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Truly Parenting
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Truly Parenting


About Truly Parenting

Have you every considered why you parent the way you do? We all try our best as parents and want our child to be happy but so much can get in the way! Each childhood absorbs parenting styles and patterns that not even we are aware of and we often carry emotional baggage that we then pass on to our children. In today’s modern parenting we worry so much about our child and try to ‘fix’ them. We often micro-manage their lives as we believe this will help them to be happy and successful. We put onto our child our ‘stuff’. Parenting more consciously starting with self-awareness, we begin to parent from a more grounded and conscious way. It feels lighter with less anxiety and conflict. Our child will be able to live more authentically, absorbing less of our fears. We can start to break patterns that we repeat time and time again. This approach can not only change the way you parent, but it will help with all the relationships in your life. It will help free our children so they can grow into resilient and compassionate adults with self worth, knowing they are ‘good enough’.

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