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  • Great local services

  • The hub of Bangladeshi community activity for well being of everyone.

  • Very useful and productive youth centre which provide training to local community for many years. Its contribution to community is huge.

  • Also known as CYCD, is a useful centre for local events, children with disability and other similar projects. The staff does not approach to local people but welcomes every local person. Most of the activities are not widely circulated but people share info via emails, word of mouth or through their community in charges. There is another centre like this on other side of ward 'Dallow Community centre' which hosts very useful activities as compare to this CYCD.

  • Having served communities in Luton with a view to promoting social integration for over 3 decades, CYCD is a great venue for community activities, e g. clubs and classes. In addition, the staff are more than helpful and accommodating.