3171 Educators providing Courses

Breathing Tree

breathing tree


Rebecca Dennis, international breath and body coach and workshop leader is the founder of www.breathingtree.co.uk. Based out of London and also travelling and teaching internationally, Rebecca is an expert in breathwork and body-based therapies. She facilitates workshops, events and retreats alongside her public speaking and in-person work A gifted speaker and coach, her expertise and passion centres around breathwork, trauma release, somatic modalities, polyvagal theory and nervous system regulation. Rebecca fervently believes that embodied breathwork is the ultimate key to our well-being, health and inner peace. Rebecca has been practicing holistic and alternative therapies for over 20 years and holds a Diploma in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology and an ITEC Diploma in Swedish and Sports Massage. She has trained to co-trainer level with Founder of Transformational Breath, Judith Kravitz as well as Donna Fahri, Max Strom and other masters and influential teachers of breathwork, bodywork, and other healing modalities. On her journey with holistic practices, she also has qualified in coaching, deep tissue massage, trauma therapy, acupressure, somatic bodywork, mindfulness, reiki, shiatsu and shamanic healing traditions from indigenous tribes and elders. She is continually learning and inspired by the simple power of our breath and how it can change lives including her own. Rebecca is on a mission to teach as many people as possible how to empower their lives and improve their physical and mental wellbeing with conscious breathing techniques and somatic bodywork.

S & A Academy

s & a academy


S-Academy deliver compelling solutions that transform your sales team, drive performance and create sustainable results. We are a Sales Enablement Consultancy that offer two services; Sales Consultancy ‘Sales is as much about the heart, as it is the head.’ – Mike Weinberg Unhappy, de-motivated sales people don’t sell. So unless the right environment for sales is developed nothing will change, and left untended your organisation may struggle to reach its growth potential, or even survive in the competitive and changing market place. Our experienced consultants work with your team to develop solutions for driving positive sales results – we look at areas such as Sales Strategy & Planning, Leadership & Culture, Talent Management, and Sales Processes & Enablement to cultivate the perfect sales environment for your business. Sales Training We provide cutting edge training as the foundation for achieving and maintaining great sales results – developing the skills of your team-members, so they can be the best they can be, and provide the results your business needs. We do this by focusing on three areas; – Sales Leadership – Sales Behaviours – Sales Methodology Our team of consultants have experience gained from fortune 500 companies in over 16 countries, and have been confronted with every sales challenge imaginable. We believe in keeping things simple, after all sales really isn’t rocket science. By providing pragmatic advice, guidance and support, we’ve provided demonstrable positive results for sales organisations all over the globe, and made lots of great new friends along the way!

Mel Parks

mel parks

East Grinstead

My Work Research Researching the stories we tell ourselves and other people; both historically and the present day – I delve into stories in academic research, the media, memoir, diaries, fiction, art as well as myths and fairy tales to understand the dominant narrative. Write Writing my own stories. I don’t ask other people to do anything I haven’t done myself, so my research includes autoethnographic or creative work of my own. Writing myself into my work is integral to understanding and shifting the narrative. I also work in creative collaboration with others. Facilitate Helping others tell their stories. My aim is to encourage diversity, complexity and specificity. There are no quick fixes, tidy endings, or moments of complete resolution in life and the stories we write and create will ideally represent this. Stories don’t need to be straightforward narratives, so I offer tips and techniques and make space for blends of different types of writing (eg poetry, lyric essays, journals or reflective writing) or other understandings of stories such as craft or visual representations. Curate Sharing stories. I aim to do all that I can to help little-heard stories shake the hearts and change the minds of policy makers and other people who keep the dominant narrative going. I do this by commissioning, editing and publishing stories of community and co-production on Ideas Hub; organising events; speaking at conferences; creating online archives; and writing and publishing articles about my work.