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Out Takes
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Out Takes


About Out Takes

We produce superb quality, innovate films for training, education, promotion and just about anything else. We do everything for you and with you - writing scripts, filming, editing, augmenting – to give you exactly the film you want and need. Take a look at what we do... ​ We’ve worked down a tube tunnel, at the top of Canary Wharf, in a nursery school, at Shakespeare’s house, the House of Lords, a department store, an awful lot of warehouses, a field full of lavender, nuclear sites, pharmaceutical manufacturers, charities, conferences, catwalk shows, lecture theatres, a paper mill, universities, a port, a Barristers’ chambers and more construction sites than seems reasonable.

Key Details


Primary Location

  • 86 Combe Avenue
  • London
  • United Kingdom
  • SE3 7PX

All Locations

  • 86 Combe Avenue, London