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126 Courses

Online MA Business of Motorsport


By National Motorsport Academy

Motorsport is as much a business as it is a sport. Our new master’s programme will provide students with a broad range of modules which examine the national and international aspects of the industry from a commercial perspective. From governance, structure and international sports law, through to the importance and interdependence of commercial rights holders, promoters, manufacturer, teams, sponsors and the role played by the media, this course is aimed at enhancing the professional and career prospects of those with an aspiration of working within this exciting and challenging global industry. Our programme will help you to develop as professionals with a strong grounding in ethics and a clear sense of how motorsport relates to various cultures, stakeholders and the sectors it interacts with.

Online MA Business of Motorsport
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
£10750 to £14950

Disability awareness workshops for pupils

By Centre For Studies On Inclusive Education

A whole day of workshops for groups of pupils throughout your school, delivered by a dedicated ally of disabled people. Engaging and thought-provoking, these workshops are a must for schools that want to challenge prejudice and promote disability equality. WORKSHOPS WILL HELP PUPILS TO: * learn more about disability and human rights * hear disabled people’s perspectives * identify common stereotypes and some of the prejudices disabled people face * consider what disability is and how it arises * understand the difference between impairment and disability * review terminology and its effect on disabled people’s identities * learn about disabled people who have made a difference * ask sensitive questions anonymously * become advocates for disability equality 95-100% OF PARTICIPANTS SAY THAT THEY FOUND OUR WORKSHOP HELPFUL Some of the reasons pupils have given for finding the workshop helpful are: * “Until today I had always been scared of disabled people but today I have learnt that disabled people have a heart and emotions too.” * “I now understand more about disabilities. My sister and brother has disabilities.” * “It shows that although disabled people have limits they can do many things.” * “Because presenter told in very simply way about complicated things and used interesting examples.” * “Now I know that disabled people do things differently.” FAQS: How long is each workshop? 40-45 minutes; this can be adjusted to fit in with your school day. How many workshops will you deliver? We can deliver up to six workshops in a day. How many pupils should there be in each group? The workshops are interactive, so they are more effective with groups of around 20 pupils. We are often asked to work with larger groups and this still generates excellent feedback from pupils and staff. What year groups are these workshops for? The workshops are suitable for all year groups in primary and secondary schools; we adapt the content and presentation according to the age of pupils. Does a member of staff need to stay with the group? Yes, we ask that a member of staff is present at each workshop. Will you need any equipment? We ask for a computer, projector and access to the internet. Pupils will need a pen to write with. How are the workshops evaluated? At the end of each workshop we ask all (except the youngest) pupils to write down if they have found it helpful or not and why; we may also offer them an opportunity to ask a question anonymously.If schools have opted for this (please see optional extras below) we will send the school written responses to questions and a transcript of pupils’ feedback as evidence of impact. COST: CSIE price: £800+vat plus expenses Optional extras: a) written responses to pupils’ anonymous questions (£50+vat) b) transcript of pupils’ feedback, as evidence of impact (£50+vat)

Disability awareness workshops for pupils
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in Bristol

Transition Strategies

By Inclusive Solutions

One of the most frequent telephone queries we receive at Inclusive Solutions is from parents whose disabled son or daughter is about to make the transition from Primary to Secondary School. Typically there is a tale to be told of LA planning procedures that are too little and too late, and a severe lack of confidence from all parties that the transition will be successful. Little wonder that transfers from mainstream to special schools continue to peak at Year 7! COURSE CATEGORY Peer Support Strategic Work Visioning and Problem Solving Person Centred Planning DESCRIPTION One of the most frequent telephone queries we receive at Inclusive Solutions is from parents whose disabled son or daughter is about to make the transition from Primary to Secondary School. Typically there is a tale to be told of LA planning procedures that are too little and too late, and a severe lack of confidence from all parties that the transition will be successful. Little wonder that transfers from mainstream to special schools continue to peak at Year 7! Because of this we have put together a different kind of support plan that aims to maximise the chances of Primary/Secondary transitions being successful. In essence our approach brings together a person centred planning tool called ‘MAPS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/maps-process-step-by-step-guide/]’ and a ‘Circle of Friends’ recruited from within the Year 7 tutor group. The Circle of Friends forms the core of the MAPS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/maps-process-step-by-step-guide/] session and are central in developing (with parents and staff) a Plan for embedding the focus child in the new school setting. Community Circles bring together disabled and non disabled pupils in a network of mutual support. Peer support is an approach to impacting on inclusion and transition in primary and secondary schools by actively involving other pupils. Enjoy participating in a multi media workshop that will challenge, entertain and reach for your emotions. Watch young people doing their stuff! TESTIMONIALS > ‘It had a huge impact on all levels’ > ‘Very user friendly’ LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To be able to understand the values and wider context of peer support 2. To be able to set up and run a peer counselling scheme to reduce bullying 3. To understand and be able to maximise the power of the peer group in supporting relationships, achievement and behaviour change WHO IS IT FOR ? * Primary and secondary teachers * Heads and Deputies * SENCOs * Learning Support and Guidance staff * Advanced Skills Teachers * Parents * Local Authority Support Services * Community Development workers * Early Years and School based Practitioners COURSE CONTENT The course explores the questions : * How can we improve our transition arrangements? * Practically how do we go about involving pupils in this process? * Do you have any fresh ideas on transition processes? Take a tour through this range of strategies for bringing about smooth transitions, meeting challenging emotional needs and to develop inclusion. * Circles of friends: peer support and inclusion. Pupils work to problem solve with and actively support the inclusion and behaviour change of one of their peers * Community Circles of Exchange and Mutual Support set up between disabled and non disabled group * Peer support, counselling and mediation: reduce bullying and address emotional needs as older pupils offer active listening support and interventions * Cross Age Mentoring: older pupils offer supportive mentoring to younger pupils in the same school or in feeder primary schools * MAPS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/maps-process-step-by-step-guide/] and PATH [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/path-process-step-by-step-guide/] as person centred planning for transitions

Transition Strategies
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500

Creating Circles of Support

By Inclusive Solutions

A 1 hour guide to building a Circle of Support around a disabled adult

Creating Circles of Support
Delivered Online On Demand

Online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Business of Motorsport


By National Motorsport Academy

Motorsport is as much a business as it is a sport. Our new Master’s Degree programme will provide students with a broad range of modules which examine the national and international aspects of the industry from a commercial perspective. Study an individual module from the MA Business of Motorsport for Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

Online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Business of Motorsport
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online

Tableau Training On Tap - Fast Track

By Tableau Training Uk

Tableau is an intuitive and simple tool to learn. This Tableau training course is a jumpstart to getting report writers and analysts who are self-taught or have no previous knowledge to being productive. It covers everything from connecting to data, through to creating interactive dashboards with a range of visualisations in three days. Having a quick turnaround from starting to use Tableau, to getting real, actionable insights means that you get a swift return on your investment. At the end of this course, you will be able to communicate insights more effectively, enabling your organisation to make better decisions, quickly. This accelerated approach is key to getting engagement from within your organisation so everyone can immediately see and feel the impact of the data and insights you create. Our Tableau Desktop Fast Track course combines all of our Foundation (Fundamentals) and Analyst (Intermediate) content into a 3 day live online course with added access to online bonus content of 3 additional modules. Gathering Requirements, Bring Your Own Data and Engaging Users. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT DO YOU GET? This course is delivered live virtually and has all material provided through our online portal, together with email support and live coaching sessions. The full program includes all of the following elements: * 3 days of live and interactive instructor-led sessions delivered by an expert Tableau Trainer * 6 weeks access to our live coaching program delivered by expert Tableau coaches * 50+ practical exercises to practice what you learn * 12 months access to video’s that walk you through the theory and exercise solutions * Practical advice, tools and resources for using Tableau in the real world * The three additional online modules provide: * Clarity on the approach to gathering dashboard requirements in a way that can be translated into dashboard designs. * An agile and iterative development process that delivers products that meet user needs more quickly and effectively. * An understanding of how end users will interact with dashboards to ensure that designers deliver actionable results. THE SYLLABUS PHASE 1: DESIGN MODULE 1: UNDERSTAND TABLEAU * What is possible * How does Tableau deal with data * Know your way around * Review of Type Conversions * How do we format charts * Dashboard basics – My first Dashboard MODULE 2: TRANSFORM DATA * Connecting to and setting up data in Tableau * Modifying data attributes * How Do I Structure my Data – Groups & Hierarchies, Visual Groups * How Tableau Deals with Dates – Using Discrete and Continuous Dates, Custom Dates * How do I create calculated fields and why? – Creating Calculated Fields, Types of calculated fields, Row Level v Aggregations, Aggregating dimensions in calculations, Changing the Level of Detail (LOD) of calculations – What, Why, How MODULE 3: GATHER REQUIREMENTS(ONLINE CONTENT ONLY) * Brainstorm and assess possible priorities * Pitfalls to avoid * Gather requirements PHASE 2: DEVELOP MODULE 4: CREATE CHARTS * Charts that Compare Multiple Measures – Measure Names and Measure Values, Shared Axis Charts, Dual Axis Charts, Scatter Plots * Showing progress over time * Creating Tables – Creating Tables, Highlight Tables, Heat Maps * Showing Relational & Proportional Data – Pie Charts, Donut Charts, Tree Maps * Making things dynamic with parameters MODULE 5: COMBINE DATA * Relationships * Joining Tables – Join Types, Joining tables within the same database, cross database joins, join calculations * Blending – How to create a blend with common fields, Custom defined Field relationships and mismatched element names, Calculated fields in blended data sources * Unions – Manual Unions and mismatched columns, Wildcard unions * Data Extracts – Creating & Editing Data extracts MODULE 6: ANALYSE INFORMATION * Table Calculations * Sets, Reference Lines, Trends and Forecasting * Answering spatial questions – Mapping, Creating a choropleth (filled) map, Using your own images for spatial analysis, Mapping with spatial files * Advanced charts * Bar in Bar charts * Bullet graphs * Creating Bins and Histograms * Creating a Box & Whisker plot * Viz in Tooltips PHASE 3: DESIGN MODULE 7: BUILD DASHBOARDS * Using the Dashboard Interface * Device layouts * Dashboard Actions – Set actions, Parameter actions * Viz in Tooltips for Dashboards * Dashboard containers – Horizontal & Vertical containers, Hidden containers * Navigate between dashboards * Telling data driven stories MODULE 8: BRING YOUR OWN DATA * Design * Best Practices & Resources * Wireframe templates * Questions * Process * Start building and testing MODULE 9: EMPOWER STAKEHOLDERS * What is Tableau Server * Publishing & permissions * How can your users engage with content * The Tableau ecosystem * Review your progress * Your next steps -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW MUCH OF YOUR TIME WILL THIS TAKE? Delegates are also provided 6 weeks access to our Tableau Coaching. We run Live Q&A sessions from 4pm-5pm on a Monday (Connecting to Data and Calculated Fields), 2pm-3pm Friday (Creating Charts) & 4pm-5pm Friday (Dashboard Design). The coaching helps delegates to transition from the theory of using Tableau to its practical use. We’d be expecting them to apply the exercises you’ll be doing during the course, onto your own data after the course. In our experience, this is the best way to increase both understanding and long term memory retention. The live coaching also acts as a troubleshooting platform for any practical issues that delegates need to overcome in the real world. Delegates also have 12 months access to all of the training material covered in the course in the form of an online portal (this includes theory videos, exercise solution videos, exercise materials and even quizzes). We have a growing LinkedIn community that delegates are encouraged to join and participate in. We regularly post useful blog posts and additional training that will enhance the Tableau journey and understanding. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We help teams using Tableau to transform in the following ways : * From a disjointed understanding of Tableau – To being familiar with Tableau terminology and capability * From ad-hoc data uploads and error prone calculations – To reusable data connections and robust metrics * From disjointed stakeholder questions – To clear and concise requirements that lead to decision making * From being unsure how difficult Tableau will be to learn – To being able to develop standard charts and tables in Tableau with dynamic reporting capabilities * From manually combining data for each analytical task – To dynamically combining data from multiple tables for analysis * From being unsure how to answer analytical questions and what options there are – To being equipped with multiple actionable, dynamic, analytical use cases * From not knowing Why, When and How to create Dashboards or Story’s – To being able to combine analysis to answer complex questions and tell data driven stories * From using demo data theory – To Delivering value [Answering questions] on their own data * From spending lots of time answering colleagues ad-hoc (data) questions – To empowering stakeholders in answering ad-hoc queries and reducing the time to analyse and steer the business

Tableau Training On Tap - Fast Track
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Keys To Inclusion

By Inclusive Solutions

How can we interrupt the isolation of disabled, challenging and other ‘different’ children and adults? This is our lead workshop/training day and is both a values primer and a practical guide to successful strategies for developing inclusive practice in educational and non educational settings for children and young people of all ages. This is practical plus being a ‘hearts and minds’ day. What does inclusion mean? Can we imagine what an inclusive school look like? What do we have to do? The day gives those present opportunities to reflect on their attitudes and practice in relation to the inclusion of children and adults who are different or challenging. The Keys can be presented as a powerful interactive Keynote for large conferences. A great way to launch a conference as the first key is ‘welcome’. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Increased confidence regarding developing inclusive practice in mainstream schools and other settings 2. Access to a wider range of practical strategies to impact on behaviour problems 3. Deeper understanding of core values surrounding inclusion of disabled and challenging children and adults 4. Opportunity to reflect on professional attitudes and behaviour towards parents and pupils 5. New skills and processes to make inclusion successful COURSE CONTENT The course answers the questions : * Why inclusion? * What is inclusion? * How do we go about including high profile children or young people? * What does inclusion have to do with me? Best delivered over the course of a full day, ‘Keys to Inclusion’ introduces participants to 6 guiding Ideas that underpin inclusive practice. * The importance of WELCOME * Inclusion is about Adults’ learning * Taking the Long View * Giftedness as a new paradigm for understanding disability and difference * The Intentional Building of Relationships – ‘Circle of Friends’ work as an example of this * Not doing it alone – the importance of Teams in developing inclusive practice.

Keys To Inclusion
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500

Bespoke Wellbeing Singing Workshop


By Breath Voice Body Song

Wellbeing singing workshop, day choir, learn harmony singing in a group, reduce stress and boost energy.

Bespoke Wellbeing Singing Workshop
Delivered In-Person
Dates arranged on request

13th August Katie Blagden #Agent121. Looking for: CHAPTER BOOKS, MG, YA


By I Am In Print

LOOKING FOR: CHAPTER BOOKS, MG, YA Katie works closely with Arabella Stein on the Literary list, representing authors across all areas of Children’s, YA, Fiction and Graphic Novels. Before joining the Literary team, she worked for Bright in marketing, with previous experience as a bookseller. She loves working with authors to find their books an audience, and particularly enjoys building lasting relationships with editors and authors alike. Katie spends most of her free time reading, and enjoys a wide range of books across Children’s, Literary Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy and Graphic Novels. When she’s not reading, Katie is also a contributor on the Graham Norton Book Club on Audible. Katie adores https://twitter.com/hashtag/MSWL?src=hashtag_clicka wide range of genres but especially magical realism, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and romance (or any mix of the above!) She has a particular interest in stories with LGBTQ+, disabled and diverse characters. Incidental representation a plus - no more ‘bury your gays’ please! Katie would like you to submit a covering letter, one page synopsis and the first three chapters (Max 5000 words) of your completed manuscript in a single word document. (In addition to the paid sessions, Katie is kindly offering one free session for low income/under-represented writers. Please email agent121@iaminprint.co.uk [agent121@iaminprint.co.uk] to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print).  By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Monday 29 July 2024

13th August Katie Blagden #Agent121. Looking for: CHAPTER BOOKS, MG, YA
Delivered Online15 minutes, Aug 13th, 08:00 + 5 more

Tableau Desktop Training - Advanced Analyst

By Tableau Training Uk

This 3 day Tableau Desktop Advanced Training course is designed for professionals who have been working with Tableau for some time and are looking to dive deeper and learn analytical use cases that utilise Tableaus advanced features. It is also a perfect refresher course if you want to upgrade your skills to the latest features. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Course Options EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF TABLEAU IN THIS HANDS-ON COURSE TRAINING £1,200 per person + VAT 3 Day live virtual course 12 Months access to online course -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This 3 day Tableau Desktop Advanced Training course is designed for the professional who has been working with Tableau for some time and is looking to dive deeper. You will review all calculation types and apply Table Calculations and Level of Detail Expressions in multiple use cases. You will also learn advanced techniques for analysing time series data, cohorts and survey data. You will learn advanced mapping and dashboard techniques to help improve the insights gained for your target audience. You will be introduced to the latest features together with practical use cases for getting the most benefit from them. Attendees should have a deep understanding of the fundamental concepts of building Tableau worksheets and dashboards and be comfortable with the techniques learnt in the Foundation and Analyst courses. At the end of this course you will be able to apply and combine some of the more complex capabilities and techniques that Tableau has to offer. In addition to our regular 2 day syllabus we have added an additional day so that we can add learning for many new features introduced into Tableau over the last couple of years. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVE COACHING AND Q&A ACCESS In addition to the 3 day live and interactive course, delegates also receive 6 weeks live access to our Coaching and Q&A calls that take place 3 times each week. Delegates have found these to be highly beneficial to enhance their learning experience as well as assisting with applying the learning from the course to practical working deliverables on their own data. THE COURSE INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: RECAP: CALCULATIONS * Review of Number Functions * Review of String Functions * Review of Date Functions * Review of Type Conversions * Review of Logical Functions * Review of Aggregate Functions * Alternatives to Calculations * 2 Hands-on exercises GETTING THE MOST FROM TABLE CALCULATIONS * What are and when to use Table Calculations * What Table Calculation Types are there? * Defining the Scope and Direction of calculations * Using Table Calculations in Calculated Fields * How do Filters work with Table Calculations? * 7 Hands-on exercises LODS - LEVEL OF DETAIL EXPRESSIONS * Overview * FIXED LOD * How do Filters work with LODs? * INCLUDE LOD * EXCLUDE LOD * Nesting LODs * Comparing the various Calculation Types * 5 Hands-on exercises ADVANCED TECHNIQUES FOR ANALYSING TIME-BASED DATA * Creating Sparklines * Creating Slope Charts * Creating Control Charts * Creating Bump Charts * 4 Hands-on exercises ANALYSING BEHAVIOURS IN DATA * Creating Cohort Analysis * Analysing Survey Data * 2 Hands-on exercises ADVANCED TECHNIQUES FOR MAPPING * Mapping Distance from a point * Normalising map areas with Hexbins * Combining Spatial & Data Files * 3 Hands-on exercises ADVANCED CONSIDERATIONS FOR DASHBOARDS * Identifying your Audience * Using Containers and Layout * Considerations for Dashboard Elements * Sheet swapping * Adding Dashboard Actions to Context * 2 Hands-on exercises -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN ADDITION TO THE REGULAR SYLLABUS WE WILL ALSO COVER THE FOLLOWING NEW FEATURES : * Viz in Tooltips * Set Actions * Parameter Actions * Show/Hide Containers * Animations * Dashboard Navigation Button * Replace Worksheet in a Dashboard (DB) * Show/Hide Sort Controls * Vector Maps * Customisable reference line tooltips * Automatic dashboard phone layouts * Export to PowerPoint * Transparent worksheet backgrounds * Density Mark Type (New Heatmap) * Dashboard Extensions * Step and Jump Lines * Dashboard Grids * Nested sorting improvements * Ask Data * Explain Data * Spatial Calculations * Negative values on log axis * Additional clustering functionality * Enhanced cross-database join control -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This training course includes over 35 hands-on exercises and quizzes to help participants “learn by doing” and to assist group discussions around real-life use cases. A comprehensive training manual is provided together with all the data, starter and solution Tableau Workbooks required for the training.  Students must use their own laptop with an active version of Tableau Desktop 2020.1 (or later) pre-installed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE "Course was fantastic and completely relevant to the work I am doing with Tableau.  I particularly liked Steve's method of teaching and how he applied the course material to 'real-life' use-cases." Richard W., Dashboard Consulting Ltd "This course was extremely useful and excellent value. It helped me formalise my learning and I have taken a lot of useful tips away which will help me in everyday work." Lauren M., Baillie Gifford "I would definitely recommend taking this course if you have a working knowledge of Tableau. Even the little tips Steve explains will make using Tableau a lot easier. Looking forward to putting what I've learned into practice." Aron F., Grove & Dean "Steve is an excellent teacher and has a vast knowledge of Tableau. I learned a huge amount over the two days that I can immediately apply at work." John B., Mporium

Tableau Desktop Training - Advanced Analyst
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request