2947 Educators providing Courses

Lenticular Futures

lenticular futures


We're transforming psychotherapy and counselling in three ways: We are re-thinking all therapeutic theory to situate the individual in wider contexts and systems. We ask how everything is connected, by whom and with what consequences! Join us in decolonising, depathologising and ecologising practice, theory and research We can help therapists and training institutes develop future oriented technological competence for more accessible practice. Why is that important? There is a need to decolonise and depathologise the theory and practice of psychotherapy and counselling. We need to understand the problems of the individual as situated in a world which is socially, culturally and economically unbalanced. And we need to have ways of recognising and working with people's complex intersectional community memberships, experiences and talents in therapy. Why now? We are living in a panmorphic crisis (Simon 2021). It's a good time to read the writing on the wall and take action. We can do this by making decolonising and depathologising theory and practice, by responding with EcoSystemic ways of working, by critically engaging with accessible and future oriented technological possibilities. What work do we do? The key areas of our work are Training - Research - Consultancy. We run workshops and seminars to create and support decolonised, depathologised and ecosystemic ways of working. We host conferences on social issues affecting psychotherapy and counselling practice and training. We introduce psychotherapists and their training organisations to new technologies and intramediality to help make learning and assessment more accessible and culturally relevant. We produce research reports on future technology for therapy; neurodiverse therapy; therapeutic space; ecosystemic therapy; indigenous knowing and practice in therapy; new ways of training and assessing counselling and psychotherapy trainees; more... We consult to training organisations and professional membership bodies to help them improve the experience and success of trainees from diverse communities We run leadership and organisational development groups for leaders and managers who are developing inclusive therapeutic services What kind of organisation is Lenticular Futures? We are becoming a Community Interest Company. That means we are a Not For Profit and all proceeds from work support free or low cost projects and research within the organisation. How do we fund this work? We charge for workshops, conferences and seminars we host. We apply for funding. We welcome donations for specific projects or in general What does Lenticular mean? Lenticular Futures is a term borrowed from a paper by Professor Wanda Pillow (link). It's a prompt to hold in mind past, present and future when you meet people or see something. It's an invitation to notice the neurotypical, heteronormative, eurocentric lenses we have been taught to look through and check who-what we are including and who-what we are excluding. It comes from noticing what Wanda calls a "whiteout" in academic and professional literature of Global Majority contributors. This is an era for new curricula and making new theory and practice. Our professions can easily lead changes in the balance of power and develop more user friendly ways of working. What are our philosophical objectives? To theorise and interrogate fundamental taken for granteds in the cultural bias of theory and practice. To develop a lenticular ideology of psychotherapy and counselling which integrates and is led by decolonising, depathologising, ecosystemic, contextual influences of planet and co-inhabitants. To redress the exclusion of knowledge from oppressed population groups. To support therapeutic practices which are generated from within communities. To understand and address systemic influences of capitalism on wellbeing. To critically work with the socio-techno world in which we live. To get that systemic understanding of the world is an overarching metatheory for all our modalities. To decolonise means not having a disordered attachment to theories of disorder. Who are we? The co-founders are experienced psychotherapists and organisational consultants. We bring a vast amount of experience in systemic thinking about organisations, culture, therapy and counselling training, research and management. We also know how to create initiatives from within the margins. The co-founders are Dr Julia Jude, Dr Gail Simon, Rukiya Jemmott, Dr Leah Salter, Kiri Summers, Dr Liz Day, Dr Birgitte Pedersen, Anne Bennett, Naz Nizami, Dr Francisco Urbistondo Cano and Amanda Middleton. Forthcoming events Lenticular Futures: Crafting Practices beyond this Unravelled World FLIP@Brathay 2nd & 3rd May 2022 https://lf2022.eventbrite.co.uk Indigenous and Decolonising Knowledge and Practice Decolonising Therapeutic Practice read-watch-listen-make groups Future Tech to improve experiences for people doing therapy and in therapy training EcoSystemic Return Reading Seminars Professional Wellbeing events Walking and Outdoors Therapy Creating Decolonised Participatory Groups Systemic Practice and Autism Conference Writing Performance as Research Film, podcast, documentary making with people doing training and therapy Watch this page and our Eventbrite page - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - Therapy in a Panmorphic World This era of panmorphic crisis requires urgent, creative, ethics-led responses. Most of the professional theories we live by came into being without their ideological foundations being questioned. We cannot take a step further in this world without a commitment to developing awareness of parallel, criss-crossing, multidimensional, transtemporal, transcultural, transmaterial elements of living – and how they interact. No Meaning Without Context The key systemic value of understanding context is paramount to inquiry, to understanding what is happening and how to move as a relational, situated participant-player. But the contexts in play are often hidden, erased, elusive or remote, and it can be plain hard to see-feel-understand the knowledges and experiences specific to other places, people or disciplines. The Individual Is Not The Problem The psych professions confuse this further through the decontextualising practices of individualising and pathologising explanation of why some people see some things one way and not another. Furthermore, the social construction of truth is a debate that transcends academia and has been put to work by political agendas to foster an era of mistrust of truth. People are now aware that “truth” can be put to work for objectives other than the common good. This undermines social justice issues and what counts as information. Voices from within a community, from within lived experience are undermined by voices from without of those contexts often without a critique of power relations. A Fresh Look at Training Counsellors and "Psycho"therapists We cannot train relational practitioners in aboutness-withoutness ways of thinking. It separates people from place and history, and it creates colonisers and pathologisers whose practices become policy and influence the majority’s “common sense”. Opportunities for other kinds of learning are lost. The first language of the psycho professions of “talking therapy”, whatever its modality, is excluding of other ways of moving on safely and creatively together. The psychotherapies are playing catch-up in how people use technology to communicate in their everyday lives. A Paradigm Shift for Therapy and Counselling The Black Lives Matter movement offers a choice. It can be treated as a passing protest or a cultural shift. This organisation chooses to take the position that no-one should choose to be unchanged by Black Lives Matter. The question is how to be changed in ways that will contribute to a better world? This is more than a matter of equal rights. It is about safety now, it is about heritage, rich, stolen, re-interpreted, it is about past, present and future being held in mind, all the time. Professional practice needs to scrutinise its theoretical heritage with its hidden ideological assumptions to study and guide our ways forward into a new era, to meet change with culturally appropriate language, local knowledges, and ways of being and imagining.

Learning Improvement Service

learning improvement service

Bromley Common

Who and what is the Learning Improvement Service? The Learning Improvement Service was set up by Phil Hatton (read about Phil here), an ex-Ofsted HMI and National Adviser. Through his extensive experience in leading inspections, surveys, good practice, advisory work and improvement consultancy, Phil has a unique and wide understanding of best practice in the Further Education sector, particularly in colleges and in work-based learning. He is utilising his knowledge to help colleges and other providers of training improve the learning experience they give to their learners. The LIS only wants to work with those who have a real will to improve their provision, by establishing where you are now and where you would like to be in the future. We do not intend to just help to ‘patch you up’ to get you through an inspection, but to help you make sustainable improvements. We use only the best people, who know what they are doing, because they have done it themselves. Below is a brief summary of the main ways that we can support you (however, please contact us if you require something else not listed below): Consultancy support to improve key aspects of your provision - consultancy support to cover key aspects of quality improvement systems such as self-assessment reporting, position statements, improvement planning, observation of teaching, learning and assessment, sharing of good practice, course reviews and evaluation, the user voice and being prepared for short or full Ofsted Inspections. Phil can also help you to improve English and maths and ensure that your safeguarding is exemplary. Providing a ‘critical friend’ service to check and validate self-assessment, observations of teaching and other key quality processes such as course reviews – confirmation that you are moving in the right direction – we’ll work with you to confirm you are doing the right things in the right way, responding specifically to your needs, keeping you on target to improve your provision. This is one of the key areas of our work particularly from September through to February. Phil will also provide you with support by email or phone if needed prior to and during inspections. Safeguarding, Prevent and British Values Reviews – Phil has developed real expertise in what the best practice of the sector is and can work with you over two days to check out every aspect and leave you with a position statement of where you are and what you can do to be outstanding. Phil can also provide bespoke training and materials to raise awareness of staff, governors and learners Apprenticeships and subcontracting – Phil knows all there is to know about these two areas and has helped transform some of the biggest college and worst performing providers in terms of their success rates. The ideal scenario is a five day visit to check and sample how you do things, suggest improvements and provide you with the resources needed, finishing with a half-day staff development that is bespoke to your improvement needs. Please contact Phil as long in advance as possible to get time allocated for this Internal inspection or review of areas requiring improvement - a tried and tested way to improve an area is to first gain an informed view of exactly where that area is in terms of strengths and weaknesses, using an expert with extensive inspection experience. Unlike an Ofsted inspection, all feedback to staff and managers observed in an area is given constructively to help improve practice for the benefit of learners (while also giving you robust evidence for your OTLA system, SAR and QIP). An internal review could be for an area of learning or for a cross-college aspect such as safeguarding, equality and diversity, or course reviews. All consultants undertaking this work are personally known to Phil Hatton as to their ability to do so. The LIS will only conduct such work when they have the right person to do it (often Phil himself). You will receive a report that focusses on ways of improving the area reviewed, based on the best practice of the sector that is proven to work (not just telling you what has been seen, which is the usual practice of most consultancy companies). Helping individual institutions in the sector achieve good or outstanding teaching, learning and assessment through establishing robust observation of teaching, learning and assessment (OTLA) systems – depending on where your system is we can its validate current robustness by conducting observations (joint ones are best value as they train your staff) and scrutinising the gradings and paperwork historically awarded. If more work is required, we’ll equip you with the tools (training, paperwork and systems) to establish an OTLA system that delivers accurate and well recorded findings by your observers. Your observation system will help keep a focus on promoting improvement, identifying and promoting the sharing and adaptation of good practice by teachers (a reoccurring weakness in Ofsted inspections in the past year). We will provide you with the training, paperwork and systems to move your staff forward, encouraging their collaboration in the development and sharing of resources, so your staff will deliver learning in true teams. We will support you with either graded or ungraded systems. An approach of conducting joint ‘learning walkthroughs’ of 20 to 25 minutes duration is providing many institutions with an overview of their provision and enables the judgements of college observers to be tested out for their accuracy and breadth. Sharing exemplary practice and systems in self-assessment with you, leading to quality improvement planning that moves you forward – we’ll support you in developing your capacity to self-assess all of your work honestly and robustly so that your staff ‘own’ the resultant self-assessment reports and improvement plans, understanding their part in moving you forward. Few are really good at self-assessment, we can make sure that you are and that self-assessment moves you forward. Several colleges and providers have received very positive feedback about their SARs in 2016 following support and the use of LIS templates, particularly the use of a two page Executive Summary SAR that helps focus improvement actions. If you have a 50 page SAR it will not be an effective improvement tool. Helping you to produce position statements – if you think you are likely to be inspected it is important to be able to say where you are ‘now’ as self-assessment looks back on the past year - we’ll support you in writing effective position statements for key areas that tell you and others exactly where you are for that area. They are a great way to demonstrate to inspectors that you know your provision and have helped a number of LIS clients move from a grade 4 inadequate to a grade 2 good. Phil has also helped a number of colleges achieve grade 1s for their leadership and management. An exemplar position statement can be seen here but is not as good as what you will finish up with (samples can be shared)!! Conducting a confidential ‘health check’ of your organisation by one or more of the top and most experienced recent HMIs (and previously lead inspectors with the FEFC, TSC and ALI) – if it is sometime since your last inspection or there have been significant changes in management or what you offer, a ‘health check’ could be invaluable. We’ll examine your leadership, management, performance and quality improvement against and beyond the requirements of the September 2015 Common Inspection Framework in a way that can only be achieved by being carried out by the right people. Depending on institutional size and complexity, this totally confidential and focused ‘health check’ will ensure you know your provision inside out and have no surprises should you be inspected. It will help you to decide and prioritise how to move your provision on.

Pauline Daley

pauline daley

We also offer a range of other courses not related to first aid, please look under the 'other courses' tab. We are an approved centre for both Qualsafe Awards and Pro--Trainings UK, Awarding organisations recognised by Ofqual to offer regulated qualifications. Group bookings of 12 people receive over 40% discount and we are able to price match to most companies upon sight of a written quotation and can come along to your premises to minimise disruption to your workforce. Emergency First Aid at Work - This is a one-day course, suited to the lower risk working environment and covers the following: Aims of the First Aider, AED Training, Amputation, Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Bleeding, Broken Bones, Burns, Choking, CPR, Diabetes, Eye Injury, First Aid Kits, Fractures, Heart Attack, Nosebleed, Poisoning, Primary Survey, Recovery Position, Resuscitation, Secondary Survey, Seizures, Shock, Spinal Injury, Stroke, Unconsciousness, and Record Keeping. First Aid at Work - A three-day course, suited to the higher risk working environment and covers the following: Aims of the First Aider, AED Training, Amputation, Anaphylaxis. Angina, Asthma, Bleeding, Burns, Chest Injury, Choking, CPR, Croup, Crush Injury, Diabetes, Drowning, Epilepsy, Eye Injury, Fainting, Febrile Convulsions, First Aid Kits, Fractures, Frostbite, Head Injuries, Heart Attack, Heat Exhaustion, Heat Stroke, Hyperventilation, Hypothermia, Internal Bleeding, Poisoning, Recovery Position, Resuscitation, Seizures, Shock, Spinal Injury, Sprains and Strains, Stroke, Unconsciousness and Record Keeping. Paediatric First Aid - A two day course, suitable for people working with children and babies, in any working environment including schools, nurseries, after school clubs, day care etc. The course covers the following: Allergic reaction, Amputation, Asthma, Bleeding, Broken Bones, Burns and Scolds, Choking, CPR, Croup, Diabetes, Drowning, Electric Shock, Epilepsy, Eye Injury, Febrile Convulsions, Head Injury, Heat Stroke, Hypothermia, Meningitis, Nosebleed, Poisoning, Recovery Position, Resuscitation, Seizures, Shock, Sickle Cell, Smoke Inhalation, Spinal Injury, Sprains, Strains, and Unconsciousness. Defibrillation (CPR and AED) - A half day course, many more public areas, supermarkets, clubs and businesses now have these devices. To attend this course delegates do not have to be first aid trained. The course covers: Abnormal Heart Rhythms, Angina, Chain of Survival, Children AED usage, Choking, CPR, CPR with an AED device, Heart Attack, Heart Rhythms, Hygiene during CPR, Post Traumatic Stress, Recovery Position, Resuscitation with an AED, Safety using an AED, Survival Rates, Unconsciousesness, Ventricular Fibrillation, Reporting AED Usage. Basic Life Support - This course is a half day course and suited to delegates who want basic knowledge of actions to take in any emergency and how to deal with major accidents and injuries. The course covers the following: Adult Child and Infant Resuscitation, Communication and Casualty Care, Looking after yourself and the Casualty, Treatment of Severe Bleeding and Chest Pain, Treatment of Choking in Adults, Children and Infants and Treatment of an Unconscious Casualty. Requalification - The course is a two day course and suited to those candidates who require to renew their nationally accredited award in First Aid at Work. Covering two units the course content covers: Bones Muscles and Joints, Suspected Head and Spinal Injuries, Suspected Chest Injuries, Burns and Scolds, Eye Injury, Sudden Poisoning, Anaphylaxis and Major illnesses (Heart Attack, Stroke, Epilepsy, Asthma and Diabetes). Automated External Defibrillator training now included on this course. Care Home First Aid - This is a one day course based on Emergency First Aid structured for use in a Care Home. Consisting of: Recovery Position, Bandaging, Assessing Dangerous situations, Heart Attacks, Diabetes, First Aid Kits, Unconsciousness, CPR, Choking, Falls and Fractures, How and When to Obtain Help, Epilepsy and Seizures, Fainting, Dementia, Shocks, Burns, Bleeding. Stroke and Poisoning. First Aid for Foster Carers – A one day course based on Emergency First Aid structured for use by foster carers, consisting of: First Aid Kits and other Responsibilities, Primary Survey and Recovery Position, CPR, Choking, Seizures, Asthma and Hyperventilation, Anaphylactic Shock, Shock, Bleeding, Bone, Joint and Muscle Injuries, Burns and Meningitis, Poisoning, Unresponsive Casualty, Assessing an incident and Dealing with minor Injuries. Equestrian - Basic One Day Equestrian First Aid - One day course: Aims of the First Aider, AED Training, Amputation, Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Bleeding, Broken Bones, Burns, Choking, CPR, Diabetes, Eye Injury, Electrocution, Fears of First Aid, First Aid Kits, Fractures, Heart Attack, Heat and Cold Emergencies, Horse Safety, Helmet removal, Nosebleed, Poisoning, Primary Survey, Recovery Position, Resuscitation, Secondary Survey, Seizures, Shock, Spinal Injury, Stroke, Unconsciousness and Record Keeping. Equestrian First Aid at Work - A three-day course: Aims of the First Aider, AED Training, Amputation, Anaphylaxis, Angina, Asthma, Bleeding, Burns, Chest Injury, Choking, CPR, Croup, Crush Injury, Diabetes, Drowning, Epilepsy, Eye Injury, Electrocution, Fainting, Fears of First Aid, Febrile Convulsions, First Aid at Work Rules and Regulations, First Aid Kits, Fractures, Frostbite, Head Injuries, Heart Attack, Heat Exhaustion, Heat Stroke, Hyperventilation, Hypothermia, Heat and Cold Emergencies, Horse Safety, Helmet removal, Internal Bleeding, Poisoning, Recovery Position, Resuscitation, Seizures, Shock, Spinal Injury, Sprains and Strains, Stroke, Types of Wounds, Unconsciousness and Record Keeping First aid courses. First Aid for Mental Health Course Level 1 - Awareness course: This ½-Day course is run in a fun and engaging way, and is aimed at providing learners with the knowledge to identify suspected mental health conditions and the skills to start a conversation and be able to signpost the person towards professional help. (4.5 hours) First Aid for Mental Health Course Level 2 - This 1-Day course covers the content of the Level 1 course aimed at providing learners with the knowledge to identify suspected mental health conditions and the skills to start a conversation and be able to signpost the person towards professional help) but also expands on the effects of drugs and alcohol, incorporates the First Aid for Mental Health Action Plan and covers ways in which a positive mental health culture can be supported within a workplace. (7 hours) First Aid for Mental Health Course Level 3 - A 2-Day course goes into detail on a wide range of mental health conditions and the support and help provided by healthcare professionals. It covers the content of both the Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications but is aimed at Trainer/Assessors and/or supervisor level within the workplace. (7 hours each day). Pet First Aid – A half day course : Aim of the course, The vet and your role in first aid, keeping your pet safe in an emergency, car accidents, pet proofing your home, communication and care of your pet, how pets show pain, checking your pet’s health, restraint of a pet in need and the use of a muzzle, breathing and respiratory problems including choking, dog CPR , drowning , shock , pet first aid kits, broken bones , spinal injury and moving an injured pet , controlling bleeding , dressings and bandages , paw problems , ears, eyes and mouth , Illnesses , poisoning , bite and stings , burns and temperature related problems , the older dog , cats , small dogs care , puppies and young animals , travelling with your dog abroad. Canine First Aid – A half day course : Aim of the course, The vet and your role in first aid, keeping your pet safe in an emergency, car accidents, dog proofing your home, communication and care of your pet, how pets show pain, checking your dogs health, restraint of a pet in need and the use of a muzzle, breathing and respiratory problems including choking, dog CPR , drowning , shock , pet first aid kits, broken bones , spinal injury and moving an injured pet , controlling bleeding , dressings and bandages , paw problems , ears, eyes and mouth , Illnesses , poisoning , bite and stings , burns and temperature related problems , the older dog , small dogs care , puppies and young animals , travelling with your dog abroad. Security Dog First Aid – Full day course. This course is approved by NASDU for the requirement of pet first aid in their standards. First aid is important to know for your security dog not only to comply with associations and local authorities but also for animal welfare and to help a dog in need. The nature of working with dogs will pose a risk that they may be harmed in the course of their work or transport. The course has been designed to meet the NASDU learning outcomes and added a few extra modules to ensure full understanding. The courses will give a 3 year nationally recognised certificate, CPD time credit conformation, weekly video refreshers, evidence-based training certificate.

Farmer Gow's Education

farmer gow's education


Farmer Gow's is registered with the Oxfordshire Work Experience Scheme. The farm offers various work experience opportunities, depending on the age of the student. The details below are not exhaustive – and with up to 20 changes to the farm routine each and every day, throughout the year - students first and foremost need to understand and appreciate the very unique work experience opportunities which we provide. Students are interviewed prior to placements being offered. What's involved? Work Experience is expensive to provide - we therefore expect a huge commitment from students to achieve as near as possible balance between the learning opportunities provided and the work a student performs. If you want to work with animals, the very first thing you need to understand and accept is that they need 24 hour/365 day a year care – so you need to be committed. We don’t keep students who can’t make a regular commitment. Farmer Gow's is a private company providing public access to farming and the countryside. Our doors are open to the public for 358 days of the year - we therefore need to ensure that you work carefully and safely - with both our animals and our visitors. We will teach you to ~ listen carefully to instructions follow those instructions and provide feedback to senior staff on all elements of the task in hand We will encourage you to ask questions – but also to make notes so that your questions come after a period of training, rather than constantly interrupting the training. We will supervise you thoroughly until we are sure you can follow instructions correctly and accurately. As your confidence grows and your ability to correctly perform tasks improves we will start to 'step back' and allow you to grow in the level of responsibility we give you. We will challenge you - and if you work hard and listen carefully - you will have a fantastic time. You will learn loads and loads and loads. You will meet many new people and learn to talk to them, work with them, and ask them for help. And that's just in your first few weeks... Age 14-16 years ~ Key Stage 4 We offer a 2-week work experience for students in years 10 and 11. Students should apply by email, with brief details of their interests. Every applicant is invited to spend a 1/2 day on the farm, to assess their suitability for a placement. A placement is confirmed after the introduction day, by email. Age 16-19 years ~ Key Stage 5 Students may apply for a work experience placement from age 15 years and thereby start at 16 years of age. The farm provides ~ 'hands on' practical and technical training to students interested in veterinary and animal careers contacts for further work experience opportunities with local farmers, businesses and government departments involved in the agricultural industry opportunities for paid work once a basic level of competence is achieved opportunities for paid work during school/college/university holidays Depending on the background of the student we would normally expect ~ From age 15 years ~ Year 1 at Farmer Gow's January-March application to join the work experience programme. Student invited to spend a ½ day on the farm, working alongside an existing student, followed by a short interview with a senior member of staff. September ~ following a successful visit and interview, student begins a one-day per week work experience. Introduction to the farm's routines, learning about everyday feeding, watering, hygiene procedures, routine tasks, preparation of feeds for hand reared lambs and kids. You will assist with twice daily 'Meet the Animals' sessions. Mandatory – February ½ term holiday - a week’s work experience, either Sunday-Thursday or Tuesday-Saturday. Mandatory – Easter holidays - one week work experience during the school holiday - either Sunday-Thursday or Tuesday-Saturday. This is our busiest time of year so you will be working under pressure. Holidays ~ please note ~ We expect students to take no more than 2-weeks off during the May-June exam period. This is hay making time - and understanding grass growing and harvesting is an incredibly important learning experience. In line with statutory holidays students may take up to six weeks (i.e. 6 days) holiday per year – one of which days will be during the Christmas stand-down period. Year 2 One day a week continues through the autumn and winter months. Most students arrange off-farm work experiences during the October school holidays. Early spring - students work with newborn/hand reared lambs and kids, refreshing/strengthening/practising Year 1 skills Students are set weekly subjects on a whole variety of agricultural subjects for presentation to staff the following weekend. This rapidly expands learning and awareness. Mandatory - February ½ term holiday, Sun-Thu or Tue-Sat – lambing will really begin to make sense – it’s a fantastic time of year. This year you may be able to assist with a lambing, you will certainly be iodine-ing newborn lambs and giving ewes and lambs heptivac injections. Injections, castration, foot trimming, ringing, record keeping, ordering feeds ... there is much to practice and new jobs to learn. Mandatory – Easter holidays - one week work experience during the school holiday - either Sunday-Thursday or Tuesday-Saturday. This is our busiest time of year so you will be working under pressure. You will be leading chick handling, egg collecting and egg boxing sessions. Customer service - you should be ready to start serving in the farm shop, welcoming visitors to the farm, helping them with chick handling - and serving them on the till. When you can do this, you will become a paid member of staff - if we have a vacancy. Working in the farm shop can only be undertaken when a student has sufficient knowledge from working on the farmyard. Visitors/customers have every imaginable questions and you need to be able to answer them with confidence and knowledge. You will be working with very young piglets, calves, lambs, kids, chicks, ducklings, turkey poults - and their adults. You will be ear tagging, worming, foot trimming, handling, feeding, moving – there’s never a dull moment at Farmer Gow’s. You will work with younger work experience students and with children on farm workshops – this will practice team leading skills Summer holidays - one week work experience (if required) on farm - or a week at another local farm/business. We will provide you with telephone numbers and a contact name. You will have a wealth of farm knowledge and handling experience on all the farm species - cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, geese, ducks and turkeys. You will be able to lead small groups of visitors through Meet the Animals. You will be able to answer their questions confidently and accurately. These skills are particularly valuable for interviews with prospective employers/university You will understand the 20+ animal medicines we use each year to safeguard our animals; you will understand routine/seasonal tasks. You will be able to medicate - orally and by injection - our farm animals. You will be able to arrange other work experiences very easily - because you have reached a level of competence which will be useful to other farms and businesses. When you have passed your driving test - you will be able to join a high end dairy farm and enjoy learning about milking and the dairy industry - unless of course you have a parent willing and able to drive you to 4am milking. Post School and on to University or other employment We will be very proud of you and want to know how you are getting on We will welcome you back for summer/Christmas/Easter work We will continue to support you - with references and contacts for further work experiences Summary The above is a basic description of the work experience opportunity available at Farmer Gow’s. We expect a lot – but offer a lot in return. If the relationship doesn’t develop well – it is normally due to a lack of commitment from the student. We will tell you and we will end the placement. Finally (as if we haven't already said an awful lot) we ask you to sign up to the above - and if you are under 18 years of age we ask a parent/guardian to co-sign - so that we all know what has been agreed and what is expected. We look forward to working with you. Applications By email to Sarah or Clara on ~ enquiries@farmergows.co.uk Please attach a current CV and make sure you also include contact telephone number.

Standout Programmes

standout programmes


Penny started her career as a corporate lawyer at City firm Freshfields. On a career break she became involved as a volunteer in her local prison which led her to train as a tutor with Prison Fellowship and lead the restorative justice based Sycamore Tree programme in HMP Wandsworth for 12 years. She was involved in rolling out Sycamore Tree in HMP Bronzefield and HMP Pentonville and also has experience of tutoring the course with people in prison long term. Penny was a Trustee of Prison Fellowship for several years and acted as Interim CEO in 2015. Penny has also volunteered with the Prison Reform Trust, supporting work around mental health and criminal justice issues. She has a Masters degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from King’s College London and believes in second chances and releasing potential. Andy Bater, Head of Operations Andy joined the StandOut team in October 2022 from a community organisation based in Holborn. With a background in project and operations management working with various large corporate organisations, he brings his breadth of experience and knowledge to StandOut. Despite his career achievements, Andy would much rather talk about his time being a mature student in Canada, starting a wellbeing and employment social enterprise and especially about rugby, boxing and the Andrew Kaufman book 'All My Friends are Superheroes’. Rich McStraw, Fundraising Manager Rich joined us in April 2022 from Clinks, the infrastructure organisation for the voluntary sector working in criminal justice. He spent the last three years as Clinks’ Fundraising Officer, and prior to this worked as a freelance fundraiser and sales manager for renewable heating systems. He has previous experience of fundraising regulation and compliance, sales and marketing, and developing training programmes. Louise Harbert, Communications Officer Louise is passionate about supporting people with lived experience to share their stories. Before joining the StandOut team, she worked for a health charity to amplify the voices of volunteers and shine a light on health inequalities. A strong believer in social justice, Louise is determined to change the narrative around prison leavers, and is excited to contribute to StandOut’s development and growth as our first full-time comms officer. Alex Rose, Coaching Manager Alex joined the team in April 2018 from Prospects where he was a National Careers Service advisor. Previously he worked as a behaviour change manager and an achievement coach working on gang prevention and exit programmes. Alex is passionate about helping people who have been in prison back into work and recently completed his OCR Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance & Development. Amrit Hunjan, Lead Coach HMP Wandsworth Amrit joined the StandOut team in September 2019 having previously worked as part of a council multi-disciplinary team working collectively to improve the well-being, participation and attainment of young people in mainstream education. Amrit connected with StandOut whilst volunteering with the youth mentoring service Trailblazers at HMP Wandsworth and she is passionate about using a relational approach to build confidence and unlock potential. Amy Young, StandOut Coach HMP Wandsworth Amy joined StandOut in November 2022 after completing an English Literature degree at KCL. During and following her degree she voluntarily set up Shakespeare and poetry workshops in HMP Brixton, believing in the power of arts in Criminal Justice. She found she facilitated enlightening and illuminating conversations, using literary themes to generate powerful reflections and increased emotional awareness. She looks forward to coaching at Wandsworth and supporting trainees with a holistic approach, offering guidance and practical help post-release. Hannah Jolley, Lead Coach HMP Pentonville Hannah joined StandOut in February 2022. Prior to this, she was Lead Coach on the Spear Programme, supporting young people who face barriers to employment and also coached corporate delegates on various topics. Hannah graduated from Durham University with BA Criminology, and spent time volunteering with vulnerable people in prison at HMP Durham. She is passionate about reducing reoffending rates, through showing that there is hope and are opportunities out there for those leaving prison. Erin Crombie, Lead StandOut Coach Erin discovered StandOut in 2018 whilst completing her Masters in Criminological Research at the University of Cambridge, when she carried out an evaluation of the charity for her dissertation. On graduating, Erin joined the education department in HMP Pentonville as a Student Support Worker, whilst maintaining contact with StandOut in a voluntary capacity. She joined StandOut at the beginning of 2020 and is now in a new role leading our expansion to a third prison. Erin’s favourite thing about working for StandOut is seeing the trainees’ confidence grow over the duration of the Phase 1 course and getting to celebrate their achievements. Louisa Laven, Lead Community Coach Louisa joined the StandOut team in November 2020. Prior to this she was on the Unlocked Graduates Programme, working as a frontline prison officer for two years while completing a Masters in MSc Leadership and Custodial Environments. Louisa loved the relational and support aspect of the officer role, but wanted to move into the charity sector and focus on the critical resettlement period after prison. She is enthusiastic about helping people leaving prison to get back on their feet and build towards a positive future. Iona Warren, Community Coach Iona joined the StandOut team in September 2022 after spending two years as a prison officer on the Unlocked Graduates programme. Whilst working in a women's prison, she completed a Masters in Applied Custodial Leadership, writing a dissertation on the women's experience of trauma informed practice in their establishment. She loved building relationships with the women on her landing, and relished the opportunity to support them whilst in custody. She is particularly excited to now be working with those transitioning into the community, and is passionate and motivated to see them thrive. StandOut Trustees Joe Froud, Chair Joe is the co-founder of Paloma Capital LLP, a London based real estate private equity business that was established in 2015. Paloma raises equity from foundations and endowments, pensions funds and family offices and invests in UK commercial real estate projects. Prior to this he was the founder and Managing Partner of Columbus Capital Management LLP, a real estate private equity joint venture that he established with Schroders plc in 2008. Joe is married with four children and lives in West London. Liz Delacave, Trustee Liz Delacave is a leadership consultant, experienced in training leaders, developing teams and coaching individuals to excel. She studied Engineering Science at the University of Oxford, worked in Citibank’s global commercial and investment banks, becoming chief of staff for Citibank’s European Private Bank. While Divisional Finance Director of a multinational engineering company, she was responsible for managing a global change programme. As a Non-Executive Director, she has helped turn around an underperforming NHS Foundation Trust hospital in East Anglia. Liz has advised a number of charities, including the International Federation of the Red Cross in Geneva and Prison Fellowship. Marion Peters, Trustee Marion Peters studied English Literature at Reading University before joining the Post Office fast track graduate management scheme. After 4 years in marketing and development roles Marion entered the charitable sector, working for international and small local charities in a generalist capacity. Marion has led client service teams, HR departments and spearheaded major fundraising projects and most recently worked as CEO of a heritage almshouse. Since stepping down from this role, Marion has continued to offer her operational and organisational skills to not for profit organisations on a voluntary basis. Passionately committed to the Justice System, Marion has been a volunteer within Her Majesty’s Court Services for over 20 years and is a great believer that where we have come from does not determine who we are. Joseph Ewing, Trustee Joseph studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford University, has worked in a range of research, campaigning and public affairs roles - including three and a half years in public affairs at Cancer Research UK - and now works in policy at the Academy of Medical Sciences. His work includes policy development, advocacy and strategy. He became a trustee in April 2019 and is still inspired by StandOut’s belief in people. StandOut Consultants Jo Fellows, Programme and Coaching Consultant, Co Founder Jo's background is in group facilitation and project management and she has extensive experience leading employability services for those with additional barriers to employment. Her experience includes 4 years working with the award winning Spear course, partnering with IBM through her work with City Gateway and designing a 1-1 service for those leaving custody or care. Jo is passionate about equipping people coming up for release with the tools, skills and confidence to step into sustainable and fulfilling work. Jo has a Postgraduate Diploma in Voluntary Sector Management from CASS Business School. Jo co-founded StandOut with Penny and now supports StandOut as a consultant bringing her expertise in programme design and coaching skills.

Code Red The Empowerment Project

code red the empowerment project


The founder, Calvin E J Wilson LLM (LSE), is a Barrister who has a longstanding interest in educating students, young adults, and their parents on the workings of the criminal justice system. The Empowerment Project Qualifications and Studies Barrister at Law, Inns of Court, School of Law, United Kingdom Attorney at Law Supreme Court of Trinidad and Tobago Senior Crown Prosecutor, Crown Prosecution Service, United Kingdom Banker, Bank of Commerce, Trinidad and Tobago Master of Laws (Commercial) London School of Economics Bachelor of Laws University of London The Empowerment Project Experience Post graduate education and training in the law, with valuable experience on the frontline of the Criminal Justice System including almost eight years prosecution experience at the Crown Prosecution Service and the Criminal Courts, and operational experience with advising Teams at New Scotland Yard. Devised and successfully delivered this series of workshops and has conducted mentoring, motivational speaking and awareness raising sessions at Youth Clubs and Community Centres around London. Direct contacts with officers of the Met Police at ranks of Constable, Sergeant, and Inspector. Guidance and mentoring experience with black young adults. The Empowerment Project Skills Strong professional, administrative, managerial, and creative skills. Resolute adherence to good governance, accounting and auditing best practices. Devising and implementing new and improved working arrangements and innovative projects. Unique skill set that is critical to the effective leadership and delivery of the objectives of Code Red Empowerment. Established Consulting firm Calvin Wilson and Associates, which offers strategic and public affairs advice to governments and the private sector globally, on anti-money laundering and combatting the financing of terrorism issues, and on preventing trans-national criminal gangs from preying on young people. Founded The Empowerment Project The Empowerment Project Books Author of the book “Voices from Violence. A Woman’s Journey to Self-Healing” which is presented to audiences in the Readers Theatre format by CODE RED Ensemble, as an advocacy vehicle to empower young girls and women and to sensitise boys and men in order to reduce or eliminate the level of violence globally. Desilu Banton desilu banton I was born in Dulwich Hospital, East Dulwich Grove,SE22 3PT, on 11th December 1961. I began my life in a house at 102 Railton Road, Herne Hill,SE24 OET, on the ‘Front Line’ of ‘Brixton’, London. What I remember most of my childhood is drawing, drawing all the time, every opportunity. My father loved music and loved to dance. We would dance together. My mother designed clothes and was a dressmaker and cake baker. My parents had arrived in England in 1954 from Jamaica and lived in the Brixton area. They lived on Concannon Road from around 1955 and moved to Railton Road in 1959 after they had wed at the church at Santley Street, around the corner of Concannon Road. Today I live by my painting and continue in my mothers’ and fathers’ legacy as a creator. I am open to producing works of art by commission. painting Painting is expression, a way of me talking with everybody else about how I feel, like a bluesman would play his blues. The whole thing is about feeling. Painting is blues. I paint those feelings that are from inside my head, from inside my soul. The spiritual part of all this is the heritage, the thing that comes from my ancestors, the ingredients that everybody talks about when they talk about the past, where we all come from, which is DNA, the genes. What I am doing is recording the memory that comes to me from nature, along with the music that came from West Africa and the Atlantic experience, all of it, and what I do then is give it form, give it some skin, textures and colours, the whole thing is like an umbilical cord that has not lost its life force, it is the whole nine yards. Jackie Burton Jackie Burton Born and raised in West Yorkshire, I took a trip to London in 1983 and have remained here since then. I am a black woman, a Christian and a mother. A retired Social Worker, I have a passion for children, young people and their families. Over the last 40 years I have had roles in church including youth leader and Pathfinder club leader as well as teaching in children’s Sabbath school & children’s church. It was my joy, to find the most creative and interesting ways to engage children and young people with so many varied learning styles. Over the last 12 years of my career I was a Team Leader for a local authority Fostering Service; having responsibility for facilitating training, assessing foster carers and placing children from diverse and challenging backgrounds with those carers. Life-long learning is part of who I am and I started becoming more interested in paper crafts when my now, 25 year old son was around 3 years old. We started to make cards for every occasion and stopped buying them from the shops. Paper crafts opened the door to so many other crafting pursuits and my love for crafting has only grown since then, from wedding decoration, decoupage & canvas art to knitting & simple sewing, I have done many and various and still do. Nothing pleases me more than sharing my love for something with others, and creative crafts is certainly one of those very many things. I have done this via children’s craft workshops; transforming spaces for Vacation Bible School (VBS); school holiday clubs; card making workshops for children and adults. If it includes crafting, I will consider it. Currently I am involved in a weekly Craft Café project where we are using hobby crafts to support people in our community who may be lonely, socially isolated or feeling low. Sr Josephine Udie MP, MSc, GC HDip, NP Reverend Sister, Steer Right Project Coordinator, Power Coach Expert, Health Care Professional Reverend Sister, Steer Right Project Coordinator, Power Coach Expert, Health Care Professional Sister Josephine is passionate about the dignity of the human person. As a trained Power Coach and Health Care professional, Sister enjoys using her skills to coach, support and empower children and families to become who they are meant to be. Steer Right is a charity for which Sister Josephine is Project Coordinator, uses the strap line Little help Big Difference to highlight the effectiveness of what a small amount of intervention can do. Amari Smith-Foster Amari Smith-Foster I am a mental health advocate and a student counsellor. I am extremely passionate about mental health and well-being. After battling with my own mental health, being sectioned at just 13 and becoming part of the system, I am using those same life experiences to help others overcome. My story, my pain and this rollercoaster of a journey has given me great insight to help others and make a change. Me speaking up and using my voice, allows so many others, old, young, male, and female to feel heard, to feel seen. Now I am in a position, I have promised myself , it is pivotal that I make a change for the mental health system. My social profiles: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/onetap/?next=%2F LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amari-smith-foster-26a68417b/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMHXb5U40E0Zw1B3h4vcJg Please feel free to contact me should there be any issues. Norman Mine Norman Mine Norman Mine is an Italian-born London based multidisciplinary artist whose practice encompasses visual art, acting and social work. Using autobiographical scenarios as a starting point, Mine's practice expands into fantasy and delusion and in his alter-ego, Dino Desica, an aspiring Italian actor who exists only through a video format, as "performance to camera", becoming an ephemeral simulation of the self. Mine's practice explores the infinite possibilities of the self, the authenticity and the structures of inclusion and exclusion in which it is constructed. For the past three years Mine has run creative workshops co-working with people of different generations, backgrounds, and abilities; developing a specific approach that unsettles the scenario in which participants perform to stimulate creativity and imagination as an opportunity to navigate within. Mine has obtained a Masters Degree in Fine Art at Goldsmith College in 2018. His work has been shown at Performance Istanbul (2021), disORDER Live Collective (2020), Deptford X (2019), The Koppel Project (2019), Platform1 Gallery (2018), Art Night London (2017). He was a recipient of the DYCP grant, Art Council England (2021). In 2022 Mine has founded Norwood JunkAction, an eco-community art project based in Croydon, London. Diana Wilson Diana Wilson Diana Wilson is an Executive and Life Coach professional as well as a Psychodynamic Counsellor, who in parallel, has enjoyed a substantial career in Education and Training and Development across Schools and local Government. Diana is fluidly proficient in a myriad of modalities with a keen focus on Cognitive Behavioural Coaching. She offers leading-edge, inspirational coaching that stimulates thinking, accelerates transformation, and empowers clients to accomplish their aspirational goals. My social handles: Website: www.dwcoach.co.uk LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/diana-wilson-564a6941 Richmond Trew Richmond Trew A Professional Trainer/Workshop Facilitator with 25 years’ experience of working in communities and custodial settings nationally and internationally. He is also a recording & performing artist fronting the collective Abstract Word and currently has Publishing & Production contracts with (Peer Music LTD-MAP Music). Richmond also leads a group of free-lance Arts Practioners under the name of Journeyman Arts (Using the Arts to share & pass on Knowledge). He also Runs 492 Korna Klub next generation Ltd that runs live improvised drama weekly on Galaxy Radio.

Dunwalkin' Driving School Edinburgh www.dunwalkin.com

dunwalkin' driving school edinburgh www.dunwalkin.com

As your instructor I will provide: A friendly and relaxed atmosphere Structured driving lesson plans where we can monitor your progress Driving lessons are one to one and where you will get my full attention Collect and drop off facility at your Edinburgh home address, or an other location within Edinburgh that is convenient to you A non-smoking environment (legislation requires the vehicle, being a workplace, enforce a non-smoking policy) My aim is to teach you “safe driving for life” and not just get you through your driving test. Testimonials Leslie was great. I started to learn with a different school and found the lessons stressful and really not enjoyable, but Leslie helped me to relax and was calm and patient with his explanations. I ended up passing first time and would definitely recommend him as a teacher. Nina Nicholl – 1 May 2017 I would not have passed, if it were not for Leslie’s exceptional patience and determination to ensure that I felt 100% confident going into my test. He was always able to get me the time slots that I asked without a fuss! Would highly recommend. Thank you Leslie! Ellie Robertson – 14 February 2017 Leslie @ Dunwalkin what can I say from the most anxious, unconfident person you will probably come across! You are the most patient and nicest person I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet and learn from. You worked around my working hours, you taught me how to drive rather than just how to pass my test. You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself and the result a pass with 2 minors! I look forward to our next adventure – motorway driving. To all the students who are like me, I can not recommend Leslie enough. He is an absolute diamond. Caroline McDonald – 18 January 2017 I passed my test first time! Leslie was a great instructor who was very clear and concise when explaining things to me. He was patient with me and was very calm and supportive. I would highly recommend Leslie! Thanks again for all your help. Lewis Ajodani – 5 January 2917 After two attempts at passing a test with another instructor, I approached Leslie as his reviews were excellent. They did not lie! He has a really relaxed but clear approach to teaching and made me feel really at ease in the car. He is really logical about driving, and makes you prepare for the road and not just the test. Having just passed yesterday (something I was starting to think would never be possible!) I feel great. Highly recommend! Olivia Ainsworth – 25 November 2016 Dunwalkin’ Driving School is great! I already had a license from another county, and unlike other driving schools I have contacted before, Dunwalkin’ Driving School did not try to sell me more lessons than I needed. Leslie Muldoon was patient, good at explaining, fair and fun to be around. He made an assessment of my driving, estimated how many classes I will need, and I finally passed straight away on my first try. Excellent. Connor Ki – 23 November 2016 Amazing driving lessons great price and a professional service from start to finish could have not done it without his help and commitment to me thanks again and will miss the Tuesday chats. Steven Munro – 29 September 2016 Having originally started driving with another instructor before I moved to Edinburgh, I found Leslie’s approach to be much more thorough and patient. He took the time to answer any questions and talk through alternative scenarios to those that were encountered during lessons, as well as emailing additional resources to help my understanding. All of this came together to give me the confidence to pass my test and become an independent driver Nina Jeffrey – 26 July 2016 Leslie was a fantastic instructor. Organising lessons was a doddle and he was very good at changing lesson times if something came up. He was always patient, understanding and helpful behind the wheel and I don’t think I would have passed first time without him. Highly recommend. Stuart McGachan – 23 July 2016 I found Leslie at Dunwalkin to be a very calm, helpful and engaging instructor. He always made me feel at ease behind the wheel and helped my learn to drive in a relaxed and enjoyable manner. I would fully recommend Dunwalkin to anyone wishing to learn to drive the right way. Harry Smith – 7 June 2016 I would highly recommend Dunwalkin Driving School for anyone learning to drive. Leslie was a great instructor who made my lessons as helpful and stress-free as possible. Definitely wouldn’t have been able to pass my test without his help. 10/10. Scott Burrell – 18 March 2016 Having had a number of lessons with Dunwalkin’ Driving School and subsequently passed my test I would like to express my gratitude to Mr Muldoon. The lessons were quick and easy to arrange, and Mr Muldoon offered great flexibility, allowing me to book a lesson at a time and date that was convenient. Further, the actual experience itself was excellent, as Mr Muldoon was not only very informative and a fantastic instructor, but he did so in a relaxed manner, which allowed me as a learner at the time to feel more relaxed and confident about my driving, something which I think is very important. All of the essential areas were covered extensively with Mr Muldoon, but he was equally happy to spend some time on a specific area if I felt it needed attention. Overall I am very pleased I used Dunwalkin’ Driving and I would highly recommend them. Jamie Crerar – 25 February 2016 At the beginning I was a fairly nervous and hesitant driver, but Leslie’s calm, supportive approach to teaching put me at ease every lesson. I took just over 25 hours with Leslie between my first lesson and my successful first driving test, and I can confidently say that he made every hour worthwhile and always left me feeling like I was making significant progress. Lessons took place in and around the routes commonly taken during driving tests at my test center, so when the test came I was fully prepared. His step-by-step techniques for carrying out potentially tricky reversing maneuvers makes them seem easy in no time at all. Leslie’s relaxing, approachable in-car atmosphere and excellent tuition has developed me into a confident, safe driver, and I am glad I chose him as my instructor; I would recommend him to anyone else looking to learn. Calum Hill – 31 December 2015 Leslie provided an excellent level of driving tuition that prepared me not only for all aspects that are covered in the practical driving test (which I passed first time) but for likely situations that could arise in my driving beyond that. He was an extremely patient instructor who always had a calming influence in spite of my nervous driving and sometimes inexplicable mistakes! The atmosphere in the car was always friendly, with good natured banter to lighten the mood. He was also very accommodating and flexible to fit driving lessons around my work and social life, including on his supposed days off…! Could not recommend him highly enough! Elliot Reid – 8 October 2014 I hadn’t driven since passing my test several years ago and was a bit nervous about taking a car out on my own. Having a few lessons really helped to bost my confidence and helped with the areas where I was lacking a bit of experience – driving on motorways, complex junctions and parking. >Leslie was really patient with me and helped me get to a stage where I can happily take a car out on my own. I’ve finally got my freedom back! Ashley Campbell – 15 August 2014 He has been my instructor since last September and today, I have finally passed! If it were not for Leslie’s relentless patience and understanding as well as his reliability – I never would have gotten through it! Not only is Leslie an amazing instructor, he adapts his learning style to suit you and helped me to understand not only how to be a safe and knowledgeable driver but also Leslie helped me understand myself and how I learn much better. It has been a long journey (no pun intended) and although I am partially sad that it has come to an end, I know that I have the confidence and ability to be a great (and safe) driver. I would highly recommend Leslie (and have done already) to my friends and family. I cannot thank Leslie enough for everything he has taught me. Thanks and with best wishes, Anna Sacco – 2 July 2014 Leslie is a fantastic driving instructor. From the first lesson you feel relaxed and comfortable as he talks you slowing and carefully through what you will be doing and how to properly complete the task. Leslie is extremely patient and calm at all times which rubs off on you!! The atmosphere in the car is always friendly so you keep calm and really enjoy your lessons! Leslie not only prepares you to pass your test, but takes the time to make sure you are capable of coping with all manner of driving conditions and scenarios, which makes you are more confident driver. L Cameron – 4 March 2014 I set myself a goal of learning to drive by a certain point and Leslie helped me achieve that goal. His approach to teaching is second to none. Not only does he teach you the skills to drive, but he also prepares you for the theory and practical tests by asking you questions and making you aware of potential hazards. And, he teaches you how to become one of the better drivers on the road. He picks up on your body language and your mind-set, and explains why you are making mistakes; and he breaks down the more complicated situations, step by step, to help you overcome any issues with your driving. I couldn’t recommend him highly enough. E Crossan – 12 Dec 2013 Excellent service for money! Very thorough and every single thing is explained well. Got me to pass on my first attempt! Would recommend to anyone looking for a driving instructor. Ben Davidson – 12 Dec 2013 I got in contact with Dunwalkin’ when I had two disappointments with other driving schools. When I started with Leslie he put me at ease straight away. After my first lesson with him he knew exactly what my weak points were and he built on them week by week to the point that I passed my test on 14/08/13. When you have leslie as a driving instructor you know that you have the right instructor, he is friendly and a very patient person, I should know when he had to put up with me and my mirrors, well should I say, the lack of using them!! All that said thanks again Leslie for getting me up to standard. Colin Bruce – 15 Aug 2013 The instructor was excellent, calm and supported me despite being very nervous at times. Easy to organise a lesson and prices very good. If anybody was going to get me though my test it was Dunwalkin’! Lewis Henderson – 17 June 2013 I started my driving lessons in October 2012 with Leslie and within the first lesson he was successful in teaching me the functions of the car and how do drive properly and not like in a video which I thought it was like at the time! He was able to do this through a mixture of it has to be said extreme patience, enthusiasm and the ability to put up with my constant questioning and answer them in such an effective way that it made me instantly more confident in my ability to drive. Leslie was a great teacher and it was thanks to him that I passed my practical test first time with only four minor faults! He was also extremely accommodating with the times of when the driving lessons took place and was flexible to my timings. I would very happily recommend him to anyone and hope that you are wise enough to make the choice of Leslie as your instructor! Alain Archibald I started my driving lessons at a comparatively old age with Dunwalkin. Throughout my learning journey, Leslie has offered a very professional, patient and enjoyable learning experience. He was particularly patient with my recurring mistakes and gave excellent practical pointers on how to avoid making them (especially on roundabouts!). He is very adept at removing stress and anxiety in new learners, especially those past their teens, and knows how to identify the root cause of learners’ errors and correct them. Coupled with excellent value for money, I would certainly recommend Dunwalkin to anyone looking to learn from scratch and reach a very high and safe standard of driving. Very grateful for all the training! Dan Blagojevic Leslie is a fantastic driving instructor. He is calm, patient, encouraging with his driving lessons and great at getting you past all your driving anxieties. During the driving lessons he simplified things where I complicated them, he clarified where I when I was confused and continually made me aware of my progress. As learner, I used to dread getting into the drivers seat but leslie ‘s positive teaching has given me such confidence in my driving and not only that, I enjoy it too! Vikki R Leslie was a great instructor. He allowed me to take things at my own pace but was not afraid to push me when he knew I was capable. As Leslie was very approachable I felt at ease speaking with him If I ever had any concerns over my driving. Learning with Dunwalkin suited me very well as Leslie was always very flexible in our timetable as my work hours would change week to week. I would highly recommend the Dunwalkin driving school as you are being taught skills to make you a good and conscientious driver for life and not just to pass a test. Sophia M Leslie is a fantastic driving instructor. From the first lesson Leslie helped me feel calm, relaxed and safe in the car, not an easy task with a very nervous learner. Leslie was always friendly, approachable, happy to answer any questions and flexible if lessons needed to be changed. His sense of humour, patience (of a saint!!!) and calmness made each lesson an enjoyable experience and helped me develop my confidence. Leslie’s approach is very much to teach safe driving for life, not just to get you through the test. His ‘coaching’ style enabled me to learn safe driving skills at a deeper level than surface learning which could be quickly forgotten. I feel confident that I now have the skills to drive safely on my own. I passed my test first time with 2 minor faults. I’ve already signed up for Pass Plus with Dunwalkin. My son has Asperger’s Syndrome and I’ve asked Leslie to teach him to drive as I believe he has the patience, understanding and skill to help him to become a confident and safe driver. I would highly recommend him to anyone looking for driving lessons in a positive learning environment. Thank you so much Leslie you are a star. Jane M I found Leslie to be a calm, controlled presence in the car and had a firm grasp of all aspects required to pass the “practical driving test”. In addition, Leslie was approachable and honest, providing an accurate assessment of my skills. He accurately identified what I needed to improve in order to pass the test and also to become a good overall driver. Peter H I was a ‘late’ learner. Into my thirties before I plucked up the courage to learn to drive. And a pretty nervous individual into the bargain! But thanks to Leslie’s tuition and approach I quickly overcame my fears. He didn’t just teach me to drive, he gave me the confidence to drive (and not let mistakes get me down). And I passed first time! Colin M I passed my driving test first time with the help of a friendly and supportive instructor. I would fully recommend ‘Dunwalkin Driving School’ to anyone ready to hit the roads! Emma P You gave Alasdair the understanding of handling a car and driving with confidence and an awareness of other drivers. You made him aware of his limitations and keen to build up his driving skills. You encouraged him to undertake Pass Plus after passing his driving test (first time!) to make him safe as possible on the roads. You gave me the courage to take him out to practice driving.

Courses matching "Awareness "

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IPAF - Harness Awareness

By Kingfisher Access

The theory assessment provides delegates with the essential knowledge to select, monitor, manage and plan the correct use of Harnesses and lanyards for use in a MEWP. Delegates successfully completing the e-learning will: Have an awareness of how to correctly identify and select the appropriate form of personal protection against falls from MEWPs. Have a theoretical awareness only of how to check, use, maintain and store a harness and lanyard with manufacturer’s instructions. Have a theoretical awareness of how harnesses and lanyards should be fitted and adjusted.

IPAF - Harness Awareness
Delivered OnlineSun, Oct 608:00 + more

Teenage Fashion Lab (11-17 years)

By Summer Fashion School London

Learn to make on-trend garments, develop your sewing & pattern cutting skills, whilst getting into the mind of a designer. We have a range of compelling and sustainable workshops taught by expert tutors and industry professionals.

Teenage Fashion Lab (11-17 years)
Delivered In-Person in LondonSun, Oct 611:30 + more

Mandatory Refresher Training


By EF Training & Consultancy Ltd

Health & Safety, PPE Covid COSHH & RIDDOR Equality & Diversity, Human Rights Infection Control Food Safety Information Governance Data Protection (GDPR) Records Management Fraud & Bribery Conflict Resolution Lone Worker Moving & Handling level 2(practical covered) Fire Safety Freedom of Information Safeguarding Adult & Children level 3 Radicalisation Slips Trips & Falls Your Healthcare Career Person Centred Care Duty of Care Consent Communication Privacy & Dignity Complaints Handling BLS –CPR & Choking for Adults and Children (practical covered) Mental Capacity Act—DoLS Mental Health Act

Mandatory Refresher Training
Delivered In-Person in LondonMon, Oct 708:30 + more

Women in Leadership Programme 'Elevate-9'


By Puritas

Elevate-9 Women in Leadership Programme: Overview Duration: October 2024 – June 2025 Cost: £159 per month Programme Highlights: Quarterly Face-to-Face Seminars: Kick-off Sessions: Start each term with an intensive, in-person seminar focusing on critical leadership topics and strategies for increased self awareness & an approach to define each individuals leadership identity. Engage in hands-on workshops, network with peers, and develop actionable strategies for your leadership journey. Quarterly 1:1 Coaching Sessions: Personalised Guidance: Following each seminar, receive tailored one-on-one coaching sessions. These sessions are designed to address your specific goals and challenges, helping you implement strategies and stay on track. Monthly Online Masterclasses: Expert Insights: Participate in interactive online sessions led by leading experts. Topics include imposter syndrome, work-life balance, gender bias, assertiveness, and more. These masterclasses provide practical tools and insights to enhance your leadership skills. Supportive Online Community: Peer Support: Join an exclusive online community of like-minded women. Share experiences, gain support, and build lasting connections with peers who understand your journey. Leadership Resource Library: Continuous Learning: Access a curated library of resources, including articles, books, and tools to support your ongoing growth and development. Accountability Partner: Stay Motivated: Pair up with another participant to keep each other motivated, share insights, and ensure you stay on track with your goals. Stepping back and engaging in a programme like this is not a luxury but a necessity for women who aspire to lead from the inside out. By understanding themselves, women can unlock their full potential, leading with authenticity, empathy, and resilience. This holistic approach to leadership not only benefits the individual leader but also creates a positive and inspiring environment for their teams and organisations and will enhance career advancement and personal achievement. Register your interest now for the first session on 7th October 2024 and we will make contact with you to confirm a place. The programme is £159.00 per month, payable monthly. We are looking forward to hearing from you - engage@puritas.org.uk

Women in Leadership Programme 'Elevate-9'
Delivered in person or OnlineMon, Oct 709:00

Certified Information Security Systems Professional (CISSP)

By Nexus Human

Certified Information Security Systems Professional (CISSP)
Delivered OnlineMon, Oct 708:30 + more

Menopause Update

By BBO Training

Menopause Update
Delivered OnlineMon, Oct 708:30

Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)

By Nexus Human

Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP)
Delivered OnlineMon, Oct 713:00

Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)

By Nexus Human

Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)
Delivered OnlineMon, Oct 713:00 + more

CompTIA Security+

By Nexus Human

CompTIA Security+
Delivered OnlineMon, Oct 713:00 + more

YMCA Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing


By Platinum Training Institute

The purpose of this qualification is to enable learners to develop the knowledge and skills so they can engage, facilitate, educate and support clients in a gym or health club environment. Completing this qualification allows learners to access Gym Instructor jobs.

YMCA Level 2 Certificate in Gym Instructing
Delivered in Belfast or OnlineMon, Oct 716:30 + more