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465 Educators providing Courses

Golden Circle Tuition

golden circle tuition


The Golden Circle is a community of exceptional educators. We understand how important education is in a child’s development and that the right teacher can make all the difference. That’s why we work closely with families to fully understand the needs of each child and tailor our process precisely to reflect individual requirements. We personally match our students with inspiring, qualified teachers who accelerate learning in a supportive one-to-one environment. Since founding The Golden Circle in 2017, it has been a privilege to play a role in the educational journey of so many students. Our students perform excellently in exams, and enjoy more success at leading universities, but it is their personal growth which makes The Golden Circle such a rewarding place to teach. As mentors, as well as educators, we help our students to develop the key qualities of Courage, Critical Thinking, Compassion, Growth Mindset and Self-Reflection. We are inspired by tradition, but not constrained by it. Our co-curricular lessons enable students to discover entrepreneurship, mindfulness, and global citizenship. The Golden Circle’s modern approach to tutoring and home schooling takes a traditional UK education into the 21st century. If this strikes a chord with you, then we are the right team for you. I welcome you to join us and unlock your child’s academic potential. Hannah Titley BA (Hons), MA, MA (Oxon), PGCE COURAGE Courage is having the strength to tackle challenges – in academia and in life. It’s having the confidence to face a subject that feels daunting and ask questions when you don’t understand. Academic courage empowers students to choose difficult problems and risk making mistakes. We work with students on their Maths courage, their Science courage, their Shakespeare courage, their public speaking courage. By cultivating courage in a supportive learning environment, our students feel safe to ask questions and rise to academic challenges. CRITICAL THINKING Critical thinking is a way to analyse complex issues and articulate ideas. It is a lens through which to understand the world, by appreciating different perspectives and value frameworks. Through discussion and debate, we teach students to think critically and confidently articulate their ideas. Our teaching approach seeks to liberate students from unthinking conformity. COMPASSION Compassion is feeling empathy for others and responding with kindness. Too often moral development is valued as ‘lesser’ than academic success. However, the two come hand in hand. Treating yourself with compassion builds self-esteem, motivation, and confidence. Showing empathy towards others is an important communication skill. We welcome students and teachers from diverse backgrounds. In lessons, we model compassion and use positive affirmations to nurture our students’ self-belief. GROWTH MINDSET Growth mindset is the conviction that intelligence is learned. It enables students to reshape the narrative by which to excel in exams and in life. A growth mindset leads to a desire to learn, to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and see effort as the path to mastery. Cultivating a growth mindset is at the heart of what we do. SELF-REFLECTION Self-reflection is taking the time to explore your own thoughts, behaviours and emotions. Without it, we miss learning opportunities. In an academic context, it enables students to identify strengths and weaknesses and evaluate their progress towards goals. Teaching the art of self-reflection is integral to our lessons. We provide detailed feedback on assignments and facilitate self-reflection discussions. Our weekly progress reports guide students to where they should devote their attention. Together, self-reflection and teacher feedback, leads to deeper learning. OUR COMMUNITY Our unique community is made up of dedicated parents, students, and over 300 qualified teachers. Our teachers have strong academic backgrounds, UK teaching qualifications, and a minimum of two years of experience teaching in the classroom. Many are also GCSE and A Level examiners. FOUNDER & MANAGING DIRECTOR HANNAH TITLEY Hannah founded The Golden Circle in 2017 after qualifying as a teacher through the Teach First programme. Teaching in the classroom showed that school doesn’t work for everyone. For children who are talented in sports, art, or music, or who require extra academic support or challenge, school doesn’t bring out their best. Born in Manchester, Hannah was educated at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls before reading Biological Sciences at New College, Oxford University. She holds a first class Master’s degree from King’s College London and PGCE teaching qualification which is rated ‘Outstanding’. In addition to teaching, Hannah has worked as a Researcher for Oxford University and Reform think tank. She is Director of the Home Schooling Association and continues to teach Science at Key Stage 4 and 5. She speaks regularly at education events and provides written commentary for national media including the BBC, The Times, Telegraph and The Guardian. HEAD OF OPERATIONS LYDIA TITLEY Lydia is originally from Manchester and completed her secondary education at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls. Following this, her interest in French language and culture led her to the University of Bath, where she completed a BSc in International Business Management and French. Lydia took the opportunity to spend a year in Paris where she attended the prestigious business school of ESCP Paris, studying a bilingual Master’s in Management, and worked as a European Account Manager at an international Marketing and Publishing firm. Lydia joined The Golden Circle team in 2018, where she holds the role of Head of Operations. In her spare time, Lydia enjoys yoga and is currently completing a Mindfulness Teacher Training course. She has a keen interest in the arts, theatre and travel. FOUNDER’S PUBLICATIONS POLICY REPORTS How To Run A Country: Working Age Welfare (June 2015) Employment and Support Allowance: The Case For Change (December 2015) Working Welfare: A Radically New Approach to Sickness and Disability Benefits (February 2016)Stepping Up, Breaking Barriers. Transforming Employment Outcomes For Disabled People (July 2016) PODCASTS BBC Woman’s Hour, Electing To Home School (March 2021) The Study Buddy, At Home With Learning: A Look At Alternative Education Provision (April 2021) NEWSPAPER ARTICLES The Telegraph, Meet the families choosing elite home-schooling (September 2018) The Telegraph Luxury, How to raise an alpha kid: the parent’s guide to home schooling (May 2020) Tatler, The gold standard of home schooling (February 2021) OUR LOCATIONS

Learning Improvement Service

learning improvement service

Bromley Common

Who and what is the Learning Improvement Service? The Learning Improvement Service was set up by Phil Hatton (read about Phil here), an ex-Ofsted HMI and National Adviser. Through his extensive experience in leading inspections, surveys, good practice, advisory work and improvement consultancy, Phil has a unique and wide understanding of best practice in the Further Education sector, particularly in colleges and in work-based learning. He is utilising his knowledge to help colleges and other providers of training improve the learning experience they give to their learners. The LIS only wants to work with those who have a real will to improve their provision, by establishing where you are now and where you would like to be in the future. We do not intend to just help to ‘patch you up’ to get you through an inspection, but to help you make sustainable improvements. We use only the best people, who know what they are doing, because they have done it themselves. Below is a brief summary of the main ways that we can support you (however, please contact us if you require something else not listed below): Consultancy support to improve key aspects of your provision - consultancy support to cover key aspects of quality improvement systems such as self-assessment reporting, position statements, improvement planning, observation of teaching, learning and assessment, sharing of good practice, course reviews and evaluation, the user voice and being prepared for short or full Ofsted Inspections. Phil can also help you to improve English and maths and ensure that your safeguarding is exemplary. Providing a ‘critical friend’ service to check and validate self-assessment, observations of teaching and other key quality processes such as course reviews – confirmation that you are moving in the right direction – we’ll work with you to confirm you are doing the right things in the right way, responding specifically to your needs, keeping you on target to improve your provision. This is one of the key areas of our work particularly from September through to February. Phil will also provide you with support by email or phone if needed prior to and during inspections. Safeguarding, Prevent and British Values Reviews – Phil has developed real expertise in what the best practice of the sector is and can work with you over two days to check out every aspect and leave you with a position statement of where you are and what you can do to be outstanding. Phil can also provide bespoke training and materials to raise awareness of staff, governors and learners Apprenticeships and subcontracting – Phil knows all there is to know about these two areas and has helped transform some of the biggest college and worst performing providers in terms of their success rates. The ideal scenario is a five day visit to check and sample how you do things, suggest improvements and provide you with the resources needed, finishing with a half-day staff development that is bespoke to your improvement needs. Please contact Phil as long in advance as possible to get time allocated for this Internal inspection or review of areas requiring improvement - a tried and tested way to improve an area is to first gain an informed view of exactly where that area is in terms of strengths and weaknesses, using an expert with extensive inspection experience. Unlike an Ofsted inspection, all feedback to staff and managers observed in an area is given constructively to help improve practice for the benefit of learners (while also giving you robust evidence for your OTLA system, SAR and QIP). An internal review could be for an area of learning or for a cross-college aspect such as safeguarding, equality and diversity, or course reviews. All consultants undertaking this work are personally known to Phil Hatton as to their ability to do so. The LIS will only conduct such work when they have the right person to do it (often Phil himself). You will receive a report that focusses on ways of improving the area reviewed, based on the best practice of the sector that is proven to work (not just telling you what has been seen, which is the usual practice of most consultancy companies). Helping individual institutions in the sector achieve good or outstanding teaching, learning and assessment through establishing robust observation of teaching, learning and assessment (OTLA) systems – depending on where your system is we can its validate current robustness by conducting observations (joint ones are best value as they train your staff) and scrutinising the gradings and paperwork historically awarded. If more work is required, we’ll equip you with the tools (training, paperwork and systems) to establish an OTLA system that delivers accurate and well recorded findings by your observers. Your observation system will help keep a focus on promoting improvement, identifying and promoting the sharing and adaptation of good practice by teachers (a reoccurring weakness in Ofsted inspections in the past year). We will provide you with the training, paperwork and systems to move your staff forward, encouraging their collaboration in the development and sharing of resources, so your staff will deliver learning in true teams. We will support you with either graded or ungraded systems. An approach of conducting joint ‘learning walkthroughs’ of 20 to 25 minutes duration is providing many institutions with an overview of their provision and enables the judgements of college observers to be tested out for their accuracy and breadth. Sharing exemplary practice and systems in self-assessment with you, leading to quality improvement planning that moves you forward – we’ll support you in developing your capacity to self-assess all of your work honestly and robustly so that your staff ‘own’ the resultant self-assessment reports and improvement plans, understanding their part in moving you forward. Few are really good at self-assessment, we can make sure that you are and that self-assessment moves you forward. Several colleges and providers have received very positive feedback about their SARs in 2016 following support and the use of LIS templates, particularly the use of a two page Executive Summary SAR that helps focus improvement actions. If you have a 50 page SAR it will not be an effective improvement tool. Helping you to produce position statements – if you think you are likely to be inspected it is important to be able to say where you are ‘now’ as self-assessment looks back on the past year - we’ll support you in writing effective position statements for key areas that tell you and others exactly where you are for that area. They are a great way to demonstrate to inspectors that you know your provision and have helped a number of LIS clients move from a grade 4 inadequate to a grade 2 good. Phil has also helped a number of colleges achieve grade 1s for their leadership and management. An exemplar position statement can be seen here but is not as good as what you will finish up with (samples can be shared)!! Conducting a confidential ‘health check’ of your organisation by one or more of the top and most experienced recent HMIs (and previously lead inspectors with the FEFC, TSC and ALI) – if it is sometime since your last inspection or there have been significant changes in management or what you offer, a ‘health check’ could be invaluable. We’ll examine your leadership, management, performance and quality improvement against and beyond the requirements of the September 2015 Common Inspection Framework in a way that can only be achieved by being carried out by the right people. Depending on institutional size and complexity, this totally confidential and focused ‘health check’ will ensure you know your provision inside out and have no surprises should you be inspected. It will help you to decide and prioritise how to move your provision on.

Gold Leaf Services

gold leaf services


A Family Run Company Established in 1973 Serving The Gilding And Decorative Industries Ken Rees - Founder of Gold Leaf Supplies Ken Rees Founder In 2023 we will be celebrating our 50th year in business. Phew! Over the years, we have built a reputation for supplying high-quality products with an equally high level of service. We are passionate about gilding and specialist decoration techniques and we love to hear about your projects. At Gold Leaf Supplies we pride ourselves on our innovative approach to servicing the gilding and decorative trades. We are always exploring ways of expanding our services and seeking new horizons through interesting and exciting product ranges. Sue Govani - Director of Gold Leaf Supplies Sue Govani Director Steve Rees - Director of Gold Leaf Supplies Steve Rees Director Company History Gold Leaf Supplies is a family business, which was established as Services Supply Company in 1973 by Mr Ken Rees who was a senior partner in the business. Although Ken retired in 2008, he still had an involvement in the Company until his peaceful passing in May 2018. Having worked in the Italian Marble business for many years, Ken initially set up the business to supply gold leaf and associated products to the stone trade. The main emphasis being on offering an exceptionally high level of service and personal contact. Since 1973, our client base has expanded and diversified considerably, and we have increased our product range accordingly to meet our clients’ needs. We now cater to a diversified range of National and International clients involved in gilding, signwriting, glass manufacture, bookbinding, furniture restoration and manufacture, framing, interiors, architectural decoration, specialist decorating and monumental carving to name but a few. You can view examples of the prestigious projects that we have supplied for in our client gallery As the emphasis of the business changed so did the Company trading name - to Gold Leaf Supplies. From 1st March 2008, we became a Limited Company - Services Supply Company Ltd T/A Gold Leaf Supplies. Although the product range has diversified, and the company has grown, the philosophy introduced in 1973 has remained the same - "We offer quality products at competitive prices and a continuing high level of service." The business remains within the family and Kens’ son, Steve Rees and daughter, Sue Govani joined the company in 1989 and 1991 respectively. Steve has a background in Business whilst Sue’s background is in Art and Design bringing different skills and ideas to the business. Both are Company Directors and very hands on with the day to day running of the business. Steve is mainly involved with the purchasing and logistics. He has a memory like a filing cabinet and a sound technical knowledge relating to gilding techniques. When he has any free time, you will find him on the ski slopes or out walking with his beloved dogs. Sue is more involved with the creative side of the business and enjoys the sales, marketing and client facing events. Passionate about artistic techniques and applications, Sue is usually found trying out the new product ranges in her spare time. She is learning to gild is spending a little more time being a hands on creative which she finds a very meditative process. We all have enormous respect for the art of gilding and its traditional values whilst at the same time recognise and are inspired by the many diverse and contemporary ways that gold and silver leaf is being used today. Our Team It is important to receive your raw materials on time and we appreciate the tight deadlines that most businesses work to, therefore for approved accounts, most of our products are despatched the day instructions are received and delivered on a next day delivery basis. Where large projects are involved, supplies can be scheduled on a phased delivery. One of our strengths is that we can and have often been called upon to supply large quantities at short notice. Our prime objective is not only to supply, but also to provide a full service to our clients and our team makes every effort to ensure this objective is achieved. We have knowledgeable staff who are always on hand to offer advice and we respond quickly to any enquiries that you may have. Please feel free to contact us at any time. Sue Jewell Accounts Manager Sue J has been with us for almost 15 years and has been instrumental in setting up all of our accounts and bookkeeping administration. Since October last year Sue decided to reduce her hours to work part time to fit around her grandchildren and has been working remotely since lockdown. Accounts practices come naturally to Sue and she is continuing to teach all the office staff her accounting methods. She is still very much involved with managing and overseeing the office systems and administration on a weekly basis remotely although she no longer has direct contact with clients. Niki Rathkey Accounts Administrator and Order Processing Niki has been with GLS for two years now and handles all our day-to-day accounts and order processing. It is a busy desk, but Niki is always on hand with a smile to answer any accounting queries that you may have. She is like a magpie when it comes to our shiny products and uses a lot of them in her stone painting and interior projects. She has also built up a sound knowledge about how our products work and will answer most queries related to this. Niki has a strong background of secretarial and administrative skills and has previously worked for a variety of Accounts practices. Isabel Barriga Brown Accounts Assistant and Order Processing Isabel is a new starter for GLS who joined us in October 2021 but has quickly become an indispensable member of the team. Together with Niki they are the accounts team that keep our day-to-day orders ticking over and our records straight! She is very creative and artistic and helps a lot with our social media ideas and creative projects. Again, Isabel loves trying out the projects in her own home and is also learning to gild. She’s our social secretary and makes sure we get together outside as well as inside of work. Adam Rees Technical and IT Adam has worked at Gold Leaf Supplies for around 10 years and during that time he has built up a very good technical knowledge about the products and their uses. He is happy to answer any technical questions that you may have. He is very patient and interested in the challenges that customers projects often present. He will always go out of his way to find a solution and is interested in testing new products and applications. Adam also has responsibility for the Website and all our internal IT requirements. Ralph Davies Warehouse Manager Ralph has been with GLS for over 8 years and takes care of all the goods inwards, stock control and order despatch. Ralph is meticulous and methodical which is a good thing in a busy warehouse. He runs a very tight and organised ship and is a real character! Nothing is ever too much trouble! He always goes the extra mile to make sure your orders are packed well and despatched on time. Fred Govani Warehouse Assistant Fred is Sue’s husband and since taking early retirement during lockdown he comes into the Company part time to help out in our busy warehouse. Due to his previous and extensive work experience he also has a valuable input into logistics and systems practices. Debbie Rees Colour sampling coordinator. Debbie is Steve’s wife who also runs an online homeware store called Elsie Boo Collections. She helps out at GLS by preparing all of our Gold leaf and other metallic materials shade cards that our clients find so useful to have in their workshops or to show their own customers to help them make colour decision choices. Debbie makes sure that we are all stocked up with these and also helps us keep on top of office filing.

Ajwa Private Tuition Services

ajwa private tuition services


Would you like to hire tutors to help you with academics and professional assistance at your place of residence? When selecting tutors, you may be looking for qualifications, experience, adequacy, and regularity? To meet all your requirements, Ajwa tutors’ network of teachers is committed to serving you well. We provide female and male home tutoring services in Lahore and Islamabad, Pakistan. Our home tutors are highly capable and trustworthy staff that will bring out the best performance from our students. Our reliability is your trust! Therefore, we have taken all possible measures to maintain that trust. We aim to improve education in Pakistan on the basis of personal development, better learning and high performance. Through our vigilant home tutor staff, we strive – to manage appropriate tutors for our students to assure result oriented individualized learning – to provide better guidance for the students to promote conceptual understanding of curriculum – to prepare our students for problem solving skills and make them subject intellectuals – to keep them motivated, enthusiastic and ambitious for the continual learning process – to ensure service satisfaction and 100% guaranteed results To get the best out of our team, we only hire qualified people with strong academic backgrounds through our screening and approval process. To assist you, we at Ajwa Tutors Academy will search for and allocate the most appropriate tutor for you. This will enable them to dedicate their complete attention to your academics within the specified teaching hours. Parents always want their children to grow academically and professionally. That is only possible, when they get the right source of guidance and the right direction. In response to numerous time and travel limitations, insufficient learning, personalized attention, and study gaps, we have come up with solutions. We at Ajwa tutors academy aim to promote education by solving the problems encountered by students in their learning journey. We receive numerous requests for female home tutors in Lahore and Islamabad. Ajwa tutors’ network of female teaching staff covers the whole of Lahore and Islamabad to facilitate you with the most effective home teaching services. Our facilities are available in all Lahore and Islamabad. ONLINE TUTORS Ajwa tutors is a leading national and international online tutoring site. We provide expert tutors for online classes that offer complete learning and flexible timings in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Ajwa tutors provide you with the best online tutoring services through a well-developed and advanced digital network. We welcome knowledge seekers and learners to our broad inter-connected community of subject experts with diverse and extravagant academic backgrounds. Online tutoring is a popular trend that provides expert guidance anytime and from anywhere. Ajwa tutors provide a learning opportunity for all with inclusive benefits of time flexibility, travel exemption, high academic exposure, best mentoring, and study with comport. Without the headache of unnecessary travel, and additional expenses, you can avail in-person tutoring lessons for your desired subject. We guide and assist students to help them get a better grip on their curriculum through subject experts. This online tuition forum brings specialists for subject guidance, exam preparations, and assessments in all academic fields. Ajwa tutors are well-trained in online teaching. By identifying student strengths and weaknesses in a particular subject, they enable them to improve their learning and critical thinking. Ajwa tutors platform emphasizes both quality and equality education through their uniquely designed online tutoring program. We aim to meet the learning needs of every student. Generally, students need extra help in specific subjects or for short-term exam preparation. Our expert tutors will help you grasp the concepts and knowledge necessary to clear your exams with remarkable results. We have highly qualified personnel to teach graduate, master’s, and Ph.D. students in all subject areas. Our online teachers have experience with aptitude tests for Medical, Engineering, IELTS, and TOEFL, etc. Ajwa online tutoring service provides online tutors for classes of all grades including primary, secondary, higher secondary, and intermediate (FSC) (boards level), ICS, O Level and A-Levels (IGCSE, EDEXCEL), IELTS, and TOEFL, etc. A LEVEL TUTORS You can benefit from Ajwa tutors’ A Levels home/online teaching services if you are an AS/A levels student struggling with any subject. We assure you of the reliability and credibility of our staff. Our teachers with experience of Cambridge International teaching also attend an Extension Career Development course to best meet the criteria of teaching at our platform. After GCSEs many students opt for AS Levels, a bit different from A Levels. AS Levels (1 year program) can be said to be equivalent to the first year of A Levels (2 year program) qualification. Both are considered separate qualifications; however, level accomplishment requires more effort than AS levels. The BTEC and IB Diploma are also options after O levels. Students generally take regular lessons in their educational institutes, but the teachers cannot give their full attention to each individual. Furthermore, in a world of increasing competition and scientific developments, the ability to understand and interpret technical materials is crucial to success in academics and careers. With a strong grip on your AS & A Levels subjects, you will surely get a seat at top ranked universities around the world. With our tutoring network, you learn well and become able to think creatively, independently and critically. Our tutoring platform is equipped with all necessary material for teachers to read through. This includes syllabuses, past question papers, mark schemes, examiner reports, lesson plans and schemes of work. Our goal is to train, support, and provide services that will help you grow in a way you deserve. We provide our students with home based learning opportunities with our experienced and qualified tutoring staff at Ajwa tutors. The key to learning is understanding concepts thoroughly. To meet the emerging need for home-based tuition services in Lahore and Islamabad, we have developed our A Levels home tutors’ team. We have tutors in all Lahore and Islamabad areas where we send our subject specialists. Through our vast network of tutors, you can study at your own place. Additionally, we work with professional female tutors to ensure that they are available to assist you with all the subjects. So, travel and gender obstacles cannot limit your learning journey anymore. Cambridge offers wide range AS & A Levels program resource materials and our tutors will guide you to master your course. O LEVELS/ CAMBRIDGE IGCSE/ ENGLAND GCSE HOME/ONLINE TUTORS Cambridge O Level is an internationally recognized qualification equivalent to Cambridge IGCSE and UK GCSE. Updated GCSE content is closely aligned with Cambridge IGCSEs. O-Level courses are designed to prepare students for academic progression to Cambridge Advanced as well as other learning disciplines. Cambridge background tutors or subject specialists are assigned to students from different schools such as The City School, Aitchison College, American Lycetuff, Lahore Grammar School, Bloomfield Hall Schools, Convent of Jesus and Mary, Beaconhouse School System, and others. Students of IGCSE Cambridge/O levels have the following subjects’ classification scheme. Group 1: Economics, business studies, accounting, math and other compulsory/optional subjects Group 2: Math, Biology, Physics, chemistry and other compulsory/ optional subjects Environmental science, sociology, psychology, law and other compulsory/ optional subjects To prepare O levels students for achieving their learning goals in each subject, Ajwa tutors has assembled a team of well-qualified and dedicated online/home tutors. The key to learning is understanding concepts thoroughly. In response to the growing demand for home-based tutoring services, our O levels home tutors team is committed to serving you in Lahore and Islamabad. Through our vast network of tutors, you can get one to one support and interaction with your tutor at your own place. We have experienced and qualified male and female staff. In addition to our male tutors, our professional female home tutors may be available within your vicinity. So, travel and gender obstacles are not limiting your learning experience. Our tutors follow a specified teaching methodology. They incorporate real world examples to broaden the students’ view regarding each topic. As part of their daily class activities, students practice a wide range of subject-related problems as a means of developing critical evaluation and problem-solving skills. Our professional tutors have adopted strategic teaching techniques that guarantee your superior grades. Our tutor network provides online teaching services both within Pakistan and overseas. To facilitate our students’ learning, we offer flexible schedules, individual attention, and a comfortable learning environment. Our online tutors interact well with the student and respond to every query that strikes their mind. So, you get the answers to your queries and the solution to each problem specifically. As well as learning, you gain conceptual and application-based knowledge of each subject field that guarantees your better grades during O levels, which will lead you to successfully enter multiple colleges and subjects. FEMALE HOME TUTORS IN LAHORE / FEMALE HOME TUTORS IN ISLAMABAD Are you searching for a capable female home tutor nearby you for in-person coaching? What if you have difficulty with work schedules and transportation that limit your ability to reach a physical location? We offer female home tutoring services in Lahore and Islamabad to meet your hiring criteria. Parents require high attention for their children’s academics and the allocation of specified teaching hours. There is a huge gap in the field for which parents find it difficult to approach suitable female tutors. Now the problems are solved! With our home tutoring service, we provide the most capable female tutors. Through our vigilant female home tutors’ network, we commit – to provide highly qualified female tutors at your convenience – result oriented 1 to 1 private tutoring and personalized attention – to manage differentiated, better, and pre-learning processes that address all learners’ needs – to fill the gaps left during school lessons, and to best prepare for exams – daily assessment and feedback evaluation – to provide a positive learning environment – to ensure service satisfaction and grades improvement to 100% Through our rigorous screening process, we only hire qualified personnel from top universities who have extraordinary curriculum management skills. Parents usually report the lack of specialist female home tutors in their nearby hometown. Normally we get a request for the requirement of a female tutor in Lahore and female tutor in Lahore Islamabad. We receive numerous requests for female home tutors; thus, we are growing our team in Lahore and Islamabad and its premises.




The role of CABE’s Presidential Team and Board is to set out the strategic objectives and aims of the Association and to ensure their delivery. All representatives on the board are members of CABE are nominated to the position by Chartered Members. They represent a mixture of views from different specialities and areas across the industry making sure there is a variety of perspectives to help shape CABE’s unifying voice. CABE Patron Lord John Lytton BSc FCABE (Hon) IRRV FRICS In his role as patron of CABE, Lord Lytton acts as an influential figurehead, creating valuable partnerships with organisations across the globe through his extensive network of industry and Governmental contacts and assisting the Association in raising its profile and influence within the building and construction industry. Lord Lytton is a leading chartered surveyor and an active contributor to the House of Lords. He is chairman of the boundaries and party walls professional panel of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and a Vice Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Excellence in the Built Environment as well as being newly appointed to the House of Lords Information Committee. He has been an Honorary Fellow of ABE since 1997, and CABE since its formation in 2014. Presidential Team Joseph Birt PCABE FCABE – President Joseph Birt worked for 22 years within Local Authority Building Control in various posts; the latter 12 years as Specialist Support Officer for a Cluster of Councils, which included responsibility for advising on fire safety aspects of the Building Regulations. He was, for ten years, a Director of the William Keown Charitable Trust, which champions equality in the built environment and celebrates the achievements of people with disabilities. He has been elected twice as Chairman of the Northern Ireland Fire Safety Panel. By Ministerial Appointment he served two terms on the Northern Ireland’s Building Regulations Advisory Committee (BRAC) where he contributed to the development of the current Northern Ireland Building Regulations. He has also served two terms on the Department of Communities, Historic Buildings Council. Joseph is a Chartered Building Engineer, who continues to be active within his local CABE Region; currently Treasurer and past Chairman of the CABE Northern Ireland Region’. He is now the Technical Director of FRSNI Ltd. Richard Smith VPCABE FCABE – Vice-President Richard Smith commenced his employment as a YTS Trainee in Building Control back in 1989 and has progressed his career to become the Head of Standards and Innovation and Research at NHBC where he oversees the delivery and implementation of NHBC's Technical Standards, Technical policy, Acceptance of innovative and non-traditional construction methods and leads the NHBC Foundation. Richard is also a member of The Building Regulations Advisory Committee and support a number of Sub Committees including new building broadband connectivity, Part M Working Group and Building Act 1984 working group. Richard Flynn CEng CEnv CWEM VPCABE FCABE – Vice-President Richard is an independent private practitioner trading as Flynn & Shaw, Chartered Building Engineers. As well as being a Chartered Building Engineer, he is a Chartered Engineer, Chartered Environmentalist, Chartered Water and Environment Manager, Registered Building Surveyor and Certified Site Assessor. Richard is a recognised expert in the area of onsite wastewater treatment and provides a complete site suitability assessment, treatment system design, and certification of installation for onsite wastewater treatment systems throughout Ireland. Richard has been Chair of the CABE Membership and Professional Standards Committee (MPSC) since its inception in 2019 as well as member of the Southern Ireland Region committee of CABE. Stewart C McArthur BSc (Hons) PPCABE FCABE RICS Dip BC – Past President Stewart has 30 years’ experience in the house building industry. He has a degree in Fire Risk Engineering from Glasgow Caledonian University. During his studies he also attended seminars at Maryland University and had the privilege of being tutored by some of the most widely respected experts in the fire engineering sector. Stewart began his career in building standards before moving into the warranty sector. He also has recent experience as a site manager. This broad experience has given him a greater understanding of the house building industry from all perspectives. He has been a member of CABE since 2001 and has played an active part in the regional committee for the past ten years. CABE Board Daniel Fordham FCABERussell Urwin FCABETony Harvey-Soanes FCABEPaul Grinyer FCABEDavid Courtney CEnv FCABE Lindsay Richards BSc MBA MCABE Chartered Building EngineerZoe Cox FCABEMishka Scott MCABE Chartered Building EngineerDavid Kitcatt FCABEIsacc Sunder Packianathan FCABE Executive Team Dr Gavin Dunn BSc (Hons) MSc PhD FCABE – Chief Executive Originally trained as an architect, Gavin initially practised in North America with a large construction engineering firm before returning to the UK to specialise in the energy and environmental performance of buildings in 1998. Gavin advanced this specialism through positions at the Welsh School of Architecture, and Elmhurst Energy, where he helped develop some of Europe’s leading building energy certification and labelling systems. In 2013 Gavin was appointed Director of Building Performance at the Building Research Establishment (BRE) where he was responsible for a portfolio of BRE's globally leading services including BREEAM and CEEQUAL the world’s foremost environmental assessment methods for the built environment. In 2018, Gavin was appointed as Chief Executive of CABE where he works to help enable a more professional construction sector that works to create better, safer and more sustainable buildings that enhance people’s lives. Gavin was a member of the Building Regulations Advisory Committee (BRAC) of the UK Government from 2015 to 2022 where he served as Chairman of the Future Homes Standard Working Group. Jackie Macaulay – Chief Operating Officer Jackie is responsible for all aspects of the organisations operations and internal processing. Her remit includes compliance, legal services, HR, OD & change management, IT, facilities, PR & communications, membership processing and deputising for the CEO in his absence. Her experience spans a range of manufacturing, construction and not-for-profit organisations with her first Director position as HR Director for Electrolux in 2004. Jackie has worked across the UK, Ireland and internationally across Europe and Asia managing diverse and multi-disciplined teams. She brings to CABE the senior expertise that will develop the organisation as it moves forward with its modernisation and development strategy. Richard Harral BA BArch FCABE RIBA – Technical Director Richard Harral is the Technical Director for CABE. He has previously worked as an architect in both public and private sector practice, and as a policy official in the Building Regulations Division of MHCLG between 2007 and 2014 where he oversaw introduction of policies on accessible housing, security standards, broadband and the national space standard for new homes. He was subsequently Head of Technical Policy in the period 2014-2017. He currently sits on the CIC Competence Steering Group, and chairs a number of competence working groups including on Designer and Architect Competence. He was Technical author for Flex 8670, the recently published British Standard on Competence for building safety in Built environment industries. Alison Duckles CBE – Professional Development Director Alison has worked in the Construction sector for over 24 years, predominantly with Laing O’Rourke. She previously held roles with the Chartered Institution of Waste Management and Eastern Group plc in the power sector. Predominantly focused on learning and development while driving competence, professional standards, and futures skills requirement; Alison worked extensively on the creation of new construction apprenticeships, engaging employers, providers, sector bodies and Government. In her role with CABE Alison is responsible for continuing to strengthen partnerships with academic institutions, provide members with quality training and CPD opportunities and Support the Association’s ambition to drive competency and professional responsibility in the construction sector. CABE Staff Membership Services Team – membership@cbuilde.com Our friendly, experienced membership team is always on hand to offer the best possible advice on becoming a member of CABE, advising you on the best route to membership and helping you to progress through our grades as your career develops. Amy Chatfield – Membership Services Manager Amy leads the Membership Team, which is responsible for all membership processing, professional interviews for CABE Chartered Membership and registrations for both the Engineering Council and Society for the Environment. With a strong background in customer service, Amy joined CABE in 2015. She has held a variety of positions, including roles in the Publications Team – working on the building engineer journal – and the Events & Marketing Team. After building extensive knowledge of the membership journey, she moved into the Membership Team in 2018; since then, she has worked continuously to improve processes, ensuring that the Association provides excellent customer service to all new and existing members. Alongside her role as Membership Services Manager, Amy is a trained Mental Health First Aider (MHFA), providing wellbeing support for her colleagues. Sabrina Miah Professional Review Co-ordinator Tara Talley Membership Services Co-ordinatorJoshua Law Membership Services Administrator Communications Team – info@cbuilde.com The Communications team deliver vital resources, news, and information to our membership, keeping them up-to-date with industry changes, standards, and opinions. This is done through direct contact with our membership, delivering our monthly journal, BuildingEngineer . Laura Richardson - Head of Communications Laura has been with CABE since 2018 when she joined as PR and Communication manager. She is responsible for implementing the communications strategy across the Association’s communication streams including PR, Marketing, and Digital Infrastructure functions. She joined CABE from Booker, where she gained experience in website marketing and design. Along with her previous experience working in publications and marketing roles in the construction industry she brings a lot of skills and strengths to the team. Maya Bullock Communications & Digital Designer Abigail Crook Communications Administrator Professional Development Team – training@cbuilde.com CABE provides a range of services to our members and the wider industry to assist in the expansion of knowledge in respect of the built environment. Our Professional Development Team facilitate this by ensuring opportunities such as our suite of regional conferences, annual conference & exhibition, training courses, local/regional CPD and our 12 UK & ROI regions run smoothly and offer the highest possible quality in their delivery. Kirri Porter-White - Competency & Learning Lead Kirri has been with the association since 2015, working initially within the Regional Services and Events team to provide support for the regional committees over CABE’s 12 regions in the UK and Ireland, as well as our international Chapters. Kirri is responsible for the development and deployment of CABE’s training and learning infrastructure, focusing on both technical competency and wellbeing within the construction industry. Kirri’s team also work with the Professional Development Director on academic accreditation and relationships with universities. Rosemary Brewill Regional Services Co-ordinatorShaneka Foster Professional Development Administrator Operations Team – info@cbuilde.com The Operations Team are involved in the day-to-day activities of the Association, to ensure the smooth running of all CABE’s activities, including Finance, IT, Legal and Facilities. Carl Pearson - Head of Legal and Governance Services Carl has worked both private practice and in-house roles, within the sectors of welfare law, housing law, debt law, consumer law, compliance law, and commercial law. Joining CABE in 2018 from Dixons Carphone, Carl is responsible for providing the Association with internal legal advice on its business practices, activities and contractual relationships, development and review of various internal policies and procedures and day-to-day management of disciplinary and complaints investigations. Jacky Lonsdale - Head of Finance Jacky joined CABE in November 2021 and brings a wealth of experience having worked for a number of both large corporate companies and smaller businesses including JVC, Total Oil Marine, Bosch Security Systems and Vinci Construction. Before joining CABE she worked for the Auto-Cycle Union, a motorcycle membership organisation. As Head of Finance Jacky is responsible for the delivery of financial information to the management team. Finance encompasses all areas of accounting processes, monthly management accounts, forecasts, annual budgets and financial statements. It also covers all aspects of audit liaison and statutory return requirements. Jacky’s mission is to ensure financial reporting is accurate, concise and on time. Helena Wootton Reception and Office ManagerAlison Lodge Executive AssistantCharlotte Taylor Finance Assistant Hong Kong Office – info@cbuilde.com Vivian Sie BA (Hons) MA MSc - General Manager Vivian is the General Manager of CABE Hong Kong Chapter responsible for daily operation, enhancing communication with members and working partners, upholding the reputation of one of the international recognised associations in Hong Kong and beyond.Before joining CABE, Vivian had experience in the areas of corporate governance and public sector management where she was instrumental in providing efficient secretarial support to a local leading professional institute and a regulatory body. Her remit included membership processing and benefits, media relations, disciplinary proceedings, set-up of Biennale Foundation and Beijing Representative Office, key event planning and execution. After graduating with BA honours in translation, Vivian obtained a distinction in the Master of Arts in International Communication from the Macquarie University, Australia. She has a Master of Science in Public Sector Management. Mable Hung Administrator

Courses matching "strengths"

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The 4 Colour Energies - An Introduction

By colour-energies.com

The four colour energies will transform your team dynamics and performance, on this virtual workshop find out how to embed the four colour energies within your team. Find out your own communication preferences and how to work effectively with colleagues with a different preference.

The 4 Colour Energies - An Introduction
Delivered Online3 hours, Jul 5th, 08:30 + 5 more
£99 to £225

Peer Supervision for Clinical Hypnotherapists: Peer supervision for clinical hypnotherapists fosters professional growth through enhanced reflective practice, continuous learning, emotional support, feedback and validation, ethical guidance, networking, and professional accountability. - **Enhanced Reflective Practice**: Facilitates self-reflection, helping hypnotherapists identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement through peer discussions. - **Continuous Learning**: Expands knowledge by sharing innovative techniques, research findings, and emerging trends, promoting ongoing professional development. - **Emotional Support**: Provides a supportive space for therapists to share experiences and receive emotional support, addressing the emotional demands of the profession. - **Feedback and Validation**: Offers constructive criticism and fresh perspectives, aiding in skill refinement and improved clinical practice. - **Ethical Guidance**: Allows discussion of ethical dilemmas and collaborative solutions, ensuring adherence to professional standards. - **Networking and Collaboration**: Builds professional networks, leading to collaboration, referrals, and partnerships. - **Professional Accountability**: Encourages high standards and self-reflection through peer discussions, enhancing practice quality.

Peer Supervision.
Delivered Online2 hours, Jul 5th, 17:00 + 16 more

Speakeasy Parent's Course


By Cwmni Addysg Rhyw - Sex Education Company

Speakeasy is a free course for parents and other caregivers of autistic children and young people, aged up to 18 years old, living within Conwy and Denbighshire.  A programme of six sessions. Mondays 6pm to 8pm. We will be delivering the course online.  Discussing growing up, relationships, and sex with your autistic child can be a challenging yet essential aspect of parenting. Our Speakeasy course is designed to guide you through these conversations; join us for a course designed to address the specific needs of parents with autistic children and young people, supporting you to talk with your child about growing up, relationships and sex. The course will cover: * What is relationships and sex education and what it means for you * Growing up and puberty * Online behaviour * Protecting children from harm * Safer sex * Relationships and sexuality education (RSE) in school The course offers a flexible and relaxed way to gain greater confidence in an area that can cause embarrassment and awkwardness for families with children of all ages. The programme is particularly suited to parents and caregivers of autistic children and young people as we can explore key concerns, adapt resources to different needs and work as a group on maximising strengths and problem solving.  Eligibility: Are you a parent or other caregiver of an autistic child/children? Are they 18 or younger? Do you live in Conwy or Denbighshire? Who we are: Cwmni Addysg Rhyw - Sex Education Company are a social enterprise (not for profit) company based in North Wales. Our staff have over 21 years experience in delivering relationships and sex education. We run RSE projects with children, young people and adults. More information can be found on our website https://www.sexeducationcompany.org/ [https://www.sexeducationcompany.org/]   If you would like any other information, please contact Mel Gadd mel@sexeducationcompany.org 

Speakeasy Parent's Course
Delivered Online2 hours, Jul 8th, 17:00

inGenius Memory

By inGeniusly

If you have the desire to memorise anything incredibly quickly, and retain it for as long as you need, this course is for you! In a fun, dynamic way, where we purposefully combine different teaching approaches to get you to a level of mastery in the shortest possible time, we will teach you the ins and outs of memory. You will be amazed by how powerful your own brain can be!

inGenius Memory
Delivered Online & In-Person in London12 weeks, Jul 12th, 15:00

Webinar-Exploring Autism

By PIC Training

An hour exploring Autism, including the communication differences, strengths, sensory differences and unique experiences.

Webinar-Exploring Autism
Delivered Online1 hour, Jul 17th, 11:30

Neurodiversity Workshop Awareness: Signs, Strengths, Struggles

By Mpi Learning - Professional Learning And Development Provider

In this workshop, you will gain a better understanding of the benefits and challenges of working with neurodiverse people. Make your Organisation a more inclusive place for neurodiverse individuals.

Neurodiversity Workshop Awareness: Signs, Strengths, Struggles
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Loughborough



By Improving Communications Uk

LEARN TO FOCUS ON INTERPERSONAL SKILLS, BEHAVIOR, AND ENVIRONMENT AND HOW TO PROMOTE DIVERSITY-POSITIVE INTERACTIONS. You will be able to focus on interpersonal skills, behavior, and environment, to see how they promote diversity-positive interactions, as well as learn causes for discriminatory practices and create an action plan for increasing workplace acceptance and harmony. Uncover and discard beliefs and attitudes that foster or block progress. By discovering your strengths as well as liabilities, you can build on the positive and move toward minimizing the negative. As a result, you will gain greater personal and professional satisfaction. PART I – BROADENING THE VIEW   Find new perspectives and ways to turn challenges into opportunities. Become skilled at ways to further develop self-awareness and sensitivity. PART II – FAIR STANDARDS   Learn about how attitudes expressed in speech and behavior promote or hinder a positive work environment. Determine and apply steps for getting past prejudice for greater productivity. PART III – ORGANIZATIONAL UNITY   Discover value in diverse perspectives and personalities and their benefits. Strategize ways to strengthen relationships and turn negative into positive interactions. ATTENDEES WILL BE ABLE TO:   * Discover new ways to “see things differently;” * Use Emotional Intelligence to strengthen relationships and increase awareness of self and others; * Define Diversity and uncover ways in which it is significantly useful in an organization; * Develop best practices (rooted in honor and law) to use Diversity in planning, problem solving, and decision-making); * Manage conflict through unity, using the organization’s mission, vision, values, and goals; and * Understand and communicate value to staff. Online Class—Diversity – Building a Thriving Business Environment is a 4-hour interactive virtual class.    REGISTER FOR THIS CLASS AND YOU WILL BE SENT ONLINE LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS PRIOR TO THE CLASS DATE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Improving Communications brought our organization to realize how important our employees—our people—are to Baystate Dental. By helping us to develop a more thoughtful and sensitive nature, we now relate better with each other and our patients. Dr. Kevin Coughlin, DMD, FAGD, MBABaystate Dental

Delivered Online4 hours, Jul 17th, 19:00 + 1 more

Leading with Your Strengths

By Enspark

It is common to focus on our weaknesses, however weakness will not make you excel. If you want to be an effective leader, it is important to focus on and learn to lead with your strengths. Everyone has strengths. Things they are naturally good at. Do you know your strengths and how they can help you to be an effective leader? This guide will teach you how to identify and lead with your strengths.

Leading with Your Strengths
Delivered Online On Demand

Emotionally intelligent leadership


By The Self Leadership Initiative

Learn how to develop your emotional intelligence to become a more effective leader.

Emotionally intelligent leadership
Delivered Online1 hour, Jul 16th, 12:00

Career management - for all stages

By Kate26

Whether you’re a career driver, passenger or hitchhiker, it helps to have a sense of what works for you. This workshop gives you tips, tricks and tools to help you plan your career with confidence, no matter what stage you’re at. You'll create a career plan that lets you own, invest in and manage your development for current and future career fulfilment.

Career management - for all stages
Delivered Online2 hours, Jul 31st, 08:00