710 Educators providing Courses

The Old School Day Nursery & Pre-school

the old school day nursery & pre-school


The Old School Day Nursery in Nuneaton is part of the award-winning Tommies Childcare group. Enquire now for more information and availability.We stand with parents in raising well-balanced, happy and self-assured young people by investing time, care and resources in their well-being and development. 2. NURTURE A CREATIVE ENVIRONMENT We allow young minds the freedom to explore and discover in a safe, stable and nurturing environment, creating resourceful adults able to reason, respond to and influence their world. Recognise and celebrate individuality, where each child is valued for their uniqueness and distinctive strengths and taught to value and respect differences and diversity in others. 3. SUPPORT YOUR CHILD’S INDIVIDUALITY AND CONFIDENCE Foster a sense of self-worth from an early age, developing confidence and resilience in children that will enable them to withstand and overcome challenges as they grow. Encourage positive interaction and communication, building children’s’ understanding of friendship, co-operation and respect for others in wider society and promoting a sense of belonging. Boost independence, giving children the tools to become self-sufficient citizens in their community. 4. GUARANTEE OUR EMPLOYEES ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST We offer peace of mind that your child is in the best hands, providing the personal attention and nurturing environment of home underpinned by professional expertise and a genuine passion for inspiring children. We provide the best mentors and guides for your children, investing in staff who understand this is more than a job and are excited to help shape our next generation. OUR STORY… In 1998, Tommies owner/CEO, Caroline, had twin daughters who were attending a local pre-school. It was struggling financially and due to close as a result, but she was on the parents’ forum and became aware of the situation. Not wanting to see the pre-school that her family attended and loved, fail, she made an offer to buy the business. Caroline was able to save it and make it sustainable again. Since then Tommies has grown and developed considerably. We currently have eight day nurseries located across the West Midlands, Warwickshire, and Derby. At Tommies, our ethos has moved towards having a strong focus on the wellbeing of our staff as well as the children in our care. We’re extremely proud that Tommies has its own personality and its own way of doing things. It makes us unique, trusted, and the #1 choice for so many families. AWARD-WINNING PROVISION For three consecutive years, Tommies Childcare has received an award for being a Top 20 Most Recommended Mid-Size Nursery Provider in the UK, as reviewed by parents on daynurseries.co.uk. “Tommies Childcare has shown that it delivers excellent early education throughout its nurseries and we’d like to congratulate them on being a top nursery group, as rated by parents. We feel it is a real achievement to be recognised for being in the Top 20 nursery groups by the families and carers of the children.” Davina Ludlow, Director of daynurseries.co.uk In 2019, Tommies Childcare has received the 3 Star Best Companies Accreditation and was listed in the Best Companies to Work For lists. Tommies have also successfully maintained their 3 Star Best Companies Accreditation and place in the lists every year since 2019. “I would like to congratulate Tommies Childcare on your achievement. Best Companies have been producing the accreditation standard since 2006 to acknowledge excellence in the workplace. Organisations like Tommies Childcare have continued to focus on their employees and have been rewarded with an engaged workforce who tell us that this is a best company to work for.” Jonathan Austin, CEO & Founder of Best Companies

The Socent Connection

the socent connection


Our mission is to promote social enterprise to people and give them the opportunity to connect with the many amazing companies within the sector. We want to inspire the next generation of change makers, whether as consumers, employees or entrepreneurs. Commited to Growth 100 % Passionate 100 % Friendly 100 % The Founders Story Meet Anthony Veluz The journey so far… Summer 2012- National Citizen Service EBP My social enterprise journey started in 2012. At the end of my Law and Business degree, I worked as a Mentor on the National Citizen Service (NCS) for their summer programme. I supported and coached a group of young people, through a programme of personal and social development, which culminated in a social action project in their local area. This programme consisted of team-building activities at an outdoor activity centre and skills development week at a University. For social action, my group carried out a project in their local community, providing a positive impact. Although NCS encompasses social impact, I wasn’t aware of social enterprise at the time. I didn’t even realise that the NCS provider I was working for, The Education Business Partnership (EBP), was a social enterprise themselves. It was only during the following year that I realised EBP were a social enterprise. I worked for them on NCS as a mentor across 13 different programmes over the years. 2013 – Elephant Branded It was during my Masters that I came across Elephant Branded, the first social enterprise I actually knew about! I had an interest in ‘good business’ and it was whilst I was watching ‘Be your own Boss’ on BBC3 that I discovered Elephant Branded. They make these amazing products out of recycled material, which in turn funds school kits in Africa and Asia. They also support the communities who make these products. I researched them online and discovered they had a student rep program. This is where the journey began. I started doing events on campus such as talks, lectures, pop-up stands, promoting Elephant Branded online and offline. This caught the eye of James Boon, Elephant Branded’s founder who offered me further opportunities across the country. Opening doors to lectures, talks, workshops and events in places such as Nottingham, Boston, Cardiff, Surrey and London. I really enjoyed what I was doing. I was able to meet many other social enterprises at events and learn more about social business. I gained new contacts, new skills and newfound confidence. Working For Other Social Enterprises Elephant Branded got the ball rolling. Other social enterprises were seeing what I was doing which led to me promoting them. I started working for GiveMeTap and LSTN Sound Co in addition to Elephant Branded. The skills I obtained with Elephant Branded were transferred to my newly appointed roles. I was offered a unique opportunity to represent all three social enterprises on the NCS programme, which I had previously mentored on. I delivered the Business Challenge on NCS across the East Midlands and Yorkshire, representing Elephant Branded, GiveMeTap and LSTN. It was The Apprentice meets Social Enterprise meets NCS. I had great fun promoting social enterprise to the young people on NCS. The challenge encouraged them to think about social enterprise ideas in their local areas and pitching new business ideas. During Global Entrepreneurship Week, again I represented all three social enterprises at an event hosted by Enterprise Zone and UnLtd at Boston College, celebrating social enterprise, Go Social. It was at this event I met people from UnLtd and discovered they funded social enterprises. I looked into this and eventually pitched for both pre-start-up funding and start-up funding. In between, I also successfully pitched for start-up funding from my University in Lincoln, leading to the next piece of the puzzle, setting up The Socent Connection.

International Academy Of Chinese Culinary Arts

international academy of chinese culinary arts


Founded in 2019, The International Academy of Chinese Culinary Arts provides expertise and insight on good practice, education, and development issues within the Chinese food related industry in the UK. Its International Chefs Academy offers International Programmes, Professional Programmes, and Continuing Professional Development Programmes aiming to nurture intellectual and professional competencies of our learners to meet the industry's demand for a new generation of chefs with multi-culinary and management skills, as well as professional mindset and work attitude. IACCA also provides bespoke professional consultancy services to businesses and educational resources to training providers, who are wishing to deliver professional chefs’ or hospitality management programmes within Chinese Culinary Arts IACCA CULTURE Vision: To be the Global Leader of Chinese Culinary Arts education and development. Mission: We set and maintain professional standards for Chinese culinary practitioners and driving positive change in Chinese food related industry Core Values Creating experiences driven by quality and authenticity is at the centre of all we do Committed to our people by developing their competences and capacity We grow our business sustainably and profitably We continue to improve through innovation and technology We contribute back to our communities IACCA TIMELINE 2016 A group of 5 experienced practitioners in the UK’s vocational related education sector founded PAM Education Consultancy Services Ltd. As an independent education solution provider with the main objective of bridging the gap between vocational education and industry development and employability skills. Pam Education ensures that learners are not only vocationally competent but employment ready. PAM Education officially established its strategic partnership with Tianjin Economics and Trade School (then the Tianjin No. 2 School of Commerce & Tianjin School of Cuisine) to bring authentic Chinese culinary arts training and education onto the global stage. 2017 The partnership has successfully obtained funding from Tianjin Municipal Education Commission under the Lu Ban Workshop Project to establish education and training centre in the UK for Chinese Culinary Arts, to develop fully regulated qualifications and the associated learning resources in English. In May, the first Lu Ban Workshop in Europe was opened at Chichester College (CC). Officials from the Tianjin Education Commission, Senior management from PAM, TES, and CC were participated in the opening ceremony. 2018 In April, the first and only UK fully regulated Level 3 Diploma in Chinese Culinary was approved by PAM Education’s awarding Body - Qualifi and appeared on the Regulated Qualification Framework. In October, PAM Education offered 10 scholarships to prototype the L3 Diploma course with Chichester College Group. Most learners reported to have benefited from the course professionally. 2019 In Early January, PAM-TES collaboration continued to flourish. Witnessed by the senior management team of the Tianjin Food Group, PAM Education and TES signed a MoU to develop a restaurant and international training centre at the iconic building of Cains Brewery in the heart of Liverpool’s vibrant Baltic Triangle. On 31st January, PAM sponsored Chinese Culinary Arts students were given the opportunity of a lifetime when they cooked for Number 10 Downing Street and the Rt Hon Theresa May at the 2019 Chinese New Year Reception. With 150 people attending the event, the students excelled in cooking a variety of canapés alongside four prestigious Chinese master chefs, flown in to help prepare for the event. In February, built on the success, PAM created IACCA, aspired to be the global leader of high quality and authentic Chinese Culinary Arts education and development. In July, the Level 2 Certificate in Chinese Culinary Art was approved In October, the Level 4 Diploma in Chinese Culinary Management was approved In November, Lu Ban Restaurant and Training Centre Liverpool was launched, which have not only brought premium Chinese cuisine and dining experience to Liverpool but also provide the state of art learning venue and work placement opportunities to Chinese culinary lovers. BBC North West and the BBC the One Show have reported on the ground-breaking Chinese cuisine experience that the Lu Ban academy and the IACCA training centre offers. 2020 In January, IACCA was named finalists in the Education Link Awards at the Department for International Trade, North West England Greater China Awards Ceremony. In July, IACCA initiated the Master Chef Programme together with TES. In August, IACCA launched its first two programmes of study to the International market.

peopleknd (HORA HR and Recruitment)

peopleknd (hora hr and recruitment)


I’m Sarah Jo. Welcome to peopleknd. peopleknd. helps organisations like yours to grow through their people. peopleknd. was born out of my passion for improving lives and organisations by working with people in their workplace. I am an HR and People & Culture expert who supports SMEs on people matters. I am an HR and People & Culture lecturer who supports the next generation of people professionals. Being a practitioner and an academic helps me to support you by keeping my practices up to date with the latest HR and People & Culture research, continuously learning from HR and People & Culture practice and theory. I strongly believe that Knowledge for Action is the best way forward rather than knowledge for the sake of knowledge. Practice without the latest knowledge misses crucial developments in the field. I also enjoy speaking and writing on key HR matters and, currently, I am writing the HR column of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry‘s Business Magazine. Here are my latest two articles – Five ways to overcome the current skills shortage & Is the four-day week the future of work? During the years I’ve often been asked ‘What kind of people do you want in your organisation? The Ambitious, the Hard-working, the Self-motivated, the Reliable, the Communicator, the Self-starter, the Passionate, or the Committed?‘ My answer? The People kind. All of the above and a lot more. Organisations succeed when they understand that their people have good days – days when they are the Self-motivated, the Ambitious and the Self-starter – but there are also days when they are the Tired, the Stressed, or the Challenging. We, at peopleknd., acknowledge people’s good days and bad days, understand that none of us can perform at our best every day, celebrate successes and give support when needed. peopleknd. was born to celebrate people and organisations. To help you nurture a happy workplace. To support your organisation during good times and bad times. To help your organisation transform and grow. We offer expert HR advice on key people matters. We train. We mediate. We conduct research on key HR and People & Culture matters. We care about your people and organisation. We strive to build relationships and trust with you and your people, to support your efforts to increase staff engagement, to create a working environment that nurtures learning and development and improves performance, to help you attract and retain talent, and to make sure your business and staff are guided by up-to-date policies and procedures tailored for you. The world is changing at a fast pace. Mankind is changing its way of working. ‘Mankind’ is changing. The future is People. ‘Mankind’ becomes ‘peoplekind’. Change is inevitable, but you choose how to react to change and get your organisation where you want it to be to accomplish the vision you have for it. I believe in simple things. Through my work I’ve understood one simple thing that stays at the core of organisational transformation. Treat people like people and they will be happier. Happy people, better organisations. I am looking forward to meeting you and your people.

Early Intervention Aberdeen

early intervention aberdeen


Lara Goldie is a dedicated and passionate Speech and Language Therapist and mother to 4 young children. She has a BS in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, and a Master's Degree in Communication Disorders and she is fully certified in the United Kingdom and the United States (CCC-SLP, MRCSLT, and HCPC-cert) and has 12 years of post graduate experience. Lara has worked in a variety of settings including Early Intervention, hospitals, Schools and voice clinics. She is skilled at treating a wide range of speech, language and voice disorders. Lara has worked extremely hard in her education and training in order to understand communication difficulties and to know the most efficient way to treat them. She is committed to providing current, research-based, and effective treatment and it brings great satisfaction for her to be a part of someone's journey to improve. linda Linda Lumsden is a local business woman and mother to 4 children, she became one of the United Kingdom’s youngest entrepreneurs, at the age of 18 with the assistance of the Princes Scottish youth business trust. She has owned and operated her businesses for over 21 years. In the late 1990s - early 2000s, She was one of three entrepreneurs involved in a Scottish government initiative “Think Business” which was part of the secondary education curriculum to inspire the next generation of Scottish entrepreneurs. Linda has a BA (Hons) degree in Law and Management and various SVQs and HND units in Business, Law and Childcare, She recently completed a Post Graduate certificate in Autism and Practice and is currently in her final year studying a Masters in Education at The University of Aberdeen. Her final research project is focussed on Pathalogical Demand Avoidance (PDA). Linda was deprived of schooling at the age of 14, when she was failed by the education system. She also has vast experience navigating the local authorities social care system following her brothers aquired brain damage. One of Lindas sons is twice exceptional and has an Autism Spectrum Condition diagnosis. His progress since working with Lara at the age of two has been phenomenal. The lack of funded support and services offered to improve the life chances of neurodivergent children, particulary those considered to be at the high functioning end of the spectrum, has given her the determination to help empower other families in similar circumstances. amanda Amanda Nicolson is a dedicated and passionate Social Care Professional with substantial experience at senior management level and comes with a proven track record managing large services and staff teams. Amanda started her career in care homes for the elderly as a Carer. She also has vast experience working with various vulnerable groups including children and adults with learning disabilities, the elderly and those with mental health challenges. Amanda is passionate about quality service provision, social justice and meaningful inclusion. Amanda met Linda while they were both studying at university. They both believe that everyone can flourish if they are given the support and resources to access the same opportunities that many of us can take for granted. Amanda has a BA (Hons) degree in Law and Management where she opted for modules that were relevant to her work experience including Child Care Law. She also has various SVQs and HND units in Business, Law, Health and Social Care. Amanda is currently studying several courses covering health and wellbeing topics at the Open University. Michelle Blake is a self-employed neurodivergent counsellor/coach with extensive experience working with neurodiversity. Michelle has lived experience of being both Autistic and ADHD as well as having children who are Autistic, ADHD, Dyslexic, and hearing impaired as well as a deep theoretical understanding of both ASD and ADHD. Michelle’s professional background includes working as a counsellor/coach primarily within educational settings specifically working with students who are neurodivergent. In 2013 she co-founded a Social Enterprise Company specialising in delivering Ecotherapy projects outdoors, supporting neurodivergent clients to access green space. The projects developed through Michelle’s love of research when she identified that ‘those who are more active in natural spaces have a greater sense of wellbeing and have lower rates of depression and anxiety (www.mind.org.uk/ecominds). All her work centres around her core passion for supporting and advocating on behalf of neurodivergent individuals and their right to be included. Michelle has an Honours Degree in Person-Centred Counselling as well as being a qualified Clinical Supervisor and is BACP registered. She has recently completed her PG Cert in Autism and Learning at the University of Aberdeen and is currently completing her PG Cert in ADHD and Neurodevelopmental Conditions. Once finished Michelle plans to complete her Master’s degree with a research project on Autism and ADHD

Peebles High School

peebles high school

Peebles High aims to do everything we can to ensure a positive experience and outcome for our young people while they are here with us. To do this we published a very ambitious document in 2106 entitled “ Vision 2020”. This captures the how and why we hope to do this for every member of our school. Please download this pdf or continue down this page to read more fully about our ambition and commitment. phs_about01 phs_about02 phs_about03 phs_about04 phs_about05 phs_about06 phs_about07 phs_about08 phs_about09 phs_about10 phs_about11 phs_about12 phs_about13 Our Values Our values are taken from the mace of the Scottish Parliament: Justice, Wisdom, Compassion and Integrity. We aim to exemplify these values in our actions and encourage each other to live by these values. Our decision making and strategic planning are founded on these values. Mente et Manu. Compassion We care about each other, the wider school community, and the whole of society. We see ourselves as global citizens with a responsibility to help those less fortunate than ourselves. We try our hardest to understand those who hold different values and beliefs and celebrate our differences. Integrity We promote and practise our values in our actions and reflect these values in our policies. We aim to face our challenges, identify areas for improvement and focus on meeting learners’ needs by applying these values with honesty and transparency. Justice We treat everyone fairly and always strive to provide equal opportunities. The safety and happiness of our school community members will be prioritised as we aim to deliver the very best opportunities for all to achieve and surpass their ambitions. We believe in, and are committed to, being an inclusive school. Wisdom When making decisions we will apply our knowledge, experiences, understanding, common sense and insight. We understand that at times the rights of our community members may be conflicting and we will always consider our values to help us arrive at the right decisions. We are all committed to learning every day. Our Key Aims To improve the lives and the life chances of all of our students. To promote respect and positive behaviour in all of our relationships. To ensure every student is included, participative and takes advantage of the wide range of activities on offer. To deliver the highest levels of attainment and achievement possible for every individual. To deliver positive and aspirational destinations for all of our students as they leave school. Self-evaluation for self-improvement Evaluating the quality of learning and teaching to ensure it is of the highest standard is given priority in our school. We ensure everyone involved in school life understands their responsibility to evaluate their performance and all stakeholders take an active role in identifying what the school needs to do to improve outcomes for learners. Using a variety of strategies, we involve different groups of parents, pupils and staff to lead, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate our improvements while avoiding overly bureaucratic approaches. We are committed to our School Improvement Partnerships with other schools, looking for and learning from best practice within Scotland and further afield. We listen carefully to advice from SBC, Scottish government and international sources, while also considering the best available research, to reflect on our practices and when planning new initiatives. Gathering and analysing data, information and views underpins our approach to identifying what we need to do to improve and we are always mindful of the impact of our approaches on workload for young people and staff. Learning, Teaching and the Curriculum 7 Principles At every stage of learning all of our students will benefit from their entitlement to a curriculum that is… challenging and enjoyable, broad in scope, progressive, deep, personalised by genuine choice, coherent and relevant Dialogic Teaching We harness the power of talk to stimulate and extend students’ thinking and advance their learning and understanding. Staff are skilled at using dialogic teaching to diagnose students’ learning needs, frame their learning tasks and assess progress. This empowers students for lifelong learning and active citizenship. Active Learning Providing active learning experiences is a priority for all of our staff. Our students are eager and active participants in all lessons. We engage all of our students in collaborative learning activities, outdoor learning, and provide learning experiences that are meaningful to a digital generation. Assessment for Learning We are committed to using assessment to aid the learning process. We believe that making and learning from mistakes is a vital aspect of learning and formative feedback, peer assessment and AifL strategies are at the heart of our approach to Learning and Teaching. 3-18 Experience We are committed to partnership working across Tweeddale to ensure that all of our students benefit from a coherent experience that builds on learning at every transition point. Across Tweeddale there is a consistent approach to pedagogy, a commitment to cross sector working/CLPL and a commitment to prioritise Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing and Skills for Learning, Life and Work.

DLP India Edutech Private Limited

dlp india edutech private limited

It all started in January 2011 with the noble thought of making high-quality and world-class education accessible to students, regardless of their geographical location and background. We are here talking about DLP India- one of the leading and well-known educational service provider of the country. It attracts students in large numbers from all over the world- the ones who are interested in pursuing distance education courses or skill development courses. In order to give a meaning to his thoughts and turn his ideas into a reality, Perminder Singh Malik came up with a creative idea of launching DLP India. The idea was to offer a range of distance learning and skill development courses to students interested in pursuing online education by affiliating itself with highly reputed and well-known universities- both in India as well as abroad. DLP India offers a wide variety of courses, ranging from certificate courses to doctorate degrees, in distance learning mode via its 2 very famous portals- distancelearning.edu.in and rapidskillz.com. They offer courses in almost every field of education like Banking, Management, Human Resource, Finance, Design, Marketing, Media, Medical, Life Skills, Soft Skills, Writing, Project Management and a lot more. What has made the services offered by DLP India popular is their accessibility through distance mode. While its services are majorly focused on Information and Career Counseling, they help professionals acquire skills for growth and sustainace. The students can easily compare between various universities and courses options available on this platform and make a choice depending on their budget. Furthermore, there is a provision of after sales services as well to make it easier for students to study online and operate University LMS and Portal. Having revolutionized the concept of distance education and online learning in the education sector of India, DLP India has successfully got itself listed on innovationprofiles of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) due to its innovative profile in the field of education. Also, it has been a dynamic and active member of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) since last 6 years. Experienced Educationist and Dynamic Entrepreneur Based out of Delhi, Perminder Singh Malik could give wings to his dreams, primarily, due to his strong understanding of consumer behavior in the digital space of education and skill development. His extraordinary vision, hard-working nature and commitment to work have made it possible for him to earn the reputation of both a successful entrepreneur as well as an educationist. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, he has been awarded several reputed industry certifications like iCEO certification and Green Belt Six Sigma Certification. He has also been shortlisted as one of the top 30 entrepreneurs (out of 500 entrepreneurs) for ‘Accelerating Entrepreneurs Program 2015’ hosted by Ernst & Young. “It has certainly not been an easy journey coming this far. To be able to offer top-notch services in the field of education requires a lot of hard work, commitment and dedication,” quotes Mr. Singh confidently. Ramneet Kaur, Co-Founder DLP India stated, “What helps us distinguish from others in the market is our collaboration with top-ranked universities in the world including Marconi International University, Amity University, UPES Dehradun, UNICAF University, ICFAI University and MIT School of Distance Education. We are unique because we are not a single university offering distance learning courses but a network of universities offering students abundant options to pursue the course of their own choice and that too, from the university they wish to.” DLP’s Expanding Footprints Besides offering various academic and non-academic learning courses, there is a lot more to the work of DLP India. Having marked a niche in the education industry of India, DLP India has further diversified itself into offering various other services complementing the education domain. These include the services for Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Lead Generation, E-learning, Language Translation, HRD/MEA Attestation, Accreditation services, PR and Media, Sales Strategy Consulting, Web, CRM Development and various other IT related Services. With unique and customized solutions that it offers to all its clients, DLP India is a name to be reckoned with success and growth in the sector of e-service providers. The company’s list of prestigious clients includes SOS Children’s Villages of India (Austrian NGO), Emagister (Spanish Company), CEARS (Greek Institute) and many more. It also supports various educational institutes to get accredited from respective councils in USA like ACICS, ACCSC, DEAC etc. A list of its prominent Indian affiliate partners includes shine.com, headhonchos.com, youth4work.com and more. International Business Operations DLP India is not a well-known name only in the domestic market but has also earned itself the reputation of a leader in the field of education in a global market by virtue of its international business operations. The company’s partners and clients are spread across the globe in different continents and regions. Finally, it requires an indomitable will-power and sheer determination to redefine the traditional educational market of the country and come this far. Perminder Singh and his team have indeed managed it amazingly well.

UXL4LIFE Tutoring & Skills Development

uxl4life tutoring & skills development


Welcome to UXL4LIFE Tutoring & Skills Development, where education meets empowerment! As a dynamic social enterprise, we are committed to fostering lifelong learning and skills development for individuals of all ages. Our comprehensive range of services caters to children, young people, and adults, creating a diverse and inclusive learning environment. **Our Offerings:** 1. **Bespoke Educational Support:**    UXL4LIFE specializes in personalized, in-person, and online educational support. We understand that every learner is unique, and our experienced tutors tailor their approach to meet individual needs, ensuring academic success and confidence building. 2. **Skills Development in IT/Digital Skills:**    In an ever-evolving digital landscape, we empower individuals with essential IT and digital skills. Our courses cover a spectrum of topics, from basic computer literacy to advanced coding, preparing our clients for success in the modern workforce. 3. **Coding Workshops:**    UXL4LIFE hosts engaging and interactive coding workshops, inspiring creativity and innovation. Participants develop problem-solving skills and gain hands-on experience in coding languages, paving the way for future opportunities in the tech industry. 4. **Work Experience for Young People:**    We are committed to nurturing the next generation of professionals. Through our work experience programs, young people gain valuable insights into various industries, fostering skills that are essential for a successful career journey. 5. **Government Funded Programs:**    UXL4LIFE goes beyond traditional tutoring by participating in government-funded initiatives. We proudly offer specialized services such as podiatry for our local community's elderly residents, addressing healthcare needs and promoting overall well-being. 6. **Free Mental Health Workshops:**    We believe in the holistic development of individuals. Our commitment to mental health is evident through our free workshops, providing support, resources, and coping strategies to enhance emotional well-being. At UXL4LIFE Tutoring & Skills Development, our mission is to bridge educational gaps, foster skill development, and contribute to the well-being of our community. Join us on this transformative journey towards a brighter and empowered future!

Code Red The Empowerment Project

code red the empowerment project


The founder, Calvin E J Wilson LLM (LSE), is a Barrister who has a longstanding interest in educating students, young adults, and their parents on the workings of the criminal justice system. The Empowerment Project Qualifications and Studies Barrister at Law, Inns of Court, School of Law, United Kingdom Attorney at Law Supreme Court of Trinidad and Tobago Senior Crown Prosecutor, Crown Prosecution Service, United Kingdom Banker, Bank of Commerce, Trinidad and Tobago Master of Laws (Commercial) London School of Economics Bachelor of Laws University of London The Empowerment Project Experience Post graduate education and training in the law, with valuable experience on the frontline of the Criminal Justice System including almost eight years prosecution experience at the Crown Prosecution Service and the Criminal Courts, and operational experience with advising Teams at New Scotland Yard. Devised and successfully delivered this series of workshops and has conducted mentoring, motivational speaking and awareness raising sessions at Youth Clubs and Community Centres around London. Direct contacts with officers of the Met Police at ranks of Constable, Sergeant, and Inspector. Guidance and mentoring experience with black young adults. The Empowerment Project Skills Strong professional, administrative, managerial, and creative skills. Resolute adherence to good governance, accounting and auditing best practices. Devising and implementing new and improved working arrangements and innovative projects. Unique skill set that is critical to the effective leadership and delivery of the objectives of Code Red Empowerment. Established Consulting firm Calvin Wilson and Associates, which offers strategic and public affairs advice to governments and the private sector globally, on anti-money laundering and combatting the financing of terrorism issues, and on preventing trans-national criminal gangs from preying on young people. Founded The Empowerment Project The Empowerment Project Books Author of the book “Voices from Violence. A Woman’s Journey to Self-Healing” which is presented to audiences in the Readers Theatre format by CODE RED Ensemble, as an advocacy vehicle to empower young girls and women and to sensitise boys and men in order to reduce or eliminate the level of violence globally. Desilu Banton desilu banton I was born in Dulwich Hospital, East Dulwich Grove,SE22 3PT, on 11th December 1961. I began my life in a house at 102 Railton Road, Herne Hill,SE24 OET, on the ‘Front Line’ of ‘Brixton’, London. What I remember most of my childhood is drawing, drawing all the time, every opportunity. My father loved music and loved to dance. We would dance together. My mother designed clothes and was a dressmaker and cake baker. My parents had arrived in England in 1954 from Jamaica and lived in the Brixton area. They lived on Concannon Road from around 1955 and moved to Railton Road in 1959 after they had wed at the church at Santley Street, around the corner of Concannon Road. Today I live by my painting and continue in my mothers’ and fathers’ legacy as a creator. I am open to producing works of art by commission. painting Painting is expression, a way of me talking with everybody else about how I feel, like a bluesman would play his blues. The whole thing is about feeling. Painting is blues. I paint those feelings that are from inside my head, from inside my soul. The spiritual part of all this is the heritage, the thing that comes from my ancestors, the ingredients that everybody talks about when they talk about the past, where we all come from, which is DNA, the genes. What I am doing is recording the memory that comes to me from nature, along with the music that came from West Africa and the Atlantic experience, all of it, and what I do then is give it form, give it some skin, textures and colours, the whole thing is like an umbilical cord that has not lost its life force, it is the whole nine yards. Jackie Burton Jackie Burton Born and raised in West Yorkshire, I took a trip to London in 1983 and have remained here since then. I am a black woman, a Christian and a mother. A retired Social Worker, I have a passion for children, young people and their families. Over the last 40 years I have had roles in church including youth leader and Pathfinder club leader as well as teaching in children’s Sabbath school & children’s church. It was my joy, to find the most creative and interesting ways to engage children and young people with so many varied learning styles. Over the last 12 years of my career I was a Team Leader for a local authority Fostering Service; having responsibility for facilitating training, assessing foster carers and placing children from diverse and challenging backgrounds with those carers. Life-long learning is part of who I am and I started becoming more interested in paper crafts when my now, 25 year old son was around 3 years old. We started to make cards for every occasion and stopped buying them from the shops. Paper crafts opened the door to so many other crafting pursuits and my love for crafting has only grown since then, from wedding decoration, decoupage & canvas art to knitting & simple sewing, I have done many and various and still do. Nothing pleases me more than sharing my love for something with others, and creative crafts is certainly one of those very many things. I have done this via children’s craft workshops; transforming spaces for Vacation Bible School (VBS); school holiday clubs; card making workshops for children and adults. If it includes crafting, I will consider it. Currently I am involved in a weekly Craft Café project where we are using hobby crafts to support people in our community who may be lonely, socially isolated or feeling low. Sr Josephine Udie MP, MSc, GC HDip, NP Reverend Sister, Steer Right Project Coordinator, Power Coach Expert, Health Care Professional Reverend Sister, Steer Right Project Coordinator, Power Coach Expert, Health Care Professional Sister Josephine is passionate about the dignity of the human person. As a trained Power Coach and Health Care professional, Sister enjoys using her skills to coach, support and empower children and families to become who they are meant to be. Steer Right is a charity for which Sister Josephine is Project Coordinator, uses the strap line Little help Big Difference to highlight the effectiveness of what a small amount of intervention can do. Amari Smith-Foster Amari Smith-Foster I am a mental health advocate and a student counsellor. I am extremely passionate about mental health and well-being. After battling with my own mental health, being sectioned at just 13 and becoming part of the system, I am using those same life experiences to help others overcome. My story, my pain and this rollercoaster of a journey has given me great insight to help others and make a change. Me speaking up and using my voice, allows so many others, old, young, male, and female to feel heard, to feel seen. Now I am in a position, I have promised myself , it is pivotal that I make a change for the mental health system. My social profiles: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/onetap/?next=%2F LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amari-smith-foster-26a68417b/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMHXb5U40E0Zw1B3h4vcJg Please feel free to contact me should there be any issues. Norman Mine Norman Mine Norman Mine is an Italian-born London based multidisciplinary artist whose practice encompasses visual art, acting and social work. Using autobiographical scenarios as a starting point, Mine's practice expands into fantasy and delusion and in his alter-ego, Dino Desica, an aspiring Italian actor who exists only through a video format, as "performance to camera", becoming an ephemeral simulation of the self. Mine's practice explores the infinite possibilities of the self, the authenticity and the structures of inclusion and exclusion in which it is constructed. For the past three years Mine has run creative workshops co-working with people of different generations, backgrounds, and abilities; developing a specific approach that unsettles the scenario in which participants perform to stimulate creativity and imagination as an opportunity to navigate within. Mine has obtained a Masters Degree in Fine Art at Goldsmith College in 2018. His work has been shown at Performance Istanbul (2021), disORDER Live Collective (2020), Deptford X (2019), The Koppel Project (2019), Platform1 Gallery (2018), Art Night London (2017). He was a recipient of the DYCP grant, Art Council England (2021). In 2022 Mine has founded Norwood JunkAction, an eco-community art project based in Croydon, London. Diana Wilson Diana Wilson Diana Wilson is an Executive and Life Coach professional as well as a Psychodynamic Counsellor, who in parallel, has enjoyed a substantial career in Education and Training and Development across Schools and local Government. Diana is fluidly proficient in a myriad of modalities with a keen focus on Cognitive Behavioural Coaching. She offers leading-edge, inspirational coaching that stimulates thinking, accelerates transformation, and empowers clients to accomplish their aspirational goals. My social handles: Website: www.dwcoach.co.uk LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/diana-wilson-564a6941 Richmond Trew Richmond Trew A Professional Trainer/Workshop Facilitator with 25 years’ experience of working in communities and custodial settings nationally and internationally. He is also a recording & performing artist fronting the collective Abstract Word and currently has Publishing & Production contracts with (Peer Music LTD-MAP Music). Richmond also leads a group of free-lance Arts Practioners under the name of Journeyman Arts (Using the Arts to share & pass on Knowledge). He also Runs 492 Korna Klub next generation Ltd that runs live improvised drama weekly on Galaxy Radio.

Courses matching "Generation"

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Gas Turbines, Co-Generation and Combined Cycle Power Plants

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

Enhance your knowledge of gas turbines, co-generation, and combined cycle power plants with EnergyEdge's comprehensive classroom training course.

Gas Turbines, Co-Generation and Combined Cycle Power Plants
Delivered In-PersonMon, Sept 2300:30
£2699 to £2799

Thermal Power Plant Performance Testing

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

Enhance your career prospects in thermal power plant performance testing with EnergyEdge's course. Enroll now and gain valuable insights!

Thermal Power Plant Performance Testing
Delivered In-PersonMon, Sept 2300:30
£2699 to £2799

September Activation - Archangelic Retreats

By Katarina Heuser

Discover your special powers, receive insights and deep healing together with an abundance of light codes taking your life to the next level!

September Activation - Archangelic Retreats
Delivered OnlineSun, Sept 2217:00

Principles of Nuclear Power Plant Operations and Design for Small Modular Reactors (SMR) – Leveraging Clean Energy For A Sustainable Tomorrow

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

Discover the fundamentals of Small Modular Reactor (SMR) operations and design with EnergyEdge. Gain insights into clean energy solutions for a sustainable future. Enroll now!

Principles of Nuclear Power Plant Operations and Design for Small Modular Reactors (SMR) – Leveraging Clean Energy For A Sustainable Tomorrow
Delivered In-PersonMon, Sept 2300:30
£2899 to £3099

Large Scale Hydrogen Production – Electrolyser Technologies & Electrolysis Interfaces

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

Unlock the future of energy with EnergyEdge's comprehensive classroom training on large-scale hydrogen production & electrolysis interfaces. Join us to revolutionize energy solutions!

Large Scale Hydrogen Production – Electrolyser Technologies & Electrolysis Interfaces
Delivered In-PersonMon, Sept 2300:30
£2299 to £2399

Structural Interpretation of Seismic Data

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

Enhance your skills in structural interpretation of seismic data with EnergyEdge's comprehensive classroom training course. Sign up now!

Structural Interpretation of Seismic Data
Delivered In-PersonMon, Sept 2300:30
£3199 to £3299

Economic, Financial Analysis & Modelling of Geothermal Energy

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

Develop your skills in geothermal project finance analysis and modeling with EnergyEdge's specialized course. Join now!

Economic, Financial Analysis & Modelling of Geothermal Energy
Delivered In-PersonMon, Sept 2300:30
£1499 to £1699

Placement Course for Controllers Construction and Oil & Gas Sectors


By ​​​​Dirextra Ltd

Placement Course for Controllers Construction and Oil & Gas Sectors
Delivered Online & In-Person in ManchesterThu, Sept 2608:30

Lead Generation

By Study Plex

Lead Generation
Delivered Online On Demand

Lead Generation Course Online

By Lead Academy

Lead Generation Course Online
Delivered Online On Demand