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Job Interviewing Skills Masterclass

Job Interviewing Skills Masterclass

By Skill Up

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Completion Certificate
  • 24/7 Technical Support


  • On-Demand course

  • 2 hours 47 minutes

  • All levels


Gain the skills and credentials to kickstart a successful career and learn from the experts with this step-by-step training course. This Job Interviewing Skills Masterclass has been specially designed to help learners gain a good command of Job Interviewing Skills Masterclass, providing them with a solid foundation of knowledge to become a qualified professional.

Through this Job Interviewing Skills Masterclass, you will gain both practical and theoretical understanding of Job Interviewing Skills Masterclass that will increase your employability in this field, help you stand out from the competition and boost your earning potential in no time.

Not only that, but this training includes up-to-date knowledge and techniques that will ensure you have the most in-demand skills to rise to the top of the industry. This qualification is fully accredited, broken down into several manageable modules, ideal for aspiring professionals.

Learning outcome

  • Familiar yourself with the recent development and updates of the relevant industry
  • Know how to use your theoretical knowledge to adapt in any working environment
  • Get help from our expert tutors anytime you need
  • Access to course contents that are designed and prepared by industry professionals
  • Study at your convenient time and from wherever you want

Why should I take this course?

  • Affordable premium-quality E-learning content, you can learn at your own pace.
  • You will receive a completion certificate upon completing the course.
  • Internationally recognized Accredited Qualification will boost up your resume.
  • You will learn the researched and proven approach adopted by successful people to transform their careers.
  • You will be able to incorporate various techniques successfully and understand your customers better.


  • No formal qualifications required, anyone from any academic background can take this course.
  • Access to a computer or digital device with internet connectivity.

Course Curriculum

Section 1: Introduction
Unit 1: Course Overview🕐 00:04:00
Unit 2: Sell Your Skills🕐 00:03:00
Unit 3: Support Your Resume🕐 00:02:00
Unit 4: Interview Format🕐 00:06:00
Unit 5: What to bring to the interview🕐 00:04:00
Unit 6: Practice, Practice, & Practice🕐 00:03:00
Section 2: Basic and Common Interview Questions
Unit 1: Tell Me About Yourself🕐 00:06:00
Unit 2: Why do you want this Job🕐 00:05:00
Unit 3: Why are You Leaving Your Present job🕐 00:04:00
Unit 4: Why Should I Hire You🕐 00:04:00
Unit 5: Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years🕐 00:06:00
Unit 6: What are Your Strengths🕐 00:02:00
Unit 7: What are Your Weaknesses🕐 00:06:00
Unit 8: What is Your Greatest Accomplishment🕐 00:04:00
Section 3: Most Important Interview Tips
Unit 1: Score Success in the first 5 minutes🕐 00:05:00
Unit 2: Talk about Numbers🕐 00:06:00
Unit 3: Story Telling🕐 00:05:00
Unit 4: Smile🕐 00:02:00
Unit 5: Be precise🕐 00:03:00
Unit 6: Understand the Job Requirement🕐 00:03:00
Unit 7: Know the Names🕐 00:02:00
Unit 8: Do Not Make Up the Answer🕐 00:02:00
Unit 9: Understand the Questions🕐 00:03:00
Unit 10: Assess Yourself Throughout the Interview🕐 00:04:00
Section 4: Behavioral Questions
Unit 1: What Is Your Greatest Failure, & What Did You Learn from It🕐 00:04:00
Unit 2: Tell Me Time When You Had to Work with Difficult People🕐 00:04:00
Unit 3: Describe a Time You Were Unable to Complete Your Work on Time and How You Handled🕐 00:02:00
Unit 4: Describe a Time When You Had a Disagreement with Your Boss & How You Handled It🕐 00:04:00
Unit 5: Tell Me About a Successful Presentation You Gave and Why You Think It was a Hit🕐 00:03:00
Unit 6: Tell Me About the Toughest Decision You Have Had to Make and The Outcome🕐 00:03:00
Section 5: Situational or Scenario Based Questions
Unit 1: What Would You Do If Your Work is Criticized🕐 00:03:00
Unit 2: How Would You Handle A Dissatisfied Customer🕐 00:03:00
Unit 3: Your Manager Assigned You A Project with Tight Deadline, How Would You Handle It🕐 00:03:00
Unit 4: What Would Be Your 90 Days Plan If You Were Hired🕐 00:02:00
Unit 5: How Would You Respond to A Stressful Situation🕐 00:02:00
Section 6: Technical Questions
Unit 1: What Was the Last Project You Led, And What Was Its Outcome🕐 00:03:00
Unit 2: How Do You Keep Up with Innovation Within Your Field🕐 00:02:00
Unit 3: How Would You Market Our Product or Brand🕐 00:02:00
Unit 4: What Version of X Application Are You Running in Your Environment🕐 00:02:00
Section 7: Compensation Related Questions
Unit 1: What is Your Salary Expectation🕐 00:03:00
Unit 2: Bonus: Negotiation🕐 00:02:00
Section 8: Your Turn
Unit 1: Ask Questions🕐 00:06:00
Unit 2: Leave on a High Note🕐 00:04:00
Unit 3: Saying Goodbye🕐 00:02:00
Section 9: After the Interview
Unit 1: Follow Up After the Interview🕐 00:02:00
Unit 2: Update your Skills and Your Resume🕐 00:02:00
Unit 3: Learn from Your Mistakes🕐 00:01:00
Section 10: Do's and Don'ts
Unit 1: Do's🕐 00:02:00
Unit 2: Don'ts🕐 00:04:00
Unit 3: Don't Give Up🕐 00:02:00

About The Provider

Skill Up
Skill Up

Skill Up presents a rigorous online education experience, helping you obtain industry-relevant skills certified by the world’s...

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