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Selena joy lovett

selena joy lovett

Join my monthly events https://www.patreon.com/moonhealinganddivination [https://www.patreon.com/moonhealinganddivination] My spiritual journey has certainly been a bumpy one but there again, whose hasn’t!! Through these bumps and challenges, I have had to dig deep into my beliefs and search for the answers within.  I was lucky to come across Tarot cards when I was young and I connected so deeply to them. They guided me through many hard decisions and lit up the way forward when I was lost. I found through the cards that I could connect with my higher self and my guides and once I had found the way to do this, I could feel more connected with the world around me and started to trust and have faith in the universe.  I started to look for more ways of going deeper to develop this psychic gift I had, as I felt so drawn to help and guide others. I wanted to share this knowledge that I had—that life didn’t have to be so hard. I wanted to shout from the rooftops that I had found a path forward! A connection that made life easier. I wanted everyone to know and understand that we all have the ability to do this and use the natural gifts that we are born with.   I wanted to share my journey so much that I have co-created a Tarot deck called the Journey to Enlightenment Tarot and wrote a book The Steps to Enlightenment hoping these tools would help guide people through difficult times and realise that they too have this amazing gift to help them through life—we are all intuitive and have the ability to heal we just need to learn how.    I learnt many healing modalities and kept developing my psychic and mediumship skills. After learning from around the world many forms to connect and heal, I started teaching and using these methods to help people. I also discovered on my healing journey that so many issues and imbalances began in the sacred area of the womb where I have spent time exploring and healing. Journeying through ancestral lineage, I released the pain of the loss from losing family. After so long denying my true self and voice, I reconnected to Mother Earth, releasing negative behavioural patterns, releasing pain around trauma and connecting deeply to the wisdom of the womb.    After this incredible transformational journey where I gathered information on how to heal the Divine Feminine, I now share my unique formula for healing using Sacred Symbols, Angel and Reiki energy to heal ancestral lineage, release past traumatic experiences and issues that block people from connecting to their true being. You can book a Womb Healing either privately or join the online monthly Full Moon Womb Healing by getting in touch  I feel my soul’s purpose is to heal people and to help people to be more connected with their intuition. I would love all people to be healed, from their past, from their pain and trauma, and able to live a more peaceful, purposeful life. For people to be open to healing so they are free of self-sabotaging behaviour and negative thoughts. Confident in themselves, losing any preconceived imperfections, and releasing the need for any outside validation.  Secure and aligned so they can focus on the flow and joy of life.  Being open to receiving love.                                          Creating a ripple effect around the world. It is possible for people to be empowered and more connected using the tools we were born with but have forgotten. Learning to heal, allowing time and space to heal, connecting within to receive the guidance needed so life flows more easily. All this is possible and I want to help make this happen. I offer a range of healing and psychic readings to help people live a life in harmony and balance with happiness. My main focus is on leading healing courses to enable others to experience the magic of healing. Spreading the ripple effect. I am a certified Psychic Medium at the school of Lisa Williams. I am a certified Reiki Master, Trance Energy Healer trained in Quantum Healing, Hands of Light, Chakra Balancing & Cleansing, T:I:M:E—Angel Healing, Pendulum, Chios, Karuna Reiki, Shamballa Reiki and has studied Chinese Medicine, Hypnotherapy, EFT, CBT, NPL, Mindfulness & Life Coaching, Yoga Nidra, Moonology and breathwork.   If you feel you need some peace and balance in your life—please contact me to arrange a healing session Have a look at the services I offer the monthly gatherings, Transformational packages. Readings and healings can be custom-made to suit and fulfil your needs. You are not alone—reach out and begin healing  Selena xx WWW.SELENAJOYLOVETT.COM

SAY Women

say women



SAY Women offers safe semi-supported accommodation and emotional support for young women aged 16 to 25 who are survivors of sexual abuse, rape or sexual assault and who are homeless, or threatened with homelessness. SAY Women was established in 1991 in response to CHAR research that found 4 in 10 young women who were homeless had become so due to sexual abuse. The research recognised the complex needs of young women in this position and the high risk of ongoing targeting from perpetrators due to their vulnerable circumstances. We are a charity of women supporting women who are survivors of men’s sexual violence. Using the framework of the Judith Herman model: Establishing Safety, Mourning & Remembering, Reconnection and Move On, we operate the Social Model of support. This concentrates on the experience of abuse as the issue, and recognises that the behaviours that survivors have had to use, such as self-harm and anger, are coping strategies. Collage.jpg Support for the young women is offered in the form of semi-independent living in our Accommodation Project, alongside support to prepare for a more independent lifestyle, as well as looking at the difficulties surrounding their childhood sexual abuse. They work towards moving into their own tenancy, while we offer ongoing support at our Resource Service with emotional and mental health difficulties, plus groupwork, events, activities and help with practical issues. The support we provide is flexible and varies according to what each young woman needs, so she is always in control and can access the service at a pace that suits her.