delivery networks, home networks. Caching, Service discovery. RTSP. SAP, SDP. DHCP, DNS, NTP Hands on Fixing the network.

Total IPTV for engineers
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Internationally