3167 Educators providing Courses

Golden Driving School

golden driving school



Hi, I'm William, I have over 15 years of experience, and I am here for you if you are: A Beginner: You are on the verge of changing your life forever by getting your driving licence, and the most important lessons are not at the end near the driving test, its right now! I will help you to create good driving habits and its these habits which are going to help you become a natural driver making your test much easier. On your first driving lesson you will be driving. A Part Trained Driver: Have you already started learning to drive and are thinking of passing your driving test? My course is for people like you, who have already developed skills it will help you save time and money because I will not put you on a beginners course. In fact I will use the knowledge you have as a platform for passing your driving test. Confidence Building: Feeling anxious when it comes to learning how to drive can be somewhat depressing, but did you know that many learners go through the same as you? What I am going to support you with is getting to feel comfortable and taking back control of your life and driving. Driving Test Rescue: I know exactly why you have been failing your driving test and actually it probably is not your fault. People who fail their test and want to change instructor do so because they feel they have not been trained fully and believe they are not 100% confident. Give me a call and tell me your story, I'll then start to plan for your success.

Arctic Fox Coaching

arctic fox coaching

Lucie Lachnitova is a coach and leadership mentor who has been in the learning, staff development and leadership space for 11 years. She helps professionals get better at recognising their strengths and believing in how good they are - and use this to achieve their ambitions. Her mission is to get her clients to clearly see and fully use their potential and to grow as a result. She works both with 1-2-1 clients and teams, mainly in education and voluntary sector organisations. Lucie helps driven but confidence-lacking professionals through one-to-one coaching to recognise their strengths, expand their leadership skills, build confidence and develop a growth mindset. She focuses on getting you great results, whether it means clarifying next steps, moving to a meaningful career, going for a promotion, making a bigger impact and getting your voice heard, or improving your performance at work. With a successful education and third-sector leadership and management career, Lucie also provides individual and team coaching to support organisations through transition and change and helps them get results and improve in areas such as leadership development, change management or team cohesion through tailored programmes of team coaching and/or one-to-one support. She has an ICF Professional Coach Diploma, Team Coaching Certificate from Team Coaching Studio and ILM coaching and mentoring certification. Lucie is a member of International Coaching Federation and Association for Coaching. As a trained teacher who has worked in adult and community education, FE and HE for 20 years, she is passionate about learning and growth.

Ashdown Education

ashdown education


On behalf of the Ashdown Elementary School (AES) staff, I am happy to welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year. AES is a kindergarten through fifth-grade campus. With this change, there will be a lot of familiar faces, as well as some new ones. One thing that did not change is the hard work that our staff will put in to provide our students with a safe learning environment where our students will be successful! One of the greatest resources at AES is the parents/guardians of our students. Communication is the key factor in building the bond between the school and parents/guardians. To keep informed you can follow us on our Facebook page (AES Facebook), District Facebook page (Ashdown Facebook), and the AES page on the district website (AES Website). Most importantly, register to receive messages through Remind from your child’s teacher. At AES, the staff works diligently to see all students succeed. Each day, students will be given opportunities to demonstrate their strengths through activities that are both engaging and challenging. Teachers will give guided instruction as students complete these activities to ensure their success. I know that with the many changes and adjustments we had to do during the last school year, there will still be adjustments to our schedules and activities this year. We plan to make every effort to keep our parents notified as changes are made. My focus is on your child’s safety as we move forward while following district, state, and federal guidelines.

Citizens UK

citizens uk


Founded in 1989, we are a single organisation with seventeen Chapters across England and Wales. Our Chapters are led by local people acting together for the common good through the method of Community Organising. The UK has a rich history of people organising for power and change such as the Levellers, the Abolitionists, the Chartists, early trade unionists like the match girls and dock strikers, and the Suffragettes. Our work at Citizens UK is influenced by a heritage which draws on the broad-based organising of our sister organisation, the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) and before that the US civil rights movement. Over the last thirty years we have won £1.8bn in additional wages for low paid workers, ended child detention for immigration purposes, secured an amnesty of ‘legacy cases’ for 160,000 asylum applicants as well as winning many victories at the local and regional level. We build power with people so that together we can move from the world as it is toward the world as it should be. Some of our campaigns have spun off into dedicated projects, to create long-term change. The largest and most successful of these teams is the Living Wage Foundation which now accredits a network of over 9,000 employers who pay 300,000 employees the real Living Wage. Others include Parents and Communities Together (PACT) and Sponsor Refugees. We are proud of other social innovations that have successfully spun out to become independent organisations such as Safe Passage, London Community Land Trust and Money Mentors.