710 Educators providing Courses

Strand Consulting

strand consulting


How to save millions of euro on consultancy services – The story of Strand Consult’s strategic reports Around the world many companies spend millions of euro on expensive consultants. Some of those consultants even have a limited knowledge about the mobile industry, but know a great deal about processes and how to implement new processes in practice. Being a customer with that type of company can occasionally be an expensive pastime and many companies are left with a feeling of have being visited by a senior consultant and 10 junior consultants that had been working under the motto: “Lend me your watch and I’ll tell you the time” Many Stand Consult employees have a past as traditional consultants and in previous jobs often classified customers by the number of hours, days, weeks or months of consultancy the customer could afford. The target was to sell 67% of the total available man hours the consultancy firm could produce. When we founded Strand Consult in 1995, our goal was not to sell people or hours, but to sell knowledge and create value. We realised that if we could use the consultants’ analytical approach, combined with a very high level of industry knowledge and a simple and effective method to communicate knowledge, we would be able to save our customers an enormous amount of expensive consultants. Our goal was not to sell high-end temps to our customers, but to create a knowledge transfer to customers, enabling them to quickly and more efficiently achieve success. During the past 17 years we have published a great number of reports, where we not only explain how the telco industry looks, but also how it will develop in the future. We have focused on collecting the knowledge you need to more easily navigate a complex industry with increasing competition. The market player that can operate their business in the most cost-effective manner will have an increased probability of winning in the long term. Currently we have 6 focus areas: – The mobile broadband market – The MVNO market – The market for Value Added Services – Next Generation Prepaid Services – The Smartphone market – Digital strategy for the Telecom and Media industry. We have spent many man years researching and publishing a series of comprehensive reports and workshops focused on these areas. Market players that have ambitions of being successful within these areas can either try to gain an overview themselves, find solutions and purchase external consultants to help them on their way, or alternatively use Strand Consult’s reports – with or without workshops -to acquire the knowledge they need to be successful in the future. You can read more about some of our reports here: Successful Strategies for the Mobile Broadband Market How to get success in the second Generation MVNO Market

Anglo Asia Education Foundation

anglo asia education foundation


The Anglo Asia Education Foundation (AAEF) is a non-profit Charitable organization regulated by the UK Charities Commission. About Us Trustee / Directors The Anglo Asia Education Foundation (AAEF) is a non-profit Charitable organisation regulated by the UK Charities Commission with Registered Number 1167528. AAEF is not funded by any government or local government source and depends on private donations. AAEF is based in London and Shanghai. Its main purpose is to support education and learning through better collaboration between Asia and the UK and nurturing the next generation of world class artists.The goal is to develop the next world leaders from both areas through enhanced education from an early age. The Foundation works with both private and government schools and educational establishments in Asia and the UK by the following 6 main areas We run Asia Days in British schools introduce pupils to the differing languages and cultures. Help assign and assist Mandarin and other Asian language teachers and tutors. Link Asian kindergartens, schools and universities with British counterparts for exchange of students and teachers. Facilitate British schools to establish satellite campuses in Asia . Arrange study tours to Asian countries and help facilitate pupil and teacher exchange. Help place UK students in Asian schools and universities. Encourage "pen-pal" relations between English and Asian students. Promote English and Asian young artists.

Al-maktoum Foundation (Scotland)

al-maktoum foundation (scotland)


We are specialists. Our intellectual endeavours are dedicated to building bridges between the communities- namely western and Muslim- that make up our city, nation and world today. In this all-inclusive approach to education, we believe, the College is a somewhat unique establishment in Scotland and the UK today. The College actively works to educate the next generation of professionals and scholars, both nationally and internationally. Our students are achievers- thinking differently, challenging, examining, defining and provoking positive change within societies and communities from local to global. Indeed, since our founding in 2001, the College has seen students from over 30 different nationalities graduate from our contemporary courses which now include Higher National Certificate and Diploma (HNC/D) qualifications. Furthermore, the College is in partnership with the University of Dundee and launched Scotland’s first masters degree in Islamic Banking and Finance during the 2019/20 academic year. The College is pleased to be offering an MPhil (Master of Philosophy) in The Middle East in a Global Context, in partnership with Trinity College Dublin and also holds an articulation agreement with Abertay University. We are agents for change, as befits a changing city, nation and world. Small in size but great in our ambition, we embrace differences, tolerance and breadth of understanding as the key to meeting the challenges of the 21st Century. Discover Diversity. Discover Al-Maktoum College.