585 Educators providing Courses

Sharif Adams

sharif adams

Hi and welcome. I handcraft simple wooden spoons, bowls and pots for everyday use using age-old traditional tools and techniques. I sell my wooden ware at artisan crafts markets and I teach to small groups or on a one to one basis. I also work on a commission basis so there's always plenty to do. My interest in working with wood started in 1998 when I studied violin making at London Guildhall University for three years. I later went on to work with an antique furniture restorer near High Wycombe. While I learned a lot from both these experiences, it was not until I discovered the joy and creative freedom of working with green wood that a little voice in my head quietly said, ‘this is it!’. The bowls I sell are turned on a treadle lathe/pole lathe; an archaic machine, simple to make and maintain, using human energy to keep the work piece revolving. In the middle of winter the best way to keep warm is to turn a few bowls. I cut all of the wood for my bowls and spoons with either a chainsaw, bow saws or large one man cross cut saws. The tools I use for bowl turning are hand forged. I enjoy forging almost as much as I enjoy working with wood. Sometimes I carve bowls using the same tools I use for carving spoons; axes and knives, with the addition of a small adze for hollowing. These are very different in form to the turned bowls and usually I will only make these for sale on request. I do all my work in an old Devon barn, on beautiful Dartmoor where I live. I love to cook good, simple, healthy meals and enjoy foraging for wild foods. I’m always well entertained; watching the wildlife in the woods is so much better than watching the TV. In the evenings I enjoy playing my battered acoustic guitar or the fiddle; the former less badly than the latter.

M-Theory Music

m-theory music


My name is Mike Hawthorne, founder of M-Theory Music. Here's a bit about me: Music has been a central element in my life from as far back as I can remember. Listening to, playing, creating, performing, DJing, producing, and teaching music have all featured throughout the years. While I am a proficient drummer, bassist, ukulele-ist (???), producer, and DJ, the guitar has always been my main instrument. I can't pinpoint where my love for guitar came from, but I do know that I was always drawn to it when I was younger. After getting into metal, grunge, punk and indie as a young teenager, the guitar made even more sense and my love for it grew and continues to do so to this day. I started learning the guitar approx 25 years ago, and very shortly after that, started sharing my learning with my friends. I found that I loved passing on the skills and knowledge almost as much as I enjoyed playing the instrument, and I took my first "proper" student (ie, not one of my friends!) when I was 17. I have been teaching people ever since then. I see it as a vocation and a personal duty to share the love of music with as many people as possible, and I'd still be doing it even after a lottery win! Since 2001, I have had at least one student on the go at any given time. I taught privately for many years, ans then began teaching with a local music service in 2010. In 2015 I was able to give up the "day job" and teach full time, something for which I am eternally grateful. I get to make a living out of my passion, I get to meet and form positive relationships with lots of wonderful people, and I get to share the joy of playing music with them... i keep wondering when i'm going to wake up!

Art with Tricia

art with tricia

I studied Art & Design at Stourbridge Art College in the West Midlands for three years, before moving to West Sussex to gain an Art with Related Arts degree at Chichester University. My sculpture work featured nationally on ITV’s morning programme. Exhibitions of my work include West Dean College and Worthing Museum and Art Gallery, West Sussex. I have also had the privilege of exhibiting my work in the Awagami International Miniature Print Exhibition, Tokushima, Japan. Along with exhibitions at; Banks Mill Studios Derby, The Art House Wakefield, neo: Gallery Bolton, Gallery@OXO Oxo Tower Wharf South Bank London, Greenpea press Huntville Alabama, Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong and Cube gallery Moscow. After a period focusing on other art disciplines, I returned to printmaking and the joy of the process is what pushes my work forward creatively. Learning different printing methods has helped me to begin experimenting with distinctive approaches to my prints and printing style. I continue to enjoy drawing and working painterly with a variety of mixed media, developing my own instinctive style over many other art disciplines. After gaining my degree I went on to achieve my teaching qualifications, to teach 16+ students. I then gained my Qualified Teacher Learning & Skills (QTLS) professional status, which enables me to teach through all age groups (pre and post 16). I have been teaching Art classes in the West Sussex area for 20 years, both for local Adult Education and Chichester College, along with my own private workshops. I enjoy, and have taught, a wide variety of Arts & Crafts subjects and have an extensive & practical knowledge of many areas of the arts. Currently, I teach subjects as varied as Life Drawing, Watercolour, iPad Painting, Acrylics, Pastels and Chinese Brush Painting. I have also taught Pottery, Weaving, Face Painting and numerous craft classes. I am always striving to learn and pass on new techniques and ideas to my students. I hold a Level 3 NVQ in British Sign Language and am currently studying for my Level 6 NVQ. I also teach in this subject.

Anna K Health Coaching

anna k health coaching

It brings up many aspects of myself that I had kept hidden for a long time. But, today I’m more open and in a place where I actively work on my body and mind. Health to me is true wealth and this comes from a place of committing to my physical, mental and emotional self. Also, now being a coach and supporting others in their process brings me so much joy because I know how challenging it can be, feeling stuck as though your body, mind and life are working against you. I went through many stages of uncovering the root cause of my health issues and worked through many body, mind and soul practices to heal what was holding me back from living a full life mentally and physically each day. Here’s some insight into my story. Supporting other women As I learned about the power of foods, mind body connection and holistic health techniques, my burning desire to continue learning and to share that knowledge. Enrolling on a Naturopathic healing course in 2018 was one of the best decision of my life. It was liberating to re-learn about the human body as well as ancient practices and healing techniques which have been overwritten by modern day big pharma and food corporations who prioritise profits over people. This empowering experience led me to put myself into self-experimentation mode of trying different foods, protocols, and practices. I managed to re-wire my body and mind, resetting it back to what it was originally designed to do - THRIVE! This has been the most exhilarating experience of my life, bringing me ‘back to me’ and feeling freedom in my mind and body. Now in my late 30's I feel more alive than I ever have. My perspective on life is infectious on those closest to me and I pride myself on how far I have come.

Life And Soul Purpose by Beata Dzwigol

life and soul purpose by beata dzwigol


I am Beata Dzwigol, an Inter-Dimensional Therapist, Intuitive Spiritual Coach and Healer, New Earth Goddess Heart Temple Founder, AKASHICdance Founder, DANCEmandala Facilitator, Gong and Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Therapist. I am a member of Akashic Records Consultants International, LLC and Spiritual Workers Association. I can help you to care of body, mind and spirit. While reading your aura I can tune in to contact your Spiritual Guides and I can introduce you in a healing process on many levels. You Spiritual Guides will lead me so I can help you heal negative emotions and patterns, remove blockages, heal traumas and cut off cords from current and previous lives. We can also work to heal your inner child and understand your self-sabotage. I will guide you through the process of your transformation. I will take you on a journey during which you will have a chance to forgive and let go of whatever is necessary, so that you could spread your wings and shine your inner light – the light of unconditional love. I am not asking you to believe in anything I might say either here or during the session. If it doesn’t resonate with you, then just let it go. However, sometimes what is said, although it does not resonate with you at the time, can make sense later, lie a seed that is planted and which may in due course grow and blossom. A remainder for you and a remainder for me: I AM NOT A LIFEGUARD; I AM A LIGHT HOUSE guiding you on your own journey. You take full responsibility for integrating your experience into your own life. You can go as deep as you wish, the choice is yours to make. I am here for you; to guide and help you, to radiate out your beauty and happiness, to re-find joy and live a fulfilled life.




This is a space for poetry, short stories and nature photography. You’ll also find articles about matters close to my heart such as green living, feminism and how to grow as a writer. My Creative Work… My creative work is often lyrical, inspired by the natural world, the darkness and beauty of the everyday and in search of women’s liberation. I’m currently working on my debut poetry pamphlet The Isolation Hospital (© LA@Mantimoon). This delves into themes such as isolation, feminine identity and exploration of our inner world. On occasion I’ll be posting from this upcoming pamphlet to give you sneak peeks of what I’ve been up to. Regular Features… I’ll be sharing features such as my ‘Haiku of the week’ and ‘Photo of the week’. Both are designed to inspire your own writing, aid quiet reflection and capture the joy of the present moment. You can also find my creative responses to weekly, creative challenges set and sent to my inbox by social enterprise 64 million artists: #TheWeeklyChallenge. Other features will include documenting my eco journey as I strive to go green and embrace green living. I’ll share top eco tips and eco field trips I’ve been on which help me reconnect with the natural world. In addition, I’ll be posting eco poems and letting you know about personally tried and tested eco friendly product alternatives. Feminism, Writing & Short Stories… You can also read articles on how to grow as a writer and the vital, evolving feminist movement. This will include thoughts about key feminist writers, feminist poetry and life posts about the development of my feminism. I’ll write about writing as therapy, how to find writing inspiration and share my thoughts about the work of exceptional writers. Watch this space for flash fiction and excerpts of short stories delving into the world of magical realism. Driven by complex characters, each story provides a delicate balance between the darkness and beauty of the everyday.

Susy Dance Fitness

susy dance fitness

After working as a Self-Employed Performing Arts Teacher and Pound Pro alongside my 9-5 job, I finally took the plunge to be fully Self-Employed in September 2018. I grew up enjoying Performing Arts; from the age of about 3 I took dance classes, and when I was 7, I joined Spotlight Performing Arts School as a pupil - I am now the Manager of the Saltburn School! From then on, I performed in as many community based shows as possible with Spotlight PA, and other groups too! This led me to study my Level 3 in Musical Theatre full-time at Middlesbrough College, and then my BA (Hons) Dance at Teesside University. I discovered my passion for teaching whilst at university - completing my work placement at Redcar Academy (now Outwood Academy, Redcar), where I also completed my teaching placement for my PGCE:TLLS. My love of teaching Fitness classes came after I finally found joy in Group Exercise! I had joined a gym whilst at university and didn't really enjoy it that much - but liked the results I was getting. Unfortunately this gym didn't offer much in the way of Group Exercise classes, which is what I found more motivation in, rather than just wandering around the gym floor between cardio/weights... My husband and I were then gifted a 14 day membership at another gym which offered far more, and we signed up for a full year's membership - where I discovered that I could fit the gym into my schedule and made myself accountable by booking into Group Ex classes to make sure I kept going!! Fast forward 2 years and I took my Pound Pro (Instructor) Training and planned to leave my full time job to pursue the Self Employed life. That's the very condensed version - for more snippets into my life you can follow me on my social medias! Susy x

Aqualife Swimming

aqualife swimming


The Aqualife Story Aqualife Swimming was founded by Penny Watkins in 2012. As a child, Penny was a naturally gifted swimmer, swam competitively and felt very at home in the water. In 1999 she gave up her career in a City law firm and packed her rucksack, heading off for water-based adventures around Europe, Africa and Asia. Whilst managing and teaching at a Scuba Diving centre in the Canary Islands, Penny got her first taste of the joy of teaching others about the aquatic world. Penny returned to the UK in 2006 and decided to follow her heart and pursue a career in swimming teaching. Crucially, she was determined to offer something in addition to swimming skills; she would take a holistic approach to her teaching and ensure that all her swimmers grew to love the water and have an understanding and respect for the aquatic world. In 2012 she was offered the opportunity to take over the running of a small local swimming school . . . And Aqualife Swimming was born. The swim school now employs 16 swimming instructors and provides high quality and fun swimming lessons to hundreds of individuals every week, at three venues in Sevenoaks, Kent. Classes include Adult Aquafit, Aquanatal, Parent and Baby/Toddler classes, STA accredited children's lessons and a special Junior Lifeguard programme, and all are designed to develop ability, confidence and a love of all things aquatic. Class sizes are small which enables all swimmers to have the space and time to learn at their own pace. Key to the Aqualife ethos is teaching all swimmers to understand their own natural buoyancy in the water and thus become confident independent swimmers. You will never use use armbands or buoyancy controls in an Aqualife classes. All of the Aqualife team follow Penny’s original vision of teaching swimming skills in a holistic natural environment, whilst also helping babies, children and adults develop a love of water and a respect and understanding of the aquatic world.

Artbrush Online School

artbrush online school


My work invites meditation upon nature and its relationship with colour, light and movement. As I draw or paint, I gradually unravel the underlying qualities of balance and harmony within my subject matter. What interests me most is observing the formation of line and pattern: from the blades of grasses to a bird’s feather; from the shifting of clouds to the beat of my heart; from the maps of stars in heaven to the trunk of an old oak tree. I continuously strive to reveal beauty and elegance within the natural rhythm of life and look to my art as a place of well-being, empowerment and inner peace. The materials I love to use are water-based pigments, powders, and Japanese black ink. These are natural and organic and are deeply connected to earth and nature. They afford a rich palette of hues and allow for both extreme precision and flow of movement. I am captivated by the way they blend together and create a whole that is more than its' individual parts. Occasionally, I also add hints of gold and silver, as these reflect light differently at each hour of the day, changing the glow of the work from within. Japanese Ink Painting Instructor & Artist, Talia Lehavi - Standing with a brush in front of Notes on Pine collection in Mallorca Studio My work is an attempt to find and enjoy a moment in time. The materials I use embrace that moment, echoing their mark on the paper or canvas, and becoming eternal for a short while. I am keen to explore images that can stand the test of time, that would still be of fascination in years to come, and yet are potent in the here in now. I hope that others understand my work with their hearts and emotions; that they are touched and moved by it, and that it evokes a sense of balance, hope, and joy.

Mindfulness Web

mindfulness web


REDUCE STRESS, REDISCOVER YOUR INNER RESILIENCE & UNLOCK THE TRANSFORMATIVE POWER OF MINDFULNESS Are you feeling stressed, anxious, unfocused or otherwise struggling to cope with your everyday life and work?  Curious about how Mindfulness can help? Or perhaps you have already tried Mindfulness meditation and would like help establishing or re-igniting your own regular practice? Research shows that mindfulness can help you to become less stressed, happier and more focused. Working with an experienced Mindfulness teacher can help you to establish your own regular meditation practice and experience its life-enhancing benefits for yourself. By forming new neural pathways in the brain, regular practice of Mindfulness can boost your enjoyment of life, create greater clarity and focus and strengthen emotional resilience when life throws us challenges. My name is Claire Griffin and after experiencing a stress-related burnout a few years ago, I  experienced for myself the profound changes that practicing Mindfulness can give.   I set up Mindfulness Web to help others discover these changes for themselves and over the past 7 years, I’ve seen hundreds of my course participants flourish and find new joy in their lives. I am a Certified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Teacher and a Mindfulness at Work Verified Trainer and a qualified coach with a Diploma in Personal Performance Coaching. I’ve successfully coached many business leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs to reach their full potential.  I'm also a member of the senior Teacher Training Team at the Mindful Academy, Solterreno, training others to teach MBSR.  A member of the British Association of Mindfulness-based Approaches (BAMBA) [http://www.bamba.org.uk/], I have passed their assessments to demonstrate I meet the UK good practice guidance for mindfulness teachers and am on their recommended teachers list.