4413 Educators providing Courses

The Training Rock

the training rock

We provide leadership training which catapults your results because when your leaders thrive, so does your business. The difference between a collaborative leadership team who actively develop their people and a leadership team full of individuals competing for status, will show starkly on your bottom line. Our leadership training results in transformed employee engagement, reduced staff turnover and creates cultures that people WANT to be a part of. Leadership Training, Lewes, East Sussex Leadership Training, Lewes, East Sussex Leadership Training, Manchester Leadership Training, Manchester How skilled are your leaders? Are your leaders in their role because they were brilliant at doing ‘the job’ and so they got promoted to leading people who do ‘the job’ and suddenly find themselves in a role which requires a completely different set of skills? Does your workplace culture genuinely reflect your company values? Nobody said effective leadership is easy. But equipped with the right tools, a safe space to practise and a solid understanding of what you’re out to achieve, it IS achievable. We specialise in delivering awesome, transformative, engaging leadership training which will equip your people to become leaders their team actually WANT to work for. OUR USP We use our TRAIT test to hold up a metaphorical mirror Our unique TRAIT test uncovers your default behavioural traits; both those which serve you well and those which are getting in yours and others’ way. We’ll shine a light on your blindspots so that you can see what everyone has been noticing for months… We use animal avatars to represent the nine main behavioural traits which we see time and time again. Competitive Cheetah, anyone? Or maybe more of the conflict avoiding Ostrich? The TRAIT test will introduce you to your own animal influencers. We’ll then show you how to get the best out of them AND how to most effectively interact with people with different traits to you. THAT’s when the magic begins.

Own Your Success

own your success



ABOUT OWN YOUR SUCCESS It's as simple as that. We want professionals to OWN THEIR SUCCESS!  Progressive professionals who want to be at the forefront of their organisation and sector, encouraging best practice implementation and personal and staff growth, need to ensure they are continuing to invest in themselves.  Whether you are a current or future leader, owning your career, learning from peers and understanding modern tools and techniques is the only way to truly establish yourself as a front-runner in your space. OYS offers proven programs that are designed to provide you with key insights and outcomes that will allow you to elevate yourself as a leader and encourage the elevation of the team around you. As an attendee at one of our programs, you will create and start implementing your OWN roadmap, which will enhance YOUR capability and create a clear pathway for future SUCCESS. Visit our events page to view up-and-coming programs best suited to you and your business. MISSION STATEMENT Own Your Success is dedicated to delivering the highest quality training events and unique and memorable delegate experience - delivered with enthusiasm, liveliness and excitement for professionals advancing their careers. OUR VALUES Transparency As an organisation, we need to demonstrate honesty, openness, accountability, and a straightforward attitude towards all business interactions – our clients, facilitators and internal team.   Collaboration We are a learning organisation and we need to listen to our clients, facilitators and team to make sure we work together to be successful in our mission to deliver the highest-quality learning experience. We need to work together to learn and make the right decisions for everyone involved with our organisation.  Fun We have all heard the quote; "If you love what you do - you'll never work a day in your life," but this is what we stand by. We love helping and developing people to be the best version of themselves. If you’re having fun then that means our clients are going to get the best experience possible. We are serious about developing people, but who says you can’t have a chuckle whilst doing it.   Communication  We need to effectively communicate to make sure our clients have the best learning journey possible. If we can't, then how can you trust us to develop you? Communication is a major part of a professional’s journey and so it’s a major part of ours too. Therefore our focus is strong communication with our clients, facilitators and team to make sure we deliver on what we set out to achieve - the best quality training programs for professionals advancing their careers.