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Laura Page
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Laura Page


About Laura Page

Laura Page is an artist, photographer, photojournalist and socially engaged practitioner. Her artwork is a mixture of photography, film, sound and mixed media and she often collaborates with others. Much of her work explores people, society, politics, culture and philosophy. She works as a socially engaged artist practitioner with people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities often working with groups that are marginalised or have little access to art and supporting people to make high quality artwork which aims at giving people a voice, building confidence and strengthening communities. She photographs and writes articles and reviews for regional, national and international newspapers and magazines. Laura has fully qualified in all of the National Council for the Training of Journalists’ (NCTJ) National Certificate Examination’s in photojournalism. She also has BA Hons and Masters degrees in philosophy. She won the Trevor Roberts Award for the best up-and-coming photographer at the Midlands Media Awards and the Rebecca Vassie Memorial Award which funds work that focuses on human stories with a social or political context for her Hidden Depths project.

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All Locations

  • 8 Backfields, Sheffield
  • 32 Cambridge Street, Sheffield