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Positive Smiles
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Positive Smiles


About Positive Smiles

Offering a range of courses, projects & opportunities to inspire, support and empower the community. Our fundamental aim is to provide Emotional, Physical and Educational support through community-based interventions, assisting each individuals Social and Emotional well-being Health and Well-Being Providing a range of community-based projects to educate, promote and enhance positive health, equipping users with knowledge and skills needed to improve overall well-being. Education & Employment Upskilling the community through various courses and opportunities to develop functional and employability skills to achieve work training skills. Enhance your knowledge through access to accredited courses, and boost personal development. Youth Work Supporting young people to build confidence and raise aspirations. Exploring individual skills and interests to identify and support future goals and ambitions. Environmental Resilience Nature-Based Wellbeing through outdoor courses exploring environmental and community development work. Learning to drive environmental awareness and change through access to nature alongside the benefits of environmental resilience.

Key Details



All Locations

  • 69 Preston New Road, Blackburn