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The Leadership Wizard
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The Leadership Wizard


  • Creating a Motivational Culture, 12 month online training subscription.


    Our online training subscription is sent directly to your inbox each month for 12 months to help you create a Motivational Team Culture.

     course image  12  Online Training topics include:

    1. Active listening
    2. Happiness
    3. Motivation
    4. Effective meetings
    5. Managing change
    6. Communicating with your teams.
    7. Looking after yourSelf.
    8. Celebrations
    9. Feedback
    10. Emotional Intelligence.
    11. Customer Care.
    12. Creating a Gossip Free Culture.


    During the 12 months subscription you will receive 5 free gifts to your postal address in relation to Motivation, Effective Meetings, Managing Change,  Looking after yourSelf and Creating a Gossip free Culture.

    By creating a motivational culture you will increase performance, increase staff retention, increase teamwork and improve customer satisfaction.

    “Helping the people who manage people manage better.”
