st martins catholic primary school
We are all unique, but one in Christ. Therefore, we aim for our children to know
their faith and value themselves and one another as unique children of God. As a
community, we strive to reflect Christ’s love as we learn together. We foster a
safe, vibrant and stimulating learning environment where all feel welcome, and
we promote independence and responsibility by caring for our school, the wider
community and all of God’s creation. St. Martin’s staff bring the world to the
children and the children to the world through a wide range of engaging and
inspiring learning experiences. We aim to ignite children’s curiosity and
passion for life-long learning and create an environment where everyone feels
valued and their voices can be heard. Children are encouraged to develop the
personal skills they need to be effective learners. All members of the community
work to create a culture of excellence where everyone is inspired to be the best
that they can be, the whole child is nurtured and all achievements are
celebrated. We encourage each child to recognise and respond to God’s purpose
for them.