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3 Courses

Cacao & Breathwork - Facilitating Inner Alchemy


By Wild Power Alchemy

Through Conscious Connected Circular Breathing, we tap into the profound healing potential of your breath to release stress, tension, trauma, and emotional blockages, allowing your body to reconnect with your authentic, loving self.

Cacao & Breathwork - Facilitating Inner Alchemy
Delivered In-Person in Edinburgh2 hours 30 minutes, Jul 28th, 13:00

Harvest of the Heart - Weekend Retreat


By Wild Power Alchemy

Facilitated by Neil and Fionn this 2-day retreat is an opportunity for you to reconnect to the rhythms of the season and harness the potent energy of the budding spring energy, create joy and bring your dreams to life.

Harvest of the Heart - Weekend Retreat
Delivered In-Person in EdinburghFull day, Sept 14th, 08:00 + 1 more

1:1 Shamanic Breathwork Sessions - Facilitating Inner Alchemy


By Wild Power Alchemy

Experience the power of the medicine within.  The power of your breath. Breathwork is a powerful modality to create a deeper connection to your breath and the body’s own natural healing power.  Breathwork offers you a reset button for your nervous system, which creates safety to release old stories and limiting beliefs allowing you to come back into your heart and into a renewed version of yourself. In our lives we have all experienced events that we have not been able to fully process and this stress / trauma / tension becomes stored in our bodies.  This can manifest in physical symptoms, mental and emotional conditions that prevent you from living your life to the fullest.   Rebirthing Breathwork (Conscious Connected Breathwork Practice) helps you to release any stored emotions and trauma to the surface to be released, allowing you to awaken your body rejuvenate your spirit, and reconnect with your authentic self. Many people experience a deep sense of freedom, expansiveness and deep transformation after serveral Rebirthing Sessions (myself included!).  This is a beautiful place starting point for profoun personal growth. One-to-one private sessions are held at my home in a dedicated therapy room and in these sessions, I give you my full and undivided attention, so that you can receive the loving presence and guidance you deserve. Exchange / Introductory Offer: * 2 hour 1:1 Breathwork Sessions:  £66.35 (+booking fee) * 3 x 2 hour 1:1 Breathwork Sessions:  £190.35 (+booking fee) Various dates are available, if none of these are suitable please reach out to discuss alternative dates with me. What to expect: * First Session:  Initial consultation * First Session:  Introduction to Rebirthing Breathwork * 60 Minutes of Rebirthing Breathwork * Drumming and Energy work during the breathwork * Integration and grounding  * Sharing of insights. * Any follow-up exercises depending on your intention. It is recommended that clients have 2-5 sessions to feel the benefits and for deepeer work a series of 10 session every 2-3 weeks is advised. You are the medicine. You have the power to create the life you want and deserve. All you have to do is breathe! Benefits of Breathwork: *     Regulates our nervous systems *     Creates safety in our bodies so we can release old patterning & limiting beliefs *     Shifts old trauma, pain & stagnant energy held in our physical bodies *     Gain clarity on who we are, our purpose and goals *     Balances mind body and soul *     Reduces anxiety, stress, depression and anger *     Helps with depression *     Helps with trauma and post-traumatic stress *     Aids positive self-awareness  *     Improves energy levels & boosts immunity. *     Increases self-esteem, self-awareness and confidence *     Improved deep sleep *     Increased energy levels Your Facilitator: Fionn is a Shamanic Practitioner and her intention is to support deep personal transformation so that we can reclaim our most aligned selves through various practices.  Fionn’s own experience with Breathwork has been life-changing and feels inspired to share the wisdom of the medicine we hold within ourselves.  The power of our breath.   DISCLAIMER By purchasing a ticket to a 1:1 Session with Fionn, you acknowledge you have read the following: Breathwork is a powerful healing modality and although a safe, deeply relaxing and enjoyable process, it can result in certain physiological changes in the body that can produce a mild altered state of consciousness with physical and/or emotional release. It is each participant’s responsibility to listen to their body and look after their own physical, emotional and mental well-being as well as be mindful of their own capabilities and act accordingly.  Please be aware that sessions can produce tingling of the hands, face or feet and emotional experiences like crying, trembling, laughing or screaming with excessive energy moving through your body. As a precaution, the following conditions are contraindicated for anyone thinking of practising this style of Breathwork: •    Pregnancy  •    Detached Retina or Glaucoma •    Recent Surgery •    High Blood Pressure (not controlled with medication) •    Cardiovascular disease including angina, previous heart attack or stroke. •    Diagnosis of aneurysm in the brain or abdomen •    Uncontrolled thyroid conditions and diabetes •    Respiratory Issues / Asthma  •    Epilepsy •    Prior diagnosis of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or previous psychiatric condition. •    Hospitalisation for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis within the last 10 years. Any other medical, psychiatric or physical conditions which would impair or affect the ability to engage in any activities that involve intense physical and/or emotional release. It is crucial that you consult your healthcare provider before engaging in an active breathwork practice if you are unsure if it is a suitable practice for you.

1:1 Shamanic Breathwork Sessions - Facilitating Inner Alchemy
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

Educators matching "Rebirthing"

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Deborah Maddison, Healing Space

deborah maddison, healing space


My name is Deborah Maddison and it’s my privilege to teach and facilitate the empowering, embodying practices of TRE® and Breathwork. They can release old patterns of stress, tension, anxiety, trauma and pain. It's incredible to watch clients freeing themselves and experiencing new levels of aliveness. I live in Radstock with my husband and two teenage sons. I mostly practice in Bath, Radstock and Somerset. My degree was from the University of Oxford (I started studying physics, but then migrated to PPE). After a year of travelling, I joined the Royal Navy as an officer, but in 1999 after 7 years of service, I was medically retired due to stress, aged just 29. Despite also being a fitness & martial arts instructor, I was unable to continue for some time. Life was clearly asking something new of me, and I started a long journey to find wellness. Having experienced almost every symptom possible, related to Chronic Fatigue, Anxiety, Stress, Depression and PTSD, I can truly empathise with my clients' experiences. After having my children, I trained to lead children's yoga based adventures, before training in Reiki, Lomi Lomi Massage, Group Facilitation, TRE® and Breathwork ... I have learnt many practices on the path to wellness. Here at Healing Space I offer some of those that I have found to be effective, mindful, empowering, and truly supportive to well being. These therapies can support us in taking responsibility for our own healing journey... TRE® (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) Integrative Breathwork (Rebirthing) These are Empowering somatic practices that can be used in daily life and in moments of need

Benjamin Tree

benjamin tree

Hi, my name’s Benjamin. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me and my work. I have been actively engaged in the field of health and wellbeing for over 20 years. In my teens, I was attuned to Reiki, and since then I have worked with various therapeutic modalities including; Nutrition, Massage, Reflexology, Yoga, Chi Gong, Meditation, Shamanic Healing, Theta Healing, Sekhem, Breathwork, Embodiment, and Coaching. I combine my experience and understanding of all these modalities in my present work. My initiation into the depths of life began as a teenager being alongside my mum whilst she journeyed with a chronic illness that eventually took her life. This was a powerful time and it was my wake-up call to the realities of life and death. Since then supporting awakening, healing, and transformation for myself and others has become my life’s mission. I have been very fortunate to travel the world and train in a diverse range of modalities with inspiring teachers. My offerings are a synthesis of all I‘ve learned and the practices that have empowered me. I know everyone has their own unique set of challenges and gifts and my passion is to support people to find the ways that best support them by connecting with their own deep inner knowing and combining the best of ancient and modern wisdom. I received my Reiki Level one initiation when I was 19 years old, which opened up my energy pathways and enhanced my awareness of healing energies as well as my practice of Yoga & Chi Gong that I’d been doing for many years. In my early 20’s I traveled to India, Canada, USA, and Mexico where I studied Ayurvedic Massage and Shamanic healing techniques. I also met and was inspired by many wise beings including his holiness the Dali Lama at his temple in Dharamsala. In 2005, when I was 25, I qualified as a Rebirthing Breathworker after training with Leonard Orr, the founder, in the USA. I then continued my studies and travels in Europe, Russia, and Turkey until eventually settling back in the UK in 2012. In 2013 trained with Ya’Acov and Susannah Darling Khan, the founders of The School of Movement Medicine. I qualified as a Movement Medicine Teacher and Facilitator in 2019. During this time I also trained as a Steiner teacher and outdoor educator as I have a deep calling to serve young people and their connection with nature. In 2020 I joined together my work with Rebirthing Breathwork and Movement Medicine to create the modality that I now work with called Embodied Breathwork. At the heart of my work, is a trust in the power of these intentional healing practices of breathwork and movement, to re-connect us to our true nature; to bring alive the light of our beings, and wake us up to live our full potential and bring our gifts to the world.

Purnima Bodywork Therapies

purnima bodywork therapies



Purnima is committed with Kusum Modak legacy. The India master created her Modak Institute(MI) to unify, preserve her teaching to future generations. Purnima is looking after the MI Institutional Directory & Treasury department. Trainings are happening in Brazil, UK, and India.  It's a professional training to everyone who wants a new carrier, with freedom to create your own agenda, delivering a meaning service to enhance people life. This official training offers 80 hours classroom, plus 4 hours complementary activities, 11 hours for case studies practice.                                               >>> KMM Training by Purnima Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/kmmtrainingbypurnima?igsh=MWFicmRhcDU4bDMyYQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr] <<< Purnima is the founder of Rebirthing Club of London. The Conscious Breathing Therapy happens during Purnima's UK season in Camberwell.                                                      >>> Rebirthing Club 2024 [https://rebirthingclub2024.eventbrite.co.uk/] <<< Purnima also shares her knowledge through shamanic retreats, honouring the native Brazilian linage. This year she is working in collaboration with Suraia Taha at " Healing with the Ancestors" in Dorset, UK.                                                  >>> Healing with the Ancestors [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/healing-with-the-ancestors-tickets-883374325387?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl] <<<