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Social Media And Journalism Course

Social Media And Journalism Course

By Elearncollege

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  • 9 days

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Social Media And Journalism Diploma

In the age of hashtags, trending topics, and virality, journalism has encountered an evolution like no other, propelled predominantly by social media. The Social Media And Journalism Diploma offers an astute analysis of this complex relationship, preparing budding journalists and media enthusiasts for the rapidly changing landscape of news dissemination and consumption.

Beginning with an exploration of how social media and journalism meet, the course offers an illuminating insight into their intersection. Historically, journalism and social media have travelled distinct paths, but with the current digital era, they've found a common meeting ground. This course sheds light on the transformation of these platforms, demonstrating how, from mere tools of connection, social media platforms have emerged as influential news sources.

However, it's not all about the past. The Social Media And Journalism Diploma delves into the contemporary rise of citizen journalism. Once upon a time, newsrooms and studios were the epicentres of news, but today, any individual with a smartphone can report happenings from around the globe. This democratisation of news production, while empowering, also comes with its challenges. Fake news has, unfortunately, seen a surge in the age of social media. This course provides an in-depth study of the role of these platforms in the spread of misinformation, offering students tools and strategies to discern facts from falsehoods.

But as social media opens doors, it also brings forward new challenges. What happens to the timeless ethics of journalism in an age of 280-character tweets and instantaneous updates? Maintaining the integrity and authenticity of journalism amidst the fast-paced nature of social media can be a tightrope walk. The Social Media And Journalism Diploma aims to equip students with the necessary skills and understanding to traverse this balance with confidence.

Moreover, the way we consume news today has undergone a seismic shift. Gone are the days when mornings began with newspapers. Instead, most of us now get our first update from a notification on our phone. By studying the profound impact of social media on news consumption habits, this course helps future journalists understand and adapt to the preferences of the modern-day audience.

The course doesn't stop at just the consumption but takes learners on a journey through the practical side of things. How do journalists use social media for reporting, research, and investigative journalism? With the right tools and understanding, social media can be a goldmine of leads, sources, and stories, and this diploma shows exactly how to unearth them.

Yet, while the storytelling methods are evolving, so is the business side of things. Journalism, at its core, is also an industry with its economic dynamics. The influence of social media on the business of journalism - be it through advertising, paywalls, or sponsorships - is intricate and multifaceted. Learners will navigate through these commercial waters, understanding how to make journalism both impactful and economically viable.

As the course winds up, it casts an eye into the future, analysing the prospective roles and transformations social media might bring to journalism. Finally, it emphasises the indispensable need for collaboration between these two giants in the digital age. Only through understanding, adaptability, and cooperation can the future of news remain robust and reliable.

In conclusion, the Social Media And Journalism Diploma is not just another online course. It's a bridge to the future of journalism, preparing learners for the dynamic interplay of tweets, posts, stories, and breaking news. For those eager to chart the course of modern-day journalism, this diploma stands as an essential beacon.

What you will learn

1: Introduction: The Intersection of Social Media and Journalism
2: The Evolution of Social Media and Its Impact on Journalism
3: The Rise of Citizen Journalism in the Age of Social Media
4: Fake News and the Role of Social Media in Its Spread
5: The Challenges of Maintaining Journalism Ethics in the Age of Social Media
6: The Impact of Social Media on News Consumption Habits
7: The Use of Social Media by Journalists for Reporting and Investigative Journalism
8: The Impact of Social Media on the Business of Journalism
9: Social Media and the Future of Journalism
10: Conclusion: The Importance of Collaboration between Social Media and Journalism in the Digital Age

Course Outcomes

After completing the course, you will receive a diploma certificate and an academic transcript from Elearn college.


Each unit concludes with a multiple-choice examination. This exercise will help you recall the major aspects covered in the unit and help you ensure that you have not missed anything important in the unit. The results are readily available, which will help you see your mistakes and look at the topic once again. If the result is satisfactory, it is a green light for you to proceed to the next chapter.


Elearn College is a registered Ed-tech company under the UK Register of Learning( Ref No:10062668). After completing a course, you will be able to download the certificate and the transcript of the course from the website. For the learners who require a hard copy of the certificate and transcript, we will post it for them for an additional charge.

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