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Studio Thirteen - Pilates, Yoga & Therapy Rooms
Studio Thirteen - Pilates, Yoga & Therapy Rooms logo

Studio Thirteen - Pilates, Yoga & Therapy Rooms



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  • I’ve been going to Katey’s Pilates class weekly for just over a year now and I love it! I have osteoarthritis of the hips and I am becoming gradually stronger around my core and more relaxed and flexed to help support my dodgy hips until they fail me and I become bionic!! Until that point, Katey makes sure I don’t do anything in the class that might cause further pain - she does this for everyone as we all have our own ailments! She is the consummate professional and yet at the same time warm...

  • Great results- I’m loving this. Great for focusing on posture and flexibility, and absolutely heavenly when you’ve spent a day shovelling stone or are just feeling a bit knotted up... Katey knows what she’s on about, and takes into account each persons needs and peculiarities. Highly recommended.

  • I have been attending classes with Katey for 2 1/2 years & I would recommend her as a Pilates teacher without hesitation. She is a really lovely person to start with, but as a Pilates teacher - amazing! Her knowledge of the human body and Pilates is outstanding, she tailors her classes to individuals needs, and the improvement I have found in my back problems since I started are fantastic. If you're considering trying Pilates, go to Katey!