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46 Courses

Mindfulness Mornings for Wellbeing (Thursday Group)


By Inner Focus Limited

New for Spring 2024! Mindfulness Mornings for Wellbeing at Inner Focus Limited in Long Stratton, Norfolk. 6-week courses starting on 18th April and 6th June. Small groups of 6 participants. Claim 25% off until 31st May 2024 with promo code 'Spring24'.

Mindfulness Mornings for Wellbeing (Thursday Group)
Delivered In-Person in Long Stratton1 hour, Jul 11th, 10:30

Zen Yoga, Thursdays 10am (IN-PERSON)

By Mark Westmoquette

Join Mark on Thursday mornings to move, explore, and wake up to your true nature. Mark's classes are all about re-connecting the body and mind in order to find a sense of health, integration, freedom and kindness. Most of the time his classes are based around the seasons, since the Zen energy system is very connected to the time of year and changing seasons.

Zen Yoga, Thursdays 10am (IN-PERSON)
Delivered In-Person in London1 hour, Jul 18th, 09:00 + 6 more

Leading with Kindness: Fundamentals - Why Lead with Kindness?


By Chart Learning Solutions

Leading with kindness is a fundamental aspect of effective leadership in the business world. However, many individuals face challenges in understanding and implementing this approach. The problems people encounter include misconceptions about kindness being a sign of weakness, difficulty in balancing kindness with assertiveness, and uncertainty about how to cultivate a kind and inclusive work environment. This training program aims to address these issues by providing insights into the significance of leading with kindness, strategies for integrating it into leadership practices, and practical tips for creating a workplace that values empathy, compassion, and collaboration. LEARNING OBJECTIVES The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Define the main components of leading with kindness Kind leadership impact: self-awareness, empathy & mindset Identify the benefits of leading with kindness for high performance Understand the connection between productivity and kind leadership Identify leaders who role-model kind leadership TARGET AUDIENCE Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals

Leading with Kindness: Fundamentals - Why Lead with Kindness?
Delivered Online On Demand

Zen Yoga, Thursdays 10am (ONLINE)

By Mark Westmoquette

Join Mark on Thursday mornings to move, explore, and wake up to your true nature. Mark's classes are all about re-connecting the body and mind in order to find a sense of health, integration, freedom and kindness. Most of the time his classes are based around the seasons, since the Chinese energy system is very connected to the time of year and changing seasons.

Zen Yoga, Thursdays 10am (ONLINE)
Delivered Online1 hour, Jul 18th, 09:00 + 6 more

Leading with Kindness: Purposeful Communication


By Chart Learning Solutions

Discover compassionate and effective communication within leadership roles. This involves utilizing communication strategies that prioritize empathy, transparency, and active listening to build trust and understanding among team members. By prioritizing kindness in interactions, acknowledging diverse perspectives, and providing clear and respectful feedback, the goal is to cultivate strong relationships, enhance collaboration, and inspire a shared sense of purpose among team members. LEARNING OBJECTIVES The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Understand the elements that make effective communication work Identify the top three communication skills for leading with kindness Develop listening skills for kind leaders Practice effective feedback skills Prepare to speak with impact TARGET AUDIENCE Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals

Leading with Kindness: Purposeful Communication
Delivered Online On Demand

Building Self-kindness - Acceptance

By Happy Human Training

Wanna learn something simple yet so amazing that it's going to blow your mind? Good, because this little workshop's a gem. Join Happy Human Training's Cami Rose as she shares her decades of experience as a counsellor and coach with an introduction to the power of noticing and the crucial role it can play in helping us better manage our day to day stresses, challenges and relationships.

Building Self-kindness - Acceptance
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Leading with Kindness: Focus on Holistic Well-Being


By Chart Learning Solutions

In the fast-paced and often stressful world of business, one common challenge that people face is neglecting their holistic well-being. The pressures of work can lead to physical, mental, and emotional burnout, impacting not only the individual's health but also their productivity and overall performance. Participants will learn how prioritizing their well-being not only benefits them personally but also contributes to a more positive and productive work environment. This training provides valuable insights and strategies for leading with kindness towards oneself and others. LEARNING OBJECTIVES The following are some of the key outcomes in this course: Analyze the connection between well-being and leading with kindness Identify the benefits of a holistic well-being dimension Apply well-being initiatives as part of a regular kind leadership practice Build trust and psychological safety TARGET AUDIENCE Managers, Team Leaders, Young Professionals

Leading with Kindness: Focus on Holistic Well-Being
Delivered Online On Demand

Zen Compassion Meditation - The heart of loving-kindness


By Create Harmony

Discover the ‘Shimuryo Zammai’ practices – the four limitless meditations. These practices offer a kinder and more compassionate way to live in the world, to be more loving, joyful, peaceful and compassionate towards ourselves and others.

Zen Compassion Meditation - The heart of loving-kindness
Delivered Online On Demand

Live, Love, Parent. A Guide To Smiling Through The Challenges And Enjoying Your Family Time.

By Happy Human Training

A workshop for parents about their experience of parenting. A chance to press pause and reflect, share and laugh whilst re-connecting with what it's all about and what really matters. No advice, just support and care for those on the journey.

Live, Love, Parent. A Guide To Smiling Through The Challenges And Enjoying Your Family Time.
Delivered Online45 minutes, Jul 22nd, 17:30 + 1 more

Complete Compassion - Zen Meditation Workshop


By Create Harmony

A meditation and mindful movement workshop exploring the four boundless meditations of loving-kindness, compassion, joy and peace, along with some other meditations and contemplations to bring these positive qualities to life.

Complete Compassion - Zen Meditation Workshop
Delivered Online On Demand

Educators matching "Kindness"

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