8294 Educators providing Courses

Spectacular Woman

spectacular woman

I am Victoria Griffith and I wanted to share my excitement about this forum for women and to also let you know a little bit about myself so that you realize that I understand where you are coming from. I am one of you. As a domestic violence survivor, I went through the mental and physical challenges that each of us go through and my struggle took me to the dark places. As a teenager, I felt that sense of disconnect and doubt but my journey led me to the other side where I was able to overcome and heal. My goal is to let you know that there is hope and through patience and focus, you can believe in yourself, let go of self-doubt and take charge of your life again. Working together, I will take your hand and walk you through the process of releasing the fears and insecurities and begin the discovery of awakening your confidence and passion again. I believe that you deserve to be empowered and I can show you the path that can take you there. I will not let you down in your faith and trust in me. I am a mother, transformational life skills strategist, author, consultant, inspirational speaker, survivor of domestic violence, school governor and founder and CEO of Spectacular Woman. My personal road has led me to that sense of well-being and I have found my purpose. Working with women within these realms, I have seen wonderful things happen. Many have escaped the barriers to become the incredible individuals that they were meant to be, achieving their dreams, moving forward with promotions, careers and love. I created Spectacular Woman as a combination safe place, with carefully crafted inspirational and empowering networks and programs. Our shared experiences have given me the chance to see that many have limited beliefs and lack self-worth and confidence. My mission is to unlock as well as unblock these limitations so that you become energized in your life and take the action steps that will give you the ability to fulfill your complete potential. As a result of the many relationships and successes, I established the Spectacular Woman Club. This is a shared place where everyone feels safe, secure, and supported as they make their personal journeys. Our club amplifies, transforms and equips each woman so that they feel empowered to make the changes they want in their lives to achieve their ultimate goals for every life aspect. I have devoted many years working as a lecturer of Social Policy in the secondary school and further education system areas. Having spent thirteen years in the Criminal Justice System, including the Youth Offending Team, I have a unique perspective as well as compassion. I was privileged to work with the Women’s Victim Support Unit, working closely with women who were victims of domestic violence. In my local community, I organized conferences on domestic violence and also facilitated parenting support for parents with challenging teenagers. This background allowed me to develop and deliver the Live Wise TeenDV SRE Preventative Program for Teenagers on the topic of healthy relationships in secondary schools and within my local community.

Little Hurrahs

little hurrahs

Little Hurrahs has been teaching BSL-based Baby and Toddler sign for over 5 years, working with families, carers, Pre-school and Nursery Setting and many other groups and organisations. Little Hurrahs is the Brain Child of Jo Emmerson. Now a mum of two, I have worked in all kinds of roles, from PR Director to Housing Manager, from Weight Loss Consultant to Quality Control in a Chocolate Factory, and more recently as both student and teacher of British Sign Language. My love of BSL started five years ago when we started taking BSL-based baby signing with our 6-month-old son. I utterly fell in love with how transformative it was. The gift of being able to communicate meaningfully with this small shouty human was mindblowing. It completely changed my experience of parenting, gave me the tools and techniques to begin to bond with the little squish, and start to trust my instincts. Fast forward a few years and my son was diagnosed with bilateral middle ear effusion (or 'Glue Ear' as it's commonly known) and he has significant hearing loss in both ears. Without his bone-conduction hearing aid, his hearing is similar to putting your fingers in your ears and putting your head underwater. Thankfully, we've been signing with him for years now. This diagnosis prompted me to move my BSL forward, completing Level 2 during Lockdowns in 2021 and completing my Level 3 in 2022, with a plan to start my training to become an n interpreter and gain my Level 6 qualification from 2023. It has also changed the focus of my work, moving me away from solely working with babies and toddlers to working with nurseries, schools, and colleges as well as parents with D/deaf and Hearing Impaired children. I am also pretty active in my local D/deaf community, volunteering and socializing - I'm proud of my signing son, and I want him to grow up feeling proud to be part of the BSL community. I now work directly with parents and carers, teachers, school staff, and children, delivering a range of courses, from self-led 90-day courses for parents, carers and EYFS settings, to School-year based 'train the trainer' online courses for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. These courses are primarily delivered online and are designed to ensure that my students get real, impactful results that can be measured informally, either through improved communication and understanding in the home or through in-class monitoring to ensure children meet formal education goals and expectations. I am also working with a Primary School to develop a new course, enabling staff and pupils to meet the Progression Steps for BSL as an International Language under the new Curriculum for Wales. I LOVE my job, and I will happily talk about it until the cows come home, so if you're interested in what I do, or would like to know if I can help you, your family, or your organisation in some way, then get in touch.

Mark Taylor Support

mark taylor support


Taylor Support is a provider of specialist support for children, young people and adults with a disability in Telford and the surrounding areas. We are dedicated to working closely with service users and their families to provide highly personalised, flexible, safe, outcome-based support. We will support service users to access new experiences, learn new skills, access social interaction opportunities and increase confidence, all while promoting free choice and independence. We aim to provide services such as but not restricted to; 1:1 Support & 2:1 Support – support to access social activities, education settings and more…. Flexible service user led Small Group Support i.e. 4 services users: 2 support workers – promoting social interactions while exploring new experiences in the community. Jumpin’ Wednesdays @ Airea51 – Group sessions to a maximum of 8 service users with supervision, 1:1 and 2:1 support options. Local Activity Based Overnight Residential Opportunities – minimum 16hrs personalised, activity-based support programmes including an overnight stay within the Telford Area. Weekend Residential Opportunities – 48hrs weekend residential trips with venues to include Pioneer Centre @ Cleobury Mortimer, Alton Towers Resort and Chester City Break (including Chester Zoo visit and more). Life Skills Project – Small group Life Skills Project to focus on individual needs whilst developing independence through lifelong learning and community integration. Alternative Education based support programmes. We are also keen to work with services users and families to offer new, bespoke support packages, individually designed using a person-centred approach. These packages will aim to challenge the status quo and offer new exciting options to meet service user needs and respond to identified gaps in service. Taylor Support is led by Mark Taylor and Holly Taylor. Mark Taylor has over 17 years of experience working within this speciality. Previous roles involved successfully managing a highly regarded service for children and young people with a disability aged 3-25yrs within Telford as part of Telford and Wrekin Council’s Ican2 short breaks provision. Holly Taylor has over 14 years of experience working within the education and social care sector. 7 years specifically managing social care provisions for Children and Adults with additional needs. Qualified with a BA hons degree and Early Years Professional Status (level 6), Previous roles include working in Early years provisions, mainstream school support, family support worker, case worker and now as proud Co-Owner and Director of Service Delivery of Taylor Support. Holly is the registered CQC manager and Safeguarding trainer. Holly feels that through the varied roles she has carried out, in particular supporting families to best meet needs, leading on reviews, EHCP meetings, liaising with professionals, to being the service lead locally for the short breaks activity offer for children and young adults with additional and complex needs provides her with a holistic view and experience to best support the business. Holly loves her role now managing a company focused on providing bespoke and personalized support for vulnerable children, young people, adults and families as well as maintaining direct face to face work to ensure the service meets the needs of the people they provide a service for.

Ifsa Uk

ifsa uk


The International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) of Singapore is pleased to announce the establishment of its UK Chapter in London on 20th October 2021. The IFSA is a non-profit organisation that was founded in Singapore on May 8th 2004 by a passionate community of Feng Shui masters, practitioner, academics, and other experts in Chinese metaphysics. Its aim is to assist the global cultivation, awareness and appreciation of traditional Chinese Feng Shui and to foster the highest standards of competence and practice within this industry. The IFSA also aims to assist all traditional Feng Shui Practitioners, by engaging in various events and educational activities designed to promote to traditional Chinese. The benefits of being a member include: a. Membership of a reliable organisation headed by no less than 4 Feng Shui Grandmasters (GM Tan Khoon Yong, GM Vincent Koh, GM Raymond Lo, GM Dr Stephen Skinner). b. Access to an online Facebook closed group that allows you to ask questions (at whatever level) and to receive answers from acknowledged Masters. c. Access to friendship and community, with other members with the same interests in Feng Shui, Bazi, Qi men dun jia, Yi Jing, XKDG, etc. d. Regular online catch ups/ F2F meets when Covid is no longer an issue. e. Availability of specialist classes (online and otherwise at additional fees) designed to enhance your existing feng shui skills. f. Reduced rates at the annual International Feng Shui Convention (this year to be held online on 6th-7th November, with specialist classes on 5th and 8th November) g. Discounted purchase of the first luopan that is accompanied by a manual giving full details of method of use for every ring, authored by GM Dr Stephen Skinner and Master Dr Jin Peh. And for those practicing feng shui as a business: h. Certification when certain levels of competence are reached, which can then be displayed in your office. i. Access to very inexpensive Professional Indemnity insurance, The membership base of the IFSA encompasses much of the globe with Chapters in Australia, Singapore, US, Japan, Poland, Mauritius, Romania, and now the UK, with many members in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Estonia, France, Greece, Mexico, Germany, Dubai, India, and Indonesia, making the IFSA a truly International Feng Shui Association. The pro-tem Committee of Management for IFSA UK includes Grand Master Dr Stephen Skinner, Master Tony Holdsworth, Master Richard Ashworth, Victoria Michaelides (aka Victoria Mohajerin),and Navaneeta Das, with Master Dr Jin Peh and Master Janene Laird as Honorary Committee. Members.Membership is divided into: Affiliate (students and enthusiasts) Associate with at least 1 year of practice, (and maybe posting feng shui articles or selling feng shui books/courses, etc.) Full Professional (at least 3 years of practice), and Corporate members (retail companies offering professional feng shui consultations, and maybe feng shui articles/books/courses, etc. Corporate fees will include 1 free ad on the IFSA-UK website and their Facebook page). If you wish to find out more about IFSA UK and its many benefits, then please visit our website at IFSA-UK.ORG. Or to join us today, at Associate or higher level, click on https://ifsa-uk.org/membership-join/?member_level=Associate.

Weald Coaching

weald coaching


We want as many kids to experience cricket as possible and, ultimately, go on play cricket as adults. In between, that means we have to develop a culture of excellence in building participation through mass outreach, working with local schools and the community, inspiring a lifelong love of cricket by identifying and nurturing talents and enabling the kids to develop as far as they can. By enjoying what they do and having fun. We have a track record of doing that over 15 years at Staplehurst Cricket & Tennis Club. Now, as Weald Coaching, we are commiting all our time and energies to building on it. We are intent on creating a series of programmes that cater appropriately for every child, whatever their current level of cricket capability, from complete beginner to high performance athlete. And attracting the dedicated resources and coaching capacity for that to happen. But it also means doing some things differently. Our approach pre-dated the development of ECB national programmes and we think we have more experience and knowledge to deliver an all round offer to kids at the youngest ages without the constraints of weekly coaching schedules and some session plans which ignore the kids’ levels of awareness of what cricket is. Similarly, we have created a competitive cricket offer at ages 8 through to 16 which accommodates the kids’ capabilities, not simply their age. Where the emphasis is on participation and development and not the strongest cricketers or simply winning. Yet, we intend delivering more appropriate playing opportunities, week-on-week, than has been possible previously.