5938 Educators providing Courses

Compass Education and Training

compass education and training


About Compass Education and Training At Compass Education, we strive to keep our courses the best they can be. Since the beginning, our courses have been based on knowledge, experience, and a passion for animals. Our courses are written, edited and published by professionals with years of teaching and first hand experience with animals, giving you the best quality of study material available. A word from our Director For anyone embarking on a course of study it can be a difficult time, deciding which course, whether or not you will enjoy it and wondering what you will get for your investment are just some of the things that you will be considering. I hope that by telling you something about myself, my passion for and life of involvement with animals you will understand a little of the enthusiasm that has gone into creating Compass Education and Training over the last 23 years. Apart from my time in the forces I have had dogs in my life since I was five years old and being in my sixties that means a lot of dogs, everything from working breeds, toy breeds, terriers, utility breeds to hounds. I have seen the joy of puppies growing up, the hard work of the elderly and infirm dog and experienced the devastation of losing many friends, the pride of being unconditionally accepted by them, the frustrations and elations of working with rescued dogs and everything in between. We currently have 11 dogs and I cannot imagine life without them, they are an inspiration, no more so than when I was going through treatment for cancer 11 years ago. David Montgomery David Montgomery Without qualifications I felt that despite my knowledge and experience I could only be regarded, like so many others working with animals, as a keen amateur. I read books, picked up information from television, trained my dogs and rescued any injured wildlife I came across or was brought to me. It was then I decided that if I was to become truly professional I needed a better education, so in 1994 I enrolled at Oxford Brookes University on a combined studies degree of Psychology and Animal Behaviour. Three years later I achieved my 2:1 BSc (Hons) and for those of you wondering if it’s possible whilst working in your late thirties and paying a mortgage, there is the evidence. After graduating I studied Counselling Skills at University College London and went on to professionally offer behaviour counselling.

Plan Be Coaching

plan be coaching

Priscilla is a Senior level accredited Coach, Positive Psychologist, and CBT Practitioner. Her expertise lies in coaching groups and individuals to overcome their performance inhibiting thoughts and gain confidence and clarity to peruse their high ambitions and live a life which reflects their full potential. Through a combination of scientifically grounded techniques from the study of Positive Psychology, CBT, NLP, and her own personalised coaching framework, Priscilla helps her clients grow their coping toolbox and dispel the negative beliefs, behaviours, and performance-inhibiting thoughts which make them feel stuck and unable to progress. Prior to becoming a coach Priscilla spent 7 years within the Metropolitan police. First, as a response officer and later as a Detective within the child abuse and sexual exploitation unit. Her career within the police gave her first-hand experience of working in a high-stress, high-risk environment with tight deadlines and a substantial workload. The tug of a demanding career competed tirelessly with raising a family. This internal conflict which manifested in stress and anxiety eventually led to her defining her own version of success and embarking on her Plan B(e), her current career as a Positive Psychology Coach. As a coach Priscilla’s mission is to empower others to live in a world where they are no longer held back by a fear of failure or low self belief. Instead, they are able to clarify their own version of success and live towards it courageously. I believe I am qualified to be your coach because I have the the scientific knowledge to help you reach your goals and the personal experience of feeling stuck and low in confidence. I was diagnosed with GAD (general anxiety disorder) and PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) so I have first hand knowledge of the effect these can take on your mindset, life and business. I have also learnt how to master my mindset and overcome the mental obstacles that can keep us stuck. I obtained an MSc in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology graduating with a 1st Class distinction. I have been accredited as a Senior level coach with hundreds of hours in coaching practice. As a coach I use tools that are grounded in psychology and proven through data to work and make a positive impact. If you are dedicated to the process I can guarantee you results and you will get there far quicker with me as your coach and ally. I have experience of working in a high stress, demanding environment, that can be volatile and challenging. I have experience of juggling a business, with raising children and have learnt to thrive despite the demands of both.