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39 Courses


By Inclusive Solutions

Many leaders and managers working on the front line of inclusion lack emotional support from Local Authority staff or anyone else despite the challenging nature of their work. There is a massive need for active listening, containment and opportunities to problem solve and reflect confidentially with someone trusted. COURSE CATEGORY Peer Support Meeting emotional needs Strategic Work Early Years DESCRIPTION We can tailor make and deliver personalised 1:1 or group support and supervision sessions with a particular focus on emotional support. Many leaders and managers working on the front line of inclusion lack emotional support from Local Authority staff or anyone else despite the challenging nature of their work. There is a massive need for active listening, containment and opportunities to problem solve and reflect confidentially with someone trusted. Some leaders may prefer a group setting for mutual support. We can provide this numbers permitting. Book a set of 3/10/20 sessions or why not set up monthly meetings with a psychologist, head teacher or other suitable practitioner to meet your needs. TESTIMONIALS > Be the first… LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Emotional support in a confidential space 2. To listen and offer practical support 3. Joint problem solving around hard issues 4. To build a trusting relationship WHO IS IT FOR ? * Headteachers * Children Centre Managers * Heads of Service * Directors * Early Years Mangers COURSE CONTENT * Active and supportive listening and exploration of named issues * Supportive and safe problem solving * Consultation processes * In groups to use processes such as Circle of Adult [https://inclusive-solutions.com/product/circle-of-adults-live-demo/]s If you liked this you may like: STORY TELLING: STRENGTHENING SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE OF COMMUNITIES [https://inclusive-solutions.com/training/story-telling-strengthening-skills-and-knowledge-of-communities/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500

Trauma Risk Management Practitioner


By Strongmind Resiliency Training Ltd

Properly employed and supported, TRiM Practitioners can make a significant contribution to staff welfare by offering structured peer support and TRiM assessments to colleagues. TRiM practitioners are trained to identify the risk factors for the development of post traumatic stress and to know when to signpost colleagues to professional support.

Trauma Risk Management Practitioner
Delivered Online
Dates arranged on request

Trauma Risk Management Practitioner E-Learning


By Strongmind Resiliency Training Ltd

Properly employed and supported, TRiM Practitioners can make a significant contribution to staff welfare by offering structured peer support and TRiM assessments to colleagues. TRiM practitioners are trained to identify the risk factors for the development of post traumatic stress and to know when to signpost colleagues to professional support.

Trauma Risk Management Practitioner E-Learning
Delivered Online & In-Person
Dates arranged on request


By Inclusive Solutions

In this practical workshop session we will explore ways of including young people of all ages who experience anxiety some of whom may well be on the autism spectrum. The session will be values based and practical and will aim to allow the sharing of experiences and good practice as well as promoting innovative approaches to inclusion through the design of best practice. COURSE CATEGORY Autism and Communication Inclusion Parents and Carers Behaviour and Relationships Meeting emotional needs DESCRIPTION In this practical workshop session we will explore ways of including anxious children in mainstream schools and settings. The session will be values based and practical and will aim to allow the sharing of experiences and good practice as well as promoting innovative approaches to inclusion through the design of best practice. Family perspectives and experiences will also be explored. This is not a ‘medical model’ day on anxiety.  TESTIMONIALS ‘Really gave me an idea of how people feel and helped me think how to plan to meet their needs.’ ‘Really useful insights’  LEARNING OBJECTIVES * Increased confidence and understanding regarding including anxious children * Access to a wider range of practical strategies to impact on anxiety * Deeper understanding of core values surrounding inclusion * New skills and processes to strengthen the inclusion of anxious children * Insights and understanding of sensory sensitivities * Understanding increased in area of movement differences  WHO IS IT FOR? * Personal Assistants * Teachers * Heads and deputies * Guidance staff * Learning support teams * SENCOs * Primary and secondary teachers * Parents * Brothers and sisters * Local authority support services * Community workers and carers COURSE CONTENT The course answers the questions : * What is anxiety? * How do we go about including anxious children? * Can we understand more deeply what is going on underneath concerning behaviours? Key themes include: * Movement differences * Supports and Accommodations for Sensory Sensitivities * Developing Friendships and Peer Support * Learning to Listen 

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

In this course we explore Mental Health and address how such needs can be met in mainstream classrooms. COURSE CATEGORY Behaviour and Relationships Meeting Emotional Needs DESCRIPTION This is our lead workshop/training day on understanding mental health, behaviour and relationship work in schools other settings and is both a values primer and a practical guide to successful innovative strategies for improving behaviour and strengthening relationships for challenging children and young people of all ages. Not just another day on ‘Behaviour Management’ – Our Mental Health Day goes well beyond a rewards and sanctions approach to ‘behaviour’. We will be focused on those young people for whom rewards and punishments do not always work and who confuse the adults who work with them. We aim to take a relationships-based approach and to give those attending an opportunity to think more deeply about why young people do the things they do and what our part as adults is in creating, sustaining and changing these behaviours. The day gives those present opportunities to reflect on their attitudes and practice in relation to children’s behaviour and relationship building.   If your usual approaches to managing tackling mental health needs aren’t working with particular individuals then take a tour through this range of cutting edge strategies for bringing about positive behaviour change, and for meeting challenging emotional needs  LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. reinforce and affirm good practice  2. re-energise, stimulate and challenge thinking about inclusion of challenging pupils and children  3. increased understanding of mental health 4. increased confidence in managing challenging pupils in mainstream schools  5. access to a wider range of practical strategies to impact on behaviour problems  6. opportunity to reflect on professional attitudes and behaviour towards mental health in families and pupils WHO IS IT FOR ?  Anyone concerned with understanding and meeting emotional and mental health needs  COURSE CONTENT * Circle of Courage – belonging-achievement-generosity – independence  – model for understanding mental health  * Compass of Anxiety – understanding and going deeper   * Active listening – Listening to the person underneath the behaviour  * Involving other children and young people in solutions and interventions - Circles of friends: peer support, counselling and mediation  * Team Problem Solving – Solution Circles: a 30 minute group problem solving process to get Teams ‘unstuck’ and to generate positive first action steps  * Restorative justice and restitution: principles and practice of this approach to repairing harm and restoring relationships without reliance on punishment  * Understanding the effects of Separation, Loss, Trauma and Neglect on children’s learning and relationships in school and what adults can do to reach and support these children 

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

In line with OFSTED expectations make sure NQTs are up to speed on effective behaviour management and relationship building in the classroom. COURSE CATEGORY Behaviour and Relationships Meeting emotional needs Inclusion DESCRIPTION This is our lead workshop/training day on behaviour and relationship work aimed at NQTs. Recent OFSTED changes make Behaviour and Classroom management of NQTs a particular focus for inspections. Are your NQTs teaching the behaviours children need to succeed? Can they articulate these behaviours? This training provides a values primer and a practical guide to successful innovative strategies for improving behaviour and strengthening relationships for challenging children and young people of all ages. Not just another day on ‘Behaviour Management’ – our day goes well beyond a rewards and sanctions approach to ‘behaviour’. We will be focused on those young people for whom rewards and punishments do not always work and who confuse the adults who work with them. We aim to take a relationships based approach and to give those attending an opportunity to think more deeply about why young people do the things they do and what our part as adults is in creating, sustaining and changing these behaviours. The day gives those present opportunities to reflect on their attitudes and practice in relation to children’s behaviour and relationship building. If your usual approaches to managing behaviour aren’t working with particular individuals then take a tour through this range of cutting edge strategies for bringing about positive behaviour change, and for meeting challenging emotional needs. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Reinforce and affirm good practice 2. Re-energise, stimulate and challenge thinking about inclusion of challenging young people and children 3. Increased understanding about behaviour and emotions 4. Increased confidence in managing challenging pupils in childcare settings mainstream schools 5. Access to a wider range of practical strategies to impact on behaviour problems 6. Opportunity to reflect on professional attitudes and behaviour towards families and children and young people 7. Learn new skills and processes to make inclusion successful WHO IS IT FOR? * Primary and secondary NQTs COURSE CONTENT The course answers the questions: * Are there any new ways to include our most challenging young people? * Should we focus on behaviour or relationships? * How do we go about including high profile children or young people? * Can we find an alternative to exclusion? – What would a relationship policy look like? The following are some of the key themes and tools we are likely to explore during the day * Getting the welcome right for the most challenging Encouraging * Getting the best from the most challenging * Circle of Courage * Belonging * Achievement * Generosity * Independence Active listeningV * Listening to the person underneath the behaviour * Compass of Shame – which directions do children and young people head when they feel shame? * And what helps children work through these feelings in more healthy ways? * Involving other children and young people in solutions and interventions * Circles of friends: * Peer support * Counselling and mediation * Team Problem Solving * Solution Circles: * A 30 minute group problem solving process to get Teams ‘unstuck’ and to generate positive first action steps

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

In this practical workshop session we will explore ways of including people who have been labelled as being on the autism spectrum. The session will be values based and practical and will aim to allow the sharing of experiences and good practice as well promoting innovative approaches to inclusion through the design of best practice. Online Course now available via Teachable Platform [https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/courses] – Understanding Movement Differences [https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/p/understanding-movement-differences/] Learn at your own pace… lots of text and video support COURSE CATEGORY Autism and Communication Inclusion Parents and Carers Behaviour and Relationships DESCRIPTION In this practical workshop session we will explore ways of including people who have been labelled as being on the autism spectrum. The session will be values based and practical and will aim to allow the sharing of experiences and good practice as well promoting innovative approaches to inclusion through the design of best practice. Family perspectives and experiences will also be explored. This is not a ‘medical model’ day on autism. Our motto for the day is ‘People do things for a Reason (and the reason isn’t autism).’ We make full use of first hand accounts of the experience of autism – the autobiographies – to deepen participants’ understanding of what it means to be labelled ‘autistic’ > “We are all much more simply human than otherwise, be we happy and successful, > contented and detached, miserable and disordered, or whatever.” > > HARRY STACK SULLIVAN TESTIMONIALS > ‘Very respectful of people on the spectrum.’ > ‘Really gave me an idea of how people feel.’ > ‘Ways of reaching a person not a condition.’ > > CLAIRE LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Increased confidence regarding including autistic people 2. Access to a wider range of practical strategies to impact on communication and behaviour issues 3. Deeper understanding of core values surrounding inclusion 4. New skills and processes to strengthen the inclusion of autistic people WHO IS IT FOR? * Social Care workers * Personal Assistants * Early years and school based practitioners * Heads and deputies * Guidance staff * Learning support teams * SENCOs * Primary and secondary teachers * Parents * Brothers and sisters * Local authority support services * Community workers and carers COURSE CONTENT The course answers the questions : * What is autism? * How do we go about including autistic people? * What does autism have to do with me? Key themes include: * Movement differences * Strategies for Facilitating Communication * Supports and Accommodations for Sensory Sensitivities * Developing Friendships and Peer Support * School and Family Partnerships * Learning to Listen Positive Behavioural Supports

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

Local authorities are being encouraged to seek the views of young people in relation to the services they receive. Schools and the whole range of support services (e.g. behaviour support, youth offending teams, social services, CAMHS etc.) are being expected to routinely ask young people for their views. This goes beyond involving young people in plans that concern them e.g care plans, individual education plans, pastoral support plans etc. Online Course now available via Teachable Platform [https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/courses] – Ask the Children [https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/p/ask-the-children] Learn at your own pace… lots of text and video support https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/p/ask-the-children COURSE CATEGORY Peer Support DESCRIPTION Local authorities are being encouraged to seek the views of young people in relation to the services they receive. Schools and the whole range of support services (e.g. behaviour support, youth offending teams, social services, CAMHS etc.) are being expected to routinely ask young people for their views. This goes beyond involving young people in plans that concern them e.g care plans, individual education plans, pastoral support plans etc. This training will focus on how young people can be effectively engaged in giving their views and will present a model for use in evaluating services to young people based on the concept of resilience. This model enables young people to be clear about what has helped and hindered them in being able to overcome difficulties. It also provides a framework for evaluating the extent to which services are reducing risk and increasing protective factors to enable young people to develop the resilience. TESTIMONIALS > ‘Yet again inspiring and opening more doors than I can go through’? > ‘This opened a lot of avenues for thought and reflection. It will help me to > help colleagues to see where they can improve practice to create a more > inclusive environment within the whole school.’ > ‘Some great ideas and restored my self belief! Fantastic’ LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Strategies for engaging young people 2. Knowledge and Understanding of resilience In relation to system and environmental factors 3. Strategies for reducing risk and increasing protective factors In relation to Individual young people and services 4. Evaluation framework for services to young people WHO IS IT FOR ? * Youth offending teams * Social services * CAMHS * Primary and secondary teachers * Heads and Deputies * SENCOs * Learning Support and Guidance staff * Advanced Skills Teachers * Parents * Local Authority Support Services * Community Development workers * Early Years and School based Practitioners * Social work staff * Health Services COURSE CONTENT The course answers the questions : * How can we truly involve pupils? * Practically how do we go about listening to pupils views? * What if we do not like what they tell us? * How can we involve our most disaffected young people? Key themes * Tools for engaging young people and gaining their views * The concept of resilience * System and environmental risk and protective factors that impact on young people’s resilience * Reducing risk and Increasing protective factors * Resilience planning for Individuals and services * Evaluating services to young people If you liked this course you may well like: CIRCLES OF FRIENDS [https://inclusive-solutions.com/training/circle-of-friends-training/]

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500


By Inclusive Solutions

In this practical workshop session we will explore ways of including pupils who have been labelled as being on the autism spectrum. The session will be values based and practical and will aim to allow the sharing of experiences and good practice as well promoting innovative approaches to inclusion through the design of best practice. COURSE CATEGORY Autism and Communication DESCRIPTION In this practical workshop session we will explore ways of including pupils who have been labelled as being on the autism spectrum. The session will be values based and practical and will aim to allow the sharing of experiences and good practice as well promoting innovative approaches to inclusion through the design of best practice. Parental perspectives and experiences will also be explored. This is not a ‘medical model’ day on autism. Our motto for the day is ‘People do things for a Reason (and the reason isn’t autism).’ We make full use of first hand accounts of the experience of autism – the autobiographies – to deepen participants’ understanding of what it means to be labeled ‘autistic’ > “We are all much more simply human than otherwise, be we happy and successful, > contented and detached, miserable and disordered, or whatever.” > > HARRY STACK SULLIVAN TESTIMONIALS > ‘A great day – going away buzzing with ideas’?? > ‘Thanks for a wonderful day. Useful informative and a real ‘eye opener’. I > feel that I am able to understand why some autistic children carry out certain > actions’ > ‘I have gained a lot of knowledge and understanding and will be able to help > support and accommodate children better. Thank you.’ > ‘I now know autism is part of us all’ > ‘Useful to stand in shoes of autistic people’ > ‘I was blessed to be on this day’ > ‘I will take all these ideas back to the nursery’ > ‘Very respectful of people on the spectrum.’ > ‘Ways of reaching a person, not a condition.’ > ‘Really gave me an idea of how people feel.’ LEARNING OBJECTIVES * Increased confidence regarding autistic pupils and their inclusion in mainstream schools * Access to a wider range of practical strategies to impact on communication and behaviour issues * Deeper understanding of core values surrounding inclusion * New skills and processes to strengthen the inclusion of young Autistic people in all settings WHO IS IT FOR ? * Early years and school based practitioners * Heads and deputies * Guidance staff * Learning support teams * SENCOs * Primary and secondary teachers * Parents * Local authority support services * Community workers and carers COURSE CONTENT The course answers the questions : * What is autism? * How do we go about including autistic children or young people? * What does autism have to do with me? Key themes include: * Movement differences * Strategies for Facilitating Communication * Supports and Accommodations for Sensory Sensitivities * Developing Friendships and Peer Support * School and Family Partnerships * ‘Learning to Listen’ – Positive Behavioural Supports * Developing School wide Supports for Teachers and Students

Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500

Circle of Friends

By Inclusive Solutions

Circle of Friends is an approach to enhancing the inclusion, in a mainstream setting, of any child or young person who is experiencing difficulties in school because of disability, personal crisis or because of their challenging behaviour towards others. The ‘circle of friends’ approach works by mobilising the young person’s peers to provide support and engage in problem solving with the person in difficulty. Online Course now available via Teachable Platform [https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/courses] – Creating Circles of  [https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/p/creating-circles-of-friends]Friends [https://inclusive-solutions-school.teachable.com/p/creating-circles-of-friends] Learn at your own pace… lots of text and video support COURSE CATEGORY Inclusion Peer Support Behaviour and Relationships Autism and Communication DESCRIPTION Circle of Friends is an approach to enhancing the inclusion, in a mainstream setting, of any child or young person who is experiencing difficulties in school because of disability, personal crisis or because of their challenging behaviour towards others. The ‘circle of friends’ approach works by mobilising the young person’s peers to provide support and engage in problem solving with the person in difficulty. ‘Circle of friends’ is not the same as ‘circle time’ but many of the skills and techniques used by teachers in ‘circle time’ can be used to support the ‘circle of friends’ process. Over the past 12 years Colin Newton and Derek Wilson have been encouraging the use of ‘circle of friends’ in a wide variety of primary and secondary schools, often with very successful outcomes. Some of these are described in their books ‘Circles of Friends’, (Folens, 1999) and ‘Creating Circles of Friends’ (Inclusive Solutions, 2005). This is an excellent opportunity to learn from Colin Newton and Derek Wilson the educational psychologists who brought this Department of Education endorsed approach to the UK. Learn how to build teams around challenging pupils by drawing on a resource which is always there…. other children. Enjoy participating in a multi media workshop that will challenge, entertain and reach for your emotions. Circles of support are for us all, for life…. and they work! TESTIMONIALS > ‘Absolutely fantastic session – so thought provoking and positive.’ > ‘Well presented excellent course’ > ‘Wonderful, mind blowing day. Lots of children and young people there we need > to really see – not treat’ > ‘Excellent presentation, lively, modern, current – definitely got the > attention. Course gave great food for thought and I feel confident that this > way of working will have a place in the future of our school. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To be able to understand the values and wider context of inclusion 2. To be able to set up and run a ‘circle of friends’ to reduce likelihood of a pupil being excluded or segregated 3. To understand and be able to maximise the power of the peer group in supporting relationships, achievement and behaviour WHO IS IT FOR ? * Primary and secondary teachers * Heads and Deputies * SENCOs * Learning Support and Guidance staff * Advanced Skills Teachers * Parents * Local Authority Support Services * Community Development workers * Early Years and School based Practitioners COURSE CONTENT The course answers the questions: * What do you do with the child who is isolated by their aggression and anger, through being different, disabled or new to the school or community? * Practically how do we go about including high profile children or young people? * How can we help some children be friends? We will cover: * The importance of Welcome * Inclusion values underpinning this work * The Intentional Building of Relationships – ‘Circle of Friends’ work as an example * Not doing it alone – The Importance of Teams in developing inclusive practice * Practical setting up of circles of friends * Lessons learned * Stories of circles in primary and secondary mainstream schools ^ Circles of Friends Training in Kiev, Ukraine

Circle of Friends
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in UK Wide Travel Costs
£1800 to £2500