233 Educators providing Courses

The Natural Wellbeing Academy

the natural wellbeing academy


Kinross, Perthshire

- Accredited Practitioner Qualifications & Online Training, - The Complementary Medical Association (CMA) Approved Training School - 1-1 Healing, Group Workshops - Multi-Dimensional Living - Founded in 2014 - Practicing meditation since 1986 Find relief from: *anxiety, *depression, *tiredness, *energy draining and *energy leakage, *overwhelm, *inner child issues, *trauma, *low self-esteem, *limiting beliefs, *conditioning & patterns, *ancestral trauma, *psychic attack, *Implants, *entities and *attachments, *energetic imbalances: *mental, *physical, *emotional and *spiritual imbalances, *addictions, *toxic relationships, *asthma and *respiratory ailments How it works πŸ’Ž non-invasive πŸ’Ž natural πŸ’Ž self-paced πŸ’Ž with integrity πŸ’Ž empowering πŸ’Ž heart based πŸ’Ž life-skills and self awareness toolkit πŸ’Ž heals the 'seed' of the issue, not papering over the cracks Our Formula to Wellbeing, over decades of experience is: *integrity: to fearlessly live the authentic truth of who you are *empowerment: expanding your truthful integrity & creating your life your way, which offers breathing space for others to find their unique way *growth: Fruitful experiences as we embody these practices Mind, Body & Soul We work with the 'Spirit' of the person, aiding conscious, heart-based living; making life more meaningful and fulfilling. By going to the 'seed' of the issue, not papering over the cracks for it to appear somewhere else in the future this methodology helps people understand and heal themselves in a compassionate manner. About Your Guide: Lynda offers an Integrated Approach, treating the whole person in a holistic manner * Energy Healer Practitioner and Teacher Trainer * Crystal HealerΒ  * Healing Diets CoachΒ  * Yoga Siromani * Reflexologist * practicing Transcendental Meditation (T.M) since 1986 Spiritually she works as an empath, channel, psychic, is a Lemurian elder, works with Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, Galactic Beings, works with Lady Gaia, Stone Circles, ancient monuments and any other landmarks which connect with her. Alongside online courses and Teacher Training Lynda launched a pioneering Healing Centre in 2014 which housed a plethora of therapists and the City's first vegan cafe. Β 

The Wellness Team

the wellness team


The Wellness Team is a company created to bring wellbeing to the workplace throughout the UK. We offer complete wellbeing solutions to our clients, whereby we bring our huge range of health and wellbeing professionals to suit your specific staff needs, right to your office. Why create The Wellness Team? Many people find wellbeing at work to be a popular topic, something to mention but possibly not action...to be aware of but not do anything about. How much is our day to day work affected by our physical and mental health? Wellbeing at work is no longer purely a concept, it's fast becoming a requirement. We created The Wellness Team to allow companies access to the most suitable, reliable, professional and well regarded therapists and practitioners without having to search high and low. We provide a continued programme for our clients, on hand to answer any questions, source the right people and delivery an exceptional standard of service throughout. For Us For our founder, Leone, a journey that started with an increased awareness of how the mind affects the body took a road down the healing power of acupuncture, the change in mood and posture from Pilates, the strength of mind and body with yoga, the positive attitude from mindfulness. Her journey doesn't end here and she's constantly researching the benefits of additional paths to happiness to be able to share. For You By employing our services, your company will gain unrivaled access to a wealth of knowledge and advice specific to your team. We tirelessly research for additional members of our team, ensuring the highest quality of delivery and obviously insurance and qualifications so you don't need to worry.